Immortal Espionage

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Immortal Espionage Page 19

by Debbie Behan

  Dressed in a sheer cotton ensemble that definitely showed she was pregnant, Alina felt better. She admired her new heels in the mirror. Yes, if I was going to be pregnant, this is just how I’d like to look, proud of my growing shape, but still sexy.

  Alina ran a comb through her hair, scrunched it with mousse to make it curly and then added lip gloss. Pleased with herself she went to the restaurant. When did I last eat… she couldn’t remember.

  After being seated she didn’t need to ask for a drink. Barry the barman was on shift again and had sent her over a cocktail. Ignoring his smile she ordered lunch. Blackmail was written all over that smile that she was sure now was a smirk.

  The salad arrived and after barely touching it, she decided to go for a drive instead. Her mind was on a rental, maybe a sports car she imagined as she headed for the door. When she got up to leave, Barry blockhead stood in Alina’s path which prevented her from leaving through the exit. Again with the frigging grinning. This guy is doing my head in. Didn’t he have a life of his own? ‘Take a hike Barry? I’m not in the mood for games.’ Alina sneered rather rudely.

  Barry pulled out a card that had a time on the back. ‘I have you booked in to the rifle range in half an hour. Thought you may need a lift?’

  Snatching the card out of his hand, she shook her head. ‘Not in this lifetime, stalker. Look, there’s no love in this heart or feelings in this here body. So forget it if you think you’ll score with the duffed lady. Go find someone else to pester.’

  ‘But you’re so much more fun. And in my defence it’s our policy and a service we offer to VIP guests that have had too much to drink. I promise I won’t speak unless you ask me to.’

  ‘Your funeral.’ Alina pushed past him. ‘Must be into masochism,’ she snapped as he followed her out into the car park.

  Barry pulled his keys out of his jeans pocket and clicked the remote. The lights blinked on a midnight blue sports Benz.

  ‘Daddy’s,’ she scoffed.

  He grinned. ‘Maybe, maybe not.’

  ‘Look if you’re a rapist or a thief I’ll have you know I am not one to hide from. Know I’ll take my revenge.’

  ‘Rose, get in the car.’

  ‘Fine, consider yourself warned though.’ She slid onto the seat.

  The roof was drawn back and he drove fast, just as she liked it and as promised, never spoke. He pushed in a CD and Alina rested back in the seat enjoying the song. The music and the wind whipped around them and improved her mood. Alina wondered why she hadn’t bought one of these sports cars, ever. Nice vehicle. Without doubt on her shopping list next time she wanted a car. Alina now enjoyed the fantasy of a drive alone. Barry the spoilsport interrupted it by shaking her arm to let her know they had arrived.

  The owner’s name was Andy and he waited out front of the rifle range when they arrived. He looked flushed and mopped the sweat from his brow. He seemed as if he had a blood pressure problem. She eyed him. Well I hope in Australia they use the 911 number because by the time I leave here, we may be ringing it.

  ‘Rose Bradshaw is it?’ He put out his sweaty little paw for her to shake and chatted without taking a breath.

  ‘Look Andy, you’re undoubtedly a nice guy but I’m not interested in small talk. I’ve come to learn to shoot, so can we get going with the lesson?’

  ‘Sure Miss Bradshaw.’ He looked at her stomach, ‘or Mrs,’ he corrected himself.

  ‘Just Rose!’ she said edgily and whispered to Barry, ‘The guy is big and sweaty, are you sure this is the only rifle range?’

  ‘Sorry, it is.’ Barry followed them. She wanted to slap the grin off his face.

  She did get her revenge later and punched Barry’s arm when he laughed at her. Andy set him off as he tut tutted because she hadn’t taken the safety off before shooting. It didn’t deter him as he let out another muffled laugh when she hit nothing. Bastard! she mouthed.

  After an hour or so Alina got the hang of it. She imagined the target dummy to be pig faced Detective Berry. The thought made her so wound up she finished firing off the whole clip and even after there were no more bullets left she kept pulling the trigger. Alina was contented to listen to the clicks and wished Detective Berry was now dead.

