Breaking Karma

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Breaking Karma Page 30

by Charity Ferrell

  "This one's taken," Keegan said, flipping the egg and pointing to me. "The pan is all yours when I'm finished."

  "Dude, weren't you the one calling me pussy-whipped?”


  I trudged up the stairs to my room and opened up my bag. When I’d packed, I followed the basic rules for cold weather: lots of layers. Dragging out a pair of leggings, I slid them over my legs before covering them with snow pants. A thermal Henley, a sweatshirt, and my winter coat then followed, making me look like a giant marshmallow. I finalized my look with my big, bulky snow boots, and a wool scarf wrapped around my neck.

  Keegan burst out in hysterics when he caught me waddling down the stairs. “You do know we aren’t in the Arctic?”

  “First off, you told me to dress warmer. Secondly, you have to wear layers when you’re out in the cold like this. Don’t try to borrow any of my warmth over here when you’re freezing your ass off,” I warned him. He was only wearing snow pants and a coat.

  “I promise I won’t try to get you out of your clothes,” he said, giving me his best innocent smile, which was still far from innocent. “At least not while we’re in the snow.”

  A cold, ivory blanket of snow covered everything within eyesight when we walked outside. I opened up my mouth, stuck out my tongue, and let snowflakes hit it.

  "Have you ever snow tubed, Daisy?" Lane asked, when we got into the car. He was driving with Cora in the passenger seat, and Keegan and I were in the back.

  I shook my head. "No, but I've always wanted to. It looks fun."

  "You're going to have a blast," Keegan said, clasping his gloveless hands and rubbing them together.

  "If anyone, and I mean anyone," Cora said, turning around to glare at Keegan, "even attempts to shove my face in the snow, I will chop off your balls and feed them to the bears out here.”

  Keegan leaned forward to grab Lane's shoulders and shake them. "I feel for you, dude."

  "You have no idea," he said, laughing, and turning left into a large parking lot.


  “Happy New Year’s, bitches!” Lane sang out. He grabbed Cora’s waist and pulled her into the steaming water, despite her protests.

  I looked down at my bare feet on the frigid, wooden porch, and my entire body shivered. The long, rectangular hot tub was sunk into the deck with a magnificent view of the sparkling white mountains behind us. We were all exhausted from our day of snow tubing, so we decided to keep it low key and stay in for the night.

  "You're going to freeze that sexy ass of yours off if you don't get in there," Keegan's husky voice whispered into my ear. He leaned into my body from behind and wrapped his arms around my torso.

  "And so will you," I said, shuddering. Before I had the chance to realize what was happening, Keegan grabbed the edge of my towel in his fist and tore the entire thing from my body swiftly. “What the hell?” I shouted, shoving away from him. I placed my hands over my body in a poor attempt to cover my lady bits, even though my bikini already covered them, and turned around to glare at him.

  “There you go. I just made it easier for you, now get your ass in there before I throw you in.”

  I twisted around without answering him, tiptoed across the deck, and slid into the hot tub next to Cora. I peeked up at the dark sky as Keegan got in next to me. Everyone talked about their resolutions, but I didn’t have one. I was just happy I’d made it through the rest of the year.

  I ignored the voices around me and focused on the shimmer of bright stars scattered amongst the mountain peaks. My eyes fluttered shut as I inhaled the fresh and musky scent around me.


  “Wake up, sleepy head. You ready to get out?" My eyes flickered open. I spotted Keegan gliding towards me, water ripping in his wake. We were alone.

  “That’s probably a good idea,” I answered, glancing down at my fingers and noticing the wrinkled skin around them. “I can’t believe I fell asleep in here.”

  "Trust me, you didn't miss anything," Keegan said, his bare chest stopping in front of me. "Cora and Lane started attacking each other, so I had to kick their horny asses out."

  "I'm not sad I missed that," I muttered. Reaching my arms out to the edge, I hoisted myself up until I was standing with only my legs submerged in the water.

  "Whoa there, babe. Hold on a minute,” Keegan said.

