Dirty Little Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

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Dirty Little Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel Page 237

by Michelle Love

  Tara lay back in her bed and studied Lucian as he got dressed. After an unsatisfactory fuck – her words to him – he was annoyed with her. Tara lit a cigarette.

  “What’s she like?”


  “Your ex. The bookseller. Your rape victim.”

  Lucian shot her a warning look. “That’s not funny.”

  Tara shrugged. “Neither is rape. Anyway, tell me what is she like?”

  Lucian sighed. “What does it matter?”

  Tara smiled cruelly. “I just want to know who my ex is fucking.”

  Lucian stopped. “What?”

  Tara stubbed out her cigarette and was studying her own breasts. “He’s fucking her. I thought you should know.”

  Lucian made a disgusted noise. “If you think that, then you’re crazy. Norah doesn’t sleep around.”

  Tara’s mouth set in a thin smile. “Have you seen Giacomo? The man is a god. He could get a Mary Knoll nun into bed.”

  Lucian stared at her. “You’re serious.”


  Tara watched as a myriad of emotions played out across Lucian’s face, then he shrugged, feigning nonchalance. “None of my business anymore.”

  “He knows about you and me.”

  “I thought you said there was no way.”

  “Carmel Price must have told him. She never liked me, the stuck-up bitch.”

  “I thought you said you were taking care of that too.”

  Tara’s smile returned. “Oh, believe me, she won’t get away with it.”

  “Too late now.”

  “For you and me? Yes.”

  Lucian stood and tucked his shirt in. “What do you mean?”

  Tara waved her hand around vaguely. “I mean this. Us. Thanks for everything, and all that, but this is goodbye.”

  Lucian shook his head. This was nothing new from Tara. “You’re a fucking bitch, you know that?”

  “As a matter of fact, I do.” She laughed suddenly. “Okay then, Lu-lu, I’ll give us one last chance. Who knows? We may be made for each other.”

  As Lucian left the apartment, his gut began to churn with the thought of Norah in bed with another man. And Giacomo Conti…god…

  He had to get back with Norah…but how? Part of his bail conditions meant he couldn’t go anywhere near her. He needed to get to her via Zulika – which would be a problem because his half-sister hated him even more than Norah did. Still…Lucian was nothing if not a good actor. Turn on the waterworks. Beg for forgiveness.

  Wait for the billionaire to screw someone else, and if he didn’t, if he was truly enamored with Norah, there was no reason that Norah couldn’t be made to believe that he had cheated on her.

  Lucian began to smile. Norah had been his, and he had been dumb enough to throw it away.

  He wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.

  To be continued…

  His Target A Navy SEAL Romance

  What was wrong with me no medicine could cure, she was my drug of choice…

  From the moment her hot little ass got out of the car, I knew I’d have her the way I’d planned.

  Plump tits, round ass, and hips a man could grab onto made her perfect for what I wanted.

  She didn’t have a clue what was about to happen to her. I was going to make her into what I needed her to be, my therapy. Then I’d get it all out of my head and be able to be productive again.

  She thought she was there to interview an American Hero, but what she was really there for was me. I needed to fuck her until I was in my right mind again.

  I wasted no time answering her questions then asking her some of my own, like how’d she like to ride my face for a while…


  The day was flying by, leaving me a good hour behind schedule. Driving to Jasper County in Mississippi, I was going to meet with a genuine American hero. Johnathon Thompson was on vacation at a Colorado park when a bus load of kids on a field trip found themselves in mortal danger.

  The driver had parked a bit too close to the edge of a cliff, and when he tried to back up, the side began to crumble. It took no time at all for the front wheels to be without any ground beneath them. That’s when the quick-thinking Navy SEAL sprinted into action.

  He’d driven his Jeep up to the mountains and had a cable attached to the front of the four-wheel-drive machine. In no time at all, he had the bus secured, and with the help of a couple of big trucks, he had that bus back to where it belonged. Kids saved, situation averted, as he told his tale so many times on the news programs he’d been on.

