“You can’t prove I had a hand in anything?”
“I can,” I said. “The day I heard you on the phone telling someone you had the will and informing them Tony was going to a meeting in Italy. That Mildred is aiding to a kidnapping. And you didn’t know if Frank was related to Tony. You knew the entire time and snooped around our house for any information you could get.”
“Millie, you and I are going to have us a chat,” Frank said sternly. “Now, get to packing woman.”
Millie got up and left the room.
“I’m sorry about this. Mr. Mureaux, I didn’t realize Millie was involved. I should have seen it when you talked to me about her snooping. I am sorry too.”
“What’s done is done,” Tony said. “I expect you out within the week.”
“We’ll be out by then,” Frank said.
Tony and I left. “She tried her best to deny it all. It goes to show lies and deceit will never win,” I commented.
“No, it won’t,” Tony agreed.
All week we watched as the moving van was loaded. Tony and I couldn’t have been happier.
Come Monday morning it was back to business at the blood bank.
The customer base was picking up. My paperwork was going over into the next day. I didn’t have time to help with the clients which made Tony happy. He’d check on me to see that I was in my office and off my feet. He arranged for Melody to work the front room when the waiting room was full. I didn’t mind, though, I was feeling fatigued.
Tony came into my office through the side door adjoining our offices.
“I got off the phone with Jason,” he said.
“What did he want?” I asked.
“He asked me if he and Abigail could come for a visit.”
“When are they coming?” I asked. “You did tell them yes, I hope.”
“A week from tomorrow and yes I did,” Tony said.
“Frank and Mildred should be completely out before we get home tonight.”
“We’ll check the house when we get home,” Tony said.
Tony went back to his office and I started on the paperwork. Abigail’s first visit in her life and she was coming to see us. I was ecstatic.
Five o’clock and I hadn’t seen my desk top for the paper’s covering it. I’d hope to have put a dent in it, but not today. Tony came into my office, scanned the desk and said, “I’m guessing the papers will be here in the morning then.”
“Smart aleck,” I said. “Try all week. I still have to make folders and then file the ones that have folders.”
“Well, at least I’ll know you won’t be trying to help with the blood donors.”
“Is that why you keep coming in here and checking on me?” I asked.
Tony grinned and I knew the answer.
“Come on, sweetie. Let’s go home,” Tony said coming to the edge of the desk.
I got up, grabbed my jacket and purse. We headed home.
Tony and I hadn’t made it in the door when the phone started ringing. I went to answer the phone. Tony went to the refrigerator.
“Hello,” I answered.
“Hello Jess. Victor. Is Tony available?”
“He’s right here.”
I handed Tony the phone.
“Hello,” Tony answered.
“Son, I have some good news about Freda and her clan.”
“I hope she’s wiped off the face of the earth,” Tony said with clenched teeth.
“She is and Thorment spared everyone. He has taken them under his wing teaching them ancient laws as they pertain to vampire laws in today’s world. He informs me they are adapting well, but keeps a watchful eye on them.”
“What about Melian?” Tony asked.
“He’s enjoying Freda in their life together,” Victor laughed.
“I’m glad to hear they won’t infest the earth any longer.”
“I called to let you know Jason and Abbey are coming for a visit soon.”
“My house is empty and they’ll stay there.”
“Fine,” Victor said. “They plan on visiting several sites before they return. Could you and Jessica escort them?”
“Father, we have the blood bank to run. How could we possibly…”
“I have that covered. The staff from here is coming along so they can run it.”
“Well, we’ll see they have a good time.”
“I can always count on you,” Victor added. “I’ll go now. Your mother needs some attention.”
“Jess needs some attention too,” Tony said. They both laughed.
“Jess, we’re taking another vacation.” Tony found me lying on the bed.
“I can’t. I have so much to do at work.”
“You’re going to like this vacation. We’re going with Jason and Abigail,” he said sitting on the edge of the bed. “Are you feeling okay?”
“I stay tired and my stomach stays queasy. It’s only in the last week I’ve felt this way.”
Tony leaned down to kiss me placing his hand on my stomach. The queasy feeling came suddenly.
“It’s not the flu again is it?” Tony asked.
“It could be the flu. I’m sure it will pass in a few days,” I said.
Tony felt my head and said, “Father wants us to entertain Jason and Abigail when they come. He’s bringing his staff to work the blood bank for us.”
“I’m sure I’ll be up to par when they get here.”
“Feel like loving me?” Tony asked.
I smiled, placed my hand on his neck bringing his lips toward mine. “You don’t have to ask,” I whispered.
Tony’s eyes glowed and a small fire started in his eyes as I went to his neck. He took his shirt off and I kissed his chest. It wasn’t long before he went to my neck lightly biting. I thought I felt a tooth pierce my skin, but I didn’t care. It thrilled me as we made love.
We headed to the blood bank early because I wanted to get the pile on my desk knocked down to half its size. I wanted to work through lunch, but Tony wouldn’t hear of it. He took me to the Fish Grotto for lunch.
“What are we doing to entertain our guests?” I asked.
