Immortal Espionage

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Immortal Espionage Page 31

by Debbie Behan

  ‘What do you think will happen then?’ Ricco eyed him curiously. ‘Do you honestly consider that once they touch it will be happy families and that she will just forgive him?’

  Jay shook his head. ‘Ricco I’m not sure. Nor have I contemplated it further. All I want is for Alina to be happy. Prevent her from looking over her shoulder in fear. This is the only way I see to mend this feud and if he won’t play the game I’ll use myself as leverage–whatever it takes. After if you still don’t want me around her, I’ll try to stay away, but forever is a long time Ricco, and I miss her already. I must do this, for me, for us, and for him.’

  Ricco nodded. ‘She’s missing you too. Fretting and not eating very well. I’m not enough for her alone. She needs us both,’ he admitted with his head down and shoulders slumped.

  ‘She misses me that much?’ Jay grinned.

  Ricco nudged him. ‘Turd.’

  ‘Jealous sod.’

  Ricco stood up. ‘Saturday at Disney Paris it is then. Around 3pm and be ready! We’ll find you, so stay put for long enough for us to get close. But–if I even smell danger I get her out.’

  ‘It’s a public place so it’s safe. That’s why I chose it. No chance of anything going up in flames with so many people around. And he’ll be with me, so if it takes me to stand with my arm around him and make him stay, I will.’

  Ricco nodded. ‘Enjoy your holiday boys and no heavy drinking.’ He acted his usual bossy fatherly self.

  ‘You’ve not changed.’ Jay screwed up his lips, hating him having all the say now.

  ‘Oh and Jay!’ He looked ready to rub it in further. ‘I forgot to mention. Immortality, it suits you. Pity you’ve found out she’s your sister and can’t stir me up any more. You might have given me a run for my money.’ He chuckled.

  ‘I still say she loves me more than you,’ Jay grumbled and Ricco’s laugh echoed even though he was now nowhere in sight.

  ~ Chapter Thirty Eight ~

  Sucker Punch

  Ricco had to encourage Alina to walk through the turnstiles and into Disney Paris. ‘If we don’t get a wiggle on the park will be closed.’

  ‘Ricco, are you sure it’s safe?’ She glanced nervously about.

  He smiled to relax her. She had been so excited to see Jay even just for a look, but nervous the predator father would have his men here to capture her. Ricco couldn’t be sure that Jay was on the level, but every sixth sense told him he was still true to them.

  ‘It’s fine Alina, your dad wouldn’t dare hurt you in front of Jay. He would lose his boy forever.’

  Even though she was terrified, she had come to take Jay home–prepared to fight her father to get him.

  ‘He is my brother and I won’t give him up.’ She put determination into her stride all of a sudden.

  Now it was all out in the open and she knew Jay was her brother, it made sense why she pined for him. He was family and to an immortal, that was a link like no other. It was a need to be with them so deep that even a love as strong as hers and Ricco’s didn’t dull the heartache felt when separated. ‘If I can’t at least hug him today I will be devastated.’

  ‘I know darling, but if we’re double crossed I’ll have no other choice but to get you away–and fast.’ Tears sprang to her eyes and she wiped them away with the back of her hand. ’It may not happen so please keep strong.’ Ricco wanted her to understand, no matter what, he would never jeopardise her life.

  Ricco’s hands trembled and he placed them in his pockets so Alina didn’t notice. He worried for her if this went bad and like his wife, he missed Jay too. He was a good mate and this Berry thing was going to be sorted today or he planned to kill him.

  He spotted Kev first. He stood next to a tall well-built male who stood talking to a couple that held hands. ‘There’s Kev but where’s Jay?’ He was annoyed Jay was most likely on a ride and not waiting for them.

  Alina gasped as she realised he was so close and she’d get to see him soon. They stopped when they got closer so Ricco could make sure they weren’t being watched by any secret agent. His body twitched as he used his extra sensitive powers to scan the mob of holiday makers. His gaze was alert as it rested back on Kev. He laughed and at the same time grabbing the tall guy’s arm beside him. ‘Kev? Jay? It couldn’t be.’

  Jay had shot up to well over 200cm and his masculine physique bulged under the light summer shorts and shirt he wore.

  ‘He’s all grown up.’ Alina’s smile was wide when they got to see his features. ‘The baby face is gone but that’s our Jay,’ she gushed happily.