  Barry came over, relieving her of the gun. ‘I think you have the hang of it now Rose.’

  ‘What! Don’t try to run my life bucko.’

  ‘How about I take you shooting? Allow you to relieve some of that frustration on a couple of rabbits, maybe a kangaroo.’

  Barry handed the gun to Andy. ‘That’s it thanks mate. What do we owe you?’

  Alina was quick and pulled out a wad of money and placed it in Andy’s hand. ‘I was never here! Right!’

  Andy looked at the money given to him. ‘No madam, never saw you.’

  Alina stomped off back towards the car, annoyed Barry had stopped her, but in a way, pleased he promised to take her to at least shoot something that was living. Maybe I might just shoot him.

  Barry was right behind her and Alina, used to being fussed over, stood waiting at the door for him to open it for her. Barry ignored her and jumped over the bonnet with gusto, sliding in behind the wheel and leaving Alina to get in herself. She only just secured the seat belt as the car jerked into motion.

  ‘I should expect a daggy barman to have no manners. We’re done here now so you can take me back to the resort,’ she commented when he turned in the opposite direction.

  ‘I’m taking you to dinner. You haven’t eaten a thing since I saw you yesterday. For once just do as you’re told and let me find something I believe you will enjoy. Then I’ll make good on my promise and take you shooting if you want.’

  ‘Why do you worry whether I eat or not? I’m telling you Barry. Don’t start getting any ideas about me because men disgust me.’

  ‘Rose, it’s just a meal. I have no intentions of making out with a married woman.’

  ‘How do you know I’m married? I haven’t said so one way or another. Who the hell are you?’ She flared up and imagined he definitely knew too much about her and had to be linked with Detective Berry somehow.

  Barry grabbed her arm and lifted her hand. ‘You have a ring mark silly. God, you’re so damn touchy.’

  Alina snatched her hand away, ‘Well I’m at your mercy for now anyway as I haven’t a clue where I am. And by the way smart shit, I’m not hungry and don’t want to eat.’ She folded her arms in a stubborn gesture.

  ‘I promise you, Rose, this meal you will enjoy even if you are not hungry. I am an excellent cook.’

  ‘Then we’ll go shooting.’

  It’s all or nothing. Otherwise I take you back to your room, your choice.’

  She just wanted to slap his face until her hand hurt but she also wanted to go shooting. She had heard of the sport, always thinking it barbaric to hurt animals, but right now killing anything would be better than nothing.

  ‘Fine.’ She huffed and crossed her arms more firmly, turned her head from him and looked out into the scrub that flashed by them.

  Why he bothers is beyond me! Maybe he’s a plant from my side or the detective’s. Whatever, he hadn’t killed her yet or handed her over so what did she have to lose. She figured if they found her this easily after everything she’d done to evade them, then I give in. I’m sick of running. Let them experiment on me and cut me to bits. The mood her exes had put her in, she didn’t care.

  Barry was silent until they drove up to a farm house that looked bright and homely.

  ‘So where’s the restaurant? I thought this was all about food.’

  ‘It is, but you want to go shooting, right. Here is where I keep my guns, a four wheel drive and out there is the bush to hunt.’ He pointed out into nothing but shrubs and red dirt.

  He backed the sport car into the garage and parked next to a black Range Rover.

  ‘You’re taking that.’ She was amused to think anyone could take a car as fine as that one bush bashing. ‘You’re crazy using that vehicle. Did yo
u forget to take your meds today?’

  ‘Rose, I’m not on meds and I’m not interested in your body. Trust me! I just find you entertaining. It’s nice to meet someone that says it like it is. Here, we will eat, go shooting, end of story.’

  ‘I don’t trust you Barry the bartender and never will. But you have me at a disadvantage. I’m far from anywhere that is familiar to me. So I can hardly run from you in the dark, so I guess I have to believe you.’

  He smiled, ‘You can trust me Rose.’ Barry got out the car. Alina followed him through the house and into the kitchen where he pulled a cleaver from the drawer. She backed away, rationalising the situation. Had she got him wrong too?

  ‘I need this!’ He held it up. ‘Come.’