  His hands dented into the skin of my shoulders, stopping me from getting up. I quivered when his hands moved in and grazed my collarbone. My eyes fastened in on him pulling his body out of the steaming water. Wet droplets streamed down his hard, muscular chest. My mouth dropped open, practically watering, as I watched him wrap a towel around his waist. Every time I saw his chest, I was in awe of its perfection.

  "Come on," he said, his breath showing in the cold air. The night air was freezing, hitting my bare back as soon as I stumbled out of the water and into the open towel in his hands.

  I shrieked as he threw me over his shoulder and headed towards the door. “Please don’t break any of my bones,” I yelled.

  "Your bones?" He laughed. "What about mine?"

  The door slammed shut behind us, and the hot air kissed my skin. He stopped in the living room and dropped me back to my feet, only to begin the task of drying me off. I gulped, feeling a lump form in the base of my throat as my frozen skin melted at the touch of his hands.

  I looked at him, eyeing his bare chest with water dripping from the sheath. I wanted to lean over and lick every last drop with my tongue. Chills broke out along my arms as he slipped down on one knee and slid the towel against my legs, slow and precise like I was an expensive sculpture that couldn’t be broken.

  "There you go," he breathed out against my leg, his voice hoarse. "All dry."

  "Thanks," I stammered, hyperaware of every spot on my body his hands had been. His movements were torpid, like he was deliberately trying to torture me.

  He began to dry himself off, starting with his chest. My eyes stayed on the towel in his hand moving back and forth across his tan skin. I jumped at the clearing of a throat, and my eyes flashed up, meeting his.

  "I'm dry, but I can stand here longer if you'd like to continue eye raping me," he said, smirking. "Just let me know when you've had your fill."

  Embarrassment rushed through my body. "I wasn't eye raping you," I rasped out.

  “Baby, you were.” He tossed the towel down and moved my way. I forced down the lump in my throat as the chilly tips of his fingers glided along my shoulder blade, sending tingles across my skin at every soft brush. My back went straight when his fingers reached my chest, moving down the crevice of my cleavage, and he traced the edge of my bikini top with two large fingers. "You were staring at me like you're starving, and I'm the only thing that can remedy your hunger.” He ran his fingers back and forth along the thin fabric. "And because of that, I'm going to kiss you." He stepped forward until we were only mere inches apart; his lips in front of mine, barely grazing me. "Is that okay?"

  Deep breaths. Deep breaths.

  I nodded nervously, shutting my eyes. His lips slammed into mine. Our kiss started out slow, but quickly heated when his tongue slid across the middle of my lips, begging for entry. I eagerly obliged. I squealed when his hands moved down my bare back to my ass, squeezing it in both hands firmly before lifting me up in his arms. My legs instinctively wrapped around his waist.

  Our mouths never lost contact as he walked us backwards before dropping me down onto the couch with a thud. His body hovered above mine, and I drew in a sharp breath.

  “Daisy," he whispered, his lips moving away from mine to brush the sensitive skin at my neck. My heart plummeted at the touch of his fingers slipping underneath the hem of my bikini top, tracing the bottom of my breast casually. "Tell me this is okay," he muttered against my neck, his free hand reaching up to caress my cheek softly.

  "What about Piper?" I asked, fully aware my words were most likely going to put a damper on the mood.

  The warmth around my neck disappe
ared, and his head lifted up. Two fingers moved down my face, lifting my chin up so I could meet his eyes. "Piper has nothing to do with us," he assured me. “And you know that.”

  "But what about your arrangement with her that you're so fond of?” The words were hoarse coming out of my mouth.

  The hand at my breast stopped its stroking abruptly. "Baby, the last time I even touched Piper was before the Halloween party."

  "Oh,” was the only response I could muster out. My mind and body were still yearning for his touch.

  "Yeah, oh. Although, I figured you'd know that since you're my little spy."

  I moaned, shaking my head. "For God sakes, I wasn't watching you."

  "Come on, be honest. You were watching."

