Fitzwater, Marlin, 270
Flashdance, 11–12, 18, 80, 81, 125, 126, 135, 137, 174, 223, 276, 354
Fleiss, Heidi, 275
Fleming, Victor, 248
Flynn, Errol, 341
Flynt, Larry, 144
focus-group screenings, 221
Fogelson, Andy, 379
Ford, Harrison, 211, 316, 333, 334
“forehead,” defined, 318
Foreman, Carl, 244–245
Foreman, George, 161
Forman, Milos, 13, 144, 376–377
Fosse, Bob, 240
Foxx, Jamie, 142
France, screenwriting in, 25
Fraser, Brendan, 285
Frears, Stephen, 237
French movies, 145
Fried, Rob, 378–379
Friedkin, William, 234, 236, 240, 241, 251, 304, 311
enemies and, 16
success and, 35
Froug, William, 55, 151, 152, 367
“fuck you” money, defined, 54
Fuhrman, Mark, 34
funerals, 82
Funt, Allen, 38
Gable, Clark, 330
Gabor, Magda, 56
Gabor, Zsa Zsa, 5, 20, 24, 28, 37, 42, 45, 56, 61, 62, 66, 175, 196, 261, 263, 303, 315, 322, 330, 334, 365, 369
Gaines, John, 56
Galante, Joe, 130
Gallo, George, 235
gambling, 42
“garbage,” defined, 297
Garbo, Greta, 92, 317
Gardner, Eva, 71
Garfein, Jack, 245
Garland, Judy, 191
Garner, James, 376
Gary, Romain, 71
gay pornography, 358
gay rights, 138
Gazzara, Ben, 6
Gébler, Carlo, 358
Geer, Will, xiii
Geffen, David, 26, 27, 44, 55, 58, 91, 125, 130, 191, 195, 272, 275–276, 278
Gelbart, Larry, 147
Gelman-Waxner, Libby (Paul Rudnick), 41
George, Jerry, 100
George, Terry, 88
Gershon, Gina, 314, 323
Gibson, Mel, 44, 57, 107, 139
gifts, 43
gigolo, 360
Gillis, Joe, 353
Glaser, Patricia, 26–27
Glaser, Paul Michael, 377
Glick, Sammy, 6, 70
Glimcher, Arne, 58
God, 152
Godard, Jean-Luc, 131
Goddard, Lori, 211
Goddard, Paulette, 252
The Godfather, 82, 247, 262–263, 330, 331
Goldberg, Whoopi, 73, 101, 211
Goldman, Bo, 235
Goldman, Gary, 215
Goldman, James, 6
Goldman, William, 5–6, 9, 15, 17, 21, 33, 47, 50, 51, 72, 88, 90, 94–95, 96–97, 122, 130, 193, 214–215, 234, 241, 259, 290, 301, 303, 317, 322, 338, 341, 353, 363, 365–366
Goldthwait, Bobcat, 33
Goldwyn, Sam, 93, 121, 153, 189, 217, 225, 273
Gone with the Wind, 15–16, 248, 274, 321
Goodheart, Billy, 196
Gooding, Cuba, Jr., 57–58, 347
good luck charms, 152
Goodman, Benny, 198
good news, 17
“good set of bones,” defined, 161
Gordon, Larry, 146, 147
gossip, idea source, 78
gossip columnists, 348
Graham, Heather, 7
Graham, Sheilah, 81
Grant, Hugh, 85
Graves, Robert, 71
Grazer, Brian, 40, 81, 206
Grazer, Gigi, 358
The Great Gatsby, 58, 77
The Great Waldo Pepper, 130
Green, Tom, 71
Green, Walon, 232
Greene, Graham, 249, 285, 346
“green light,” defined, 284–285
Grey, Jennifer, 316, 330
The Grill (Beverly Hills, California), 100
Groom, Winston, 113
Gross, Larry, 354
Guber, Peter, 36, 39, 46, 272, 276–277, 287
Guevara, Ernesto Che, 268
Guilaroff, Sydney, 308
gun control, 253
Hackford, Taylor, 97
Hackman, Gene, 319
Haden-Guest, Anthony, 10
Haggis, Paul, 234
“halfway girl,” defined, 290
Hamill, Peter, 71
Hannah, Daryl, 333
Harlin, Renny, 76, 236
Harlow, Jean, 71, 143, 320–321
Harmon, Robert, 248
Harris, Dan, 148, 366
Harris, Jed, 266
Harris, Julie, 6
Harris, Rosemary, xiii
Harrison, Jim, 14, 18, 22, 28, 38, 53, 56, 86, 220, 360
Harwood, Ronald, 241
Havel, Václav, 377
Hawks, Howard, 98, 229, 250
Hawn, Goldie, 113, 318
Hayes, Helen, xiii, 71
