Alphas & Millionaires Starter Set

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Alphas & Millionaires Starter Set Page 38

by Brooke Cumberland

  “Sweetheart, stop worrying. I’m fine.” He looks at me sincerely. “I get to go home today.”

  “I can’t help it, Eric. I can’t help blaming myself for this. And I can’t help worrying it’s not the end.”

  He swings his leg over the hospital bed, free of IV’s and tubes. He pulls me in for a hug, rubbing his hands up and down my back. I should be the one soothing him after all of this. He’s the one that was hurt. That risked it all. For me.

  Taking Eric home, I drive ten miles under the speed limit. Although he reassures me repeatedly, I can’t help but want to protect him. Like he always protects me.

  “I’m so glad to be back home!” he says as we walk through the door. It doesn’t feel right anymore. I’m afraid that no matter what I do, I’ll always be putting Eric in danger.

  I try my best to put it in the back of my mind so I can take care of Eric. I miss his touch and the feel of his skin against mine. I want that back; I want us back…

  “So, what do you need me to do, babe?” I ask as he lowers himself to the couch. He keeps insisting he’s fine but I can tell he’s sore.

  “I need you…to come sit with me.” He smiles, making me melt. This whole thing with Aiden has me completely torn and mentally messed up, but when it comes to Eric…damn, he makes everything right.

  We spend the evening watching movies and taking it easy. I’ve taken off from the bar for the weekend so I can make sure Eric doesn’t do anything his doctors told him not to do. Something interesting I learned while he was in the hospital—Eric can be very stubborn.

  We must have fallen asleep because I wake up hours later to a blue screen. Eric is laying behind me, but I can tell he’s asleep too, by his steady breathing. I know he didn’t slept very well in the hospital, so I decide to cover him up instead of waking him.

  I tiptoe out of his apartment and quietly shut the door. As I walk down the hallway to the elevator, something overcomes me. Something I’ve never felt before.


  The next morning, I wake up as the sun is rising. I shower, get dressed and head out. I drive the long four hours back to where it all began…home.

  I haven’t seen my parents or spoken to them in four years. They have lost all my respect—all rights to be called parents—but I guess it’s what they are, whether I like it or not. I twirl ideas around in my head the entire time I’m driving—things I want to say…scream…shout at them. I pray I don’t chicken out. This is something I should have done years ago.

  I drive the road where I grew up. It hasn’t changed a bit. The houses are all old and made of brick. The trees in the front are all full and beautiful. There are small children playing in the yards and people out walking their dogs. To the outside world, this looks perfect. But it was my hell.

  I slowly inhale and exhale as I park my car on the road. It feels strangely right to be here again. Although I can’t say I have very many good memories, there’s always something about being home.

  I finally force myself out of the car and walk up the short driveway to the front door. I knock twice on the door as I secretly pray to God for the courage and strength not to run away.

  I hear a couple of voices before someone finally reaches the door. It’s my mother. The shocked expression on her face tells me she’s as surprised to see me as I am to be here.

  “Hi, Mom,” I say quietly.

  “Velaney!” she gasps. “Is it really you?”

  I step forward, letting her hug me. “Yeah, it’s me, Mom.”

  She yells for my dad, who soon approaches the hallway where we’re standing.

  “Well, I’ll be damned! Is that my little Laney?” He rushes in for a hug, and like my mom, I let him. The feeling is overwhelming. Part of me wishes I could forgive them while the other part wants to rip their lungs out with hate.

  But I decide to take the high road. Yes. The freaking high road.

  I’m not at all surprised by their greetings. They always thought I acted out in immaturity and spontaneity. Whether they believe me or not about what Aiden did, it was as if they always kept it hushed, never wanting to talk about it.

  I let a smile form as my parents take a good look at me. I’ve grown, matured, and become what my mother says, “a young lady.” My parents look the exact same, perhaps maybe just aged. However, their hair, clothes, mannerisms…all the same.

  I suppose they wonder why I’m here, so I decide to get right to the point. My mother leads me to the kitchen, opening the fridge to get me a bottle of water.

