Exiting the Cave
With everything accomplished, all that was left now was for me to leave the cave and make my true journey. My dream was granted and now just needed to be put to work. I start to walk and with little time I leave behind the secret chamber. I feel that no other human being will ever have the pleasure to enter it. The cave of despair will never be the same again after I leave victorious, confident and happy. I return to the third scenario: The images of the saints remain intact and seem to be happy with my victory. The cup has fallen over and is dry. The wine was delicious. I work my way calmly around the third scenario and feel the atmosphere of the place. It really is as sacred as the cave and the mountain. I yell for joy and the echo produced extends across the cave. The world will no longer be the same after the Seer. I stop, think and contemplate myself in every way. With a final farewell kiss I leave the third scenario and I return to the same door on the left which I chose. The path of the Seer will not be an easy one because it will be challenging to fully control the opposing forces of the heart and then having to teach that to others. The path on the left, which was my option, represents knowledge and continuous learning whether with hidden forces, repentance or death itself. The walk becomes exhaustive as the cave is extensive, dark and very humid. The challenge of the Seer may be greater than I realize: The challenge of reconciling hearts, lives and feelings. That is not all: I have yet to take care of my own path. The gallery becomes narrow and with it so do my thoughts. My feelings of homesick surge, as well as nostalgia for mathematics and my own personal life. Lastly, comes the nostalgia of myself. I hasten my steps and soon I am in the second scenario. Broken mirrors now represent the parts of my mind that were preserved and expanded: the good feelings, the virtues, the gifts and the capacity to recognize when I have erred. The scenario of mirrors is a reflection of my own soul. This self-knowledge I will take with me my entire life. Still stored in my memory are the figures of the child, the young fifteen year old and the elderly man. They are three of my many faces which I preserve because they are my own history. I leave the second scenario and with it I leave my memories. I am in the gallery that leads to the first scenario. My expectations of the future and my hope are renewed. I am the Seer, an evolved and special being, destined to make many souls dream. The post-cave period will serve as training and improvement of pre-existing skills. I go a little further and catch a glimpse of the labyrinth. This challenge has almost destroyed me. My salvation was Wizard, the bat that helped me find the exit. Now I do not need him anymore because with my clairvoyant powers I can easily pass by him. I have the gift of guidance in five planes. How often do we feel as if we were lost in a maze: When we lose jobs; When we are disappointed with the great love of our lives; When we defy the authority of our superiors; When we lose hope and the ability to dream; When we stop being apprentices of life and when we lose the ability to direct our own destiny. Remember: The universe predisposes the person but it is we who have to go for it and prove that we are worthy. That is what I did. I went up the mountain, performed three challenges, entered the cave, defeated its traps and I reached my destination. I get through the labyrinth and it doesn't make me that happy since I already won the challenge. I intend to seek new horizons. I've walked about two miles between the secret chamber, the second and the third scenarios and with this realization I feel a little tired. I feel sweat trickling down; I also feel the air pressure and low humidity. I approach the ninja, my great adversary. He still seems knocked out. I'm sorry I treated you that way but my dream, my hope and my destiny was at stake. One has to make important decisions in important situations. Fear, shame, and morality only get in the way instead of helping. I caress his face and I try to restore life in his body. I act in this way because we are no longer adversaries but companions of this episode. He raises and with a deep bow he congratulates me. Everything was left behind: The fight, our "opposing forces," our different languages, and our distinct objectives. We live in a situation different from the previous one. We can talk, understand one another, and who knows, maybe even be friends. Thus the following proverb: Make of your enemy an ardent and faithful friend. Finally he embraces me, says goodbye and wishes me luck. I reciprocate. He will continue forming a part of the mystery of the cave and I will form a part of the mystery of life and of the world. We are "opposing forces" who have found each other. This is my goal in this book: to reunite the "opposing forces." I keep walking in the gallery that gives access to the first scenario. I feel confident and totally calm unlike when I first walked into the cave. Fear, darkness and the unforeseen all scared me. The three doors which signified happiness, fear and failure helped me to evolve and understand the sense of things. Failure represents everything that we run away from without knowing why. Failing must always be a moment of learning. This is the point at which the human being discovers that it is not perfect, that the path is still not drawn and this is the moment of reconstruction. This is what we should always do: Be reborn. Take for example trees: They lose their leaves, but not their life. Let us be as they are: Walking metamorphoses. Life requires this. Fear is present whenever we feel threatened or oppressed. It is the starting point for new failures. Overcome your fears and discover that they only exist in your imagination. I've covered a good part of the gallery of the cave and at this very moment, I pass through the door of happiness. Everyone can go through this door and convinced themselves that happiness exists and can be achieved if we're completely in tune with the universe. It is relatively simple. The worker, the bricklayer, the janitor are happy to fulfill their missions; The farmer, the sugar cane planter, the cowboy are all happy to collect the product of their labor; the teacher in teaching and learning; the writer in writing and reading; the priest proclaiming the divine message, and needy children, orphans, and beggars are happy in receiving words of affection and care. Happiness is within us and expects continuously to be discovered. To be truly happy we should forget hatred, gossip, failures, fear and shame. I keep walking and I see all the traps I managed and wonder what people are made of if they don't have beliefs, paths or destinies. None of them would have survived the traps because they do not have a safety net, a light or force that supports them. Man is nothing if he is alone. He only makes something of himself when he is connected to the forces of humanity. He can only make his place if he is in full harmony with the universe. That is how I feel now: In full harmony because I went up the mountain, I won the three challenges and I beat the cave, the cave that made my dream come true. My walk is nearing its end because I see light coming from the entrance of the cave. Soon I will be out of it.