  So engrossed was she with him that she hadn’t yet seen Berry or Sharon. Berry was without a beard. Losing the beard took years off his appearance. Jay was definitely his son. There was no mistaking they were family. Alina must take after her mum. She was only tiny compared to the men in her family. Ricco felt a pang of jealousy. He had missed Jay and watching how well they got on just made Ricco want to go up and punch Berry in the face. He had won; beaten Ricco by turning out to be their bloody father.

  * * * *

  It was now or never. Ricco wanted this over and whispered exactly that in Alina’s ear, pointing them out.

  ‘Jay had better be right about this.’ She took a deep breath. ‘Jay knows we’re here. He just put an arm around Father dear,’ she added.

  All around them were kids running and squealing. They were as protected as they ever would be. Ricco snatched Alina up and shot her to him with such speed Berry wouldn’t have felt them coming. Alina went directly for his hand that was dangling down beside him. She was like a timid little girl as she slid her hand in his. It was so adorably cute, yet at the same time Ricco was sweating with fear that he might hold her too tightly and break her bones in anger.

  The action only took a second yet for Ricco it seemed to take minutes and the entire time he got more and more anxious for her. Berry was a venomous pig who just wanted her dead. What was he doing? Ricco had to get her away from him. His whole insides screamed at him to save her, protect her from a father who was a destroyer of men.

  * * * *

  It was the most frightening thing Alina ever had to do, but for Jay she would do anything, anything.

  He said to touch the monster that hated her since birth. That it would stop his attempts to kill her. She believed in Jay with all her heart. She could see Jay look at her adoringly from the corner of her eye as she slipped her hand into her father’s. Jay looked different today, but he was still the most gorgeous person she had ever seen, apart from Ricco of course. He was just older and more mature now. It gave her confidence he was watching. It helped too that he had a firm grip now on the man who could crush her hand with one squeeze.

  Why did she hold his hand? Why not just touch his arm? It was an instinctive reaction as she reached for him. She always wished she had a father. She had seen many little girls do just this and for a moment she felt like that little girl again that wanted to be nurtured and loved. She felt his sudden reaction as their hands met and he froze. For a minute his hand went like ice. Alina got such a fright she tried to pull away, but he had hold of it and wouldn’t let it go.

  He collected himself and spun around at her, his eyes like deep black craters in his face. His facial muscles were so tense it seemed his blood vessels would explode. With one quick movement he snatched the glasses from her and she now stared into wide eyes. He knew who she was and she felt for a minute he had squeezed all the air out of her lungs with his anger.

  Alina flushed hot, unable to breathe. The only sound she heard was Jay yelling at the top of his voice for her father to let her go, to stop. Tears poured out of her eyes as she felt him suck the life from her with his hatred. But then something happened. He stopped and she took a breath of air. His eyes came back and they were exactly the same colour as Jay’s, the prettiest blue she had ever seen. They captivated her and wrapped her in love, soft and gentle.

  * * * *

  Then Ricco was pulling her away faster and f
aster. They both still had hands outstretched wanting one last touch

  but it was gone, he was gone. Alina stood there crying as Ricco shook with anger. He didn’t see what she saw. He didn’t see Alina’s father forgive her, and forgive her mother for hurting him so. He was finally letting her go.

  ~ Chapter Thirty Nine ~

  Shock Discovery

  Jay yelled at his father. ‘Dad how could you? I saw you were going to kill her. I hate you.’ He ran from him, heartbroken that it didn’t work. His only care was to find his sister.

  ‘Son wait, you don’t understand.’

  Jay was devastated it had gone down like that and didn’t look back. He was not interested in his father’s lies. One minute she was holding his hand and next thing he had a stranglehold on her, then, he watched as Ricco snatched her away. He’ll never forgive me. Jay kept muttering as he ran after them, but it seemed hopeless, they had disappeared. For an hour he searched through the thickened crowds that fought to line up for the various rides. He searched everywhere thinking he might be hiding her so he could talk and maybe discuss what she wanted to do from here. But he feared he was wrong about him, wrong about them and wrong about everything. ‘I’ll never see her again,’ he cried out and slumped heavily on a seat. In his mind he felt unable to cope with anything more. All this had been such a strain. All week he had hardly slept, worrying sick as he imagined every scenario. Not once though did he think she would hold his hand. That Kalam would have the power to kill her right there on the spot, in front of him, for the whole world to see.

