In Flanders Flooded Fields

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by Paul Van Pul

  Regarding coastal floods, however, the story is totally different. Imagine a German officer standing close to the German seafront at a location indicated on his map as having an elevation of +1.00 m. We can then well imagine that at high tide his feet will still be dry since Normal Null measures from ‘0.00’ at high tide. If, however, the same officer were in Ostend, holding a Belgian map, or its German reprint, and standing at a ‘Belgian’ elevation of +1.00 m he would actually be one metre above low water, or 1.40 m below his own Normal Null. The man would be swept off his feet by rising tide!

  Accordingly, when the Germans arrived in the Belgian coastal region their (Belgian) maps showed contour lines with elevations that were, in regard to the German Normal Null, well above high water. They were unaware though that these lands were in reality polders situated between high and low water, thus prone to flooding at high tide.

  By 1940 the Germans had definitely learned from their mistake in 1914. All German reprints of Belgian ordnance maps then carried a clear message: ‘To adjust the Belgian elevation marks to the German Normal Null please subtract 2.4m.’

  One typical feature – easily recognizable from the air – to determine if the land is lying lower than sea level is the existence of flood doors – four double mitre doors instead of two – in a canal entrance lock. It can only be attributed to the inexperience of the German aerial observers at the time that this fact went unnoticed, especially in Nieuport where three locks with this equipment were located practically side by side.

  Why did the Germans, irrespective of the flood threat, not occupy the locks after the French had evacuated the Nieuport bridgehead on 26 October? According to Jos Vols, the Germans at the time were preparing for their assault on Ramscappelle the next day. This operation took so much of their attention that they never had the time or the manpower to force ahead on the Ostend-Nieuport road towards the locks.

  The real reason is perhaps more complex. Certainly the menacing presence and lethal activities of the British flotilla offshore played a decisive role. The Germans had been heavily bombarded for so long that they had given up any hope of advancing along the coastal road to take Nieuport and subsequently Dunkirk. Irrespective of the possibilities to inundate, the Germans must have concluded that Nieuport and its waterways were of strategic importance to the French and that as such they would not let go easily of this advanced position to Dunkirk. The closer they would come to the locks the fiercer they expected the French resistance to be. That the French would simply abandon the bridgehead without a fight was for them definitely unthinkable.

  For a combination of the above reasons the Germans concentrated all their efforts on a flanking manoeuvre by attacking Ramscappelle.

  How was it that the Germans, evidently up to the last minute, never realized that a man-made flood was at hand? There are two generally accepted reasons on the German side for the sudden rise of the water level.

  1. The Germans assumed that their heavy shelling of Nieuport and its drainage sluices had somehow damaged the structures insofar as one or more gates had been destroyed with the result that the seawater had gained access to the polder accidentally. This does not in itself mean that the land could be permanently inundated by seawater.

  A wartime view from within the lock chamber of the Furnes Lock towards the tidal bay at low water. Across the bay we see part of the so-called Paling [Eel] Bridge. At the time it was the only remnant of the ancient fortifications around Nieuport. Today the area is an industrial zone and a sprawling marina.

  Nieuport 1914–1918, R. Thys, 1922.

  2. As Otto Schwink wrote in Ypres, 1914: ‘The rise of the waters was attributed to the torrential rain of the previous few days, and it was hoped that on approach of dry weather the excellent system of canals would soon drain it off.’

  In this the Germans were partly right. With the weir on the Great Beaverdyke Vaart still in place and the North Vaart Gates closed since the departure of lockmaster Dingens a lot of rainwater had already collected in the polder.

  From an historical point of view it would be interesting to set up a computer terrain model of the battle site and with the available data determine exactly how far the rainwater did actually contribute to the flood effort. We might then also be able to settle another old dispute: how much seawater actually passed through the Spanish Lock versus the North Vaart Gates?

  Appendix V

  Other Belgian Floods in 1914

  Between the World Wars several authors have been rather critical concerning the knowledge of the Belgian military engineers in flood matters. Military authors like Bernard, Deguent and Greindl were the first to admit that the army, in 1914, was not acquainted with the complex hydraulic system that it encountered in the coastal area. But that did not mean that the officers were ignorant about flood techniques in general.

  The principles and techniques of flooding as a means of defence against an advancing enemy were still taught at the Royal Military Academy. Proof of that can be found in the treatises of H. Girard and Victor Deguise. And it was not only a matter of theory. For example in November 1868, tests had been carried out at the Field Artillery College firing range to determine the resistance of dykes to heavy calibre bombardment.

