Immortal Espionage

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Immortal Espionage Page 8

by Debbie Behan

  The colour had come back into her face and he moved closer to admire this mystery girl. He wanted to learn everything about her but knew he had a lot of explaining to do and hoped she gave him the chance to do so.

  The doc was standing over Ricco saying it was the shock waves that did the most damage. ‘They’re both strong and healthy and will make it.’

  ‘Thanks to the protective gear they wore.’

  ‘My word! They didn’t receive a single burn.’

  He sat with Alina and across from her, Jake and Millie sat by their son with worried concern.

  ‘What the hell happened, Ricco? How did Jay become involved in this?’ His father confronted the prince. ‘I want answers.’

  ‘Jay befriended Alina and against all odds has saved her from capture.’

  ‘I don’t get it. He’s a quiet kid and this is over the top gutsy, not like him at all.’

  ‘You should be very proud of your boy, Jake. He has protected her with such determination. Even when I bullied him he didn’t give her up and right now, Jay’s just shown us he’s prepared to die before giving her up. That’s some boy you have there.’

  Alina moved and with eyes barely open called for Jay. Ricco took her hand and held it. ‘He is going to be fine Alina, just rest.’

  She struggled to sit up. ‘Please show me. I need to see.’

  Ricco lifted her and much to the frowning concern of the doctor, took her over and laid her beside him. ‘See, he’s okay. Unconscious but the doc said he’ll be fine.’

  Alina stared at Jay and ran her hand lightly across his forehead.

  ‘Jay, we survived, you get your wish, bitch.’

  His face twitched and a slight smile etched the corners of his mouth. ‘That thought kept me alive,’ he said back so quietly Ricco strained to hear the reply.

  The doctor moved to check on Jay, surprised he’d woken. Ricco put up his hand to keep him away until Alina had finished. He responded to her alone; she was good medicine for him and he didn’t want them interrupted.

  ‘Sleep now my saviour.’ She placed her hand on his head for a while and he shuddered with her touch, then his body relaxed and his breathing told Ricco he had gone back to sleep. She turned and put her arms back around Ricco.

  ‘Now put her back to bed and let me do my job,’ said the doctor.

  Alina shook her head. ‘Hold me. I need your warmth.’

  The professional help ignored, Ricco sat in the arm chair beside Jay and cradled her against his chest, trusting her healing abilities. If she had lived as long as him, she would know how to get better without modern medicines. Content, she cuddled in and was so still from then on he had to keep checking she was even breathing.

  Whatever Alina had done to Jay, it had worn her out. It dawned on him she’d healed him. No, surely not!

  ‘Doc!’ he called out. ‘X-ray Jay’s ribs again. It’s important.’

  The doctor frowned at the order, not believing it necessary but rather than argue, did as Ricco asked.

  Before long the report was as Ricco had guessed; Jay had healed.

  ‘Checked it twice.’ The doctor shook his head.

  ‘My girl has healing powers.’

  Ricco ran his hands through her hair, ‘You’re so precious. We definitely need to protect you from the world now.’ She moved slightly. ‘She can hear me.’

  ‘And this comatose stasis?’ the doctor inquired.

  ‘It’s to set right her powers.’ He touched her nose affectionately. ‘You’re one clever lady.’

  Ricco eyed the doctor. ‘I figured it out earlier. My powers are external muscle, speed and brute strength with extra sensitive perception. She is my opposite; fragile, gentle and carries her powers inside.’

  ‘Yes it looks that way.’ The doctor agreed.

  Left alone and in awe of Alina’s abilities, Ricco relaxed, unable to take his eyes off her. He thought her the most attractive woman he had seen. It wasn’t until he dozed off holding her that their real connection began. He felt her in his consciousness and he identified he was in hers. He had found ancient readings of this sharing of minds once immortals joined, but convinced he was the only immortal left on Earth he believed it was a myth. In this cataleptic state their minds shared the truth of both pasts that sealed trust eternal. Let anyone dare try and tear us apart now Ricco thought as he slipped deeper into the dreamlike stasis.

