Dirty Little Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

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Dirty Little Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel Page 111

by Michelle Love

  I’ll never be able to face that guy again!

  I climb into the large, whirlpool bathtub and wait for Kip to get back from taking the phone call at the main office. The staff live in a small house near the center of the island and that’s where the only phone line is. Cell phones don’t work out here.

  The days have been so relaxing, but I feel tension start to run through me as the embarrassment wears off and the fact Kip has an emergency call sinks in.

  What if something’s wrong with Pax?

  I turn the jets on to try to calm myself. No use getting upset until I have the facts. But what if he’s sick or something terrible has happened like the mansion burned down?

  The door to the bathroom opens and Kip smiles at me. “So, that was awkward.”

  I close my eyes and try not to blush. “Hell yeah it was. I finally let myself go and what happens? Busted!”

  “That kid couldn’t look me in the eyes the whole time I was in the main house. Anyway, the phone call wasn’t that damn important. Just good old Bobby fuckin’ around with us. He said to give you a kiss from him, Yoko.” He leans over the edge of the tub and kisses me.

  I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him until he falls in the deep tub with me. Once I release his mouth, I say, “That ass. You have no idea the things that were running through my mind with what the emergency might be. I can’t wait for him to get a wife and kid. I’m going to make his life a living hell.”

  Kip’s eyes widen. “Some deep resentments you have there, sweetheart.”

  “You have no idea,” I say then push away from him, taking his trunks with me. “Now, where were we?”

  The tub’s jets make the water all bubbly and it’s nearly impossible to see if he’s hard and ready to get back at it. He comes towards me and pushes me back until the edge of the tub stops me. As he glides his taut body over mine, I feel the familiar bulge flow over my leg then it’s against me.

  “Don’t know how much fun this will be,” he says as he presses into me. “There’s little to no chance we’ll get caught this time.”

  I roll my eyes. “I’ll just have to pretend then.”

  The water makes little waves as he moves back and forth. He moves his legs under me and pulls mine so I’m sitting on his lap, facing him. Holding my waist, he pulls me back and forth.

  The combination of the warm water flowing over my body and his thick dick filling me makes me a little light headed. Taking his shoulders in my hands, I pull my body to his. Lying my head on his shoulder as he moves me back and forth.

  “We need one of these at home,” I murmur near his ear.

  “You must not have gone out to the pool house. There’s one twice this size in it,” he says with a chuckle.

  I lean back and look at him as he continues to move my body through the water, stroking him as he does. “When we get back you need to take me on a tour. You really have never done that. I should know every part of that place.”

  “You should,” he says then pushes at my shoulders, making me lie back in the water.

  He pulls me to him as I float in the water. Completely relaxed I float along as he moves in and out of me. One hand he moves to squeeze a breast while the other holds my waist, moving me back and forth.

  The hand on my breast moves slowly downward until it touches my clit. Slow strokes he makes with his finger, making it start to ache for more. He leans over me and pushes me out far enough his dick pulls completely out of me and his tongue flows over my clit. He pulls me back and his dick goes inside me, filling me.

  Over and over, he pushes me out, lets his tongue flow over my clit then he fills me again. My stomach tenses with the stimulation. Little jolts of electricity start running through me and I moan as I fall over the edge.

  He pulls me to him and keeps me there. He holds me to him as my body convulses around his dick then he pulls me up, wrapping his arms around me tightly. Warmth fills me as he groans next to my ear. “Fuck me!”

  Little kisses I peck along his neck. “Good, huh?”

  “That’s only the beginning,” he says. “Let’s get out of here and get on that bed. I’m going to spend the last few hours I have you all to myself in every position I can think of.”

  Oh my!


  Honeymoon over and wife sleeping on my shoulder as the driver takes us home from the airport, I think I succeeded in letting Peyton know I cherish her and her body.

  The lights of the mansion loom ahead and my heart sings with the joy of knowing we’re a family now. In all ways, name included. The driver stops at the front door and I nibble at Peyton’s neck to wake her up.