  Alina knew this was it for her. He was either going to kill her or they were to become friends. She liked his twisted way too and followed him out to a hen house. Here, he grabbed one of the chooks by the neck and laid it over a block of wood stained by blood.

  ‘Chop its neck off here.’ He handed her the cleaver.

  ‘Yuk, that’s disgusting; you chop its flipping head off.’

  ‘Come on Rose, you want to kill something and I want to eat. Do it,’ he growled.

  ‘Now,’ he said louder and made her jump back.

  Holding the cleaver, she shook with anger. ‘Go to hell.’ She threw the cleaver on the ground.

  He snatched it up and smiled.

  ‘Why are you smiling?’ She gritted her teeth.

  ‘That was a test to see just how ruthless you are. I believed you to be full of puff and wind and you just proved you are.’

  Barry proceeded to chop the chook’s head off. He sat on a log and started plucking it. Alina sat quiet next to him watching his hands work. She had been caught out. With slumped shoulders she felt worn out playing the tough girl act.

  ‘Do you know how to light a fire?’ he said at last.

  ‘Got petrol and a match?’

  He laughed. ‘Guess I have to do that too.’

  ‘Guess so.’ Alina felt sulky at being so incompetent. She had lived in luxury for too long and this outback life had caught her by surprise. She wished to scream at him, but another part of her was fascinated by Barry the bartender and his bullying ways.

  He lit a fire outside and before long the darkness fell around them. Alina’s stomach growled when the sweet sauce dribbled over the roast wafted towards her as it rotated on the spit. Barry smiled at the sound as he continued to baste the chicken with the sweet and yummy smelling liquid. When it was ready he poured them both a wine and pulled her off a leg of the chicken.

  ‘Oh my god, this is so tasty.’ She sucked the meat off the bone.

  He handed her more and she took it, smiling for the first time in days. ‘Please don’t take this the wrong way but you are a very weird man. Why bother being so nice to me? I’ve been beastly.’

  He shrugged. ‘I like a challenge.’

  ‘Yes I’ve met many men just like you. Once that challenge is over, it’s all over,’ she said, putting aside the chicken and deciding she didn’t want any more. She gulped the wine, and handed him her glass. ‘Barry, shit for brains, for making me think of the past…can I have more?’ She held back tears.

  He shook his head. ‘Not until you have finished eating.’

  ‘God I hate you men,’ Alina said irritably and sat on an angle not looking at him. Her gaze scanned the bush. It would be easy to run and hide out there, get away from Mr Bossy pants. On the other hand if lost she might die out there.

  ‘I know you’re angry Rose, and it’s clear you have issues, but I’m not the bad guy. You took my words out of context. Yes I like a challenge, but I’m the total opposite of who you hate or still love. I would never have been foolish enough to let one of my challenges walk out of my life. You don’t work hard at something to let it go. You work hard at it and then nurture and care for it.’

  ‘Like a trophy that sits on the shelf, maybe once in a while taking it out for a spin to see it still gives you the same thrill.’

  ‘No Rose, if that’s what has happened, that person has been very cruel.’

  He was too nice and it scared her. She didn’t want to get involved with anyone ever again. But he just kept saying the right things.

  ‘Please don’t expect one thing from me because at the end there will be no reward. If I learn you want more than friendship, I swear I’ll run so fast my feet won’t touch the ground and I’m damned good at disappearing, trust me.’

  ‘Is that why you fake a pregnancy, so you can’t be found?’

  He knows. She put her hand under her dress and undid the Velcro, pulling out the dummy tummy. ‘Well that was a waste of time. It was annoying me anyway.’ She tossed it. ‘My hair and even the colour of my eyes are false. I’m not who you see so don’t get to like it. I can change again in an instant.’

  ‘At least you trust me enough not to lie.’

  She picked up the piece of chicken she had put aside before and started to eat again, pleased she didn’t have to lie further. ‘See, never trust a pregnant woman.’

  ‘And the name Rose Bradshaw?’

  ‘Lies, everything lies.’

  ‘The truth will set thee free.’

