Spencer (The Ninth Inning: Season Three #8)

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Spencer (The Ninth Inning: Season Three #8) Page 11

by Lindsay Paige


  GRANT IS IN his high chair, slapping the tray. I keep shoveling smashed peas in his mouth, but he’s enjoying the toys I’ve set on the tray more than the food.

  “Grant, Aunt Harmony would really like you to finish this.” I gather another spoonful, but again it’s a dodge-and-weave game. “You’re killing me, kid.” I sigh and hear my front door open.


  “In the kitchen, Spencer.”

  He comes in and seems shocked when he sees Grant next to me. “Please don’t read more into this, but I ordered some Chinese food for me; however, I figured you’d be hungry and I got some extra.” I point to the food on the table. “This isn’t a date, just food, and me babysitting until Blake and Sofia get here.”

  I figured he would argue with me or just leave. It’s not a date, but I’m going to chew my arm off if I don’t eat soon. I wanted to go to tonight’s game; Sofia didn’t have a babysitter. Mom and Dad won’t be back in town until tomorrow and Blake’s mom, Caroline, has had Grant more than a lot this week, and probably needs a break. It’s why I volunteered for the duty tonight. Plus, I miss the little drooling machine.

  “Friends can have dinner,” Spencer says and sits down across from me. “It can be a friend-dinner.” He starts grabbing the containers and fills up the plate I set out for him.

  “Good.” I try to feed more to Grant who whines and turns his head. “Fine. Grant Foster, you are a stubborn kid.” My nephew looks at me and smiles. Who can be mad at that face? I roll my eyes and kiss his cheek. The drool machine has me wrapped around his baby pinkie. “How was the game?”

  “Well, boss, we won.” He bites into an egg roll.

  “Good, then I won’t have to fire you.” I wink, forking a piece of my sweet and sour chicken.

  “I’m negotiating my contract next week. Should I worry now?” He smirks.

  “Nah, unless you can’t get your batting average up.” I’m teasing, but I see the quick flash of pain in his eyes. “I’m kidding, Spence. I meant nothing by it.”

  He shakes his head. “I’m working on it.”

  “I’m just fucking joking.” I roll my eyes.


  I gasp and Spencer’s eyes go wide, before he begins laughing. “No, I didn’t hear that.” I close my eyes and pray my nephew’s first word isn’t fuck.

  “Uck. Uck.” He pounds the rattle on the tray.

  “Well, Blake’s going to kill me.” I take another bite of chicken. “And this is my last meal.”

  “Uck. Uck.” Grant continues.

  “Maybe he’s saying yuck.” Spencer tries to be helpful.

  “Please.” I sigh and look at him. “As much as I say fuck, why wouldn’t that be his first word?”


  I groan, not realizing I said it again, and eat more of my chicken. There’s no way I’m getting out of this one so, I might as well eat. “Think we can get a quickie in before they show up and slaughter me.”

  Spencer laughs and is about to answer me when I hear Sofia call out my name.

  “Too late,” I mumble. “In here.”

  “Uck.” Grant says again.

  “Now, isn’t the time,” I whisper to him as Sofia and Blake come into the kitchen.

  “Hello Spencer.” Sofia smiles. “Looks like you two are having a little date.”

  “No.” We both say at the same time.

  “Uck,” Grant loudly proclaims, hitting the tray.

  If looks could kill, I’d be dead from the glare of Blake and Sofia. I pretend to be very focused on my food; Spencer isn’t helping much and covers his smiling mouth with his hand.

  “Harmony,” Blake growls.

  “Yes?” I bat my innocent eyes at him, even though it’s far from the truth.

  “What did my son just say?”

  I shrug. “I’m not sure. Yuck, maybe?”

  “Harmony.” Sofia is the next to glower at me. “Blake has asked you a hundred times not to say cuss words around him.”

  I sigh and nod. “I know, and you’re right. But, in my defense, the kid doesn’t have a clue what he’s saying.”

  This excuse isn’t helpful and Blake unhooks the tray and picks Grant up from the high chair. He’s pissed. Beyond pissed and I need to make it right before he never lets me see Grant again.