  “Again,” she mumbles and starts to unbutton her shirt. “Just give me a second to get this off.”

  I chuckle and pull her hand away. “No, silly. We’re home.”

  Her eyes open slowly. The green in them sparkles as she looks at me, sleepily. “Oh, we’ve just done that so many times in the last couple of days, I assumed that’s what you were after.”

  “Not right now. Maybe later on after we stare at our son for a little while. I missed the little monster.”

  The driver opens my door and I get out, reaching back in for Peyton and picking her up. She giggles. “I can walk, Pop Rock.”

  With a shake of my head, I say, “No way! It’s customary to carry one’s new wife over the threshold of our home.”

  My mother opens the front door and Pop walks up behind her, holding our little Pax. Pop calls out, “Didn’t you two get enough of that on the island?” He laughs.

  “I don’t think we’ll ever get enough of that, Pop.”

  Peyton blushes and presses her face against my chest. “Kip!”

  Over the threshold we go and she starts to wiggle. “Okay, now put me down. I need to hold my baby.”

  One last kiss I give her then I place her feet back on the floor and she hurries to my father. Her arms open wide. “My baby!”

  I kiss my mother’s cheek as Peyton takes the baby and starts making cooing noises at him. Mum says, “He was an angel. You two have to let us keep him longer next time. None of us are ready to let him go yet.”

  Peyton carries Pax off as she runs her hand over his little head then brings his tiny fingers to her pink lips. “Did Momma’s big boy miss her? Momma missed her big boy. Yes, she did.”

  Her parents come into the foyer to say hello and Peyton gives them a nod. Donna asks, “Did you have a good time?”

  “It was fantastic. Now I’m taking my baby up to our bedroom so I can cuddle with him. I missed him so much. You have no idea.” Peyton looks back at me. “Coming?”

  “Guess so,” I say as I jog up next to her. “Thanks for finally realizing I’m alive.”

  She nudges me with her little shoulder. “You goof. Haven’t I acknowledged your existence many, many times in the last few days?”

  Donna giggles. “Oh my goodness. Okay, we’ll be here when you decide to visit us, dear.”

  “Um, hm,” Peyton murmurs as she gazes at our baby. So much love in her face.

  I wrap my arm around her and make sure she gets up the stairs without tripping as she can’t seem to take her eyes off him. “He looks bigger. Different in a way. Oh, we missed him growing, Kip!”

  “He looks the same, love. We didn’t miss a thing,” I say as we top the stairs. “It was only a few days.”

  “I never want to leave him again, Kip. Not ever.” I open the door and she walks inside.

  “Never, huh?” I ask as we sit down on the edge of the bed. I run my hand over his head and he looks up at me, making his little forehead wrinkle.

  Tiny, blonde curls cover his head and he looks at me with eyes just like mine. “He’s a cutie, isn’t he?” I ask.

  Peyton finally turns her eyes to mine. “He’s the cutest thing in the entire world. And you’re the most handsome man in the world. I’m the luckiest woman on the planet with you two in my life.”

  Running my arm around her shoulders, I give her a squee
ze. “I’m the luckiest man alive to have you two as my family. Now, can I hold our son for a minute? I missed him too.”

  Her lips touch his forehead and she inhales deeply. “God, I missed that little baby smell. Okay, Daddy, here you go.” She hands him over and looks at us with so much more love than I ever could’ve imagined. “We’re really a family now, Kip. I can’t believe it.”

  “Believe it, baby.”


  Stars fill the night sky as Kip and I dance under them on the beach at our beach house in the Bahamas. Our one-year anniversary today and we’re spending the next three days here, alone.

  “Can you believe it’s been a year?” I ask him.

  He twirls me around and dips me. His lips touch mine, but only for a moment. “It’s gone by so fast, hasn’t it?”

  He pulls me back up and presses my chest to his as he spins me around in the sand. “Seems like yesterday to me.”