  ‘Don’t go bible preaching to me either. If you’re one of those born again psychos then I’m definitely out of here.

  ‘Rose, shut up and eat.’

  After she polished off the rest of the chicken and the bag of fire roasted marshmallows they melted over the coals, she felt full and content.

  ‘Hot chocolate?’ Barry asked.

  ‘Sure.’ Alina lay back looking at the stars after he went inside. She was fascinated with how the night and conversation had warmed her. When he returned she took the mug and sat up straight. ‘Why does life leave certain people to live out here like this with just nature, and gives them such an easy time? For others like me, life is made difficult, forcing them into situations where they are never able to enjoy such fruits.’

  ‘You’re enjoying it now aren’t you? Now is all we have. Yesterday is gone and can never be repeated, but the future Rose, it’s up to us. Tomorrow, we haven’t been there yet. When we get there do we repeat the past, or move on and create a new beginning?’

  She closed her eyes. ‘I’ve tried many new beginnings Barry the barman and they continue to turn into chaos and end with me running.’ Alina yawned and sat quiet, enjoying the sounds of crickets chirping and frogs croaking. Her head dropped as her eyes closed drowsily.

  * * * *

  ‘Hey Sleeping Beauty! You coming or are you going to snooze there the entire night?’

  ‘Jay,’ Alina said sleepily, smiled brightly and spread her arms out to be helped to her feet.

  Strong arms helped Alina up but they were not those of someone familiar. She stiffened and realised it was Barry the bartender.

  ‘Boy if that’s the reaction this Jay gets, I assume he’s your lover. I’m not sure why he ever let you go. The guy must be gay or something.’

  ‘He’s not my lover and yes he is gay, knucklehead. He calls me …look don’t worry. Forget it, all right.’

  ‘If he calls you Sleeping Beauty then he must think of you as very special.’

  ‘Again lies. Are we going shooting or what?’

  ‘Rose you can talk to me, I’m a good listener.’

  ‘Sure you are. That is until you get into my pants, then goodbye. Forget it!’

  ‘As you wish. Come, feisty one. There are things out there that can soothe your anger if I can’t.’

  ‘Just call me Rose from now on then okay! No damned nicknames and we’ll get along just fine.’ She trudged after him and stumbled on the rough surface. ‘Stupid heels.’

  When they got to the truck he helped her up into the seat. He held up a pair of runners. ‘My sister won’t miss these and those are hardly walking shoes.’

  ‘We have to walk? Can’t we just shoot them from the car?’

  ‘Sometimes, but other
times we have to sneak up on them.’

  After doing up the laces she pulled her feet in and slammed the door so he’d leave her alone and get the vehicle moving.

  They had been walking for a mile when Barry stopped.

  ‘There! See them?’ he whispered close to her ear. She could feel his breath and it was warm and smelled sweet from the chicken they ate.

  She nodded. He was nice and had been nothing but a gentleman. But being nice still didn’t make her trust him. Even so, she wanted so much to believe in Barry the bartender.

  ~ Chapter Twenty Two ~

  Enough of Human Betrayal

  Alina trod heavily behind Barry. ‘Hey wait up, answer my question. What’s the deal with the low paid job when you own everything here?’

  ‘Shh you’re scaring them.’

  ‘You’re scaring me.’

  ‘Look, I own the resort, help out where I’m needed. Now shut up,’ he said in an annoyed whisper.

  ‘Lying pig. You said you were the barman and don’t tell me to shut up.’ Her whisper was high-pitched.

  ‘No! You called me the barman. I just didn’t say I wasn’t.’

  Alina spotted a movement and lifted her gun. The kangaroo was within her sight and she was so irate she squeezed off a bullet. She missed and reloaded, then let off another two shots as a couple of them hopped away.

  ‘Got one!’ she gloated. ‘Teach it to interrupt my perfectly good argument with you.’ She swung her eyes glaringly at Barry.

  ‘How’s the shoulder?’

  ‘Why? I shot hoppy, not me.’

  He brushed his hand over the red mark it left. ‘The impact of the gun will give you old nice old bruise there tomorrow. Bloody hell you’re a feisty one Rose.’


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