Breaking Karma

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Breaking Karma Page 32

by Charity Ferrell

  She took in a deep breath, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “I did get an internship here, but that’s not the ultimate reason I decided to come. I had a situation similar to yours happen to me. I dated a guy in college. It was the end of the year, finals, and a frat on campus was throwing a party. He’d asked me to go with him, but I had to study. I told him to go without me. At the end of the night, he decided he wanted to come over and spend the night with me. He got into his car drunk and hit another car head on, killing himself, along with a family of four.”

  My face fell as my stomach twisted. Her eyelashes glistened. “I’m sorry.” I was shocked I’d never been told this.

  “I understand our situations aren’t exactly the same because Tanner had no choice in his death, but I think your parents realized what worked for me and decided to give it a try. They were worried about you, afraid you’d harm yourself like your friend. I moved here and interned for Tommy’s sister. I was bringing her coffee and ran straight into him, leaving a trail of black liquid down his shirt. I was humiliated, apologizing over and over again, and promised to buy him a new shirt. He laughed it off; telling me the only way he’d allow me to make it up was to have dinner with him. One dinner turned into two dinners. I found myself wanting to spend all of my time with him. Allowing Tommy to come into my life made me realize I needed to create a life without Christopher now that he was gone.”

  I couldn’t stop my own tears from falling. “Tanner and I had so many plans,” I told her. "We had our entire wedding already planned. He was going to ask my dad for permission to marry me the day we graduated. I can't imagine giving that away to someone else. He asked me to skip with him the day of the shooting. Some of our friends were going to the lake, but I wouldn’t do it. If I hadn't been so selfish Tanner would still be here with me."

  My voice broke at the end of my confession. I’d kept that bottled up inside. I’d never told my parents, my therapists, anyone that I blamed myself for Tanner’s death.

  She wrapped me in her arms. "Honey, no one knows when something like that's going to happen."

  “But I could’ve stopped it.”

  “There was no way you could’ve stopped that boy from bringing a gun with him to school. There was no way you could’ve stopped him from shooting Tanner. You couldn’t have changed anything.”

  “Why does it make so much more sense when you say it?”

  “Sometimes, we know what we want, but it helps to hear someone agree with you.” She leaned over, squeezed my shoulder, and left the room, leaving me alone with my own thoughts.

  I reached for my phone and sent a message to the person who'd been changing everything for me.

  Me: Do I still have that chance?

  Keegan: Fuck yes. Dinner tomorrow night?

  Me: Dinner tomorrow night sounds great.

  I tossed my phone beside me on the bed, taking in my aunt's words again. Maybe I wasn't as broken as I thought I was. Some people could stay in your heart, but not in your life.

  I’d been wrong. I couldn’t have stopped the bullet.

  The only person who could've done that was Rodney Avila.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Keegan handed me a bouquet of daisies when I opened up the front door. “You look amazing,” he said, around a grin.

  I grabbed them from his hand, lifted them up to my nose, and inhaled the fresh, sweet aroma. “Thank you, they’re my favorite flower, for obvious reasons,” I said.

  "Daisies for my Daisy," he said, grinning. "And by the way, don't get mad at me if I can't keep my hands to myself tonight.” His eyes went down my body and then back up suggestively.

  "Oh wow! You guys look so pretty!" Sophia squealed, skipping down the stairs with a Barbie in each hand. "Are you going out on a hot date?"

  "Yes we are, Soph," Keegan answered.

  She smiled brightly. "Is Keegan your boyfriend?"

  "Not yet," Keegan said, ruffling his hands in her hair, and answering for me. "But I'm hoping she'll give me the chance. I need you to put in a good word for me, okay?" He gave her a wink.

  I smacked him in the stomach. "I'm sorry," I said, "but I haven't had my tongue cut out recently, so I'm still able to speak and answer questions."

  "Sure you can, but your answers will come out wrong, and we can't be lying to the poor girl."