  The music ends, but he still holds me tight. His lips move near my ear. “You know what I want to do, Mrs. Dixon?”

  “I can imagine, but there’s something I want to tell you first. We should go inside. I got you a present.” I pull back and take his hand and lead him inside.

  “We can open presents afterwards,” he says as he runs his arm under my legs, lifting me off the ground and into his arms.

  I laugh and run my arms around his neck. “But you might want to see what I got you. Aren’t you at all curious?”

  His hot mouth closes on my neck, making me squirm as my body fills with heat. He knows that makes me insanely horny. “I’m more curious about what you’ll look like in the middle of that big bed with nothing on but a smile.”

  “The same as I do in the middle of our bed at home, silly.”

  He carries me all the way to the bed and drops me down on it, I bounce up once and he pulls his T-shirt over his head. “It’s been two days since I’ve tasted your sweet love, baby. I’m tired of waiting.” He drops his shorts and grabs the hem of my dress and pulls it off, my panties along with it. My bra he snaps off quickly, and he’s on top of me before I know it.

  “Kip, really, I have…” His lips roam over my neck and down to my breast as he holds me to him. “That feels nice. But Kip, I really...” His hand slides between us and he presses on the little bud and I take in a sharp breath. “Oh!”

  “Lie back and relax, love. Presents later.” He pushes me back and moves down the bed, taking my ankles in his hands.

  “But Kip, wait, really. I just want to tell you. I’ve been keeping this in for weeks now. I have to tell someone.”

  His eyes go even darker than they were before. “What have you been keeping from me?”

  I sit up and run my hand over my stomach which is still flat. He looks at the gesture then back up at me. “Are you saying that…”

  “Yes I am. We’re pregnant again, Daddy.”

  The look on his face is worth more than all the money in the world. Our little family is growing again, and it seems we both couldn’t be happier.

  The End


  By Michelle Love

  Young coffee-house owner Sarah Bailey has finally got over the mysterious disappearance of her husband two years previously and is looking forward to her new life as a single woman. She doesn’t count on meeting Isaac Quinn, billionaire tech magnet, who sets out to seduce the beautiful Sarah. Unable to resist the incredible connection between them, they soon begin a passionate and sensual relationship that soon becomes headline news in the gossip columns.

  Their happiness is marred when Sarah attracts a jealous stalker who sends her threats and Isaac begins to wonder if his fame and status has put the woman he is falling in love in terrible, terrible danger….

  Since Yesterday Part One:

  Since Yesterday

  If she hadn’t been thinking about the letter, Sarah Bailey wouldn’t have started so violently when Molly shouted her name across the busy coffee house. Sarah felt her balance slip away from her. She landed hard on her backside and laughed, embarrassed. She felt hands slide under her arms and lift her to her feet. She turned to face her savior and her stomach flipped. Her rescuer was tall, and broad, his dark hair cropped close to his head. He was dressed casually in jeans and a t-shirt but she could tell that they were artfully distressed to look vintage. Expensive, and exclusive. Sarah couldn’t help but stare into his dark green eyes, which were crinkled at the corners in a crooked smile which softened his perfectly sculpted face. His smile widened as he took her in, and as she wobbled, his big hands moved to her shoulders to steady her. He was so tall, she had to tilt her head right back to gaze at him and suddenly she felt vulnerable in his presence.

  “You okay, sweetheart?”

  Oh god, his voice. Chocolate and sex. Damn. His hands on her felt so good. Get a grip, Sarah shook herself and smiled at him.

  “Thank you.”

  His smile widened. “It was absolutely my pleasure, beautiful.”

  Sarah flushed at the compliment and stammered through another thanks before scooping her bag up from the floor. Molly met her at the counter.

  “Sorry, honey.” Molly grinned, her green eyes amused.

  Sarah hugged her friend. “Not your fault. Just me being clumsy.”

  “How are you?”

  Sarah held up her left hand and Molly’s eyes widened.

  “You’ve taken your wedding ring off.”