  “Listen, I’m sorry.” I stand up and pick up some of Grant’s toys. “I really think it isn’t a big deal.”

  “A big deal?” Sofia gets up in front of me, snatching the toys from my hand. “I don’t want to write my son’s first word is fuck in his baby book, Harmony Rae.”

  “Then write da-da. Who the fuck is going to know?”

  “We will.” They both shout at me and walk toward the front of the house.

  I roll my eyes and follow them. I know they’re mad, and they should be, but it’s not a huge deal. They’re blowing this way out of proportion. Sofia grabs the diaper bag and shoves all the toys in it, and Blake just leaves with Grant. I’m not even able to say goodbye. I don’t want my family to leave my house angry.

  “Sofia.” I reach for her arm and pull to me. “I’m sorry. I’m the world’s worst aunt, okay? But you can’t leave here upset. You know me, and I would never do anything to disrespect you or Blake.”

  “But you did.” Sofia stomps her foot, and I know she’s totally enraged now. “You are a constant mess, Harmony. You are always doing everything and anything your way and this is my son…our son. We asked one thing from you. So, go back to your fake date and fake relationship and leave me alone,” she yells.

  “How dare you?” I raise my voice. “You think my life is so fucking perfect. Check your fucking bank account. That money isn’t because I’m playing house, unlike you.” I hate myself right now because I never fight with Sofia.

  “Enjoy your night, Harmony.” She slams the door, and I stand in the living room, alone, trying not to let the tears fall.

  I’m not sure how long I stand there until Spencer comes up next to me. “I’m going to head home, okay?”

  I nod. “Sure, I’ll see you later.” I open the front door. He kisses my cheek and gives me a sad smile as I watch him walk out and shut the door.

  This night fucking sucks.

  I call Larry early and stop by Starbucks to grab coffee and food, before heading over to Sofia and Blake’s.

  I didn’t sleep much and my mood is the worst right now, but they have a point and I need to apologize. Grant’s first word shouldn’t be fuck. It should be memorable. Well…it was…but in a different way. I try to be a good person all the time, especially to my family. I can’t have my family mad at me.

  Larry pulls into their driveway and I tell him to wait until I finish and I head up to the door. I knock and no one answers. I try one more time, before I pull my keys from my purse, but Blake opens the door.

  Yep, he’s still pissed off.

  “May I come in?”

  He stands there for a few seconds, and I think he’s going to say no, but he steps to the side. I stroll right in and go to the kitchen. Sofia is feeding Grant. She doesn’t even look up at me.

  “I brought coffee and sweet, delicious pastries.” I put them down at the table and kiss the top of Grant’s head. I take a seat next to Sofia, and Blake comes in and sits across from me. “I came over to say how very sorry I am. You both are Grant’s parents; I’m just an aunt, which means I need to respect your wishes. So, I’m sorry, and I hope you don’t take Grant or yourselves from my life.” The tears are building back up. I can’t lose them. Sofia is my one and only true friend and Blake is like a brother to me.

  “Harmony, we’re not leaving your life.” Blake speaks up first. “We both said things we didn’t mean. Your apology is accepted.”

  I nod because the lump is hard in my throat. I look over at Sofia, who’s still playing with Grant. She says nothing and I’m not sure what to say to her.

  “Blakey, you take him.” Sofia hands off her son to Blake and he heads ou
t of the room. The silence is deafening as she reaches for the danishes and latte.

  “Are you going to speak to me?” I ask softly.

  She takes a bite and a sip, still not even glancing at me.

  “Sofia, please,” I beg. “You, of all people I know, can’t be mad at anyone.”

  “I know, but it’s worth seeing you squirm a bit.” She giggles.

  “Damn you.” I push on her shoulder. “I’m really sorry.” I hug her shoulders, resting my head on hers. “I love you.”

  “I love you, but please no more cussing in front of Grant.”

  “I promise on my shoe collection.” I kiss her cheek.

  I thought after I left Sofia and Blake’s, my day would be better, but it’s not. The day is a disaster. The phone calls keep coming. The emails are endless. Not to mention the contracts and files piling up. I keep yelling for Claire and, thankfully, she never complains once.

