The Shifter’s Prisoner

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The Shifter’s Prisoner Page 64

by T. S. Ryder

  "Are you okay with this?" he whispered. "I don't want to do anything you don't want."

  "I want it," Julia gasped back breathlessly. "Don't stop."

  His hands coasted over her body, leaving a glowing, tingling feeling in their wake. Her eyes closed as his mouth returned to her breasts and one hand slipped between her legs. He focused in quickly, finding the little nub that sent shivers jolting down Julia's legs. She gasped, pushing her hips back as the sensations burst through her. Benjamin's hands spread her legs further and he lowered his head between her thighs, quickly readying her. Julia's head fell back, her fingers digging into his scalp as her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

  "Ready for me?" the prince moaned, breath wafting over her thighs.

  "Yes," she breathed. "Always."

  He moved back up, shifting her so she was laying down on the couch, one leg up over the back of it. He cupped her face in his hands, his thumb rubbing over her mouth as he slowly entered. It was so different from their first time. There was no confusion, no haze of lust blinding her. She saw every detail, the look of exquisite pleasure that crossed over his face, the way he held his mouth partially open, the way his eyes stayed on hers.

  Watching him watching her as they made love set everything ablaze. If past times were explosive, this was the best yet. Not because of a fiery passion, but because for the first time, she felt like her body and his body were two parts of the same whole. As the tightening filled her, bringing her ever closer to the edge, it was as though their souls were combining.

  They finished together with great cries of triumph and relief, backs arching, faces flushed, bodies crashing together on the final few thrusts. Benjamin dropped over her, just barely holding himself up with his arms. His hands cradled her skull as he moaned lightly in her ear.

  Eventually, he pulled back enough for her to turn onto her stomach. They made love that way and then on their sides. At long last, they settled back on the couch together, bodies slick with sweat and weak from exertion. Benjamin's arms were tight around her, holding her as though he was never going to let her go. She didn't want him to. She wanted to spend the rest of her life in his arms.



  "I really am sorry. For using you."

  "I know." He kissed the back of her neck. "And I understand why you did what you did. We can't undo what happened, but trust me when I say that I'll get over it. And honestly . . . maybe I did deserve it."

  Julia shook her head. How could he even think that?

  The prince chuckled. "Maybe I did. I don't remember Cynthia. I don't remember most of them. I could see them walking the street and not know their faces. I told myself that I was clear in what I wanted and that there was nothing besides the physical act. But I was so caught up in what I wanted, the pleasures I desired, that I didn't really think about whom I was using to achieve that. Who I was hurting. What I did was wrong."

  She buried herself deeper into his arms, not knowing how to respond to that. There was something else hanging over them as well. She had managed to push it to the back of her mind while they were making love, but now it returned full-force. Her mouth was dry as she turned to look into his eyes.

  "What are you going to do if Caitlyn accepts your offer of marriage?"

  Benjamin flinched. "I don't know. If I refuse, we'll be back on the edge of war." A dark look passed over his face.

  Chapter Sixteen – Disastrous Negotiations

  If he outright withdrew his offer of marriage with no reason, it would just serve as the insult that Caitlyn needed to make everything go to hell. But if he said he found another woman to take as a mate, it would be the same thing. Not to mention Caitlyn might have been the one to send the assassin after Julia in the first place.

  Benjamin squeezed the back of his neck, uncertain about how to resolve it all. Caitlyn hadn't arrived yet, but he didn't have much time. They were meeting in a neutral zone, at a hotel that a nearby kingdom, friendly with both Northfall and Enderby, had offered for the event.

  The door opened and Caitlyn came in. She wore a regal white dress, reminiscent of a wedding gown, and gave him a sassy grin as she waltzed over to him.

  "It's good to see you again, Benjamin. I mean, in these circumstances. It wouldn’t be so good if we were still on the brink of war."

  She threw her arms around him and made to kiss him. Benjamin leaned backward, getting his face out of range of her lips. He wanted to shove her off him but could only imagine what a hell storm that would bring down on him. Even just refusing her kiss had her eyes flashing.