  It’d been a year since his heroic deed and the whole idea of it had sparked an idea in my head about making that story into a novel. Being a writer whose books were all on the racy side, I was going to add in some love scenes for the leading man.

  My discussion over the phone with John had gone well. He was cool with the sexual scenes I’d be adding. And he even said I could use his real name, I just had to put somewhere in the book, before the story started, that the version I was telling had been adjusted for dramatic flair.

  John lived on a small place in the middle of nowhere, that’s why he didn’t specify a town when he gave me his address. He only said it was in Jasper County and my GPS would find him if I typed in the address correctly.

  Which I had done, but it still was proving difficult to find!

  My cell rang, and I saw it was him. “Hello, John. I’m sorry I’m so late.”

  “No problem, Ivy. I thought I saw you pass my driveway. Are you in a red Mustang?”

  “I am,” I said with surprise. “How’d you know?”

  “Because I was standing near the end of the drive. I’d just checked the mail and was walking back up. Turn around and come back. When you see the mailbox that looks like a tree stump, take the only road that’s right across from it. That’s my driveway.”

  Turning around, I said, “Okay, be right there, John.”

  Going slowly so I wouldn’t miss it again, I saw the stump that looked like a real tree stump and only upon further inspection did I see the tiny handle, also made out of wood. And there was the red dirt road that was heavily guarded by tall pine trees. I couldn’t see a thing behind them.

  As I pulled in, a little black and tan puppy ran out to me, wagging its tail and barking with loud baying sounds. And there sat Johnathon Thompson on the front porch of his rustic cabin. He was rocking away on one of the gray, weathered rockers that sat on the front porch that looked as if it wrapped around one corner of the house.

  He got up as I parked the car right behind his Jeep. His gait was slow and easy. His muscled legs rippled beneath his tight, faded blue jeans. The way his red plaid shirt was unbuttoned at the top, let me see hints of the pecs he had hidden underneath it. The sleeves were rolled up, showing off the tribal tattoos he had on both arms.

  I knew he was hot, I’d seen him tons of times on T.V. and on social media. But in person, he was smoldering.

  Baby blue eyes shone brightly, his dark hair hung low over his forehead. His plump lips were the color of caramel. My heart was pounding as he reached out to shake my hand.

  “Ivy Rider, so nice to meet you, finally.” He took my hand with a firm grip and shook it with the normal two-pump shake.

  Heat flared up inside of me with his touch and how gruff his voice was. That was even better in person too!

  “John, nice to meet you too.” I let his hand go and turned to push the seat up to grab my bag. We were doing an overnighter, per his request.

  He told me he had a guest room and he’d not be sending me off to stay in a motel. The biggest reason was that it was fifteen miles to the nearest one and that one was a rat hole.

  When his hands landed on my hips, and he moved me out of the way, I flushed with raw sexual energy at his touch that was a bit intimate. “Here, let me get those.”

  “K,” I said as I stepped back and fanned myself as his puppy licked my leg.

  I had on a little summer dress. I f
igured it’d be hot in Mississippi in the middle of May and I was right about that. My strappy white sandals must’ve looked tasty too because the puppy began licking my feet. “No, no.”

  John turned around with my bags in hand. “Buford, stop botherin’ the nice lady.” He dropped his arm around my shoulders, escorting me to his home. “He’s six months old, a real baby. One day, he’ll be my huntin’ buddy. How was the drive from Shreveport?”

  “Good,” I said as his tall and muscular body was moving back and forth against mine as he held me close to him. It made it hard to think about anything.

  “I have dinner ready for you. I made a pot of beans, some homemade biscuits, fried potatoes and catfish. I caught it earlier today. It’s as fresh as you can get it.” He pulled the wooden door open for me, and I stepped into the quaint little cabin.

  “This is nice, John. So homey. It certainly looks like the home of a bachelor.”

