The Shifter’s Prisoner

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The Shifter’s Prisoner Page 5

by T. S. Ryder

  Willow shook her head. “No. No, I wanted him. I’ve been wanting him for a while. I like him. He’s sweet and funny and caring. I thought I’d be afraid of him, but I wasn’t. Even at the start, I wasn’t afraid. But then, I had already been planning on leaving my village when he took me. Sometimes it feels more like he rescued me than kidnapped me.”

  “But you did try to escape.”

  “Yeah.” Her smile faded. “I don’t really know why I did that. I mean, there was the part of me that thought ‘Yes, I need to get out of here,’ but I didn’t. I didn’t actually want to. It was like I did it just because I should have. I don’t know. But I wasn’t running away from him.”

  “Has Asa ever done anything that you felt was threatening?”

  The questions kept coming for hours. Some of them seemed to be awfully repetitive, but Willow supposed that was just to make sure that the humans were protected properly. When they were finally done, Willow was sent to wait in a separate room. It took another couple hours of watching mindless TV before Shante brought her back into the office. She was smiling, so Willow took that as a good sign.

  “We’ve done an analysis of your answers and everything looks good. You’ll be returned to Asa for now, although there will be further analysis will be done on the videotapes. These machines can be fooled, after all.”

  Willow couldn’t stop herself from rolling her eyes. “I said that I want to stay with him. Why isn’t that good enough?”

  Shante laughed. “Given the situation and how you came to us, it’s more complicated than that. We have to make sure that humans and dragons are getting together for the right reasons. You can understand that we want to avoid situations in which a human is pressured into doing something that they don’t want or thinking that they have no choice in the matter.”

  “Well, that’s not me.” Willow shook her head decisively. “I wanted to claim him, so I did. And I intend to claim him even more in the days to come.”

  Her eyes widened as she realized what she had said. Her face turned to the same shade as her hair and she slapped both hands over her mouth. A new person or not, she wasn’t going to be one of those girls that bragged about their sex life with everybody that they met. This was a disaster! What must Shante think about her now?

  So much for being a new person who doesn’t care what others think.

  Shante, however, only laughed. She smiled at Willow, helping ease her embarrassment and shook her head. “There is no need to be embarrassed, Willow. When you live as long as dragons, the sexual prudishness of societies seems small and petty. I’ve seen more sexual revolutions than I care to admit and there is one thing that stands out in all of them. We love the people we love, and sex shouldn’t be something that shames us.”

  Willow lowered her hands, trying to appear put-together. “Um, so we’re done, right? I can go home?”

  “Yes. I’m pleased that he’s found you,” Shante added as Willow stood. “Asa’s always been an odd one. He hasn’t lacked for female attention, but he rarely has ever returned that attention. I’m glad that he’s found someone to love now when it matters most.”

  When what mattered most?


  “Oh, no, no, no.” Willow’s eyes grew huge again. She shook her head hard. “No. You’ve got that all wrong. This isn’t about love. I don’t love Asa. I barely know him. We haven’t dated or anything. All we did was have sex. I love don’t him. And he most certainly doesn’t love me. No. No, that’s not it at all.”

  All Shante did was smile a knowing smile. “Well, then it was my mistake. You may go now, Willow. Good luck.”

  Willow nodded at the king’s mistress before quickly leaving the room. Her hands shook a little as she considered what Shante had said at the end there. Love? No. No, there was no love involved. Was there? True, he had been furious at her parents for treating her as something expendable . . . and he had fought the Spear for her . . . and when they made love, he looked at her as though she was the only person in the world he had ever looked at that way. When he kissed her it was a promise to always care for her. But love?

  Even if he did love me . . . She couldn’t even finish the thought. If she never saw him again . . . it would utterly break her. Am I in love with him?

  She was almost out of the palace when a hand suddenly grabbed her wrist. Willow shrieked and another hand slapped over her mouth. Her attacker pulled her in tight against his chest and she stomped on his instep and elbowed him in the stomach. He grunted and released her. She started away again, letting out a piercing shriek.

  The man caught her again. This time he slapped a hand over her mouth as he spun her around and pressed her into the wall. It was Sherwood. His eyes were a deep amber color and her scream died in her throat. What was he doing?

  She pushed his hand away from her mouth and glared at him. “What the hell?”

  “We needed to talk privately,” Sherwood whispered. “I’m sorry that I startled you.”

  Willow snorted. “Listen, despite what the movies might say, talking with a woman privately is not best accomplished by grabbing her and dragging her into an isolated area. That is creeper behavior.”

  “I said I was sorry.” Sherwood’s eyes flashed but he shook his head. “There is very little time. You have to come with me quickly. Our last attempt at escape did not turn out, but this time—”


  Sherwood, to her surprise, looked angry. His hands clenched. “My burning flame, you can’t stay.”

  “Yes, I can.” Willow stepped back from him, unnerved. “Look, thanks for your concern. I’m happy to know that there are people around here that will help girls who don’t want to stay get away. But I’m not one of those girls. This is my home now and I don’t want to leave.”

  “Do you really think that the dragon will love you? A human, doomed to die in a few years?”