  “I need to ask you something,” I finally blurt out. “Why did you bail Aiden out of jail?” I keep my tone firm, but low. I need them to know I’m serious and I won’t leave until they answer me.

  “Because I was wrongly accused,” a dark, ridged tone interferes. Aiden. He rounds the corner entering into the kitchen. His eyes are dark and his face hard like stone. I jump at the sound of his voice. It’s eerie how his voice can bring me back…to all the horrific memories.

  “Didn’t expect to see you here,” I reply, shocked that he looks unharmed and unaffected.

  “I suppose you didn’t.”

  “Did you inform Mom and Dad how you almost killed my boyfriend? How you attacked me and him?” I cross my arms, staring him down.

  “I told them about defending myself from him, yes.” He inches closer to me, never taking his eyes off mine.

  “Self-defense?” I yell, shoving him back as he gets closer. “That’s a lie and you know it!”

  “Now now, Velaney. We all know who the compulsive liar around here is,” he says in a fake, soothing tone. Ugh, I could rip his eyes out right now.

  “How is it self-defense when you forced your way into my apartment?”

  “Velaney, that’s enough,” my mother interrupts, pounding her hand into the counter. She hates conflict, which is usually why nothing ever gets resolved. She never lets me tell my story, and even if I have the chance, she never takes my side. She always makes excuses for Aiden, as if her precious baby boy can do no wrong.

  I cross my arms and seethe. Why did I even bother to come home? I should’ve known better, but I want to prove to myself that I’m strong, and that I'm no longer letting him control my life. Perhaps I was wrong.

  I can’t even argue with my mother. She has a way about her that you just obey whatever she says. Perhaps it’s the preacher in her, or perhaps it’s just the mother in her. Or both.

  My dad stands there silent, taking the whole scene in. He never undermines my mother. It’s pathetic, really. It’s as if he’s nonexistent.

  “Mom, I’m sick of you not listening to me!” I shout, giving her a stern look. It’s the first time I’ve ever actually raised my voice to her. She’s stunned, but after all this time, it feels great.

  My dad’s mouth opens, but he doesn’t say anything. I assume he doesn’t know what to say. Aiden’s eyes widen as he realizes I’m not going to back down. His face darkens, giving me an intense look.

  “This was a mistake,” I mutter, grabbing my purse from the counter. “I’m wasting my time.”

  “Wait,” my mother whispers, barely sounding persuasive. I pause. I’m curious to hear what she has to says.

  “What?” I ask, looking over my shoulder. Aiden and my dad are both watching her, waiting to see what she does.

  Instead of talking, she walks in front of me and pulls me in for a hug. “I love you, Velaney,” she whispers in my ear still holding onto me. “Take care of yourself.” She looks over to Aiden, silent pleading in her eyes.

  And then I finally understand.

  All these years I believed my parents chose Aiden over me…loved him and cherished him more. But that wasn’t it. It was never it.

  I finally saw it in my mother’s eyes. Fear. Aiden has more power over my family than I ever thought imaginable. I don’t know what he has on my parents, but he definitely controls them.

  I hug my mother back, whispering that I love her, too. I don’t understand how my pa
rents can let Aiden run their lives… or rather, ruin their lives. But I’m determined not to let Aiden ruin mine.

  Or so I thought.

  I grab the handle of the Ladybug, but before I can get in, Aiden’s hand slams it shut, nearly taking my fingers out in the process.

  “That…was close,” I scowl.

  “Not close enough,” he mocks, sending shivers down my body at how dark and rough his voice is.

  “What do you want?”

  “We need to have a little chat, Princess.”

  “I don’t think so,” I say firmly, clearly annoyed and more than a little skittish.

  “This is your last warning. Next time, I’ll make sure Eric doesn’t walk away.” The way his tongue says Eric’s name sends a chill down my spine. This is who Aiden is…threatening, challenging and true to his word.

  “Leave Eric alone,” I say with as much strength in my voice as I can manage. I’m ready to burst into tears at just the thought of him hurting Eric again.