  Someone spoke, disturbing the lightheaded happiness. Alina shook from the shared consciousness and pulled from their serenity. She heard Jay’s voice and worried for him. He’d been so brave, strong for both of them. But now it was over he needed her and his need was coming over her in waves of urgency. Ricco woke to a cranky Jay.

  ‘Come on dude, share. You’re hogging our girl.’

  Ricco smiled. Jay was on his feet and his mum was trying to get him to lie back on the bed. But he was standing his ground as he has done since the first day Ricco met him.

  ‘You’re so damned bossy for a bellboy.’

  ‘You have no idea how bossy I can get. Hand her over, it’s my turn.’

  Millie was appalled at the way he was spoke. ‘Jay, stop it! You’re being rude to the prince. This is not how we raised you.’

  Jay ignored her and continued to glare at Ricco.

  Millie didn’t understand the relationship they had formed. Jay had been there for the prince at a time when he had almost given up. Jay’s stories of Alina while searching for her had carried Ricco through the darkness. He owed Jay big time and as far as he was concerned, Jay could be as bossy as he wanted, for now.

  Ricco stood and gestured for him to sit, placing Alina in his arms. As soon as Jay held her Ricco noticed his body relaxed. He shook off the thought of Jay being immortal too. His parents were mortal, human.

  Jay grinned up at Ricco, grateful, ‘She feels warm hey.’

  Ricco nodded. ‘You’re both going to be just fine. I’ll go and rustle up something for us to eat and check on the mess I left my men to clean up.’

  ‘Can she hear me when I talk?’

  ‘Yes, although she still has some healing of her own to do yet. Fixing you took it out of her. She’s almost done.’

  ‘She did that for me? That’s why I felt okay when I woke up this time?’



  ‘She’s mine!’

  He chuckled. ‘Sleeping Beauty,’ he whispered looking at her, a big grin on his face. ‘You’re my girlfriend aren’t you?’

  Jake and Millie gasped.


  ‘Just stirring.’

  Ricco put his arm around both Jay’s parents. ‘Let’s give them time. They’ve both been through much together. You can help me rustle up some food for them and we can talk on the way.’

  They followed Ricco out but kept looking back, not believing what they were seeing. When they got outside and out of earshot, Jake turned to Ricco, horrified.

  ‘He is surely not in love with her and yet unless my eye deceives me, it looks an awful lot like it.’

  ‘Your son loves her indeed, as she loves him, but it’s not quite the way it looks and sounds. I know Jay well enough to be sure he’s not about to change his sexual preference, even for mon chéri.’

  ‘He’s grown into one hell of a brave boy,’ Jake said.

  ‘He’s a good kid and we have become close.’

  Jake and Millie looked chuffed, seeing their son in a whole new light.

  ‘I have to admit, he’s blown me away with what he did. I ducked out to watch the video footage while you slept Ricco. While inside the vault, he absolutely kept it together. He saved them and kept her from panicking. Now the score is even for she has saved him back.’ Jake was thoughtful.

  ‘Pity she didn’t heal his stubborn streak. God knows where he got that,’ Millie said.

  Ricco gave Jake a firm pat on the back. ‘I wonder,’ he said, and winked at Millie.

  ‘He’s one of us now. Can never go back home. The detecti
ve would hound him for the rest of his life looking for her.’ Millie said what was on all their minds.

  ‘By the sounds of what they planned, they have plenty of time to amuse themselves with too.’ Jake grinned

  ‘What plan?’ Ricco recalled Alina saying to Jay he got his wish.

  Jake laughed. ‘You’ll not believe it if I tell you. I think you better view the footage.’

  Ricco suddenly recalled him teasing her in the car when they had to get naked. ‘It hasn’t got anything to do with her being naked by any chance?’

  Jake and Millie both chuckled.

  ‘Well! That’s not ever going to happen!’ he grumped and stomped off swearing at Jay.

  Behind him Jake and Millie gave up on restraint and burst out laughing.

  Me, I’m livid and off to view the damned tape.

  ~ Chapter Nine ~

  She Promised

  Jay was left alone with Alina. My girlfriend. He smiled and watched as her thick lashes move periodically. She’s waking.

  ‘Shit you’re pretty girl. Why couldn’t you have been the man I met? Naked with you is never going to be as much fun now, spoilsport!’ He chuckled.

