Breaking Karma

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Breaking Karma Page 9

by Charity Ferrell

  “He wants to talk to you.” I started the car and took off back towards the gate. We still had a few more people to look into.

  “Yeah, that’s definitely not going to happen.” She leaned her head against the window. “That man is the last person I want to talk to right now.”


  My visits to his house were infrequent.

  We usually met at a bar, or he came over to my condo because his wife found it necessary to start an argument with me every time I came around. But today was crucial. I was there because I had no one else to talk to about being a father. Lord knows my dad was the last person to take advice from. The guy was a terrible father and human being.

  Leo stood up when I walked into his living room and smacked me on the back. “Congratulations,” he said, a grin on his face. “I heard the news, big daddy.” A gin and tonic was shoved in my hand.

  “I take it dad told you?” I asked.

  “You know it. He called me as soon as your car left the driveway after the big reveal, practically spitting fire through the phone. He’s pissed and insisted I try to talk some sense into you.”

  I sat down, sipping on my drink. Gin always reminded me of eating a Christmas tree. “Not to be an asshole, but I honestly don’t give a fuck about his, yours, or anyone else’s opinion. We’re keeping the baby. I’m not marrying Eva. If that means I lose my job, my inheritance, my family, then oh well.”

  Would losing everyone, especially Leo kill me? Yes. But I had to do what was right. I was finished with being a spineless puppet in my father’s game. I had a degree from one of the most prestigious schools in the country. Finding a job wouldn’t be that difficult. Sure, I’d have to work my way up, but I didn’t mind.

  Leo looked at me, baffled. “Brother, I wouldn’t expect anything less of you. You really think I’d suggest you neglect or abort my future niece or nephew?”

  I rubbed at my tired eyes. “No, there’s just so much shit going on right now. I’m scared, Leo. I’m fucking scared. I don’t want to be like him. I want to be a good dad like you. I don’t want my kid to be scared or disgusted by me. I don’t want to be a failure of a father.”

  “You’re not going to fail. Yes, it’ll be the most terrifying and hardest experience of your life, but I know you’ll be a great at it.”

  “And on top of everything, I have John’s bullshit to deal with. That guy, I swear, I wish I had told dad I wasn’t taking on his case. It’s been nothing but a disaster.”

  “I told you what to do. Try to figure it out, but if push comes to shove, get out. Rat his ass out.”

  “He didn’t do it, though. He didn’t kill Ivy.” Leo raised a brow. “I’m sure of it.”

  “Then who?”

  “Fuck if I know. We can’t figure that out, but all of the evidence is pointing to him … to us … like we killed her.” I made myself comfortable on his couch, deciding to change the subject. “So what’s been going on with you? Why do you look so down in the dumps? Smile, you’re about to be an uncle.”

  He lowered his voice, looking at me solemnly. “I asked Kelly for a divorce.”

  I choked on my drink, sprinkles spewing along the front of my shirt. I waited a few seconds for him to tell me he was fucking with me. He didn’t crack a smile.

  “Seriously?” He nodded. “Thank fuck you finally opened up your eyes. You should’ve filed those papers years ago.”

  “I was trying to make it work for my family, but I’ve realized now that’s never going to happen. She’s a miserable person.”

  “Glad to see how much you love me, Leo,” a voice snarled behind us. We both jumped. More alcohol spilled on my shirt. Shit! Leo told me Kelly was gone; otherwise I wouldn’t have come over. I wasn’t in the mood to hear her squeaky, pestering voice. “And I don’t appreciate you telling him our personal business.”

  “He’s my brother, Kelly. We’re divorcing, people are going to find out sooner or later,” Leo said, throwing out his arm. “You told your sister. I see no difference in telling him.”

  “My sister isn’t like him,” she snarled.

  We both jumped when the glass in her hand flew through the air. Leo ducked just in time, and it smacked into the brick fireplace behind him. The aroma of vodka wavered around us. She threw me a dirty look and stomped out of the room.

  Leo crumbled back against the couch. “Sorry you had to see that shit. She told me she was going shopping.”

  I waved my hand through the air. Kelly needed to hear that. She needed to know how miserable she was making her husband and children.

  “Did you meet someone?” I asked, out of pure curiosity.

  His head flew up. “What?”

  “Did you meet someone? Is that why you finally filed?”

  “Do you mean another woman?”

  “Yes, dumbass. Are you leaving Kelly because of another woman?” I couldn’t imagine my brother having an affair, but I could’ve seen him having a friendly relationship with someone and ending his marriage before he laid a hand on her.

  He drained the rest of his drink. “No. I’m leaving Kelly because she’s well, Kelly.”

  “What are you going to do about a job?”

  “Dad said he’d hire me.”

  I snorted. “Good luck with that. I wouldn’t recommend my job for my worst enemy.” I shook my head, a smile breaking out along my lips of Leo seeing the torture in that. “He’s not mad about you filing?”

  “You’re stealing my shine, little brother. Dad is so pissed about your shit that he’s waving mine off. Mom cried, though. She just loves Kelly.”

  “Of course, she does. She loves Kelly’s parent’s money.”