“We’re taking them sighting seeing and such, but I don’t know exactly where until they get here. You’ll be up for it, won’t you?” Tony asked concerned. He always worried about me when I had a small cold.
“Of course, I will.”
Tony and I got back to the office around two. I went back to my office to start on the paperwork when my phone rang.
“Jess, dear. Jennifer. I called to let you know Jason and Abbey are coming.”
“Tony has told me.”
“Abbey is very excited. If she gives you any problems call me.”
“I’ll do that.”
“Okay dear. I’ll call and check up on her. Talk to you later. Bye dear.”
“Bye, Jennifer.”
Mother hen and Abigail wasn’t even her biological daughter. I had to laugh though. At least Abigail was being looked after and in very good hands.
My stomach turned and I ran to the bathroom. I almost missed the toilet. It has to be all that food I ate. I’ll have to remind Tony I’m not a big eater. But he sure has been making me eat a lot since we escaped the Amazon forest. Geez!!! When is this going to stop?
When I opened the door to my office, Tony was leaning against my desk. “Where were you?” he asked with his eyebrow raised.
“The bathroom,” I said. “You’re making me eat too much and it’s making me sick.”
Tony walked up to me, put his arms around me and said, “I don’t mean to sweetie. You are so thin and I just want you to be healthy. I worry about you and especially since we’ve been back from the Amazon. Your health is a concern of mine.”
“I know you mean well honey, but this is really making me sick to my stomach. I have to slow down or I’ll look like the blimp.”
Tony threw his hands in the air and said, “Okay, I’ll work on it. But if I don’t see you getting something to e
at at least once a day, then back to eating a full meal twice, okay?”
“Okay, I’ll stop working long enough to eat, just for you,” I said and then kissed him.
Tony hugged me tighter and kissed my neck. “Tony, this is my office,” I whispered.
“Uh huh,” he moaned at my neck.
A knock sounded on my door. “Mrs. Mureaux.”
“I’m on a call,” I lied.
“It can wait.”
Tony went from my neck to my lips and back to my neck.
“Tony, what is going on?” I asked whispering.
Tony released his lips from my neck. I grabbed his face with both hands and looked into his eyes. A fire burned deep and his pupils were slightly translucent. “Aah!” I whispered. “You’re in the mood and of all the places.”
I glanced at the clock. We closed in five minutes. “Hold that thought,” I told Tony. I went to my door and locked it. I checked Tony’s door to his office from the side door and locked it. I started back to my desk and noticed Tony taking his shirt off. He grinned at me. “No loud growling,” I told him. He nodded once and grabbed me in his arms. He turned me so my back was against the desk. Placing his hand on my thigh, he raised my dress and went to my neck embedding his teeth.
“Mrs. Mureaux we’re leaving now. I’ll lock the door behind me,” Melody said through the door.
“Thank you,” was all I said. I counted to ten and whispered “Now you can growl.”
Tony released his teeth from my neck and let out a low growl that echoed through my office. The papers weren’t disturbed on my desk when we finished. Tony straightened himself, grabbed his shirt and said, “That’s my sweetie.”
Straightening my dress, Tony watched as I gathered up my jacket and purse with a half-grin. “I’ll drive,” I said and we left the blood bank arm in arm.
Jason and Abigail would be here in a couple of days. Tony went to his recliner and I went to his house. Opening the door I was surprised to find the living room and the entire house in immaculate order. I didn’t have to clean. Mildred has left the house exactly the way she first saw it.
Back home, I called a moving company to deliver Tony’s furniture back to his house in the morning from the storage building. Tony never moved from his recliner. I sat on the edge of Tony’s recliner and lightly placed my hand on his face. He slowly opened his eyes.
“Hum,” he said, closing his eyes.
“What happened at work today?”
“I love you, Jess. I couldn’t wait until we were home, so I took you in your office. Since we own the business, I thought it only appropriate that we christen it my way, and I don’t find anything wrong with that.”
“I don’t either, but you have a hard time taming your wild side. The workers hadn’t left the building when you decided to….”
“But I did tame it and you let me know the minute the coast was clear. We are a great team.” Tony half-grinned with his eyes shut. “Now, would you like to see my wild side or…..”
“Tony, I’m much too tired and my stomach feels queasy again. I’ll go and lie down for a little bit,” I said and started to get up when Tony caught my arm.
“Lay here with me,” he said, pulling me to his lap. Tony moved to the side and I laid half in the chair and on him. I closed my eyes and concentrated on my stomach to stop turning. Tony placed his hand on my stomach and immediately I was up, heading to the bathroom. Tony was right behind me. “Jess, I think you need to see Doctor Lucas.”
“No, I’ll be better soon.”
“You don’t think you caught anything from the forest, do you?” Tony asked.
“No. We’ve been back for two months now. I’m sure it’s anxiety and I have felt a little fatigued. It will go away.”
“If you’re not better soon, I’m calling the doctor.”
“You won’t need to Tony. I’m sure this will pass.”
Tony helped me off the floor and carried me to bed. He gently laid me down and felt my head. “No fever. And it’s just your stomach?”