  The following are a few examples of other floods prepared and executed by separate engineer units prior to the arrival of the Belgian Army in the Furnes-Ambacht region. They demonstrate that the Belgian engineers were well aware of the possibilities and techniques of flooding, even in the midst of a field campaign. The historical research on the details of these – and other – hydraulic projects is still ongoing.

  The Schyn flood

  On 20 August 1914 the Military Governor of the Antwerp Fortified Place delivered a note to King Albert on the state of readiness of the Place. In it he wrote: ‘Past Fort number 1 the fortification was to be extended [northward] by a continuous rampart; this only partially begun we had to set the flood of the Schyn [river] to finish off the fortification to the north’.

  The Schyn River drains to a large extent the whole Antwerp metropolitan area. Centuries ago it ended in the Scheldt near the historical site of the city. With the growth of the urban area the downstream end of the Schyn river was diverted northward, finally circling around the new harbour in the north and ending in the Scheldt river some 13km downstream from the city centre. This northern section, through flat, open polder could easily be inundated by holding up the drainage water at the Twelve Sluices in the Scheldt dyke.

  The Durme Flood

  At the beginning of September 1914, German troops were already advancing south of Antwerp. On the 4th they attacked the town of Termonde on the Scheldt, halfway between Antwerp and Ghent. If the enemy succeeded in crossing the river the communication lines of the Antwerp Fortified Place with the coast would be in jeopardy. King Albert therefore ordered a flood to be set along the Durme river. This would provide for a second line of defence, five to six kilometres north of the Scheldt. Apparently the attempt failed mainly because of sabotage by local farmers.

  The Senne Flood

  The region of Brussels drains its water northward through the Senne River. In its 10km downstream section it runs parallel to the Willebroek Canal, also coming from Brussels but 4 to 5km to the west of it. The land in between is low lying and drains at ebb tide through a multitude of small sluices in the Senne dyke. As there was an 8km gap between the Breendonck Fort to the west and the Waelhem Fort to the east this sector had been flooded over a width of 4km as part of the outer defence of the Antwerp Fortified Place.

  The Nèthe Flood

  Where the Senne river meets the Rupel from the south, another river also ends, coming from the east. It is the Nèthe, itself made up of the Large and Small Nèthe rivers that come from the higher sandy soils farther east. This river, together with the chain of outer fortresses, formed the backbone of the 1914 southern and eastern barrier around Antwerp. In preparation for the defence, its banks had been flooded all the way upstream past the t
own of Lierre. At that time a Lierre inhabitant, Frans Verschoren, wrote confidently: ‘Behind the new modern fortifications the people were safe. Added to that the sluices that had been opened and the grasslands being flooded with water on the south side of town and the enemy, with his heavy guns could impossibly pass or get around. The people were sitting here pretty safe and free.’

  The Berlaere Flood

  With the threat of the enemy cutting off the Belgian Army’s escape route to the coast a flood of the area around the town of Berlaere had been prepared by a detachment of sapper-pontoneers cyclists of the First Cavalry Division between 29 September and 6 October. This operation was carried out in order to prepare for a possible defence of the north bank of the Scheldt river east of Ghent. They had opened the drainage gates in the north dyke of the river between the towns of Wetteren and Berlaere.

  We describe the procedure they used in some detail since it is quite typical for a chance flood.

  Over the centuries the river here had built a wide flood plain and by 1914 had produced a few complicated meanders in this spot. Through human and natural activities these meanders had been cut off and the riverbed had been stabilized between artificial levees. As, at this location, the river is still subjected to tidal activity, the adjacent land at the time was drained at low water through small gates with lift doors operated by a simple rack and pinion gear.

  The Kalken [Lime] Vaart east of van Ghent. Today a pumping station near the Scheldt River guarantees the drainage of the region. Close by, hidden in the dyke, a remnant from 1914 when drainage was accomplished by gravity through several small and manually operated lift gates, (next picture)

  Author’s photo archive.

  This rusted gearbox of a small lift gate near the Kalken Vaart is all that remains of the hydraulic history of this waterlogged region. We estimate this archeological gem to date back to at least the end of the nineteenth century.

  Author’s photo archive.

