Breaking Karma

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Breaking Karma Page 3

by Charity Ferrell

“Got it,” the guy said, tilting his beer in response.

  Asher got lost in the crowd while his friend gave me a sideways look, making me nervous.

  He leaned in, his voice lowering. “I know who you are.”

  “Okay …” I answered, not sure exactly how to reply to that.

  I didn’t recognize him, so I knew he’d never come over while I’d been at Asher’s. He looked about the same age as him. He was built, brown hair, and sporting a short, shaggy beard.

  “And I think you need to take your troubled little ass back to Atlanta and away from my friend. You’re not good for him.” He kept his eyes on me and took a long drawl from his beer.

  “You know nothing about me,” I snapped, taken aback by his insult.

  “You’re right, I don’t. I do, however, know he came back here fucking heartbroken because of you, which is something that’s never happened. Then you show up at his doorstep when shit goes wrong with your boyfriend, the guy you chose over him. Asher’s my boy. He’s been my best friend since he moved here. He’s a good guy and not a second option for replaceable bitches. He’s not a rebound, unless he wants to be. Chicks would kill to sleep with him. So I repeat, get your ass back to Atlanta unless you plan on being with him and not running back to your ex.”

  I wanted to slap the shit out of this guy. I raised my chin, not letting his harsh words phase me. “First off, you’re an asshole. Secondly, don’t call me a bitch again or I’ll break that beer bottle over your head.”

  He shrugged. “If you think someone being honest and protecting their friend is an asshole, that’s fine by me.”

  “For your information …” I was surprised fire wasn’t spitting out with my words.

  “Sorry about that guys,” Asher said, cutting me off when he came back to the table. He sat back down and slapped the asshole on the back. “You two getting along okay?”

  “Getting to know each other,” the guy answered. “I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Logan. Asher has told me so much about you.” He held out his hand, and I shook it, making sure my fingernails dug into his skin. He acted like he didn’t feel it and glanced over at Asher. “Guess who I ran into at the bar?”

  “Who?” Asher asked.

  “Morgan.” His lips spread into a cocky grin. “She’s looking for you.”

  He was trying to get underneath my skin and make me jealous by using a chick as a wedge between Asher and me. Or he wanted Asher to hook up with the girl so I’d run away. Either way, the dick had an agenda.

  Asher shuddered. “Fuck, she’s like a leech. She wants to sink her sharp fangs in me and suck everything out. You fuck her once and then can’t get rid of her. It’s like herpes or some shit.”

  “To my recollection, you enjoy it when she sucks. She’s hot, and from what you’ve told me before, she’s also a great fuck.” Logan’s evil smile cut my way.

  Asher looked at me, his eyes sending me a silent apology. “She’s needy. I don’t do needy.”

  Logan shook his head. “She’s not needy, she likes you.”

  I studied my drink, acting like I wasn’t interested in his friend trying to rub my nose in the fact that Asher had screwed other girls. I couldn’t be pissed about that. Asher was a free agent and didn’t belong to me.

  “She likes anyone on the football team,” Asher corrected. “She’s a jersey chaser. If I don’t go pro, I can guarantee you she’ll ditch my ass for someone else with a contract.”

  I looked up when a gorgeous blonde approached us. Her long curls were bleached blonde, hitting just below her ample cleavage, which was definitely more than I was working with.

  She wrapped her hand around Asher’s arm and sent him a seductive smile. “Asher, baby. I missed your handsome face while you were away,” she said, her voice soft and sensual. “But don’t worry, I’ve been waiting for you to come back, hoping we can start back where we left off.”

  “Hey Morgan,” Asher said, slowly dragging his arm out of her hold. He rubbed the tip of his nose, eyeing the empty seat next to him. He frowned when she hopped on it and made herself comfortable.

  “And you’re his sister?” she asked, looking over at me eagerly. “Logan said you were staying with Asher for a few days. Maybe we can go get our nails done or something? Get to know each other.”

  Yeah, that definitely wasn’t going to happen.

  “I’m his stepsister,” I said, unsure of why I found it necessary to correct her.

  “Same difference,” Logan chimed in. His eyes burned into mine, flickering with hate.