  A hand traveled up my leg slowly, leaving a trail of goose bumps behind. “Tell me,” he whispered into my ear. “What did you think when you first saw me naked and all worked up?”

  My lips parted, and I pushed him back. "Seriously? I'm not talking about that with you."

  “Fine, I won’t talk about it anymore,” he said, inching back towards me, but stopping his touch on my leg. It was like he was playing some evil game with me. “Only because you look so fucking sexy right now. I’ve always thought you were gorgeous, but when you’re turned on, it’s amazing. You have this fired up, passionate look on your face that’s sexy as fuck.”

  I wiggled underneath him, warmth spreading across my thighs at his words. "Happy New Year," I blurted out, feeling like an idiot.

  "Happy New Year," he repeated, laughing, and creeping his hands along the small of my back, pulling me into his body. "You never answered my question. Is this okay with you?"

  I was certain my heart was going to fly out of my chest. His question had me fighting with my desire. Did I want him? Hell yes. I wanted Keegan more than I’d wanted anything in my life. I just wasn't sure how much I wanted.

  His hand slipped out from under my top. "We don't have to do anything you don't want to do.”

  "I want to," I answered him, my voice low. "I just don't know how far."

  "If you want me to stop, just say the word, and I will. Let me make you feel good until you've had enough."

  The tingles that had been fluttering around my body made their way to the tiny crook between my thighs. I had no doubt that he'd make me feel good, but I didn't know whether I'd be able to stop once we got started. I also didn’t know if I could handle being one of Keegan’s random girls in his non-existent little black book.

  "Daisy," he muttered. "Quit over-thinking it."


  The short word barely left my mouth before his frantic lips were back on mine, and his hands went back to exploring my body. A finger hooked around the string of my top, untying it, and he dragged the fabric away from my chest.

  I tensed at the feel of his hot, wet tongue gliding down between my breasts before his mouth latched onto a nipple. My body instantly responded, arching my back to feed him more. Chills hit my body at the loss of his mouth as he latched onto the other nipple.

  The tingling grew faster when his hand moved in between my legs, easing my thighs apart, and caressing me through my bikini bottoms. My breathing hitched, causing him to pull away and stare down at me.

  "Is this okay?" he asked, concerned.

  I squirmed against his resting hand. “Keep going.”

  He smiled, pulling at the strings of my bottoms. “Still okay?"

  "Still okay.”

  He slowly peeled my bottoms off. “I’ve been craving to do this since I first saw you.” His hand ran along the inside of my thighs. My eyes shot open as soon as his finger hit my opening. “And you’re so wet for me.”

  I wiggled at his touch, waiting for him to make the plunge before I freaked out. He stroked me gently, but avoided slipping his finger inside, the place where I needed it the most.

  My eyes shut halfway as I bit my lip, anticipation trembling inside of me. "Keegan," I hissed out. “Quit fucking messing around."

  His head darted up to look at me, and a grin spread to each side of his cheeks. "You want me to stop?" he asked, starting to withdraw his touch, but my hand shot out, stopping him.

  Was he stupid? You didn’t play games with a girl who hadn’t been touched in months. That was just cruel.

  "Don't stop," I bit out. "If you do, I'll punch you.”

  He laughed and plunged his finger inside of me without any warning.

  Holy shit!

  My body locked up as I drew in a sharp breath of surprise. "Is this better?" he asked, looking down at me while stroking me deeply. I nodded my head violently, causing him to chuckle. "Good. Now I'm going to make you feel even better."

  His body slid down mine. He continued to stroke me as he dipped his head below my waist. Looking up at me, he arched a brow in question. I nodded, holding in a breath. I’d done this with Tanner before, but only a few times. Our sex life had consisted mainly of quickies after school before our parents got home.

  His movements were slow and precise as he dropped kisses along my hipbone. My hands clenched against my thighs at the sensation of his hot breath hitting me directly above my warmth.

  The first lick was the most excruciating, leaving me completely breathless. Chills broke out along my skin when he began brushing his tongue against my soaked center. He was bringing me to my brink, and I wasn’t prepared for what was coming when he reached down and rubbed my clit.