  "I'm going to have a date with my Barbies and act like they're you guys," Sophia said, interrupting our argument. She jumped up and clapped her hands together. "Have fun." She waved goodbye and went back up the stairs to her bedroom.

  Keegan looked at the stairs and then back at me with crinkled eyebrows. "Act like her Barbies are us?"

  "Yes," I answered, blowing out a breath. "She has a Barbie that she claims looks exactly like me, and I'm positive the little shit has probably found one that resembles you. So you better be nice or I’ll have her start sticking pins into him at night.”

  “Voyeurism, voodoo dolls, you guys are into some messed up shit." He laughed. “Are you going to lure me in here to perform some virginal sacrifice when I drop you off later?”

  “Considering you’re not a virgin, you wouldn’t do anyways,” I said. “If you don’t use virgins, it’s bad luck.”

  He looked at me horrified. “I’m afraid that you even know that. We should probably go before you start scaring the shit out of me.” He grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together. “I have a hot date to impress you with.”


  Music filled the car’s background on the way to dinner as we pulled into a large, packed parking lot. "Is Italian okay with you?" he asked, stopping the car at the front door where two valets stood.

  "Yes sir, a girl always loves her carbs,” I answered.

  He put the car in park and froze, his face turning pale. "Okay, I'm not sure if that's a sarcastic answer or a real one. Help me out here.”

  “A real one. I love pasta," I assured him, watching the tension slide off his face. "Probably more than I should."

  "Carbs are great for that ass of yours that I love." He grinned, leaning over and kissing me on the cheek. "Stay here."

  He turned off the car, got out, and circled around to my door. He handed his keys to the valet and opened up the door for me. I grabbed his hand and he led me into the restaurant.

  A short brunette, and a tall blonde were standing at the hostess stand. "Reservations for Montgomery," Keegan told their over-eager faces.

  "Hi Keegan," the brunette purred, licking her lips and coming from behind the counter.

  "Uh hey," he said, scratching behind his ear. "Can you show us to our table?”

  "Sure," she said. We followed her, hand in hand, as she suggestively swayed her hips from side to side, making it obvious she was trying too hard to seduce my date. She stopped at a candle-lit table. “Here you go.”

  “Thanks," Keegan mumbled, pulling out my chair for me.

  "Is there a restaurant in town that doesn't have someone working there that has either slept with you or wants to hook up with you?" I asked him, spreading a napkin across my lap.

  "Ehh, most likely not.” He frowned. "We can go somewhere else if you want?"

  "No, it's fine." I looked back at the hostess counter, catching the two girls staring our way. The waiter came, who thankfully was a man, and we both ordered.

  "Tell me more about you," Keegan said, when our food arrived.

  "There's really not too much to tell," I answered, stabbing a piece of pasta with my fork.

  "That's a lie. Tell me what pisses you off."

  "You, girls that me hate me because of you, and bees."

  He chuckled. "So me, me, and bees? Why bees?"

  "Bees are bitches.”

  "Damn, what the hell did bees do to you?"

  "When I was eight years old, I had one of those barrel jug drinks. You know, the ones that are filled with knock off Kool-Aid or whatever?" He nodded in response. "I was playing in the sandbox one day, and I got thirsty. I went to the picnic table where I
'd set my drink and chugged it. Instead of a yummy sugar drink, I got a damn stinger to the tongue." His smile turned into laughter. "It's not funny. I've been scarred for life from that day."


  Our dinner ended perfectly, without any other mean girls feeding me dirty looks to go with my pasta. He clasped our hands together when we walked out the front door, and I did my best to ignore the envious eyes shooting my way.

  "Do you have your ticket, sir?" the valet asked Keegan, holding out his hand.

  "Yeah, but give us a minute. We're going on a walk," he answered, walking away and leading me toward the busy street.

  "We're going for a walk?" I asked.

  "Something like that.” He smiled, grabbing my shoulders and bringing me in closer to his body. We walked hand in hand for a few minutes before he stopped in front of a carriage with a gorgeous horse in the front.

  “He’s beautiful,” I said, petting the horse’s white mane.