  "Better get used to it, Benjie, since we're going to be married."

  It was the moment of truth. He gently extracted himself from her arms. "Caitlyn, there are things we need to discuss."

  "The terms of marriage, you mean? Well, I was thinking that after our first child was born—"

  "There are things that have come to my knowledge that I didn't know when I offered you marriage."

  Her eyes glittered and she drew herself up taller, like a bird puffing itself up when faced by a snake. Her hands tightened but relaxed soon enough. A fake smile pushed onto her face. "I don't see what knowledge could possibly change things. It's the best match for both of us. We need mates. We need heirs."

  "I have a son."

  Caitlyn's jaw dropped. Her eyes widened and she gasped. Clearly, it hadn't been something she had expected. Not that Benjamin really could say that anybody was expecting it, let alone himself. He ran a hand through his hair, wondering how to continue without offending her. This was about more than his kingdom now. However this proceeded, he needed to protect Henry and Julia from Caitlyn's backlash.

  "Oh," the queen breathed. "Well. Isn't that nice? But since the child isn't legitimate, our first child together will still be king or queen after you."

  That hit a nerve, but Benjamin tried not to allow her to see how much it struck. He shook his head. "There are no laws saying an heir must be a legitimate child, only that he or she must be the eldest. So no. The son that I have will be king after me. We don’t even like each other, Caitlyn. What is the point of marriage? I have to tell you right now that I don't think I'd be able to have children with you. You're a beautiful woman, but I can't share my bed with someone I dislike. And let's be honest: the strain between you and me would tear our marriage apart before the honeymoon was over."

  She hissed, hands clenching. Smoke leaked from her mouth. "You offered me marriage. Are you rescinding that offer?"

  "No," he said slowly, the words tasting like vomit. "I will do what I must to keep my kingdom safe."

  Even if it meant destroying his heart. Even if it meant he could never be with Julia again. She had taught him a valuable lesson. He couldn't put himself first. He might have told himself that the other kingdoms saw him as weak for not having a queen, but it was more his selfish attitude and actions that had caused it. If he had to marry Caitlyn to prove he was no longer like that . . . then so be it.

  "In that case, you will marry me!" Caitlyn thumped a closed fist onto his chest. "You will marry me and you will give me children. I'm not giving up my position, my kingdom, because you already have a little brat. My children will rule our kingdoms, not your illegitimate son!"

  Benjamin shook his head. "I'm not having children with you."

  Flames licked her lips. "Then I will invoke the ancient traditions. I'll have the child's mother put to death for sleeping with my mate."

  "She's already dead," Benjamin replied. "She died giving birth. Why is this so important to you? There are other men you could mate. Men you don't have. Why are you so determined to have me? There are other more powerful kingdoms with crown princes looking for a queen. Choose one of them."

  Caitlyn slammed her fists against him again. Benjamin grabbed her wrists to stop the onslaught. She glared up at him but there was fear in her eyes as well. What was going on? Was someone threatening her? He frowned. Was there more going on than he suspected?<
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  "I heard about that servant girl you're into," she growled. "What's her name? Julia? I heard there was already an assassination attempt against her. Too bad they failed . . . Maybe next time they won't."

  Something snapped. All of Benjamin's control fled and he seized the queen by the neck. She yelped as he threw her against the wall. He pinned her into place with his body, hand still on her throat. Caitlyn stared at him with wide eyes, her chest heaving.

  "Did you try to kill Julia?" he snarled.

  Caitlyn squirmed in his grasp. "Let me go!"

  "Did you try to kill Julia?"

  "No!" she shrieked, shaking her head. "No! I don't do that. I wanted to force you to marry me, but I wouldn’t kill anybody to do it. My councilors say they'll vote me out if I don't get your kingdom. I worked so hard to get here. I can't just let it slip away. But I would never send an assassin after her, I swear. I swear!"

  "Your councilors . . . " Benjamin released her and stepped back, panting. Caitlyn stared at him with wide, frightened eyes and he dragged a hand over his face, regret welling up. "I'm sorry for manhandling you. I believe you when you say that you didn't send anybody after Julia."