  My muscles began to lock up as my vision grew blurry. I felt like I was melting but exploding at the same time.

  “Oh my god,” I whimpered, throwing my head back against the couch. My hands went to his hair, pulling it roughly.

  "Let go, baby," he said, against my core, and I did exactly what he said. Every ounce of built up sexual frustration surged its way through my body. I moaned out lightly, my hands unclasping his hair, as my body slowly went limp.

  His tongue stopped working, and he kissed each side of my thigh before bringing his body back over mine. "You taste fucking amazing," he said, wiping his mouth with the back of his arm before kissing me on the lips.

  I peeked down our bodies, noticing the bulge between his legs. “What about you?” I asked, blushing.

  His eyebrows arched. "What about me?”

  I gestured to his erection. “I can fix that.”

  "Don’t worry about it.” He kissed my cheek before moving off the couch to grab our towels. “Now up.” He took my hand and helped me up. I shivered while he wrapped the towel around my naked body and led me up the stairs to my bedroom.

  “Get dressed,” he directed me. “I’ll be back.”

  “Are you going to jack off?” I blurted out, wanting to smack myself when I realized what I’d just said. Who the hell asked someone if they were going to go jack off? I blamed it on the earth shattering orgasm I’d just experienced. It was messing with my brain.

  He laughed. “I’m going to take a shower.” His mouth curved into a smile. “A very cold shower.”

  "So you are going to jack off?" I asked, trying to keep my smile at bay.

  "Wouldn't you like to know? You're more than welcome to come join me, curious one."

  He turned around, not waiting on my answer, and left the room while I stood there speechless. The guy just had his tongue between my legs, why did his invitation to join him in the shower make me nervous?

  Shaking my head, I grabbed my pajamas from my bag. I got dressed quickly before getting in bed and snuggling underneath the blankets. I looked over when I felt the bed shift beside me. Keegan climbed in and nestled up to my side.

  I turned over to face him, noticing the tattoo on his bare chest. “What does this mean?” I asked, tracing the words with my finger. “Still I Rise?”

  "It means a lot of things, actually," he answered, holding his head up with his arm.


  "Like no matter what bullshit life has handed me, I haven’t, and I’ll never let it bring me down. I’m not going to let anyone tear me down. Peo
ple can desert me, hate me, or think I’m an asshole, but I’ll never let them see me hurt. I’ll always rise against my enemies and my problems.”

  "Do you think your mom has deserted you?"

  "No, she's actually part of the hate me category. My dad is the one who deserted me."

  "Well, that's his loss.”

  He grinned sheepishly. "If I would've known all I had to do was give you an orgasm to give me a compliment, I would've done that shit forever ago," he said, bringing his hand forward and stroking my cheek.

  I glanced down at the sheets, suddenly feeling shy. Was he going to expect more from me tonight?

  Noticing my apprehension, he kissed my forehead and laid his head down on the pillow. "Get your beauty sleep," he said, softly. "I'm staying in here tonight."

  "Okay," I said, nodding. I turned around and snuggled back into the warmth of his arms.

  "Goodnight, my beautiful flower," he whispered into my ear.

  "Goodnight," I repeated, shutting my eyes slowly.

  It was a new year, and it was going to be a new me. A better me.


  Chapter Nineteen

  This damn girl, she was sinking herself into my veins, through my blood, and straight into my heart. I never thought I’d ever be this attached to anyone, but she was changing everything I’d ever believed. She was turning my world upside down. I couldn’t get enough of her.

  She wasn’t like other women. No, I didn’t only want her willing body or pretty pussy. I wanted every single fucking piece of her that she was willingly to hand over; flaws, insecurities, I wanted it all.

  She stirred next to me, strands of raven colored hair falling in her face. I leaned forward to push them behind her ears. The base of my knuckles ran across the smooth skin of her cheekbones.

  She twitched, goose bumps popping up along her skin as I slowly made my way down her neck until I reached her shoulders and gave them a small shake.


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