  Kev caught up to him and sat quietly beside Jay, not quite knowing what to say.

  Jay put his head in his hands, devastated. ‘I’ve lost her forever,’ he moaned. ‘I don’t even know if she’s all right. What the hell happened?’ he blurted out to Kev.

  ‘He forgave me,’ Alina’s voice said softly.

  Jay swung his head up, staring at her. Was it really his Alina or was he hallucinating?

  She smiled. ‘It worked Jay, it’s over and now I want you to come home.’

  Was he hearing her right? ‘He what, when?’

  ‘It was for your sister’s eyes only son.’ He then heard a voice from behind. It was Kalam and he was calm and caring. ‘You ran off before I could explain. Your devious little plan worked. Alina is right, it’s over.’

  Jay stood up grinning, still hardly believing his ears. ‘We’re going to be a real family.’

  ‘It’s your birthday son. It was going to be my gift to you anyway. But her holding my hand I’m afraid sent a shock wave through both of us that I was not prepared for. I was not squeezing the life from her; the magic took it from both of us, making us look at our past. It was not pretty as it unfolded. We were comparatively even on the, who hurt who scale, so we both forgave each other and it–let us go.’

  ‘As easy as that?’

  Alina smiled. ‘It was the magic of the bond we all hold in us, like when Dad touched you.’

  ‘Well what are we going to do with our lives now that there is no plotting, scheming, hiding, running and chasing.’ Jay’s excitement rose as it began to sink in. ‘We’re all going to be bored shitless.’

  ‘We have a world to discover now we’re not trying to blow it up.’ Ricco smiled, holding Alina.

  Berry grinned, putting his arm around Sharon. ‘Ricco is right and it starts right now. There is a birthday to celebrate and then who knows, maybe skiing in the Alps.’

  Kev stood up. ‘I second that. Last time Jay was snatched from me it ruined the entire ski trip. You all owe me big time for that.’

  Jay was on his feet too and slung an arm around Kev. ‘Well guys, we’ll meet you for drinks in…’ He winked at Kev. ‘Maybe give us a couple of hours.’

  Kev gave a cheeky grin. ‘Yeah, he owes me as well and I don’t care if it is his birthday.’

  They all laughed as Kev dragged Jay off–and gee I was so damned unwilling. Not!

  ~ Personal Message ~

  Thank you for reading my book.

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  To discover more about Debbie and her books visit

  Other books by Debbie

  Lord of the Planets series

  Book one


  Book two

  Fire Divine


  Debbie Behan

  Table of Contents


  Title Page



  Ancient Mythology

  Authors Prophecy


  Chapter One - An Explosive Departure

  Chapter Two - Australia

  Chapter Three - Trust Who

  Chapter Four - Knight in Shinning Armour

  Chapter Five - Kindred Spirits

  Chapter Six - Muscles Bluff

  Chapter Seven - Promises Given

  Chapter Eight - Headquarters

  Chapter Nine - She Promised

  Chapter Ten - Indigo Island

  Chapter Eleven - Orca Island

  Chapter Twelve - Run for your Life

  Chapter Thirteen - Shore and Safe

  Chapter Fourteen - Water Heaven

  Chapter Fifteen - Rescuer

  Chapter Sixteen - Welcome Home

  Chapter Seventeen - Geek Heaven

  Chapter Eighteen - Powerful Immortal in Love

  Chapter Nineteen - Day Spa

  Chapter Twenty - Giving Up

  Chapter Twenty One - The Blunt Truth

  Chapter Twenty Two - Enough of Human Betrayal

  Chapter Twenty Three - Multi-coloured Nails

  Chapter Twenty Four - Spy's Snow Deep

  Chapter Twenty Five - Brave Enough

  Chapter Twenty Six - Never Give Them Up

  Chapter Twenty Seven - Detective Berry Tormented

  Chapter Twenty Eight - Mind Games

  Chapter Twenty Nine - Brave Friend

  Chapter Thirty - Soul Searching

  Chapter Thirty One - Regrets

  Chapter Thirty Two - Take Me

  Chapter Thirty Three - Mia Tama Island

  Chapter Thirty Four - Offer Enough

  Chapter Thirty Five - Secrets Unfold

  Chapter Thirty Six - Breakthrough

  Chapter Thirty Seven - Fooled or a Fool

  Chapter Thirty Eight - Sucker Punch

  Chapter Thirty Nine - Shock Discovery

  Personal Message




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