  Deerskin rugs were everywhere, tossed around the wood floor in no apparent pattern. “I decorate with wildlife.” He beamed, apparently very proud of that fact.

  A pheasant was stuffed and mounted in the corner. It was in flight, taking off from a coyote who was also stuffed and acting as if it was about to capture it.

  The man was an avid hunter, that was a question I didn’t have to ask. “So, you’re a hunter.”

  “I am. That’s what makes me such a good SEAL. I learned to be stealthy a long time ago. My daddy took me huntin’ when I was five, and it stuck with me all through the years.”

  “And you’re twenty-seven, right?” I asked as he placed my bags on the floor and took my hand, leading me to the little round dining table that only had two chairs.

  He pulled one out for me as he nodded. “I am. And how old are you?”

  “One year younger than you are,” I answered him as I scooted the chair closer to the table.

  “And already a writer with several novels under your belt. I took the liberty of reading what you’ve written so far and may I say, ouch!”

  “Ouch?” I asked him as I had no idea why he’d say such a thing.

  “Yes, ouch. They were so hot, my Kindle burnt my fingers when I had to touch the screen to turn the page. I was afraid the poor little machine was going to melt. You have a way with sexy writing, Ivy. My story should be awesome.”

  My cheeks went hot with embarrassment. The truth was, I was a reserved person. I didn’t boast about my books. I didn’t talk about them a lot. They sold well, thanks to a great publicity team, but I was the quiet one behind the scenes.

  “Thanks,” I mumbled as I fiddled with my hands in my lap.

  When his hand moved over my shoulder, then he placed a Mason jar full of iced tea in front of me, I had to look up at him. “Don’t be shy, Ivy. The book was hot and also well written. I know sex sells, but you could write about anything, and it’d sell. You have a gift there.”

  With a nod, I said, “Thank you, John. I know I’ve told you this before when we talked over the phone, I haven’t done this kind of interview before. This is new to me. I’ve done some over the phone and even through emails, but this is a first. And you’re very open.”

  “Isn’t that a good thing?” he asked as he placed a heaping plate of food in front of me.

  I nodded as I looked at all the food and knew I wouldn’t be able to make a dent in the mountain he’d placed on the plate. “John, this is way too much.”

  “I know that,” he said as he sat down with his own plate that made mine look minuscule. “But I hate to look like a pig when I eat. Hence, I gave you a lot, but I’m eating more.”

  “Well, you most likely burn off the calories you consume.” I nodded in gesture at his big biceps. “Your body is a testament to your workout regimen.”

  “Yeah, I always go for a run after dinner too. Maybe you’d like to join me this evening?” he asked as he gave me a grin.

  I had to laugh. “My legs are a third as long as yours. I’d just hold you back. Either that or you’d leave me in the dust, and I’d most likely get lost. I’m not big on exercise. I’m the bookish sort. No athletic abilities at all.”

  He laughed and nodded. “Got it. Exercise is a thing I’ll have to do alone. You can chill and watch some television or something. Or I could forgo it altogether while you’re here. Speaking of that.” He reached across the little table and took my hand. “Please stay as long as you need to. I don’t want you to think you have to get this all done in one day.”

  “Um, I only brought a couple of changes of clothes. I’ll be out of your hair before the sun sets tomorrow. I just need to get the gist of who you are. You know, your real personality. That’s all. I know your story.”

  When his lips quirked up to one side, I looked at him with interest. He seemed to have more for me. “You think you now my story. There’s more to it than I told the news. And if I think I can trust you then I’ll let you in on the rest of the story. The story behind the story, if you will.”

  “There’s more?” I asked in surprise. “You were interviewed several times, and you left something out?”

  “The very reason I was really there, is what I left out. But I’m going to let you in on that little secret. A secret I’ve kept since I was eighteen. You see, there’s another story behind this whole thing. A secret one that everyone will find out when you release your novel. What do you think about that, Ivy?”