“Yes. I’ll be fine.”
“If you need me, I’ll be in the living room.” Tony kissed my forehead and left the room.
My stomach always felt better when I wasn’t moving. Jason and Abigail would be here day after tomorrow and I had to be better for them. Tony soon came to bed and asked, “Stomach better?”
He leaned toward me and kissed my neck. He started with low growls and it wasn’t long before the growls increased. He was my Tony and I loved him regardless of how I felt.
In the morning the moving trucks met us at Grove’s Self Storage. They followed us to Tony’s house. We worked all day getting the house livable for Jason and Abigail. By early afternoon we were done.
“You promised me you’d eat, Jess.”
“Let’s go to the diner. It’s been a while and I’d like to see Malinda.”
“She won’t be there until later,” Tony said.
Glancing at the clock she had left an hour ago. “I’ll catch her some other time.”
Tony and I arrived, but Malinda was at the diner.
“Hey guys, back from the honeymoon I see.”
Without going into details I said, “Yes and we had a great time.”
“Are we eating or just drinking?” Malinda asked setting my coffee down.
“I’m eating.” I ordered a hamburger and fries.
I drank my coffee slow and enjoyed my lunch. Of course, I ate everything and my stomach felt fine and it was a first.
“How’s your stomach?” Tony asked.
“Believe it or not, it’s good.”
Tony smiled.
“I told you I’d be better in a few days.”
“Yes, but it seems when you move your stomach knots up.”
“We’ll see about that.” I got up and headed to the girls room. Before entering, I turned around and winked at Tony.
Inside my stomach was fine. Looking in the mirror I noticed I was back to my regular weight of one hundred and ten pounds. I noticed teeth marks on both sides of my neck. “Oh well,” I whispered. Straightening my hair, raising my collar a bit to hide the marks and checking my makeup, I headed back to the booth.
“No problems?” Tony asked.
“None at all and I told you I felt fine.”
“Just making sure,” Tony said.
“Hey Jess, do you have a minute?” Malinda asked.
“What’s up?” I asked. Malinda sat on the empty seat across from us.
Malinda held out her left hand. “You’re engaged. When did this happen?”
“Mike proposed last night.”
“And I have more news, Jess.”
I raised my eyebrow.
“I’m expecting.”
“Oh Malinda, I am so happy for you. When is the wedding and the baby due?”
“We haven’t decided a date, but it will be before the baby gets here in December. Will you be my maid of honor?”
“Of course, I will.”
“Tony, Mike wants’ to know if you’ll be his best man?”
“Without a doubt,” he said.
“Jess, I have a favor to ask.”
“Let me guess. Make your wedding dress,” I said.
“You remembered. I thought you would have forgotten.”
“No way would I ever.”
“I have my material ordered and it should be here at the end of the week. I want it ready when we decide a date.”
“No problem and I’ll be more than happy to do it.”
“You’re the best, Jess. I’ll call you when it gets in and we’ll start. Have to go back to work.”
“Who would have thought a wedding and a baby at the same time?” I said.
Tony and I got up to leave. In the car he asked, “Do you think we’ll ever have one?”
“What, a baby?”
“Sure, why not?” We need a boy.
“Tony as much as I’d like one, I’m
not ready. We have the blood bank and…” I paused.
“And?” he asked.
“I’m not sure we can,” I said glancing out the passenger window.
“Because I’m a dhampir and you’re human.”
I didn’t say anything. I stared out the window and wondered if it was possible for Tony and me to conceive. I knew Victor and Jennifer did because they had Tony, but a dhampir and a human. Surely it wasn’t possible.
“Jess, what are you thinking sweetie?”
“I don’t think it’s possible.”
Tony rushed into the house when we got home, straight to the phone carrying it to the gazebo. I watched from the window as Tony was talking a million miles a minute. Grabbing a drink from the refrigerator, I went to the living room. Tony was back before I turned the television on.
He walked over to me, took my hand and led me to the bedroom.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
Tony turned around putting his finger to my lips.
Starting with my neck and his hand on my thigh, I knew what he was doing. Tony whispered, “We have to try.”
I relaxed and figured it didn’t hurt to try.
In the morning Malinda called saying her material was here. I asked her to bring it over this afternoon and we would start on her dress.
I went to the spare bedroom and dug out my sewing machine and dress.
Heading to the kitchen, I saw Malinda’s car pull up outside.
“Jess, I’m going to the blood bank for a while.”
“It’s Saturday. What do you have to do?”
“I’ve got to make a few phone calls to potential clients. I’ll see you tonight,” he said.
Tony kissed me and was out the door before Malinda was on the porch.
“Oh Jess, Can you make it exactly like your wedding dress?”
“I’m sure I can, but don’t you want your own design?”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
Malinda and I measured her and cut out a dress pattern with the newspapers she had brought. My kitchen floor looked like a news room. We spent all afternoon getting the cut-outs right. It was now time to start cutting the material.
“Jess, I didn’t realize a wedding dress took so much time.”
“It’s nothing. We’re past the hard part.”
Dhampir Love (Dhampir Secrets) Page 25