Envy (Protectors of the Elemental Magic Book 4)

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Envy (Protectors of the Elemental Magic Book 4) Page 2

by Marnie Cate

  “You are strong,” the wicked Goddess said, sounding amused.

  I'm glad my death pleases you, I thought, but before the darkness could take me, warm air violently rushed into my lungs. I began to cough, choking on the unexpected return of oxygen.

  “Your mother has promised me a child soon.” Snowystra looked unimpressed as she added, “You could have given me one years ago. That Simon boy would have been an adequate choice, but you toyed with him for too long. Wasting your time on finding love is no longer an option. I have chosen Roger Kingston for you.”

  “What?” The word slipped out before I could stop them. I immediately felt regret.

  Thankfully, the wicked Goddess only cocked a contemptuous eyebrow at me. “He has a strong physique, sharp mind and he wants you. You will return to him and convince him you were a fool. You will grovel, if necessary. When he asks for your hand, you will marry him.” She paused in contemplation. “What a ridiculous world you live in. Still, if you must abide by the mortal world's rules, you will marry the entrepreneur. And then, you will bring me the child.”

  “But,” I paused. Her eyes narrowed, warning me she was in no mood to barter. I fumbled with my next words and finally blurted out, “What if he does not want me anymore?”

  Snowystra threw back her head and laughed. “You really have no idea how easy it is to tempt a human male, do you? Go to him tonight. Beg for his forgiveness. Tomorrow, we will speak again, but heed my words… Do Not Disappointment Me, Blanche.”

  And with that, she faded into a wall of black particles that blew away into the wind. Swallowing my fear, I sat up. I had lived. She had not killed me. Then, a cold reality hit me. She spared me this time, but… I would have to face her again. The tears I had been holding back push forward without restraint and I began to cry.

  “You really should clean yourself up if you are going to convince that Roger guy you are sorry,” the silky male voice said again.

  Looking up, I found myself staring into the black eyes of the most attractive man I had ever seen in my entire life. Tall, dark and handsome, my mother would have said. “I am not going there tonight,” I said, releasing a long, shaky sigh.

  “You are foolish if you think she will let you get away with disobeying her,” he warned me. His tone was stern, but his eyes were soft.

  “Why do you care?” I snapped.

  “It is the Goddess' will,” he said, shrugging. “And I would hate for anything to happen to you.”

  “I can't go to Roger's home this late. The neighbors will talk,” I explained. “My reputation would be tarnished and he would not be able to marry me. So, I have to wait.”

  “You are avoiding it,” he accused with a brilliant smile.

  “No,” I replied, and he raised his eyebrows at me in disbelief. “Fine, I don't want to marry him. It would be like marrying my father.”

  “You have no choice. It is what she wants. Wipe the scowl off your face, Blanche. I will escort you to his home. We will travel in the shadow of Winter,” he said, holding out his hand to me. “No one will see you.”

  Though I had never seen him before, he felt so familiar to me that I trusted him without question. When our fingers touched, I felt a jolt of electricity. Before I could change my mind, he grasped my hand and pulled me up from the ground. Our bodies touched for only a moment before he quickly stepped back. As I fixed my dress, he reached out and tucked a loose curl behind my ear.

  Handing me my purse, he said, “Touch up your makeup a bit and he will be dazzled.”

  “Why are you helping me? What do you get out of this?”

  “I have no ill intentions. If I wanted you hurt, I would have let you struggle against her ice when it filled your lungs. I would have let you writhe and scream in pain as Snowystra toyed with you, giving you just enough air only take it away again. She would have played with you longer, risking the chance of killing you.” His words sounded from experience. “If you don't want my help, I can go.”

  Our eyes locked. I saw his sadness and worry. “I'm sorry. I just don't understand why you would help me. Won't she punish you?”

  “I had been sent to watch over you and I have been doing so for several years now.”

  “You've been watching me?”

  “Yes, Blanche. I know your secrets… the ones you don't want to admit, even to yourself. I know about your lovely voice and know you refuse to share it with anyone because you don't think you are good enough. I know you stare into the night sky, wishing for something, someone to take you away from this life. I even know you hate carrots and you are too proper to tell anyone. Instead, you discreetly tuck them in your napkin. Then, you throw the carrots off your balcony for the birds. I looked forward to seeing your mischievous smile as you destroyed the evidence of your rebellion.”

  “How creepy, to be watching me so intently. Do you report my secrets back to her?”

  “Do not misunderstand me. You have your privacy. I tell her enough to appease her. Your secrets, our secrets, are safe with me.”

  “You always watch me? Always?”

  “Your modesty has never been in jeopardy. Not once.”

  “Our secrets?” I asked, feeling confused by his words. It felt like this stranger was claiming me.

  “Yes, Blanche. You don't know me, but I know you. I would like you to know me… to trust me.”

  “So, you follow me around and stare in my window? How come I haven't seen you before? You must really be on her bad list to be stuck watching me.”

  “Quite the opposite, Blanche. I am one of the Goddess' high guards. Your family is very important to her.”