  “It’s not about love. Shante was talking about Asa being in love with me, too. But I want to stay because I want to stay.”

  Sherwood let out a heavy sigh. Both of his eyes turned silver, a small white dot in the center of the pupil. “Well, that is most distressing. But I don’t have time to waste arguing. If you won’t come with me willingly, then I will have to collect you another way. Oh, little flame. You could have saved yourself so much pain.”

  Willow backed away. The white in his pupils widened like a second pair of eyes. She opened her mouth to scream but he caught her wrist. Spikes of pain rushed up to her arm and settled into her throat. The only sound she managed to made was a wheezing croak. Sherwood didn’t move his gaze from her eyes as he slapped a golden bracelet around her wrist. The cold metal fastened tightly around her. Tendrils of ice wound through her muscles. They invaded her brain like probing fingers. Then, the ice washed through to every part of her.

  “There.” Sherwood nodded in satisfaction. “Don’t be distressed. Everything is going to be fine. Now you are going to go to Lord Asa and tell him that you want to leave.”

  No. Willow couldn’t make her jaw open. Her head nodded, and she turned. Her heart remained utterly calm even as she fought to gain some control of her body. It was like she was in a prison of her own flesh, helpless to do anything but watch as her feet carried her away. No!

  Chapter Ten – Breaking Hearts

  Asa cranked the wrench, tightening the loose bolt. His bike had been a little shaky lately, and he was just putting it back together after replacing a couple parts. It was vital that the wingless kept their bikes in perfect order, just like one would keep their flying skills at top notch. Nerves fluttered around his stomach. He should be getting a call from Shante soon, to tell him whether Willow would be removed from him or not. If she was . . .

  Well, if she was, then it would be due to her being uncertain about their relationship. So if things did end like that, he would have to accept it. What he’d do after that, though, he didn’t know.

  He looked up at the sound of footsteps, then jumped to his feet. Willow
approached him. He was instantly filled with worry and dread. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Her arms were wrapped around herself and her gaze was on the ground.

  “What’s wrong?” he reached for her and she backed away out of his grasp.

  “Don’t touch me,” she whispered.

  His fires blew low and he was silent. Words got caught in his throat as his eyes tracked the fall of her tears.

  “I talked with Shante.” Willow’s arms tightened around her middle. “And some of the questions she asked made me think.”

  “Willow . . . ”

  “I won’t regret it.” She finally looked up. She moved a little closer but still didn’t reach for him. “What there was between us . . . it was like a dream. I have never been happier in these past few days, but it’s not real. You’re a dragon. I’m human. Our worlds are just too far apart. I loved every moment I spent with you. But I don’t belong here.”

  Asa swallowed hard. He wanted to argue, to beg, to do whatever it took to make her see that she did belong. But it felt like his heart was being ripped out and he couldn’t breathe, let alone think.

  Time stretched out between them, as though she was waiting for him to say something. His mind flitted from one thing to the next before he finally understood exactly what was happening. If he didn’t fight for her now, he was going to lose her. She’d go away and he’d never see her again.

  “No,” he whispered. “Willow, I . . . I care about you. I know that it might seem strange to you, but I love you.”

  She sobbed, both hands pressing to her mouth.

  “I want to spend the rest of my life with you. It just takes time to adjust. Please.” He took her hand. “Please don’t leave. I love you.”

  Her head fell to her chest as her tears increased. Her fingers curled around his before abruptly yanking back, as though someone had pulled her away. Both hands pressed into her face as she turned away. Her whole body shook with sobs. Asa slowly touched her shoulder, wanting to comfort her. Once again, she jerked away as though his touch was painful to her.

  “I can’t,” she sobbed. “I can’t. This isn’t the life I want. I don’t want to fall in love with a dragon.”

  Her words were like a punch to his stomach. He withdrew. “That’s what it is? Because I’m a dragon?”

  A moment of silence. “Yes.”

  “Willow . . . why? Is it because I’ll live longer than you? Is it—”

  “It’s because you and your kind are monsters.”

  Asa stepped back, eyes widening.

  Willow turned. Her hands dropped and even though she still cried, her expression hardened. “You fly around stealing whatever you want. You ruin people’s lives. How many humans have you stolen, Asa? How many women have stood where I stand now, begging you to release them? How many have you taken them prisoner and then seduced them with your charm and false kindness?”

  His fires almost went out. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. What she was describing was truly monster-like behavior. “Is that what you think of me? You think that I’d—”

  “What reason do I have to think any differently? You stole me from my home. You turned me into a slave. How much did you tell my parents they could have me back for? We are not a wealthy family. Did you want to put us into your debt for generations to come?”


  She glared defiantly at him.

  What had Shante said to her? What had made her think that he was capable of all this duplicity? He wanted to reach for her hand but couldn’t make himself move towards her. Not when there was such anger and, yes, even hatred, in her gaze. Asa didn’t understand. He shook his head, trying to come up with the words that would make everything better. But he didn’t even know where he had gone wrong.

  “When we had sex, I thought that it meant everything had changed. I thought we were going to be in love and that there was nothing else to worry about. But it’s not true, is it? No matter how long I stay, you will always be my master and I will always be the slave.”