  A cheesy as hell smile was smeared across my face when I pulled into the driveway. I couldn’t wait to see Gabby. The excitement was unreal, something I’d never experienced before. She had a way of taking my mind off my problems, making me feel like everything would be okay if she was by my side.

  I unbuckled my seatbelt when the passenger door flew open, and Gabby jumped in before I had the chance to get out.

  “Damn babe,” I said. “I was going to be all proper and come to the front door.”

  “I think all dating formalities are out the window after you knock the girl up,” she said, with a laugh.

  “That doesn’t mean I have to quit trying to romance you. How was hanging out with your mom?”

  “It was good.” Her eyes brightened, making me smile even more. “We went shopping, baby shopping. I tried to tell her I needed to wait until my first doctor’s appointment before buying anything, but she insisted. She’s so excited. She can’t wait to be a grandma.”

  My chest burned as I fought back a frown. Why couldn’t my mom feel the same way? Why couldn’t I have the support of my family?

  My mom had left me a voicemail last night asking if I’d come to my senses and realized Gabby wasn’t worth risking everything for. The answer was no. She was worth risking everything for. I didn’t call my mom back to tell her that, though. I wasn’t going to waste my time.

  “Speaking of appointments, have you made your first one?” I asked.

  “Yep. It’s next week. Do you want to come?”

  “Yes, I want to come. I want to be at every appointment. I want to be involved in everything, so please keep me updated.” I grabbed her hand in mine, feeling the heat of her skin, and massaged it with my thumb. “There’s also something else I want to ask you.”

  My plan had been to wait until we got back to my place before bringing it up, but I couldn’t hold it in. The anticipation and fear were killing me.

  “Yeah?” Her foot bounced up and down on the floorboard. Was she as nervous as I was?

  “What do you think about staying at my place more … long term?” I closed my eyes, waiting for her argument.

  “Dalton, look at me.” I opened my eyes, one by one, and flinched when I saw the unexpected smile on her face. “You want me to mo
ve in with you?”

  I nodded. “That way, if you need help with anything, I’ll be there.” She had her mom, but I wanted to be her main support system.

  “Okay, I think we can do that temporarily … consider it a trial run.”

  “Really?” I asked, shock overflowing through my voice. I’d been expecting her to shut me down in seconds.

  “Yes. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. I’ve talked to my mom and Cora. We’re having a baby. We need to work on things for him or her. I don’t want my child to have parents who don’t get along or didn’t give each other a chance to be a real family. You’re done with Eva, right? Completely done?”

  “I am absolutely done with Eva. The engagement is off, and I haven’t seen her since the party.”

  “That seems too easy.”

  “She doesn’t want to be with someone who’s in love with another woman. Shit, anyone can look at me and see how far I’ve fallen for you. I never thought something like this would happen to me – that I’d be one of those guys who is obsessed with a woman, but I am. You’ve changed me, made me want to be a better man, and in that, I know letting my parents interfere with us isn’t going to happen. I’ve made it perfectly clear to them that they either have to accept you, or I want nothing to do with them.”

  She finally looked back at me with wide eyes. “Wow.”

  “We belong together. You, me, and our baby. We’re going to be the happiest family in the world. I promise you.”

  As long as I could keep us out of jail.

  I grabbed her chin in my palm and didn’t hesitate before slowly pressing my lips against hers.



  Our kiss … it took my breath away. Even though I’d kissed this beautiful man before, made love to him before, there was something special about the way his soft lips moved against mine this time. A blanket of security surrounded me, like our connection was a promise that he wasn’t going anywhere, and I wouldn’t be alone.

  In that moment, for the very first time, I felt loved by someone other than my mother and friends. I felt intimately and unconditionally loved for who I was.

  “Can I say something else?” he asked, when we separated.

  “Lay it on me,” I answered, leaning forward in hopes he’d kiss me again. Those lips needed to be back on mine.

  “I feel like I need to get everything off my chest.”

  “What exactly is everything?” Did I even want to know everything?

  A deep breath knocked from his lungs. His hand captured mine. “Before you, I wasn’t living. I was only going by day by day without caring about anything. I didn’t give a shit about anyone but myself. That’s how I was brought up – to protect myself, stand up for the family name, and do anything to get what I wanted, no matter the costs. When my parents told me I was marrying Eva, I really didn’t give it much thought. I knew I’d eventually get married, but marriage was never love to me. I saw it as an agreement, not a commitment, not an experience, not a feeling. I didn’t see it as wanting to hold someone’s heart in your grasps and never let go. I never thought once about any of those things until you.”

  I stared at him, stunned. He’d hurt me, he’d lied, but his eyes bled remorse. I was never one for second chances. You hurt me once, goodbye. But maybe second chances weren’t such a bad thing after all. Maybe it didn’t mean you were weak. It meant you understood that everyone, including yourself, could make a mistake and learn from it. I’d been so hurt, so angry, that I never listened to a word he’d said, no matter how bad he pleaded.

  “Let me go grab some more bags,” I said, squeezing his hand and then opening up the door.

  “I’m coming with you.”

  This was insanity. We were both taking a huge step. I was moving in with him, and he was giving me an inside look at the real Dalton Douglas.