  As I’m finally about to leave, with an arm full of files, Claire reminds me about a benefit dinner coming up the day before my birthday. I need to ask Spencer and see if he’ll be able to go with me. I hate going alone. She also tells me about my all-day meeting with legal and human resources. I’m not sure why it has to be all day, but I don’t question it. I just want to leave.

  Spencer: Am I coming over?

  Me: No. I’m too busy.

  Bitch should be my name, but I am too busy, and I don’t even have time to take an hour, or two in the case of Spencer, to have sex.

  As I now sit at my dining room table, I realize I’m going to be gray before my birthday at this rate. I’m on the verge of pounding my head against the wall. I’m stressed to the max over everything in front of me.

  “Claire!” I yell for my assistant, only to realize I’m at home and it’s the middle of night. “Fuck,” I moan, dropping my head in my hands. I’m not even sure where I’m at anymore. Hell, I’m in my pajamas. I need sleep and sex, but neither is coming anytime soon.

  “Fuck,” I moan again and decide I have to stop, even though I don’t want to because I have too much to do. I gather up the latest contact I’m reviewing, my glass of wine, and stretch out on the couch.

  It’s the last thing I remember.

  I feel something crawling up my leg. I’m not sure what it is, but it’s…something.




  I feel the tickle on my other thigh and I gasp, open my eyes, and almost jump off the couch. “What the hell?” I grab my chest, ensuring my heart doesn’t beat out of my chest. “What are you doing?”

  Spencer chuckles. “I’m trying to wake you up.”

  “You scared the crap out of me.” I shake my head and realize it’s daylight, but I don’t remember Spencer being here last night. “Wait, what time is it?”

  “Eight,” he answers.

  “Oh no. I have a meeting today. It’s all day.” I start rushing around. “Shit.” I keep spinning around in circles, trying to figure out what the hell I’m doing. Shower first? Coffee? Brush my teeth?

  “Harmony, darlin’, stop.” He grabs my arms. “Your meeting is with me.”

  I must have heard him incorrectly. “What?”

  “I talked to Claire, and I got you a day off.” He smirks down at me.

  I’m dreaming, drunk, or having a nervous breakdown because I’m not sure I understand him. “What?”

  “I want you to go get dressed, in something very comfortable, like jeans and sneakers.” He steps back. “Today, your ass is mine.”

  “I have work to do. I’m too busy to take a day off,” I practically yell at him.

  “Harmony, I’m about to toss you over my shoulder and make you have fun.” He crosses his arms, trying to stand taller, which must be working because he looks sexy as hell.


  “Because I want to take my friend, who’s been stressed out a lot, out for some fun.”

  I glare at him as I grab my phone and speed dial Claire.

  “Good morning, Harmony.”

  “What is my meeting today?”

  “Your meeting is from eight in the morning until five with Mr. Spencer O’Dell. After five, you’re welcome to do whatever you want to him. And those are his words, not mine.” She’s trying not to laugh.

  “You told me it was legal and human resources,” I remind her.

  She giggles.

  I roll my eyes. “Are you busy right now?”

  “Not more than usual.”

  If I’m getting a day off, she should too. “Take the day. Enjoy the sunshine, but I want you bright and early at my house in the morning before we go to the breakfast meeting.”

  “Done and done. Thank you.” She ends the call, and I toss my hands in the air. She took that easily.

  “Okay. I’m going to shower and change.” Before he can say anything else, I head up the stairs.

  Since he said casual, after my shower, I blow-dry my hair and put it up in a high ponytail. I put on a pair of jean shorts, a green tank top, a pink cardigan, and then slip my feet into a pair of simple white Converses. I decide for a simple makeup, sweeping on a layer of lip-gloss and a bit of mascara.

  I jog down the stairs and stop when Spencer’s eyes widen. He looks me up and down.

  “You said casual,” I remind him.

  “I’ve never seen you casual.” He steps up, examining my face. “You’re not wearing any makeup.”

  “So, now I’m ugly? And you’ve seen me naked.”

  “You have freckles.” He lightly touches my cheeks where there are a few left from my childhood. “And nothing about you being naked is casual.”