  “No.” Asa tried to reach for her again and she danced out of his grasp. “No, Willow. That isn’t what is happening here. I love you. I love you. You aren’t my slave. I want to—”

  Willow shook her head so violently that she could have given herself whiplash. “I can’t listen to this anymore, Asa. There is nothing left to say. I told you that I didn’t regret being with you. I was trying to be gentle. If I could go back and stop myself from doing that, I would. I can’t be here anymore. Let me go.”

  His fire went out. All that was left were smoldering coals. Asa’s arms hung limply at his sides as he stared at the ground. His mind was blank, the agony of her words echoing back at him. Eventually, he stirred and looked up. Her tears had still not ceased, but he knew better than to think that he could do anything but cause her more pain.

  She had been very clear about what she wanted. All the dreams that had been building up in his mind – all the hopes and wishes crashed down around him until he was standing in nothing but rubble. With a thick swallow, he nodded.

  “Of course. You don’t belong to me, Willow. You can go wherever you want to. And for what it’s worth, I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I hurt you.”

  She opened her mouth then closed it again. It looked like she wanted to say something so badly, but all she did was a nod and turn her face away from him. He stood there, watching her before he shook himself and turned back to his bike.

  “Go pack up whatever you want to take with you. It’ll be an hour or so before I’m finished fixing this thing.”

  “I don’t have anything,” she whispered back. “All I had when you took me were the clothes I’m wearing now.”

  Asa nodded as she bent over his bike, focusing on each piece as he put it back together. Willow found a bench on the other side of the garage and sat there quietly. From time to time, she shifted or sighed, but for the most part, it was like she wasn’t even there.

  Several times he almost broke down and begged her to stay. He could demand to know exactly what Shante had said to her to bring this out. But in the end, it didn’t matter. She was hurt, she wanted to leave. Maybe she even hated him. He had told her multiple times that he loved her and it hadn’t swayed her. So now he had to prove that he loved her and put her happiness on his own. Even though it hurt like a knife driving through his heart.

  “Where would you like me to take you?” he asked her when the bike was back together and there was nothing else to delay them.

  “You can take me to my village. I’ll find my own way from there. I don’t to be anywhere that you can find me and bring me back here.”

  Asa closed his eyes. He didn’t respond to that. Instead, he got on his bike and gestured for her to join him. Her arms wrapped around his waist and her warmth against him felt so right that he nearly changed his mind.

  Her happiness is more important than mine, he reminded himself.

  It was dark by the time they got to the village. He pulled to a stop just outside the gates. Willow climbed off the bike and handed him his helmet back. Her eyes were red and puffy, but there were no more tears. She swallowed hard as she touched his hand.

  “Don’t forget me,” she whispered and then ran. The darkness soon swallowed her up.

  Asa turned back towards Cendas. “I’ll never forget,” he promised. “Never.”

  Chapter Eleven – The Fairy’s Cunning

  Whatever spell Sherwood had put on her, it couldn’t stop her tears. She could hardly catch a breath, but that seemed unimportant now. Everything she had said to Asa played over and over in her mind. Every lie that had been ripped from her mouth to strike a lash across his heart. Even as her mouth moved and the words came out, she could see how much each one hurt him.

  Tears poured down her face as she moved between houses and down alleys, her feet automatically taking her to where she had been ordered to go. Even though she fought against it with all her strength, she couldn’t do more than falter every once in a whi
le. The closer she got to Sherwood, the stronger the spell was and the harder it was to even have those small triumphs.

  What she wanted more than anything was to turn back, to run back into his arms and tell him she loved him too. Maybe she had been uncertain before, but hearing him say those words had made her heart sing, if only for a second. I love you. I love you. I love you. The words battered around in her chest, wanting to burst out. But the spell, the enthrallment, was too powerful.

  When the sound of his bike roared through the air and then faded away, her heart broke in two. Sherwood would do whatever he had planned, and Asa would never know. She’d never be able to tell him that it all was a lie and that she wanted to spend eternity wrapped in his arms. Her knees buckled and she fell to the ground, rocking back and forth.

  Maybe she could break free. Maybe, if she fought hard enough, she could regain control of her body. Her fingers curled around the bracelet as she just sat there, utterly useless.

  She wasn’t sure how long she had been there before a pair of boots appeared before her. She looked up to find the fairy frowning down at her, eyes narrowed and nostrils flared as his hands clenched at his sides. “I told you to come to me once you were done.”

  Even though in this case she knew she had control of her jaw, since Sherwood would want her to simper and beg for forgiveness, Willow didn’t speak. She wasn’t going to give this . . . clown the satisfaction of seeing her so down. Her body moved, getting to her feet, but she still didn’t speak. The fairy grasped her chin and peered into her eyes.

  “The spell isn’t binding you fully. You shouldn’t be able to think.”

  Her lazy heart gave a thump, then returned to its normal rhythm. Was he going to take the last bit of free will she had from her?

  Sherwood shook his head and turned, striding away. Her feet followed, though twice she was able to drag them enough that she stumbled. Both times Sherwood glared at her, but the spell didn’t change its grasp.


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