The Reunion with the Guardian
I am out of the cave. The sky is blue, the sun is strong and the wind is northwest. I begin to contemplate the entire outside world and understand just how beautiful and extensive the universe really is. I feel like an important part of it because I went up the mountain, I performed the three challenges, was tested by the cave and won. I also feel transformed in every way because today I'm no longer just a dreamer but a visionary, blessed with gifts. The cave has really performed a miracle. Miracles happen every day but we do not realize it. A fraternal gesture, the rain which resurrects life, alms, confidence, birth, true love, a compliment, the unexpected, faith moving mountains, luck and destiny; it all represents the miracle that is life. Life is really generous.
I continue to contemplate the exterior, completely in awe. I am connected to the universe and it to me. We are one with the same goals, hopes and beliefs. I am so concentrated that little do I notice when a tiny hand touches my body. I remain in my particular and unique spiritual recollection, until a slight imbalance caused by someone knocks me off my axis. I turn to question and I see a boy and the guardian. I think they have been at my side for quite a while and I didn't realize it.
—So you survived the cave. Congratulations! I was hoping you would. Among all the warriors who already tried to enter into the cave and realize their dreams, you were the most capable. H
owever, you should know that the cave is only one step among many that you will face in life. Knowledge is what will give you true power and this is something that no one will be able to take from you. The challenge is launched. I am here to help you. See here, I brought you this child to accompany you in your true journey. He will be of great help. Your mission is to reunite the "opposing forces" and have them bear fruit at another time. Someone needs your help and therefore I shall send you.
—Thank You. The cave really made my dream come true. Now I am the Seer and am ready for new challenges. What is this true journey? Who is this someone who needs my help? What will happen to me?
—Questions, questions, my dear. I will answer one of them. With your new powers, you will make a trip back in time to distort injustices and help someone find themselves. The rest you will discover for yourself. You have exactly thirty days to carry out this mission. Don't waste your time.
—I understand. When can I go?
—Today. Time is pressing.
That said, the guardian handed me the child and said goodbye amicably. What awaits me on this trip? Could it be that the Seer is really able to fix injustices? I think that all of my powers will be needed to do well on this trip.
Saying Goodbye to the Mountain
The mountain breathes an air of tranquility and peace. Since I came here I have learned to respect it. I think that this also helped me to scale it, to overcome the challenges and to enter into the cave. It really was sacred. It became so due to the death of a mysterious shaman who made a strange pact with the forces of the universe. He promised to give his life in exchange for the restoration of peace in his tribe. For centuries the Xukuru dominated the region. At that time their tribes were at war due to the ruse of a sorcerer from the northern Kualopu tribe. He craved power and total control over the tribes. Their plans also included world domination with their dark arts. Thus began the war. The southern tribe retaliated the attacks and death began. The whole Xukuru nation was threatened to extinction. Then the shaman of the south reunited his forces and made the pact. The southern tribe won the dispute, the wizard was killed, the shaman paid the price of his covenant, and peace was restored. Since then the mountain of Ororubá became sacred.
I am still at the edge of the cave analyzing the situation. I have a mission to accomplish and a boy to look after even though I am not yet a father myself. I analyze the boy from head to toe and immediately I realize it. He is the same child who I tried to save from the claws of that cruel man. It seems to me he is mute because I have yet to hear him speak. I try to break the silence.
—Son, have your parents agreed to let you travel with me? Look, I'm going to take you only if it is strictly necessary.
—I do not have a family. My mother died three years ago. After that, my father took care of me. However, I was abused so much that I decided to escape. The guardian takes care of me now. Remember what she said: You need me on this journey.
—I'm sorry. Tell me: How did your father mistreat you?
—He made me work twelve hours a day. Meals were scarce. I wasn't allowed to play, to study or even to have friends. He beat me frequently. In addition he never gave me any kind of affection that a father should give. So I decided to run away.
—I understand your decision. Despite being a child, you are very wise. You will not suffer anymore with this monster of a father. I promise to take good care of you on this journey.