The Heart of the Matter, 360–361
Hearts of Fire, 166, 352
Heaven’s Gate, 15, 64, 231
Hecht, Ben, 3–4, 5, 7, 52, 64, 93, 94, 114, 121, 125, 130, 153, 157, 177, 214, 220, 237, 239, 272, 292, 337, 345, 363, 365, 367
Hedley, Tom, 135
Helgeland, Brian, 241, 324
Hellman, Lillian, 117
Hellman, Monte, 53
Hemingway, Ernest, 7, 33, 92, 95, 118
Hendrix, Jimi, 207–208
Hennessy, Jill, 78
Henry, Buck, 84, 344
Hepburn, Katharine, 63, 246
Hiaasen, Carl, 358
Higham, Charles, 250
“high concept,” defined, 119
Hill, Faith, 130
Hill, George Roy, 130, 234
Hiller, Arthur, 58, 106, 173, 244, 308
Hitchcock, Alfred, 230, 240, 249–250
Hitler, Adolf, 293
Hoffa, Jimmy, 134
Hoffman, Dustin, 211, 212, 310–311, 328, 329, 331
Holden, William, 305, 353
“Hollywood sperm,” defined, 288
Hollywood Women’s Press Association, 107
Holocaust, 138, 265
homophobia, 36
homosexuality, 71, 138–140, 144, 195. See also sexuality
Hopkins, Stephen, 303
Horton, Andrew, 136
hotel bills, alcohol, 74
hotel suites, for offices, 79, 158
hours of work, 97. See also length of scriptwriting time
Howard, Leslie, 302
hugging, 209
Hughes, Howard, 21, 40, 250
humming, 56
humor, 96, 137–138
Hunt, E. Howard, 125
Hurley, Elizabeth, 322
Hurns, Robert J., 224
hustling, 70
Huston, John, 239, 261, 265, 278
Hyde, Johnny, 41, 198
ICM Agency, 189–190
Iliff, Peter, 96
imagination, writing process, 159
“immersive actor,” defined, 305
improvisation, 309–311, 313
individualism, 87
individuality, characters, 164
industry awards, 83
industry screenings, 222
in-jokes, 96
insanity, 75–76
integrity, 106, 110, 119–120
intelligence, 7–8
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 39
interracial sexuality, 142
interviews, 338
investments, 37
irony, 352
“The Jack Story,” defined, 69–70
Jade, 137, 143–144, 313, 314
Jaffe, Leo, 287
Jaffe, Stanley, 88
Jagged Edge, 82, 137, 164, 166, 167, 169–170, 175, 309, 343, 354
Jahan, Marine, 81
James, Henry, 251
jealousy, 97, 108, 232, 351, 364
Jewison, Norman, 247, 321, 345
JFK, 293
Joffe, Roland, 289
, 309
Johnson, Lyndon B., 107, 293
Johnson, Nunnally, 135, 271
jokes, in-jokes, 96
Jolie, Angelina, 142, 327, 328
Jones, George, 129
Jones, James, 71
Jones, Jennifer, 25, 277
Jones, Paula, 378–379
Judaism, 45–46
jungle settings, 111
junket interviews, 222
Kael, Pauline, 25, 342, 343–344
Kakutani, Michiko, 377
Kamp, Phil, 286–287
Kanin, Garson, 75–76
Kaplan, Martin, 341
Kasdan, Larry, xiii, 55, 132, 223
Kassar, Mario, 190
Katzenberg, Jeffrey, 12, 27, 87, 294
Kaufman, Charlie, 6
Kazan, Elia, 188, 237, 244, 245–246, 265, 275
Kazan, Nicholas, 96, 265, 266, 270, 271, 310
Kefauver, Estes, 45
Kelly, Grace, 332
Kemper, Edward, 203
Kennedy, Jacqueline, 78, 333
Kennedy, John F., 60, 135, 293
Kenney, Doug, 284
Kerouac, Jack, 74
Kerr, Deborah, 71
Khouri, Callie, 54, 234
Kidder, Margot, 71, 142, 233
Kidman, Nicole, 101, 327
“killer dillers,” defined, 283
The Killing Fields, 309
Kilmer, Val, 333
King, Alan, 208
King, Perry, 292
King, Tom, 275
Kingland, Barbara, 304
Kingsley, Pat, 318
Kinison, Sam, 114
Kirgo, George, 197
Kissel, Joseph, 312
Kissinger, Henry, 262–263
Klein, Calvin, 68
Klein, Marci, 68
Koch, Howard, Jr., 278