  "My lady," a man said, walking up to us. He was dressed in a full suit and held out his hand for me to take. I looked back at Keegan with a questionable look, and he nodded. The man lifted me up into the carriage, and Keegan settled in beside me.

  “Cora texted me a book of notes and suggestions," he explained. "That chick is the fucking queen of romance."

  “Even if you did get a date manual to make this great for me, thank you. I love it,” I said, snuggling deeper into his side.

  "So does this mean you're going to give me a chance? You can't tell me you're scared when you don't even know what you're getting into." His eyes met mine while he waited for my answer.

  "Oh, I think I know what I'm getting into." And I did.

  "Oh really? And what would you be getting into?"

  "Drama," I answered, holding out a finger. "Chaos," I added, with another finger. "And probably hurt." A third finger went up.

  "Sounds like you'd be living a pretty lame life if you’re afraid to try something new because it might cause drama, chaos, or hurt. There are too many things that can cause those emotions. Fuck, being on this carriage could cause all three right now. Trust me, a little drama, chaos, or hurt is good for an eventful life."

  I looked over at him, feeling my cheeks blush when he kissed my cheek. “So are you ready to give me a chance?” he asked, looking me in the eyes. “I’ve already told you that you could punch me in the balls if I do anything to hurt you. You can’t pass that up, now can you?”

  "Okay," I said.

  "Okay," he repeated, grinning. "I think our smiles should touch now." A large hand twisted in my hair, bringing my face closer to meet his lips. He tasted sweet, like peppermint against my cold lips. "So is this best date you've ever had?"

  I nodded and snuggled into him. It was the truth.

  Time wasn’t healing me, but it was replacing memories. I was beginning to be okay with that.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “You okay over there?" Keegan asked, turning off the car when we pulled into the school parking lot.

  "Yep," I answered too quickly, whipping around to face him.

  "No one's going to say anything to you if that's what you're afraid of. And if they do, I'll beat their ass."

  I laughed. "There are already enough girls here that don't like me because of your psycho ex-booty call arrangement girl, now I'm taking away their favorite spirit stick."

  "Did you really just refer to my junk as a spirit stick?"

  I smiled in confirmation. "I did, and don't you even try to deny it."

  He chuckled before stepping out of the car and running over to open up my door. I gasped when he grabbed me around the waist and lifted me out of the passenger's seat.

  "I seriously want to strangle you sometimes," I grumbled when my feet landed back on the ground, and he shut the car door behind me.

  "What about the other times?" he asked, pinning me against his car. "What do you want to do with me then?" His voice was hot against my mouth, his lips nudging against mine.

  I shut my eyes, feeling him rain kisses around my mouth before opening them back up and noticing all of the eyes looking our way.

  “Everyone is watching," I whispered, stopping him.

  "And?" He gave me another kiss. He ran his fingers down my arms, stopping at my hands, and clasped them around mine. "Let them stare." He grabbed my hand and pulled me through the parking lot. "You want to come over and have dinner with me tonight? I'll make you whatever your sexy little heart desires."

  "I would, but I promised to watch Sophia tonight. It's Jamie and Tommy's anniversary.”

  "That's fine," he said, opening up the door for me. "I can come over to your house and make it there."

  Who was this guy? He'd transformed from playboy to perfect boyfriend overnight.

  "Okay," I answered, stopping at my locker and opening it up.

  "Sounds good, I'll see you in a bit. Have fun in your classes." He kissed me goodbye before smacking me on my ass and strolling down the hallway.

  "He's good, isn't he?" I twisted around to face a dark haired girl who'd never talked to me before. "I've had him a few times, but be careful with that one. You look like an innocent little kitten, and Keegan's a tiger. He'll devour you. We got along so well because I knew how he worked."

  "I wouldn't count on that happening again," I grumbled, grabbing my books in my arms.

  "Awe how cute, you actually believe he's going to stay with you and be faithful," she snickered, twirling a brown strand of hair around her long fingernail. "Honey, you're no different than me, or any of these other girls who've let him have a taste. I thought I’d pre-warn you because it's easier to be slapped with the truth than kissed with a lie."