  She stirred. ‘Killjoy,’ she whispered.


  She breathed in the freshness of youth and opened her eyes to Jay’s soft hazel eyes she had grown to trust, hair soft, clean and he was so close it fell softly against her. ‘You are going to give Ricco a coronary if you make me go through with your evil plan.’

  Aware of her surroundings she whiffed hospital grade cleaners and as she glanced around noted they were alone in what resembled a normal hospital room. It was overly clean and every piece of equipment seemed too shiny and reflected brightness of light that hurt her eyes. A flutter of her lashes as she blinked had her concentrate back on Jay; his honey smooth voice soothed her fears. They were both alive and going to be just fine.

  ‘Before the vault blew I imagined it different and added more entertainment.’

  ‘And you didn’t share?’

  ‘I was in the moment.’ He grinned; the smile lit up his creamy complexion and enhanced his high cheekbones and strong set jaw.

  ‘While thinking up ways to stick it to the prince...’

  He laughed, a sound that in their darkest hour, Alina prayed she’d hear again.

  ‘Even though the thought to stir him up is more my style, this is about you Ali. I want you happy and he does make your heart beat off the charts. Am I right?’

  ‘Yes–I fell hard, Jay and I know he loves me too now.’

  ‘Big loser, stealing my girl,’ he complained, but in his voice she could tell he was pleased for her.

  ‘I’ll always be your girl too, Jay. We are friends forever.’

  ‘My girlfriend.’ His grin was sweet and caring, brotherly; although she could not imagine normal siblings caring about each other as they did. No, there was more to them than just friends. And she could see this was his way of expressing how he felt. They had gone through the scariest nightmare possible and lived. The bond was strong and they both felt it. Not romantic love, but everlasting trust and confidence that no matter what happened from now on in, they would be there for each other.

  ‘And what about you, Jay?’

  ‘Oh, don’t worry about me; I’ll be having my own fun with someone more to my taste.’

  ‘Dumping me?’

  ‘Never, I just know you two are meant for each other. But don’t you dare tell him I said that. A little healthy competition never hurt any relationship. Am I right?’

  ‘What did I do to deserve you?’

  ‘I’m still in love with the guy in you so don’t think you’re getting off that easy.’

  He didn’t stop finding ways to make her laugh and she adored his humour. But Ricco was not going to go for this. She felt they should call it off but at the same time, it was his dying wish and she had promised. It was up to him.

  ‘You’re hopeless Jay, now try being serious before Ricco comes back. Are you sure you want to get him that annoyed with you?’

  The door swung open and Ricco made an entrance like a storm cloud. Jay could tell by the redness of his skin and the scowl that he knew about their deal for sure. Bring it on big boy!

  ‘Get who annoyed?’ Ricco asked knowing exactly what Jay was talking about the manipulative sneaky sod.

  ‘She made a deal and is trying to get out of it.’

  ‘If you’re taking about the one you made her make, while under pressure, it is not ever going to happen so forget it you little nose wipe.’

  ‘Hey big boy, you’re in the fantasy too now. Stop trying to spoil it.’

  ‘And let’s not forget your own fling,’ Alina added.

  Ricco’s mood changed. Hang on; this might not be so bad after all. Thinking about it further he couldn’t help but smirk. Now that Jay’s calculated and cunning plan had involved him, it became more appealing, maybe worth a second thought.

  ‘Okay–well, in that case maybe we can discuss it.’

  Jay shot Ricco a look that cut off any input he may have. She had promised him and he was keeping her to it. Stubborn little…

  Jay turned the attention to Alina and let Ricco know he had no say in their deal.

  ‘Hungry?’ Jay asked her.

  Ricco held his tongue. Once again Jay had him backed into a corner. At the minute he was included in the game. Not sure how Alina would feel about him interfering in a commitment she made to someone that saved her life, he refrained from snatching her back and slapping him one.

  ‘Starving.’ She grinned.

  Not to be outdone, Ricco put out his hand to help her up, reclaiming her. Putting his arm around her he walked her out, leaving Jay to fall in beside them.