  “May we start this day, please?” I smile, hoping I can hurry this day and get back to work.

  “Let’s go.” He takes my hand. “Leave your phone. Everyone knows you’re with me.”

  I roll my eyes. “I’m not leaving my phone.” I pick it up, but he grabs it from me.

  “I’ll make a deal. You keep it on silent and I’ll keep it on my pocket.”

  I cross my arms and almost pout like a child. He thinks he can keep my phone and just kidnap me for a day. “May I make one phone call and then you can have it?” I need to hear the sound of reason.

  He hands it to me, and I speed dial Sofia, who answers with a pissed off tone.

  “Grant didn’t fall asleep until three in the morning, and I have been up and down with an upset stomach, and it’s my day off. Why are you calling me?”

  I rush to the kitchen and speak in a hush voice. “Spencer is here and wants to make me have a fun day.”

  “Well, call the police because it sounds like he’s crazy for taking his girlfriend out for a day of fun.” She groans, and I hear Blake say something to her.

  “I’m in shorts and no makeup. Plus, you’re forgetting that I’m not his girlfriend.”

  “Harmony, I love you more than anything, but I’m tired, horny, and sick. Take the damn day off and have fun.” She hangs up on me.

  Well, there’s my voice of reason. I turn the volume off and walk back into the living room where Spencer is standing by the door, grinning.

  “Here.” I hand him my phone. “You’re paying for everything today.”

  “Deal.” He takes the phone. “Let’s go.”

  Spencer drives around Memphis for a bit, and I’m not sure where we’re going. I look up at the sky, which is cloudless, and the sun is bright on my face. The quiet is nice, and he’s still holding my hand; it’s almost perfect.

  “This is our first stop.”

  I look at the building, then at him, and then back to the building. “Are you serious?”

  “Come on.” He gets out of the car and then opens my door. “Today is about fun.” He takes my hand, and I follow him into the roller skating rink.

  “When was the last time you were on roller skates?” I ask.

  “Oh,” Spencer shakes his head and shrugs. He opens the door for me, and I notice we’re the only ones here. />
  I look over my shoulder at Spencer, silently asking him what’s going on.

  He shrugs, taking my hand, leading me over to the counter. There’s a middle-aged man behind it.

  “This is Bob. Bob, this is my friend, Harmony.” Spencer introduces us.

  “I’m only opening this early because you promised me tickets,” Bob growls at him.

  Spencer only laughs it off. “I promise. You know I’m good for them.”

  Bob looks at him for a good ten seconds before asking our shoes sizes. We tell him and he grabs the skates and sits them on the counter. He walks away as I follow Spencer to the bench. Suddenly, the lights and music turns on and the skating rink lights up. It makes me giggle.

  “We’re going to do this?” I look over at him again.

  He ties the skates and eases up on his skates, not even wobbling.

  “What the hell? When was the last time you skated?”

  He shrugs. “Maybe not that long ago.”

  I growl at him as he laughs and he helps me to my feet. Unlike him, I can barely stand and almost topple over, but he catches me.

  “Steady, darlin’.”

  I sigh. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

  Spencer leads the way out to the rink, and I’m doing my best to stand upright since I keep bending over, and trying not to fall flat on my face. Mr. Show-off O’Dell skates backward and helps me.

  “Focus on my skates,” he says, and I do.

  After going around the rink once, I start to get the hang of it. Soon, I let go of his hands, and I’m skating on my own. The tempo of the music is upbeat, and I remember being a kid again with Sofia and skating with her. Now, I’m laughing with Spencer. He’s even singing along with the music, and he’s not good at it, but every moment is enjoyable.

  Almost an hour later, we are back on the bench, still laughing. My calves are hurting; I’m not a person who does a lot of exercise. Actually, I do no exercise, besides lifting my wine glass.

  “Ready for the next part?”

  “Yes.” My cheeks are hurting, but it’s a good hurt.

  When we’re back in his car, I tell Spencer all about the fun things Sofia and I did as kids: Skating, skiing, hiking, and even playing with dolls. I love my sister. We’re ten months apart in age, and she’s my best friend. There’s nothing in the world I won’t do for her.


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