  “The only way that’ll happen is if you’re not his.” I give him a questioning look, making sure I heard him right. “You are mine. I had you first.”

  “That’s freaking sick!” I spit out, feeling disgusted and dirty. “I’m not your property. I’m not anyone’s property!”

  “We’ll see about that. If you want to keep your man safe, you need to leave him. You hear me?” he threatens, slowly speaking inches from my face. The fact that he still has this hold on me makes me want to kick myself. The fear…the weak feeling…the inability to fight back…

  I hate him.

  “If I break up with him, you won’t touch him? You’ll leave him alone?” I ask. I want to make sure I know exactly what I need to do to keep Eric safe.

  “That’s right, Princess. I don’t want his hands to ever touch you again.” This thought makes me sick to my stomach.

  I’m making a deal with the devil.

  “Just give me one more night with him.” I lower my voice sounding pathetic, begging almost. If there is one thing I know…Aiden always follows through on his word.

  “You have twenty-four hours.” He pushes his face forward, almost into mine. “And Princess, I will know.”


  I feel numb the entire drive back home. I don’t allow myself to cry. I have to keep it together. I can’t break down when I finally see Eric again. For the last time.

  Aiden’s threat was more than that. It was a promise. I’d grown up with him, for goodness sake, and I knew all too well that he never broke a promise.

  As I walk into the apartment building, I take the elevator to the fourth floor. I want to check on Eric and make sure he’s feeling better. I have one more night with him and I’m not going to waste another second.

  “Sweetheart, is that you?” I hear him calling through the door.

  “Yeah, babe. It’s me.” I try to keep my voice strong. I can’t break down. He whips the door open in only his briefs, making me gasp a little.

  Oh, good Lord, he looks incredible.

  “Where have you been?” he asks, obviously sincerely worried about me.

  “I went…home,” I say softly, preparing for the load of questions I’m sure he’s going to ask me. He leads me in, kisses me softly and so freaking tenderly, I almost melt in his arms.

  He pulls back and looks at me as if he’s trying to figure out if he should open that conversation up or not.

  “I went to see my parents,” I explain. He nods, waiting for me to continue. “I just needed to see them,” is all I say. I just don't want to think about it. “Are you feeling better?” I ask, changing the subject.

  “Much better now that you’re here.” His smiles widens, making me want to caress his entire body with my lips. The fact that he’s standing in front of me almost naked is making it very hard to keep my word. But I have to. I have to protect him.

  I force a smile and greet his lips with mine. We walk hand in hand to his bedroom where he grabs a shirt and pulls it over his head. He then grabs a pair of sport shorts and pulls them up his legs, although I prefer him undressed.

  “So…do you want to talk about it?” he asks, trying to read my expression.

  “Not really,” I reply. “Sorry.” I shrug my shoulders, hoping he doesn’t take it personally. “I just want to spend tonight with you. Especially after what happened.”

  He scoops me off the floor and my arms automatically wrap around his neck. “We can spend all night together, sweetheart. I don’t want you out of my sight.” His smile sends shivers through me, and I close my eyes and try to memorize his scent.

  It’s hard to believe how addictive Eric is for me. No one has ever come close—I’ve never wanted anyone like this. I can’t wrap my brain around what I have to do, but I love him, and I’ll do whatever it takes to save him.

  I raise up on my tiptoes and crush my lips to his. He wraps his arms around my waist, lifting me up to wrap my legs around him. The intimate contact immediately arouses him, making me desire him more than ever, and I realize this will be a night to remember.

  “Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” I ask, breaking the kiss.

  “Darling, when you’re around. I feel fuckin’ amazing.” Before I can respond, he crushes his lips back to mine, slamming us against the wall. I deepen the kiss, begging for his taste. The heat between us in undeniable. I bury my fingers in his hair, tugging the strands urgently. God, I need him.

  He presses his firmness into me, causing a moan to escape my mouth. I thrust my hips into him, telling him exactly what I want. He pulls us away from the wall and brings us to his bed. We never even made it out of his bedroom. Putting clothes on was a waste of time…

  “Babe, I need to tell you something first.” I break our lips apart, giving him time to rip his shirt back off. I stumble, nervous at what I’m about to say. “I…love you.” He pauses as he watches me. “I just want you to know that.”