  “Not really, we’re not blood related. We’ve only known each other a few years.” I smiled and took a drink. Two could play this game, buddy.

  Asher and Morgan both looked back and forth between the two of us, noticing the tension.

  “Now that we’ve got the introductions out of the way, let’s watch this fucking fight,” Logan said. “I’ve got a shit ton of money riding on this.”

  The animosity fizzled, and we spent the next hour watching two men go round after round without having a knockout. Guys and girls both came to greet Asher, and he introduced me to everyone. Morgan stayed by his side, practically sitting on his lap, until he pulled away and said he had to go to the bathroom. He came back and sat on the opposite side of me and away from her, giving her the hint that he wasn’t interested.

  I had only a few sips of my drink and was already feeling dizzy. I pushed the glass to the middle of the table. Even the sight of it made my stomach turn.

  “You okay?” Asher asked, looking at me in concern.

  “I’m fine,” I said, smiling and patting his arm. “Just feel kind of lightheaded.”

  “You ready to go?” I nodded. “Let me pay the tab real quick. I’ll grab you a water and be right back.” He brought himself up and hustled over to the bar.

  “Make your decision,” Logan said, with a sneer. He hadn’t said another word to me since our little disagreement. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Gabby, and I hope to never see you again.” He slapped the table and walked away.

  I followed Asher to his car, and he held open the door for me to get in. “I love this car,” I told him, making myself comfortable in the leather Mercedes seat. “It’s nice.”

  “Thanks. It was a graduation present from my mom.”

  His mom was wealthier than my stepdad, Kenneth, and he was closer with her, too. He took his mom’s side during the divorce, which I didn’t blame him for. His dad had an affair with my mom, it was only right. I would’ve done the same thing.

  That was another thing I admired about Asher. His loyalty. He didn’t give a shit about pissing people off. He stayed true to the people he loved – unlike the guy I was trying not to think about.

  “Did you have fun tonight?” Asher asked, pulling out of the parking lot. He only had one beer. He wanted to be the designated driver tonight so I could let loose and forget about my troubles.

  “I did. It was exactly what I needed to get my mind off everything.”

  “You can move here, you know? You can stay at my apartment and maybe take some classes at the University?”

  My plan after graduation had been to take a year off, but getting a fresh start did sound appealing. Maybe that was the remedy I needed. A new place. A new plan.

  “That doesn’t sound like such a bad idea,” I answered. “I’ll probably have to get a job first, though. I didn’t even make it long enough to make a lot of money at the firm.”

  “You do know my dad is planning on paying for your college? You don’t have to worry about that shit, Gabby.”

  “I don’t want your dad to pay for it.”

  That was secretly another reason why I took a year off. I knew my mom’s husband would’ve forked out the bill, and I wasn’t ready to hear the rest of his family berate us for it.

  “Put your pride aside. It’s free, and considering he married your mom, he has no problem doing it. Even though he’s only known you for a few years, he cares about you. Trust me, I know
my dad. He wouldn’t have offered if he didn’t want to.” He grabbed my hand. “Spend the rest of the summer here, see what you think, and you can apply for next semester if you want.”

  I smiled, squeezing his hand. “I’ll think about it.”


  Asher tossed his keys onto the kitchen table when we made it back to his apartment.

  “You want to go to bed, or you up for watching a movie?” he asked, looking over at me. He headed into the kitchen and pulled out two bottles of water from the fridge and handed me one.

  “How about a movie in bed?” I replied.

  “Sounds good to me.” He stopped, patting his jeans. “Fuck, I forgot my phone in the car. I’ll be right back.”

  I nodded and headed into his bedroom to change. I grabbed my bag and shoveled through it until I found my pajamas. I pulled out a camisole top and shorts. I stumbled out of my jeans and threw them on the floor next to the bed. I’d worry about them later. My shirt was the next to go.

  “Goddamn.” I jumped at his voice and turned around to find Asher standing in the doorway, his eyes hooded. He stared at me, his teeth biting into his lower lip. “I’ll turn around if you want me to, but I’m praying to God you don’t.” My breathing hitched when he took a step closer. I needed to cover myself, but I couldn’t move. “I really want to see what else is under all of that.” He took another step. “Tell me you want me to, Gabby.”