  "I didn't," Caitlyn whispered.

  The prince strode away, trying to release the energy built up in his system. His mind whirled. Why would Caitlyn's councilors be so determined that they should marry? What did they get from it? He voiced the questions aloud and Caitlyn snorted. She sank into a chair, shivering.

  "Because they don't think I could ever get you to marry me. They're all a bunch of sexist pigs and don't think that a queen is good enough to be their ruler, mated or not. They want to force me out and invite my cousin to become king. All this drumming of war is just giving them more of what they want. Do you know how hard it is to keep control of a room when you're constantly being interrupted and undermined?"

  "So we need to stop the war." Benjamin nodded. "I will offer you marriage publically. You turn me down and then we withdraw hostilities towards each other."

  Caitlyn shook her head. "I'll be voted out."

  "Then pick a champion. I'll invoke an ancient tradition, champions fighting against one another instead of all-out battle." Benjamin's mind churned over the possibilities but in the end, he knew it had to be him against whoever the other kingdoms chose.

  Caitlyn snorted. "Fine. I'll pick out a champion and your champion will fight them. But if mine wins, we are going to be married. And my allies? They'll put their champions in there, too. You're putting your kingdom at risk. Are you sure it's worth it?"

  Benjamin smiled. "I'll be fighting for more than my kingdom. I'm strong. I will not be defeated."

  "You . . . " Her eyes widened. "You're going to do the fighting yourself?"

  "Yes. Now you'd best get back to your kingdom. I have a formal challenge to draft." Benjamin left the room, ignoring the people on the other side that scattered once he walked through the door.

  Energy flowed through him, already planning the words he was going to use to write his challenge. It wasn't often that ancient traditions were invoked these days, but they were never turned down. He would fight the other kingdom's champions.

  And he would win. Or lose the kingdom forever.

  Chapter Seventeen – Champion

  The battle would take place on a football field. The huge area was level and flat with special sheets of tempered glass erected between the field and the spectators. The glass was a foot thick to stop from shattering if the Dragons were hurled into it and treated so it wouldn't melt from Dragon fire.

  Dozens of people were on the field, although Julia had been assured that only four of them were challengers. She could pick out those ones quickly enough. They were bare except for a pair of boxer shorts, oil being massaged into their skin. She wasn't sure what the oil was for, but since Benjamin was also getting the stuff spread all over him, she assumed it was some sort of fire retardant.

  Her lips were bloody from picking at them. She was sitting in a box with a good view of the whole field, Henry in her lap. This fight wasn't her idea of a good thing to bring a baby to, but Benjamin had insisted since he was going to make a special announcement before the fighting started. Nerves twisted in her stomach, making her want to run down there and put herself between her prince and the challengers, to stop this from happening. Not that a small human like her could do anything against these giant Dragon warriors.

  Caitlyn sat in a box across the field. If Julia didn't know better, she would have thought that the Northfall queen looked just as nervous. She glanced over to where Julia was and Julia looked back to the field.

  Benjamin looked up to where she was and smiled. The tight nerves in her stomach eased. He knew what he was doing. She had to trust that if nothing else. He would win these battles, circumventing war, and they would live happily ever after.

  She just had to keep telling herself that.

  Somebody brought a mic out to the field and handed it to Benjamin as the Dragons started to form a line facing him. Was he meant to fight them all at the same time? Julia clamped her teeth down on her lower lip, wincing as she tasted blood. Benjamin took the mic and strode to the middle of the field.

  "All bear witness to this battle between champions." His voice echoed over the field. "Our terms are as follows: If the champion of Northfall wins, I marry Queen Caitlyn and she rules both kingdoms once my mother, Queen Maria, steps down from her throne . . . "

  Julia struggled to pay attention as he continued. If any of the others won, then the kingdom would bow to them. None of them would claim it as their territory outright but Enderby would be under their law, no longer a free state, and Benjamin would bow to that kingdom's kings and queens. Her stomach twisted tighter no matter how much she tried to trust in Benjamin's strength. He was strong, yes, but they were all strong. That was why they had been chosen as champions.