  “Take me home,” I said, after we loaded a few bags in the trunk and got back in the car.

  “Home,” he replied, grinning from ear to ear. “I like hearing you say that – more than you could ever know. I’ll definitely take you to our home.”

  The smile on his face didn’t leave as he sped out of the driveway, or even when we made it into the parking garage. It stayed there until I walked into my new home.

  “I’ll take these to the bedroom,” he said, holding up my bags. “I’ve already made room for you in the closet.”

  “Feeling confidant, Douglas?” I asked.

  He turned around, looking at me, and started to walk backwards. “A man can always hope.”

  Without thinking, I followed him. I stood in the doorway, my pulse skyrocketing, and watched him drop my bags onto a chair. He turned around and froze when he saw me.

  Maybe it was the pregnancy hormones, maybe it was the idea that we were starting fresh, or maybe it was because I loved him as much as he loved me, but I wanted this man.

  I wanted his hands, his mouth, his everything. He hadn’t touched me in so long. My body was urging for it.

  Without saying a word, I grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head. He licked his lips, his riveting eyes turning hungry. He tucked his hands into his pockets, waiting for my next move. I was the one in control of this show. I carefully unsnapped my shorts and watched them puddle at my feet.

  “Keep going,” he whispered. “Let me see all of you, baby.”

  The fingernails of his thumbs hanging outside his pockets dug into his jeans when I unsnapped my bra. I could feel the heat between my legs firing up at the sound of his low moan. His hands shifted from his pockets straight down to his growing arousal. He rubbed himself through his jeans, and it was my turn to moan. There was something so erotic and intriguing about watching a man touch himself.

  I slid a finger in between the hem of my panties and skin before suddenly stopping. I raised a brow. “I’m going to leave the rest to you,” I said. I put my hands to my hips. “So Mr. Douglas, what are you going to do with me?”

  He erased the distance between us, and I gasped when his hands wrapped around my waist. “I’m going to do plenty with you,” he said, his lips nudging my earlobe before replacing them with his tongue. “I’m going to lay you down on that bed, take off those goddamn panties, and finger fuck you until you can’t take it anymore and get off on my fingers. Then I’m going to do the same thing with my mouth. And if I have it my way, I’ll repeat the same process all night long.”

  Holy. Fucking. Shit.

  I thought I was wet then, now I was fucking drenched. I could feel my juices almost dripping out of my panties. Another thing to add to the list of things I missed about him. His dirty talk. It never failed to take me over the edge.

  “Then what are you waiting for?” I gasped out.

  I yelped when I was snatched off my feet and carefully carried over to the bed. He didn’t waste any time sliding my panties down my legs and throwing them on the floor. I shivered at the feel of his cold fingertips tracing the inside of my thigh.

  “I’ve waited to have this back for long enough,” he whispered.

  And then he did exactly what he said he was going to. Two long, powerful fingers played with my pussy while another one rubbed circles over my clit. It didn’t take long for the pressure to build up at my core.

  Orgasm number one down.

  I wasn’t sure how many more were to come, but I felt like I was losing myself at the touch of him. I tensed up, waiting for his second promise, and shivered at the feel of his tongue lightly sliding through my soaked folds.

  “Mmmm … still so fucking delicious,” he whispered, against my skin. “My favorite meal.” His tongue went to work, lapping me up, while I gripped the sheets, my fingernails practically tearing them apart.

  Orgasm number two down.

  What was coming next?

  I knew exactly what I wanted to come next.


  I hitched myself up on my elbows. “You’re turn,” I said, trying to calm my breath

  He raised himself up and looked down at me, his eyes penetrating mine. “You have no idea how bad I want you right now.” He shook his head, looking tortured. “But I want to make sure you’re ready, that you’re for real about this, because once my dick is back inside of you, you’re mine. You hear me? If we make love and then you leave me tomorrow, I won’t be able to take it. It will fucking kill me, Gabby.”

  “But -”

  His words cut me off. “So tonight, I want you to figure out your heart, what you want, and then let me know. When you’re sure you want to be in my bed every single night for the rest of your life, I promise I will fuck you senseless.”

  I threw my arms down and pouted. “Seriously?” I whined. “How the hell do you think it’s okay to do all of that and then leave a girl hanging when she wants your cock inside of her?”

  He shrugged and then leaned down to kiss my lips. I could taste myself on them, which only turned me on more. “Because when I fuck you, I make love to you. It’s as simple as that.”

  I gave him the dirtiest look I could manage. “Cut the shit. You know I’m still in love with you.”

  He kissed my forehead, rolled on his back, and pulled me into him. “Tell me that tomorrow, and I promise it’ll be better than tonight.”



  I shivered at the chill of a strong chest crashing into my back.

  Muscular arms nestled around my waist. He took a step forward to situate us both underneath the hot water spewing from the showerhead above me. I tipped my head back to look at him, my focus altered by drops of water hitting me in the face. I smiled at the man who held my heart. The man I now lived with. The father of the baby growing inside of me. His lips smashed into the top of my hair before he whipped me around to face him, his cold hands resting on my hips.


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