  I opened my mouth, but the words didn’t come out. I couldn’t do what he was asking. My heart thumped against my chest, constricting my breathing, and I was unable to speak. My mind was running ten-speed. The alcohol was drumming through me, clouding my judgment and telling me to take this step. I knew drinking was a bad idea.

  He stopped only a few inches away from me, his breathing labored. “Tell me what you want me to do.”

  “I want you to kiss me,” I replied, taking a step towards him. “I want you to kiss me, Asher.”

  “Thank God.”

  His lips hit mine; paralyzing me like a drug. I opened my mouth, allowing his warm tongue entry, and he kissed me hard. Our tongues danced together. I shivered when his hands ran up my sides, leaving goose bumps in their wake. I whimpered, feeling his cold hands sliding down my skin and into the back of my lace panties.

  “Tell me this is okay,” he whispered into my ear, tugging at my lobe with his teeth. “Tell me you want this as bad as I do.”

  I do. The words were at the tip of my tongue, but they weren’t releasing.

  “Tell me you want this, Gabby,” he said again, his voice rough and thick. He needed validation that this was going to lead somewhere.

  Reality came rolling through; telling me this wasn’t a good idea. I froze up. “I … I can’t,” I said, quietly. “It won’t be fair to you. I can’t.” The words sounded weak sputtering from my lips.

  He pulled away from me quickly and started to pace in front of the room. He tugged at the roots of his hair and shook his head. “Goddamnit. Gabby!” he yelled, smacking his hand against the wall. “Get the fuck over him. Newsflash, he’s marrying another woman. He chose her and money over you. Don’t you think it’s time you do the fucking same?” His eyes glossed over as he took in three deep breaths. “What does he have that I don’t? Tell me what the hell I have to do to make you realize that I’m the better choice? That I’m the one who will make you happy, not him!”

  “Give me time,” I whispered, wanting to calm him down. I’d tell him the truth in the morning – when we were both sober.

  “Yeah, time. Fine. I’ll give you a week.” He held up a finger. “One week, and then we’re having this conversation again. A real conversation. So be ready.”

  I dropped my arms to my sides and nodded. I wasn’t sure how I was going to explain to him that I needed longer than a week. My heart wasn’t whole anymore. It’d been slashed into so many pieces. I didn’t know how to explain to him that I felt obsolete of love – my body no longer able to take the chance of getting hurt again.

  “I’ll be on the couch if you want to talk,” he said, walking out and slamming the door shut behind him.



  The airport was packed. The sun beat down on me as I waved down a taxi, jumped in, and gave the driver Asher’s address. My flight had been short but nerve wrecking. My mind was on overload. I had no idea what I was going to be walking into. I didn’t know what Gabby’s reaction would be when I showed up there unannounced and most likely unwanted.

  Murphy had briefed me on what Gabby had been up to. She was staying at Asher’s place – at least that’s where he tracked her phone. That felt like a giant smack in the face. I tried to fight the agonizing thoughts away of her sleeping with my cousin, with someone else, but I couldn’t. They’d implanted themselves in my mind, incapacitating any other thoughts.

  “I’ll be back in ten minutes,” I told the cabdriver, when we pulled up to Asher’s complex.

  He turned around to look at me and huffed. “I charge for that.”

  “And I’ll pay for it,” I snapped back, getting out of the car. I pulled my phone from my pocket and opened up the text message to find Asher’s apartment number.

  I rubbed my sweaty hands down my jeans before knocking. I held in a breath as the door swung open.

  “Mother fucker, you’ve got to be kidding me,” Asher grumbled. He rubbed his eyes, like maybe he wasn’t seeing straight, before they narrowed my way. I took in the fact that he was wearing only a pair of gym shorts with no shirt.

  I ignored his greeting and peeked over his shoulder. “Is she here?” I asked. Please tell me Murphy was wrong. Maybe he was mistaken.

  He took a step back to open up the door wider. “Gabby,” he called out, with a snarl of his upper lip. “You have a visitor.”

  “It’s nice to see you too, baby cousin,” I commented, walking inside.