  “Why? I have no magic. She is wasting her time thinking a child of mine would have anything to offer her.”

  “You doubt yourself. You must learn to trust your instincts and tap into it. I will help you.”

  An idea came to my mind. It was crazy, but nothing in my life seemed rational. “You seem like you want to help me. You already know so much about me. You even know I have to give up my child, so there would be no deceit. Why don't you marry me? It is the logical answer.”

  “That can never be,” he said.

  “Why? She just wants my child. She didn't say —”

  “No!” he roared. “The Goddess has chosen who will father the child. She must never know what I have told you.”

  Something inside me made me want to calm him. I took his hand again. The tingly feeling from his touch ran through me. “I will do as she instructed. I will convince Roger to marry me.”

  The tension in his body lifted. “I am glad you are thinking rationally again. Let me escort you to Mr. Kingston's house. I will keep watch over you while you go inside.”

  “On one condition”

  Scowling, he asked, “What?”

  “You know everything about me and I do not even know your name. Tell me your name,” I blurted out.

  The corner of his mouth lifted. Once again, I was in awe of how handsome he was. Silky black hair and black eyes surrounded by long lashes. Even with heels, I had to look up to stare at his chiseled face and strong jaw line. Through his black fitted shirt, I could see his muscles.

  Noticing my inspection, his smile grew larger. “Jameson. She calls me Jameson.”

  Chapter 2

  As promised, Jameson led me through town unseen. He held me close to him as we travelled at lightning speed. His magic was exciting. My feet never touched the ground. I felt safe in his arms, and being so close to him made me angry. I had this viable option for a husband right here, and I was being forced to ask forgiveness from a man I detested.

  “He will be a fool if he sends you away,” Jameson said. He released the veil covering us beside the steps to Roger's home. “I will be here if you need me.”

  Roger answered on my third knock.

  “If it isn't Miss Drygen.” His words slurred a bit. I assumed the scotch he was holding was not his first.

  “Yes, Roger. I have come to apologize for my behavior the oth
er night. I shouldn't have acted like a spoiled brat,” I said, shifting my eyes away as if I was too embarrassed to meet his gaze.

  “Yes, you were wrong to act like such a child. Come in and we can talk.”

  The pit in my stomach grew. There was no backing down. There really was no choice.

  As I entered the house, I looked back to see Jameson watching me. He nodded at me, encouraging me.

  “Have a seat. Would you like a drink?”

  Sitting on the brown leather couch, I shook my head. “No, thank you.”

  “Of course, you would like a drink,” he said, ignoring me and pouring a glass of red wine."

  “Thank you,” I said, accepting the glass and taking a small sip.

  “Aren't you full of manners tonight? Are you going to explain why you were so against my proposal?”

  “I was scared. You are a confident business man and I am barely a woman. I didn't believe I could be the one you need on your arm. I know now I was wrong. Roger, there is no one else who would be strong enough to be at your side. There is no other eligible woman in Starten, who would be an asset to a man of your wealth and stature.”

  Roger took the seat next to me and slid close. “Such a change. Your confidence is seductive, Miss Drygen.”

  “You will find I am more than I appear, once you get to know me,” I said, confidently.

  “I must say, I have always found you to be a stunning beauty, but tonight, I am in awe. I will say, seeing you in this dress has made it easier to forgive you. Is it new?”

  Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a black velvet box and opened it. Nestled in the red satin lining, he held out a silver band lined with small diamonds. In the setting, a white pearl sat next to a diamond.

  “Together, we will expand our businesses, obtain more and make our mark not only on Starten but the outlying towns. With my drive and your family's reputation, we would be unstoppable. This was my mother's ring, and I would be honored if you would wear it… If you would agree to be my partner in business and in life.”

  “It's lovely,” I said, forcing myself into silence. I was afraid if I tried to talk, I would end up telling him the truth. I would admit that I would never marry him willingly, and I was being forced into this loveless union. He had to know I did not love him, even if he did not realize I never would.

  He held it out before slipping it onto my finger. “Have you ever seen a ring like this, Blanche?”

  Never in my life, I thought honestly.

  “I will take your silence as a `yes',” he said, sweeping me into his arms and kissing me roughly before I could speak.

  When he finally broke away from my mouth and began kissing my neck, I saw Jameson outside the window. He glared at Roger, his jaw clenching. I tried to get his attention to tell him it would be ok. He only saw the overheated attention I was receiving. Suddenly, Jameson held up his fist and slammed it hard against the pane, causing it to crack. I gasped.

  “What the hell!” Roger yelled, breaking away from me.

  “I think it was a bird,” I said, shifting away from him.

  “We can worry about that later,” he said, leaning back in to kiss me.

  I placed my hand on his chest, stopping his advance. “Roger, we must stop. The neighbors will talk if I don't leave soon. I don't think I will be able to say no if you continue to kiss me. You don't want your future wife to be thought of as a harlot, do you? It would not be good for business.”

  “Very wise. Your mother said you had a good head on your shoulders,” he said, kissing my cheek.