Korda, Alexander, 45
Korshak, Sidney, 44–45, 362–363
Kotcheff, Ted, 245
Krim, Arthur, 172, 292
Kronenberger, Louis, 337
Krupp, Vera, 20
Kubrick, Stanley, 230, 248, 375
Kurosawa, Akira, 51, 52, 361
Kushner, Tony, 14
Lamarr, Hedy, 10, 15, 43, 46, 125, 142, 286–287, 311, 312, 314, 315, 327
“lame-o,” defined, 318
Lancaster, Burt, 71
language, obscene, 44
Lansing, Sherry, 16, 50, 55, 70, 241, 285, 311
laptop writing, 154
Lardner, Ring, 250
The Last Boy Scout, 204
Law, Jude, 302
Lawford, Peter, 217
Lawrence, D. H., 63
lawyers, 26–27, 39–40
Lazar, Irving (“Swifty”), 21, 43, 78, 93, 192, 197–198, 205–206, 304, 312
Lean, David, 94, 120, 232, 235, 237, 244–245, 263
Lee, Robert E., 252
Lehane, Dennis, 324
Lehman, Michael, 375–376
Leigh, Vivien, 143, 302
Lemmon, Jack, 77
length of script, 160, 171–172
length of scriptwriting time, 203–204
Lennon, John, 155, 222
Leno, Jay, 137–138, 180
Letterman, David, 195
Levin, Ira, 94
Levin, Lloyd, 147
Levinson, Barry, 276, 277
Lewinsky, Monica, 59, 374
literature, 6, 7, 63, 351
Litto, George, 250
Litvak, Anatole, 252
Lloyd, Frank, 114
locations, 234–235
Loggia, Robert, 164, 175, 309
Lombardo, Lou, 232
longhand writing, 154
The Long Kiss Goodnight, 76
Lopez, Jennifer, 101
Los Angeles, California
churches, 23
dangers of, 77
economic survival in, 63
medical care, 22–23
residence in, 18–21, 26, 28, 53, 59, 63, 361–362
social life, 52
visiting, 22–24
War Zone of, 52
Love Story, 68
Lubitsch, Ernst, 320
Lucas, George, 81
luck, 351–352
Luedtke, Kurt, 240
Lumet, Sidney, 84, 234
Lupino, Ida, 312
lying, 17
Lynch, David, 22
Lyne, Adrian, 233, 236, 248
MacArthur, Charles, 71, 135, 269, 345
“macho isn’t mucho,” defined, 315
macho roles, 139
MacLaine, Shirley, 71
Madden, David, 120
Madonna, 100, 184
mafia, 362–363
Magnani, Anna, 308
Mailer, Norman, 9, 19, 33, 71–72, 88, 96, 107, 322, 344
Malden, Karl, 302
Malick, Terry, 245
Maltz, Albert, 98, 156
Mamet, David, 21, 74, 88, 258, 267, 284
manipulation (of people), 16, 74, 90
Mankiewicz, Herman J., 141–142, 231, 249
Mankiewicz, Joe, 6, 246, 249, 332
Mann, Michael, 248, 253
Mansfield, Jayne, 142
Marathon Man, 365–366
Margaret (princess of England), 275
marketing departments, 223
market research, 221
Markey, Gene, 10
Marmo, Malia Scotch, 331
Marquand, Richard, 106, 166, 167, 177, 234, 309, 346, 352
marriage, 42–43
Marshall, Alan, 106
Marx, Groucho, 321
M*A*S*H, 250, 344
Maslin, Janet, 25, 173
masturbation, 155, 170, 174, 250
Matheson, Richard, 89
Mathison, Melissa, 234
Matthau, Walter, 85
Mature, Victor, 315
Maugham, Somerset, 175
Maxfield’s On Melrose, 101
Mayer, Louis B., 36, 142, 144, 205–206, 274, 286, 295
MCA Agency, 197, 198
McElwaine, Guy, 40, 191, 374
McGraw, Tim, 130
McGuane, Tom, 28, 71
McGuffin, 137
McGwire, Mark, 11, 12
McInerney, Jay, 208
McKee, Robert, xiii–xiv, 4, 6, 10, 47, 50, 60, 90, 153, 202, 213, 242, 268, 290, 304, 310, 351, 355
McKinny, Laura Hart, 34
McLaughlin, Kathleen, 79
McMurtry, Larry, 72
McVeigh, Timothy, 105
meals, 16, 43, 64
“meat of the thing,” defined, 165
Medavoy, Mike, 13, 15, 16, 33, 34, 35, 51, 57, 72, 84, 108, 129, 187, 188, 194, 198, 207, 208, 222, 246, 260, 283, 284, 295, 319, 326, 342, 346, 352