  We’d never been close growing up. We ran with different crowds but had always got along. Until Gabby. Now it felt like we were in a “whose balls are bigger” competition with Gabby’s heart being the prize. And Douglas men weren’t keen on giving up easily.

  Gabby whipped around the corner and stumbled back when she saw me. “What … what are you doing here?” she stuttered out. Her face drained of color as she headed towards me. Her long, auburn hair was wet, drops of water sprinkling down the base of her neck. My nostrils flared as I took in the blue, cotton towel tied around her chest.

  My arms swept out towards the two half-naked people. “I should be asking you the same question,” I fired back.

  They both stared at me in silence. She wasn’t going to answer my question, and neither was Asher. I shook my head and ran my hands through my hair, trying to do my best to fight off my anger. I needed to calm down and convince her to get on a plane with me and go home. We could hash out our problems in private.

  “Don’t you guys watch the news?” I asked, looking back and forth between the two of them.

  “No,” they both answered in unison. I stalked across the living room, snagged the remote from the coffee table, and switched Sports Center to CNN.

  I stood back, watching the headlines flash on the screen.

  “Holy shit,” Gabby whispered, her hand flying to her mouth when Ivy’s picture showed up on the screen.

  The story went nationwide this morning – when the media caught wind that the Governor’s alleged mistress had been viciously murdered. John Gentry, the man Republicans loved, the man they’d wanted to be their next President, had not only had an affair, but also killed off the woman who’d exposed him. At least, that’s what it looked like.

  Nancy Grace and all of the other pain in the ass reporters shook their heads in disgust, discussed the brutality of her murder, and shared their thoughts and theories about whom they thought did it.

  “While you’ve been down here doing whatever,” I said, staring straight at Gabby when it cut to a commercial break. “This is what I’ve been dealing with. Ivy is dead.
We need to get you back to Atlanta. The police have already brought me in for questioning. You’re next on their list, I guarantee it, and the fact that you ran off to a different state doesn’t look good.” It didn’t feel good, either.

  Her beautiful green eyes widened. “What?” she choked out. “They can’t seriously think that I killed her?”

  I stumbled back in surprise when Asher’s palms collided with my chest. I’d been too focused on Gabby and didn’t see it coming. I regained my composure and looked dead at my fuming cousin standing only a few inches away from me. My eyes met his, and I rolled up my sleeves, letting him know if he wanted to get physical, I wasn’t backing down.

  “Fuck you, Dalton,” Asher hissed, with cold eyes. “I can’t fucking believe you dragged her into your dirty bullshit. You’re a real piece of work, you know that? You’re nothing but a spitting image of your father.”

  Anger surged through me as I tried to ignore his insults, but I couldn’t stop myself from pushing him back, harder than I should have. His words hit too close to home. He fell back, but caught himself quickly. He was a football player. The asshole had good balance.

  “Fuck you, Asher,” I yelled, looking away from him to Gabby. “We need to talk. We have to fix this before things get worse.”

  “No, what you need to be focusing on is getting me out of your mess, so I’m not arrested for a crime I didn’t commit,” Gabby argued, throwing her hands up in the air dramatically. “Do I even look like I could kill someone? I only weigh a hundred and fifteen pounds. I can’t even bench press more than twenty.”

  “They probably don’t think you killed her, but assume you know something about who did. Pack your shit. We have to get back before they find out I left.”

  “You don’t have to go anywhere with him,” Asher said, jumping back into our conversation - where he didn’t belong.

  “I don’t think you understand the severity of the situation, Asher,” I said, mockingly. “We’re being questioned for murder. Let’s worry about Gabby not being in jail rather than you getting your dick wet. We don’t have time to do this back and forth shit.” I looked at Gabby. “The police asked me why you fled the state the same night Ivy was murdered. That means they’ve looked into you.” Gabby looked too shocked to say anything. Her lip whimpered as she held back tears. “Get your bags. I’ve already booked us a flight. You can come back after everything blows over if that’s the fucking issue. Right now, we have more problems than our relationship. That’s to keep our asses out of prison.” I glanced over at Asher. “Your bodyguard can come too, if that makes you feel better.”


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