  "And finally," Benjamin said, pausing a moment to glance up at Julia. "I would like to take this opportunity to formally announce that I have a son. A boy was born to me, and I am approaching marriage with his mother. When I win this challenge, she will be made my queen and our son will grow to be king after me."

  The noise of people talking to each other filled the stadium. Julia shifted Henry, hating being out in the open like this. She wished that there could be someone else in the box with her. Queen Maria, maybe. But she was still in the hospital, although she had approved of Benjamin's plan.

  All the champions except for Benjamin and a brawny, pale-skinned man left the field. They nodded at one another. Julia found it difficult to watch or breathe as she waited, but she couldn’t look away. Her heart hammered in her chest.

  He won't die, she thought. Whoever gets the other pinned on his back first wins.

  It was almost like wrestling. If wrestling included claws and fire. Both Dragons Shifted at once, the monstrous reptiles seemingly bursting from their skin. Julia had never seen Benjamin in his Dragon form before. He was magnificent: twice as big as an elephant with a stocky body, graceful neck, and a tail that ended in three spikes. His scales glittered silver-blue. The Dragon that launched itself at him was pure white.

  Both Dragons roared as they clashed, tearing at each other with claws and teeth. Blood spurted into the air and Julia couldn't stop herself from screaming. Henry gave a giant jerk. His eyes widened, then his face crumpled. He started to wail and Julia lifted him to her shoulder, trying to soothe him. Her arms and body were rigid and it only took a few moments for her to realize that she was only going to make it worse.

  She jumped to her feet and rushed to the back of the box where Heather waited. The queen's nurse accepted the baby and whisked him off, away from the violence and noise. A giant cheer rose, making Julia's heart jump to her throat. When she turned around, she saw the white Dragon slinking off, limping on three legs. Benjamin twisted towards her and winked.

  "Yes!" she screamed, pumping her fists into the air. "Yes!"

  From the sidelines, the other t
hree challengers charged onto the field together. They transformed as they hurtled towards Benjamin. He turned to face them all too late. One of them gave a mighty flap of its wings and lifted into the air high enough to dig all four claws into Benjamin's back.

  "No!" Julia hung off the edge of the box, fists clenched. "Not fair! Foul! He's only supposed to fight one at a time."

  Nobody else seemed to care. They shouted and cheered, stomping their feet and clapping their hands. Benjamin twisted, clamping his jaws over the wing of the one that held him while the other two barreled into his side. He wrenched to one side as they knocked him over but threw out a wing to stop himself from landing on his back. His legs kicked out, striking a black Dragon across its face while dragging the green one by its wing to his other side. The golden Dragon backed up long enough for Benjamin to regain his feet.

  The three surrounded him, tearing into his back and legs. Benjamin roared in pain, rearing to his hind legs. The black one dodged in and he came crashing down upon it. A loud crack rang through the air and the black Dragon roared. Benjamin threw it into the golden one, then turned to the Green Dragon. Claws raked across his face and he whipped his tail around. The spikes drove deep into the green Dragon's flank, causing it to tear away from him. Benjamin grabbed its wing in his mouth while his front legs kicked out. Yanking his head to one side, he lifted the Dragon up and used his body to throw it down onto its back. It gave a plaintive cry.

  The golden Dragon jumped onto Benjamin's back, snapping his neck, while the black one sunk its teeth into his flank. Benjamin roared and twisted this way and that to dislodge them. The green one got back to its feet and Julia held her breath, certain it was going to attack again. But it slunk off the field, leaving Benjamin with the last two.

  The black one ran under Benjamin's legs, clawing at his belly. He threw himself to one side, crashing heavily on the golden one. It tore at his side, sending silver scales flying, but as the black Dragon dodged in, he whipped at it with his tail. The impact sent the smaller Dragon flying. Benjamin rolled back to his feet, then seized the golden Dragon by the throat. He threw it back to the ground, using his bulk to pin it down. It bit at him, but a swift blow from Benjamin's clawed hand made it go limp.


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