  "Actually, we are different, he still talks to me. But I can guarantee he doesn't even remember who you are," I snapped back, slamming my locker shut and walking away from her without waiting for a response.


  Piper stood directly in front of me with an evil scowl twisted on her face. "You're wasting your time with Keegan. You may think he wants to be with you, but he'll grow bored. He always does, and then he comes right back to me," she snarled.

  “He comes back to you because you're the only girl dumb enough to keep spreading her legs for a guy who won't even buy her dinner," Gabby threw back, standing next to my side, sounding both amused and pissed.

  Piper rolled her eyes at Gabby before focusing them on me. "We need to talk," she demanded. "Alone."

  I threw out my hand. “Go ahead and talk.”

  "I said alone," she hissed.

  I sighed. "Piper, just say whatever you need to say here.” I refused to be a pawn in one of her childish schemes.

  "Please," she begged.

  "Piper Douglas is pleading," Gabby sang out. "Mark that in the history books, ladies."

  "Screw you, Gabby," Piper fumed. "This doesn't involve you, so stay out of it. I can't believe my uncle fell for your home wrecking mother."

  Gabby took a step forward with clenched fists.

  "Fine," I said, grabbing my bag and Piper's arm, dragging her away before Gabby clocked her. "But make it quick."

  “This way,” Piper called out, walking towards the door.

  “Daisy, whatever it is, it’s going to be drama,” Gabby said, grabbing my arm to stop me. “Just tell her to kiss your ass, and let’s get to class.”

  “I promise I won't hurt your precious Daisy," Piper yelled, glancing back at Gabby before throwing open the door and disappearing into the hallway.

  "If I don't come back in ten minutes, call the police," I told Gabby, leaving the room.

  Piper was waiting for me outside the door as soon as I stepped out into the empty hallway. Without saying a word, she turned left and sped down the hall like she was on fire. I took small steps, following her in hesitation, until we walked through a door.

  The room was small. It looked like an old, unused office. She sauntered over to the corner and plopped down on a couch. I crossed my arms over my chest, waiting
for her to start talking.

  "Spit it out, Piper," I finally said.

  “Okay," she said, crossing her legs out in front of her. "I wanted to kind-of apologize for how shitty I've been treating you since you moved here." I could tell she was having trouble forcing the words out. I wasn't quite sure if a "kind-of apology" meant she was actually sorry, or if she was just telling me that to get on my good side for whatever she was about to say.

  I was still shocked, however, that she could even say those words. It might've been a lame apology, but I was sure she didn't hand them out very often.

  She leaned back against the couch, twisting her blonde locks around her finger. "I've been so stressed out lately, and my emotions have been all over the place," she continued. She folded her legs up until she was sitting Indian style, and I saw the wetness of tears start to trickle down her face.

  I pinched myself to make sure this was real, and I wasn’t in the Twilight zone.

  She wiped away a tear. “My mom noticed the changes and made me go to the doctor. They told me something bad.” Her skinny arms rose up, clasping together and folding across her stomach. I waited for her to elaborate, but she just stared at me.

  I snapped my fingers in her face. “Get out with it, Piper, or I’m walking out, and I’m done,” I said, frustrated. I wasn’t going to get a detention because she was having some heartbreak crisis over the guy who chose me over her.

  "I'm pregnant!" She burst out the words, scaring the shit out of me. "And it's Keegan's baby."

  I froze. What did she just say? She was lying. She had to be lying.

  "Wow Piper, really? Is that the best you could come up with?" I spat out angrily, fed up with her games. "You need to get over Keegan and move on with your life. It's really starting to look pathetic. You're a pretty girl, you can find someone else."

  My eyes narrowed at her before I whipped around to get out of there and away from her. I grasped the doorknob, swiftly turning it, and dashed out of the room. I headed straight towards the locker room, ready to tell Gabby everything. How dare she make up some bullshit lie just to get Keegan back?


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