media leaks, 104, 180
Media Mogul (Sacred Cows), 373–379
medical care, Los Angeles, California, 22–23
meetings, canceling of, 56
Melnick, Dan, 22
Melville, Jean-Pierre, 210
memorabilia, theft of, 218
Mendes, Sam, 234
mentors, 60, 101
merchandising, 206, 223
Mercouri, Melina, 325
Merrick, David, 107, 244, 273, 274
Messina, Joe Dee, 130
Method school, 315
Milestone, Lewis, 312
Milius, John, 73, 87, 99
Miller, Arthur, xiii, 71, 204, 213, 266, 320, 322, 346
Miller, J. P., 90
Miller, Johnny, 191
Mills, Trevor, 359–360
Minghella, Anthony, 141
Mirren, Helen, 273
The Misfits, 320
Mitchell, Margaret, 16, 321
Mitchum, Robert, 24, 74
moderation, importance of, 67–68
modern art, 58
Moffat, Ivan, 274
mojo, 370–371
money. See also payment
accountants, 36–39
agents, 189
blood money, 77
management of, 36–37, 4
motivation, 3–5, 55, 98
obsession with, 100
payment, 57
sales, 76
writing process, 151
Monroe, Marilyn, 17, 35, 40, 41, 58, 71, 90, 109, 198, 251, 273, 289, 308, 319, 320, 322, 328, 329, 346, 355, 370
Monster’s Ball, 142
Moore, Brian, 94
Moore, Demi, 100, 306
Moore, Michael, 64, 109, 110, 113, 139
Morris, William, 22
Mostel, Zero, 307
Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), 80–81, 107, 145, 287
motivation, 3–4
ego, 55
money, 3–5, 55, 98
The Motorcycle Diaries, 267–268
movie-star couples, 100–101
movie viewing, 53, 63, 156
Mulvehill, Charles, 239
Murdoch, Rupert, 277, 373, 374
Murphy, Eddie, 207, 359
“mush pit,” defined, 57
music, writing process, 156
Music Box, 152, 166, 177, 243, 257
mysteries, 169–170, 358
naming, of characters, 172–173
Nasatir, Marcia, 94, 101
National Book Award, 101
Nelligan, Kate, 330
Network, 84
networking, 18–19, 68, 101, 211
Neufeld, Mace, 316
Newhart, Bob, 376
Newman, Paul, 34, 305
Ngor, Haing S., 309
Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting, 356
Nichols, Mike, 304, 330
Nicholson, Jack, 53, 56, 140, 318, 360
Nicsay, David, 272
“nipple check,” defined, 262
Niven, Davida, 313
Nixon, Richard M., 128
Noll, Bob, 104–105
Norton, Edward, 310
Norville, Deborah, 33
note taking, studio executive meetings, 210
Novak, Kim, 71, 75, 331
novel writing, 9, 89, 94, 157, 357–358
Nowhere to Run, 248
Noyce, Phillip, 13, 16, 68, 79, 96, 105, 113, 145, 221, 232, 233, 285, 310, 316, 327, 328, 353–354
nudity, 142–143, 306, 328
nurses, 23
O’Bannon, Dan, 47–48, 223
obscene language, 44
Obst, Lynda, 268
O’Connor, Flannery, 161
Odets, Clifford, 78–79, 359
“off point,” defined, 294
O’Hara, John, 71
Ohlmeyer, Don, 195
Olivier, Laurence, 301, 322
Olmos, Edward J., 376
O’Neal, Ryan, 236, 308, 317
O’Neill, Eugene, 125–126
On the Waterfront, 305
optimism, 369
options, 97
“Oscarosis,” defined, 78
Oscars. See Academy Awards
Otis, Carrie, 142
O’Toole, Peter, 330
The Outlaw Josey Wales, 91
outlines, 124, 147
output per day, 155, 158–159
Ovitz, Michael, 16, 28, 36, 58, 109, 173, 187, 188, 190, 193–197, 198, 216, 246, 272, 346
Pacula, Joanna, 71
Paglia, Camille, 343
Pakula, Alan, 231
Paladin, 359
Palmer, Patrick, 60
Pals, 220
Paltrow, Gwyneth, 26, 142
panic attacks, 127, 128
“panic list,” defined, 41
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