  First the sappers evacuated all barges and boats from the river and the adjoining creek. Then, when the rising water level in the river equalled the level in the ditches, they raised the doors and let the water invade the drainage system. At high tide they closed the doors again until they could repeat the process with the next cycle. This they did until the Calcken Canal and the Old Scheldt arm had reached their highest level without overflowing. Once inundation would be decided on, it would only take one or two more operations to flood the polder.

  Due to the rapidly changing tactical situation the actual flood never materialized but it is interesting to glance at the map and note that the result would have created an important obstacle for the enemy to cross. Over a front of some 13km a muddy lake would have been created with a width of up to 3km.


  Books, Yser 1914 – 18

  Brecard, Gen. C. T., En Belgique auprès du Roi Albert. Souvenirs de 1914, Paris, Calmann Levy, 1934

  Galet, Lt. Gen. E. S.M., Le Roi Albert, Commandant en Chef, devant l’Invasion Allemande, Paris 6e, Librairie Plon, 1931

  — Le Roi Albert, SGR/CHD Archives, copy with extensive anonymous comments

  — Albert, King of the Belgians, in the Great War, Transl. E. Swinton, New York, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1931

  Hans, A., Het Bloedig IJzerland, 1920

  Leper, J., Kunstmatige Inundaties in Maritiem Vlaanderen 1316 1945, Tongeren: Michiels G., 1957

  L’Hoist, André, 1914, La Vérité contre Tardieu, n.d.

  Mabire, Jean, La Bataille de l’Yser, Les fusiliers marins à Dixmude, Paris, Libr. Arthème Fayard, 1979

  Ratinaud, Jean, La Course à la Mer. De la Somme aux Flandres, Paris 14e, Libr. Arthème Fayard, 1967

  Ronarc’h, Vice Adm., Les Fusiliers Marins au Combat, (Aout 1914 Sept.1915), Paris, Payot, 1921

  Schwink, Cpt. Otto, Ypres, 1914, An official account published by order of the German General Staff, London: Constable & Co. Ltd., 1919

  Schepens, Luc, 14/18 Een oorlog in Vlaanderen, Tielt, Lannoo, 1984

  Senesael, M., De IJzerslag 1914, Hoogstade, Senesael, 1958

  Tardieu, André, Avec Foch, Août Novembre 1914, Paris, E. Flammarion, 1939

  Thys, Cdt. R., Nieuport 1914 1918. Les Inondations de l’Yser et la Cie des Sapeurs Pontonniers, Liège, H. Desoer, 1922

  Lut Ureel, ed., Three generations of village schoolmasters in the front region, (in Dutch), Lannoo, 1984

  Documents and letters:

  Annuaire Officiel de l’Armée Française pour 1914, Paris, Berger Levrault, 1934

  Carnet des Officiers d’Ordonnance du 29 juillet 1914 au 31 décembre 1914, AKP # AE 530/1, Brussels, copies from 7 October to 2 November.

  Compte Rendu des Operations 1914 17 des Chemins de Fer, Le Havre, Ministère Belge des Chemins de Fer, 1917

  In memoriam Frans Cop, 1965

  Journal Militaire Officiel 1914, pp184–201

  Tableau synoptique des principaux événements de la Bataille de l’Yser, (18–31 octobre 1914). SGR/CHD, n.d.

  Bernard, Prof. H., Letter to Lt-Col R. Thys. Introduction to Col Brustem, Head Hist. Sect. Dated 16/01/1960

  Bourgoignie, L., Rapport de Mission, à Mr. Helleputte, Schaerbeek:11 p., 31/08/1922. 1923

  Brecard, Gen Div C.-T., Gouv. Mil. de Strasbourg, letter to Lt Gen Dubois. On the French Yser involvement, 16 Oct. – 2 Nov. 1914. Dated 03/06/1931

  Cogge, Clementine, Affidavit on events 25 Oct. 1914. (in Flemish): 1 p., 18 Jan. 1955

  Cogge, Col C.A.C. Letter to Schoofs, ed. NSB. On article by T’Jaeckx, 2p., Dated 20/10/1954. Reminder on 13/11/1954

  Cogge, Col C.A.C. Letter to Schoofs, ed. NSB. Reply to letter from 17 Nov.1954. Dated 14/12/1954. Reminder on 13/01/1955

  Cogge, Col C.A.C. Quelques éclaircissements sur ‘Les Inondations de l’Yser en octobre 1914. Etterbeek: 5p., 28 March 1955