  “I love you, sweetheart.” He doesn’t realize the desperation in my voice. He has no idea what’s coming.

  He throws his shirt to the floor, barely letting go of me. He dives his mouth to my neck, making me forget everything. When I’m with Eric…everything bad in the world is erased.

  He rubs a hand up my side, pulling the shirt up with him. The skin on skin contact is sending me into a frenzy already. My thighs tingle, desperate and eager for him to fill me.

  I tug on his shorts and pull them down his legs. He springs free and my hand wraps around him firmly, massaging his length as he moans in my mouth.

  I jerk my shirt up over my head, eager to get his body on mine, and unhook my bra, rushing to get it off. His hands cup me perfectly, sending tingles to the very part I want him to touch and lick.

  The way he massages me as he firmly grasps my breasts in his hands makes me arch my back as I hold on to him tighter. He manages to rip my pants off and strip me down. We are flesh to flesh. The heat between us intensifies as I run my fingers over his chest, memorizing his every chiseled muscle. I don’t ever want to forget how he feels, how he makes me feel, or this very moment.

  He kisses my collarbone as his finger reaches deep inside me. I moan out his name, begging him for more. More of him. My needy hands pull him harder against me, digging my nails into his skin. As he calls out my name, the more my body desires him.

  “I need you, babe,” I plead, desperate for him to push inside me. Desperate for his touch…his love…his everything. He senses my urgency and slowly, but sensually, pushes inside me. He fills me, making me echo his name over and over. The sensation is overwhelming, both thrilling and desperate. All these feelings take over and I can’t wait any longer. I need him. I arch my hips higher, making him sink deeper inside me.

  “Sweetheart, you have to slow down,” he moans, trying to slow my rhythm. I ignore him and crush my lips to his, moaning louder as I grind my hips faster against his.

  “God, Eric…I need more of you,” I beg, urging his pace faster and harder. I claw the sh
eets and scream out as I release around him. The sensation takes over as I arch my back to let him flow into me deeper.

  “Holy…” He pants, his body falling on top of mine.

  “Fudge,” I finish for him. He doesn’t comment on my lack of saying the one word he helped me scream after all these years. I’m sure he knows why…and I love him for not pressuring me to say it again.

  We lay there together, catching our breath and bringing our hearts back to normal. The endorphins quickly subside and I feel a burst of emotions flow through me. Before I lose it entirely, I pull on one of his shirts, excuse myself and walk to his bathroom.

  As I shut the bathroom door behind me, I slide down, crashing to my ass. Tears rain out of my eyes just as I dig my head into my knees. I can’t believe I have to do this but I have no choice. No matter if we hide or run away, Aiden will always find us. More so, I’d live in constant fear that he was there. Always looking over my shoulders, checking for break-ins, making sure we weren’t being followed. That wouldn’t be a life for Eric. I couldn’t ask him to do that for me. I wouldn’t be able to bear the guilt.

  No, this is what I have to do. I have tell him I can’t handle the emotional aspects of a relationship and end it. I have to lie. I have to do whatever it takes to convince him it’s over.

  The pain. It’s so damn unbearable. I haven’t even done it yet and I already feel like dying. The sobs continue as I hyperventilate, trying desperately to pull myself together. Just the thought of never seeing, touching or kissing Eric again makes me sick to my stomach. I rush to the toilet and hurl my guts out.

  After I calm myself down, I wash up and return to his bedroom. He’s lying there with a glass of water at the ready. I plaster a smile and grab it as I thank him. I feel like I’m betraying him, but I have to do it. Rip off the Band-Aid.

  “I’m going to make you something to eat,” he says, kissing my cheek and grabbing shorts. I don’t argue as I watch him walk away, admiring the view of his beautiful body.

  We spend the rest of the evening together in bed, eating, watching TV and laughing together. I know I shouldn’t stay, but I can’t deny my need to be around him. The night is perfect.


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