  “I think you’re a complicated man, John.” I sipped the sweet tea and picked up my fork. He had a secret story he was going to let me in on. A story that had to do with why he was in the Colorado park in the first place. My inner writer was chomping at the bit to get to the truth. And my inner female was on fire, ready and willing to hear this other story the hot man had to tell me and begin adding in the sexy scenes.


  Ivy Rider was one sweet looking little thing. The top of her pretty head hit me right about chest high, her little body hit me like a brick upside the head. The way her ass curved to meet her thick thighs had me hot for her right away.

  When she bent over to grab her bags after dinner, I nearly took myself a big ole handful of that plump ass. But I didn’t. I was putting on the gentleman hat for her. As hard as it was, I managed to keep my hands off her, mostly.

  When she stood back up, I placed my hand on the small of her back and leaned over to say with a quiet and hopefully sexy voice, “Let me get those for ya.”

  “You don’t have to,” she said then tossed her long blonde hair to one side. “I can do it.” She looked at me with twinkling light brown eyes. The smattering of freckles that laid across her little nose had me wanting to kiss them, but I didn’t. I’d have scared her away if I’d moved that fast.

  “I know you can do it, but let me,” I told her as I took the bags out of her hands and carried them to the guest bedroom. “Come on, follow me. I wanna to show you where everything is in here.”

  She walked behind me as I pushed the door to the bedroom open. “How nice,” she cooed as she walked in.

  “I’m glad you like it. I try to leave the dead animals out of the bedrooms.” I sat the bags down near the foot of the Queen-sized bed and gave her a little wink. “I noticed your slight disgust for my decorations.”

  Her cheeks turned pink as she looked down. “I’m just not used to things like that. I come from a family that has no hunters in it. We’re a bunch of boring people who work far too hard and spend little time with any kind of hobby.”

  “I see,” I walked over to the first door on the left and opened it. “Here’s your private bathroom. You have a stand-up shower in here, and I’ve already stocked it with the typical bathroom gear. If you need anything else, just ask me.”

  “I’m sure I’ll be fine for one night with what you’ve put in there, thank you, John.” She gave the room the once over then turned to walk back into the living room.

  I could feel her tension about being too near to a bed with me in the same room. She had the hots for me. I knew she did. I
caught her looking me up and down too many times for her not to have wanted me.

  And I wanted her too. I’d had to look far and wide to find any pictures of her at all. Even her social media picture was the letter, ‘I’ with a circle of ivy around it. But I looked at some of her friends’ profiles, and there’s where I found Ivy’s pictures. The few that there were.

  She’d found my social media profiles and contacted me through them. It took no time for me to call her when she left me her number. Her voice sounded like that of an Angel. I had to find out who that sexy voice belonged to. When I saw her face, staring back at me through my computer screen, I knew I was going to give her my story. But I was going to make her come to me to get it.

  “How about I grab us a couple of beers, and you get your notebook? We’ll meet on the couch and get this story going.”

  With a nod, she set to getting out her things to write with, and I went to the fridge and popped us open a couple of cold ones. I needed her to relax!

  She was waiting on the couch for me, notebook on her lap, pen in hand. I took a seat at the other end and placed her beer on the coffee table. Then I held mine up to make a toast, and she grabbed hers to join me. “You have something you’d like to say, John?”

  Holding my tall brown bottle up, I said, “I do, Ivy. Here’s to making a great story together.”

  She tapped her bottle to mine. “To making a great story together, John.” Then we took long drinks, and she placed hers back on the table. “Now to get to the heart of the matter. Would you like to let me in on the secret?”

  I nodded, and she got her pen ready as I said, “I was in Colorado to see my son. A boy who has no idea who I am.”

  “Okay,” she said then looked at me. “Why doesn’t he know who you are?”

  “Because I got his mother pregnant just before I shipped out with the Navy. I was eighteen and so was she. Her father was a preacher, her mother was a kindergarten teacher, and she was a sweet girl.”

  “Did you date long before you and she got pregnant?” she asked me as she peered at me with a shyness about her.


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