—Take care of me? I doubt it.
—What is your name?
—Renato. That was the name that the guardian chose for me. Before I didn't have a name or any rights. What is yours?
—Aldivan. But you can call me the Seer or Child of God.
—All right. When will we leave, Seer?
—Soon. Now I need to say my farewells to the mountain.
With a gesture, I made a signal so that Renato would accompany me. I would circle through all the trails and mountain corners before leaving for an unknown destination.
A Journey Back in Time
I have just said my farewells to the mountain. It was important in my spiritual growth and contributed to my knowledge. I will have good memories of it: Its cozy top where I completed the challenges, met the guardian and also where I entered the cave. I cannot forget the ghost, the young girl or the child, who now accompanies me. They were important in the whole process because they made me reflect and critique myself. They contributed to my knowledge of the world. Now I was ready for a new challenge. The mountain's time is over, the cave's as well, and now I will journey back in time. What awaits me? Will I have many adventures? Only time will tell. I'm about to leave the top of the mountain. I take with me my expectations, the bag, my belongings and the boy who won't let go of me. From above, I see the street and its contents in the village of Mimoso. It looks small, but it is important to me because that's where I went up the mountain, won the challenges, entered the cave and met the guardian, the ghost, the young girl and the boy. All of this was important in order for me to become the Seer. The Seer, the person who was able to understand the most confused hearts and transcend time and distance to help others. The decision was made. I would leave.
I take the child's arm firmly and begin to concentrate. A cold wind hits, the sun heats up a little and the voices of the mountain begin to act. Then at the bottom I hear a faint voice calling for help. I focus on this voice and start to use my powers to try to find it. It's the same voice that I heard in the cave of despair. It is the voice of a woman. I am able to create a circle of light around me to protect us from the impacts of traveling through time. I begin to accelerate our speed. We have to achieve the speed of light in order to break through the time barrier. The air pressure increases little by little. I feel dizzy, lost and confused. For a moment, I trespass worlds and planes parallel to our own. I see unjust societies and tyrants as in our own. I see the world of the spirits and observe how they work in the perfect planning of our world. I see fire, light, darkness and curtains of smoke. Meanwhile, our speed accelerates even more. We are close to exceeding the speed of light. The world turns and for a moment I see myself in an old Chinese empire, working on a farm. Another second passes and I am in Japan, serving snacks to the Emperor. Quickly I change locations and I am in a ritual, in Africa, at an Orishan worship session. I continue to relive lives continuously in my memory. The speed increases even more and in a brief moment we have reached ecstasy. The world stops rotating, the circle disbands and we fall to the ground. The journey back in time was complete.
Where am I?
I wake up and realize that I am alone. What happened to Renato? Could it be that he did not survive the time travel? Well, that was all that I could conclude at that moment. Wait? Where am I? I do not know this place. There is no ground, there is no sky, and it is a complete vacuum. A little further away from the place in which I am, I perceive a meeting of people in procession, all dressed in black. I approach them to find out what it is about. I don't like being in unknown places alone. Upon getting closer, I realize that this is not exactly a procession, but a funeral. The coffin stands at the very center sustained by three people. I go up to one of the people who are in attendance.
—What is happening? Whose burial is this?
—What is being buried is the faith and hope of these people.
—What? How?
Without being able to understand it, I walk away from the funeral. What were those crazy people doing? As far as I knew, you buried the dead and not feelings. Faith and hope should never be buried even if it's a desperate situation. The burial disappears in the horizon. The sun appears and an intense light can be seen at the top of the plain. The light is penetrating and consumes my entire being. I forget all troubles, sorrows and sufferings. It is the vision of the Creator and I feel completely relaxed and confident in his presence. In the plane below a shadow surges and with it, evildoers. The vision of darkness embitters me. The two separate plains represent the "opposing forces" which one faces continuou
sly in the universe. I am on the side of good and I will work hard to ensure that it will always prevail. The two plains disappear from my vision and only the empty space remains with me now. The ground appears, the blue sky shines and in an instant, I wake up, as if everything was nothing more than a dream.
First Impressions
The true awakening leaves me in good humor. The trip in time seems to have been a success. At my side, still asleep, I find Renato seeming as if he really enjoyed the journey. Where am I? In a few moments I will find out. I carefully contemplate the place and it looks familiar. The mountains, vegetation, topography, everything is the same. Wait. Something is different. The village no longer seems to be the same. The houses that now exist, spread from one side to the other, if put together in a row would make up no more than one street. I understand what happened: We traveled in time but not in space. I need to come down the mountain to observe all this. I approach Renato and I start to shake him. We can't waste time with delays because we have exactly thirty days to help someone who I still haven't even met. Renato stretches and reluctantly begins to descend the mountain with me. I don't think he has gotten over the battle of time travel yet. He is still a child and needs my care.
Opposing Forces Page 5