  ‘You know you will be punished later for agreeing to roam naked for another man.’

  ‘Hey, I’m not just another man,’ Jay sulked taking her free hand, ‘she’s my girlfriend, and as such, I have claims too.’

  ‘Then she has to be my fiancée if the girlfriend title is taken.’

  Ricco gave Jay a cunning and calculated grin and bent on one knee. ‘Will you marry me sweetheart? I promise I will never let this fool ever ruin your reputation again.’

  ‘Yes! I’ll marry you Ricco, but a deal is a deal and I will see it through.’

  ‘Ha.’ Jay smirked at Ricco.

  ‘Ha! She said yes,’ Ricco retaliated, just as smug. Then it hit him. Christ! She said yes! ‘You said yes!’ Ricco put all jokes aside. Thrilled he lifted and hugged her. ‘As a gift to my fiancée I will allow this one last request. Then that’s it. He gets no more body privileges ever.’

  ‘Agreed.’ She grinned back, happy she could grant Jay his only wish.

  Ricco was aware that Jay could’ve asked for riches beyond his dreams. He knew Ricco was royalty and Alina inherited the wealth of her deceased husband. He could have asked for anything. Instead, he’d requested a silly thing that the two of them would laugh about for many years to come. Ricco was aware now Jay wanted nothing from them but friendship and he already had that in abundance. He had formed a strong bond, and fast, and even though Ricco didn’t understand it, due to Jay being mortal, he had seen stranger things in his time. He had no doubt she’d get him back for his simple pleasure.

  Ricco set her down and Jay punched his arm. ‘You had to go where I couldn’t. Jerk!’

  He burst out laughing, and holding Alina’s hand, he put an arm around his new friend. ‘Jay my boy, I owe you much but I don’t share well. We are alive and for the time being, safe. Let’s just count our blessings hey!’

  ‘You’re still a jerk!’ Jay slipped from his grip and next to Alina put his arm around her, eyeing Ricco slyly.

  ‘Stubborn son of a… ‘ Ricco pinched his lips and clipped him over the head from behind.

  ~ Chapter Ten ~

  Indigo Island

  It wasn’t until their honeymoon, three months later, that Ricco allowed Alina to fulfil her promise to Jay.
That way he knew Jay would make sure their engagement was quick. The wedding date was moved forward twice. Finally Ricco, his new wife Alina along with Jay and his new fling Zac, arrived on a very secluded and private island.

  ‘Now I see why they call it Indigo Island. The green hills have magically turned to a deep blue now we are coming in to land.’ Jay nudged his friend, Zac, who had come with him.

  Zac pushed in to see, and his head blocked the window. ‘Wicked.’

  Jay screwed up his lips. ‘Do you mind, I can’t see a thing.’

  Zac gave him a grin and pulled back. ‘I know I got the window seat on the way home.’

  The plane jolted and rocked as it landed on the beach. Pure white sand against the crystal clear water beckoned Jay. ‘We’re here Ali.’ Jay unclipped his seatbelt and moved across to hers, snapped it undone and pulled her to her feet. ‘I want us to be the first ones to run along the beach.’ He had her waiting at the door and as soon as it opened they scuttled down the steps, Jay taking her hand and running with her. Both were crazed for the chance to feel free; to have fresh sea breeze and the wetness of sea spray against their skin.

  They had been in lockdown for three months and this was the moment they talked about for weeks. They weaved in and out of the water and splashed cool salty water at one another. It was when they began rolling in the wet water’s edge that Ricco put his foot down and snatched her from him. ‘You’re taller and heavier now Jay, and you don’t know your own strength any more. Enough!’

  ‘You’re just grumpy because she has more fun with me. Party pooper!’

  Alina was happy being with either and hugged Ricco. ‘This is surreal. I love it here already.’

  Jay had no time to consider his next move.

  ‘Coming through!’ Zac pushed past Ricco and landed with a flop, flat on top of Jay, knocking the wind out of him.


  ‘Softie.’ He rolled off him and took off up the beach. ‘Catch me if you can!’

  Jay picked himself up. ‘I’ll catch you all right.’ He stopped in mid tracks as he spotted Captain Nash who hauled their luggage off the plane.


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