  Cogge, Karel, L. Rapport van Cogge: historisch dokument. First publ. 13/10/1951 in Het Wekelijks Nieuws 27/12/1968. Furnes, 1 July 1915

  Cogge, Karel, L. Declaration on events 25 Oct. 1914. (in Flemish). 2p., 29 Aug. 1917

  Cogge, Karel, L. Declaration on events 25–27 Oct. 1914. (in Flemish). Contactblad Vriendenkring Justitia (1973). Furnes: 3p., 11 March 1920

  De Vos, Prof Dr L. Geschiedenis van Belgie van 1830 tot heden. Hist. course, p.108 – 111. Brussels: Royal Military Academy, 1990

  Duvivier, Col, Hist. Sect. Belg. Army. Letter to A. De Ridder. Rectification on article by Recouly, 23–25 Oct. 1914. Dated 05/05/1931

  François L., Henry J. et al. Statement: La légende des éclusiers de Nieuport. Bruxelles, 3p., 30 oct. 1920. Deposited at Hist. Sect. in 1960

  François, Cpt L. Rapport du Cpt François Morlanwelz: 17 Dec. to Head Historical Section, 1921.

  François L. Letter to Lt-Col R. Thys. Concerning Dingens. Dated 12/01/1960

  François L. Letter to Lt-Col R. Thys. Agrees on the Dingens file. Dated 11/07/1960

  Geerinckx, Col L. Journal de Campagne du 2A. 42p., n.d.

  Hayois, Arch. Gaston (?). Comment l’Yser n’a pas été franchi. 1915

  Lannoy, Gen Hon de. Idée première d’inonder les rives de l’Yser … SGR/CHD Archives, 1p., 1931

  Maglinse, Maj. Rapport du 4 novembre sur le cpt cdt d’E.M. Nuyten. SGR/CHD Archives, 1p., 1914

  Merzbach, Lt Col, Hist. Sect. Belg. Army. Letter to Lt L. François. Incl. 8 orders given to François betw. 20 & 26 Oct. 1914. Dated 09/09/1920

  Nuyten, Col P.A. Inondations de l’Yser en 1914. to Head Hist. Sect. Belg. Army: 8p., 1927

  Saccasyn ir. A., Public Works Ministry. Letter to Lt-Col R. Thys. On the 1914 Nieuport lockkeepers. Dated 24/03/1960

  Schoofs, ed. NSB. Letter to Col C. Cogge. Reply on previous letters, 20 Oct. – 17 Nov. 1954. Dated 17/11/1954

  Thys, R. Letter to L. François. Indications sur les inondations en octobre 1914. Dated 16/11/1921

  Thys, Cpt R. Les inondations par la crique de Nieuwendam & par l’ancien canal de Furnes. Compte rendu, Bruxelles: 1921?

  Thys, Cpt R. &
François, SLt L. Les inondations par la crique de Nieuwendam & par l’ancien canal de Furnes. Compte rendu, Brux.: 1921?

  Thys, Lt Col R. Letter to L. François. Enclosed copy to Prof H. Bernard. Dated 13/01/1960

  Thys, Lt Col R. Letter to Prof. H. Bernard. On Slt François & Dingens, 15 – 20 Oct. 1914. Dated 13/01/1960

  Thys, Lt-Col R. Reply to Ir. A. Saccasyn. Mocking thank-you letter. Dated 25/03/1960

  Thys, Lt-Col R. Letter to L. François. On his planned questioning of the burgomaster of Nieuport. Dated 08/06/1960

  Thys, Lt-Col R. Letter to L. François. Update. Dated 30/06/1960

  Van Marcke G. Letter to A. Devèze, Min. of Nat. Def. 5p. incl. 2 hand-drawn maps. Dated 24/03/1923

  Van Marcke G. Cover letter to L. Geerinckx. 2p. Dated 24/03/1923


  Bridges, Lt Gen Sir Tom, Alarms & Excursions, Reminiscences of a Soldier, London, Longmans Green and Co., 1938

  Cammaerts, Emile, Albert of Belgium, Defender of Right, London, Ivor Nicholson & Watson, 1935

  Corti, E. C, Maximilian & Charlotte of Mexico, U.S.A. Archon Books, 1968

  Foch, Marshal Ferdinand, The Memoirs of Marchai Foch, Transl. Bentley Mott, London, William Heinemann Ltd., 1931

  French, Field Marshal J., 1914, London, Constable & Co. Ltd., 1919


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