  “I decided that today is the day I move on. Dan is either dead or he left me. Either way, I know he’s not coming back.” Sarah took a deep breath and smiled. “New day, new life. He’s been gone two years on Saturday. It’s time, is all.”

  Molly hugged her. “I’m glad.” She went to serve a customer and Sarah went into the backroom. She pulled the envelope out of her bag. Sarah Bailey. It was the same handwriting as the others and she guessed that it would contain the same repulsive, spite-filled messages as the last few. Her stomach clenched with fear, her skin breaking out in a sweat under her clothes. She wanted to share the letter with Molly, to ask her best friend’s advice. She closed her eyes and swallowed down thinking of the vile threats and words of the last letters. This one would be no different. Her entire body started to tremble. No. Not now, please. She shoved the letter into the pocket of her jeans and went to work.

  At twenty-eight, Sarah Bailey had known most people on the island since she was a child and living in the now-closed children’s home down on Dogwood Street. When the Jewell family had moved next door the two kids, Molly and Finn, had claimed Sarah as their own. They were drawn to the shy young part-Asian girl; her dark hair tumbling to the middle of her back, the almond eyes so dark and big, fringed with thick lashes. Her beauty was offset by her tomboyish nature – never out of her flared blue jeans and beloved sneakers, her knees and elbows forever grazed from running and climbing. It was a childhood spent climbing trees, swimming, camping out in the county park.

  Unable to stay away from the island, after college and newly married to Daniel Bailey, Sarah had rebuilt the derelict movie house into the Varsity coffee house, mostly with just an instruction manual and the help of Dan, Molly and Finn. The locals watched in admiration – their local girl done good - and when the coffee house finally opened, it became the heart of Main Street. Grizzled fishermen would sit at the counter and order throat-strippingly strong coffee, next to the tourists who enjoyed their tea from the most delicate of china cups. When Dan had disappeared, so shocking, so unexpected, they had rallied around her, not letting her fall apart, not letting her feel the desperate guilt that consumed her when she was alone. She thought about moving away but this place, this little haven of an island an hour away from Seattle, was the only place she’d ever felt like she belonged.

  The day was sultry with humidity. From the coffee shop window, ferries could be seen pulling into the small dock. The Varsity was full, humming with the music of conversation, crockery and Sarah didn’t have a chance to tell Molly about the letter.

sp; Late afternoon and the rush eased. Sarah opened the till to change some notes. Molly was at the counter flirting with one of their customers. Sarah pulled out the cash tin. She heard a low soft voice across the restaurant and her stomach flipped. She glanced up. Her savior from earlier was chatting with some of the regulars, leaning back in his chair, relaxed, his long denim-clad legs stretched out in front of him.

  “George makes an incredible chocolate mud pie that I practically drool over.”

  “Huh?” Sarah looked at Molly in confusion and her friend grinned.

  “I’m just saying.” She nodded at the guy who was now walking towards them. “That’s how you were looking at that demi-God just then.”

  The demi-God came to the counter. Sarah flushed and scowled at Molly.

  “I was not and shut up. Go wash a cup or something,” she hissed at Molly then turned her burning face to greet him. “Hey.”

  “Hey yourself, beautiful.”

  She flushed again. God, she was divine…

  Isaac Quinn studied the scarlet blush that colored her cheeks, the dark, lovely eyes. He’d seen her name tag earlier… Sarah. It suited her, soft, feminine.

  “What can I get you?” Her voice was gruff and the sound of it made his groin tighten.

  “Now let me see.” He picked up a menu and studied it. Slowly, deliberately he moved his hand so it was next to hers, almost touching. He could feel the heat of her skin, smell her perfume, fresh air, and clean laundry.

  “Okay, you ready?”

  “I’m ready.” She waved her notepad and smiled.

  “You sure?”


  Isaac grinned “Fine purveyor of all things drinkable… “I would very much like to partake of a fine cocktail called “A Tea Garden”.”


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