  He stood up and offered me his hand. I felt nothing, except dread, but still, I accepted it. His hand was dry. He was a businessman, not a farmer. There was no excuse for this hygienic oversight.

  I was not surprised when he yanked me into his arms for one last kiss. How a man of his age could not have learned how to kiss by now shocked me. Even inexperienced school boys were more considerate. If I was going to be with him, I would have to teach him. If I was going to be married to him, there would be much to fix to make him an acceptable husband.

  Not tonight, I thought. His ego had been stroked enough. He had forgiven me. We would marry, and I would buy our freedom from Snowystra. Somehow.

  “Tomorrow, I will come around for lunch to discuss the wedding and business plans. You have made a very smart decision, Blanche. A very lucrative decision for both of us,” he said. “Will you need an escort home?”

  “My friend's house is close by. I promised I would stop in after seeing you. She will be pleased I have accepted your offer,” I quickly lied.

  He nodded his approval.

  “You will soon be mine, Blanche,” he said, kissing my hand.

  I was grateful he didn't try to kiss me again, and I forced myself to smile at his gesture.

  * * *

  When he had closed the door, and I knew Roger could no longer hear me, I called for Jameson. He stepped out from behind the house. His eyes were still blazing with anger.

  “What was that all about?” I asked coldly.

  “He was being too forceful. He will need to learn better manners,” Jameson answered, stepping next to me.

  “You could have upset him. It could have ruined everything,” I hissed.

  “The only thing I did was spare you from him. In the future, I will not interfere,” he said.

  My heart fell. I had no explanation for this feeling. Why did I want him to protect me? To seem jealous? I barely knew this man. Yet, it seemed like I had known him my entire life. My feelings were confused. Earlier this night, I had thrown myself shamelessly at Chester Veracor, let Roger Kingston manhandle me and now I was acting like a lovesick school girl over a stranger.

  Before I could speak, he took my hand. As he once again swept me through Starten, I wondered if he was really concerned about etiquette. Or maybe he was jealous? No. If he had been watching me for years, he had seen me kiss other boys. It wasn't like I was running around kissing people, but I had boyfriends. I had dated.

  When we arrived on the Drygen property, I was disappointed by how quickly we had arrived. I wanted to know more about Jameson and why he was watching me. Did Snowystra have spies everywhere? Was this something normal for the Winter Goddess and I had just been unaware of his existence?

  “You will have questions for me, but you need to tell your mother your news. She is anxious,” Jameson said.

  As he walked away, I called after him, “When will I see you again?”

  “I will come to you,” he said as he disappeared into the night.

  * * *

  “The dance has been over for hours. Why didn't you let me know you were home, Blanche?”

  “It's late, Mother. I thought you would be sleeping,” I said.

  “I was told you were last seen walking away from Chester Veracor. Why would you have anything to do with a grubby woodworker?”

  “Why are you spying on me? Don't you trust me?”

  My mother gave me a look of disgust before replying, “I sent Stephen to watch over you. When he went to check on you, he thought you had come home. Imagine how I felt when you weren't here? What were you thinking? Chester is not in our plan of finding you an acceptable husband.”

  I sat down at my vanity and began to pull the pins out of my hair. My mother reached for the brush, but I quickly took it. Her rough brushing from several nights ago would not be repeated tonight.

  Just tell her, I scolded myself. You are being so cruel. Looking at myself in the mirror, I thought how beautiful I looked. Let her suffer. I am throwing away my youth because of her stupid promise.

  “Where did you go when you left the dance?” my mother asked.

  “Oh, I ran into Snowystra and she gave me a preview of the icy death we will both be experiencing. Burning chest, no breathing. It was a fantastic reminder of what it will cost if I fail,” I replied flippantly.

  My mother's hands fluttered up to her neck. It was as if she was recalling one of Snowystra's reminders of
her power. “What … what did she say?”

  “She picked Roger for me and demanded I make him marry me.”


  “And what? I was a good little girl. I ran right over to Roger's home. I begged him to forgive me and promised I would be a lovely trophy for him to display,” I said, slamming the brush down.

  “Did he forgive you?”

  I held up my hand for her to see the engagement ring. “Yes, mother. Of course, I had to pretend I wasn't repulsed by his sloppy kisses, or his dry hands groping me, but I accepted his proposal of marriage. I should have just let him have his way with me and hope I got pregnant.”

  “Oh Blanche, I am so relieved,” she said, ignoring the fact I was selling myself for her. “It will all be fine. You will marry soon and once your child is born, she will —”

  “Take it away? Leave me to clean up the mess of explaining what happened to the baby? This is not a good thing, Mother. I am being forced into a loveless marriage.”

  “It won't be so difficult. Marriages based on love are overrated. You are my daughter. You will make this work. He will bend to your will, and you will change any of the things you do not like about him.”

  Another business deal. To her it was like buying a new property and cleaning it up. She truly thought she could make me believe I had won a prize. She was wrong. I would die inside.

  “This is wonderful news. We will have a dinner introducing you as the future Mrs. Roger Kingston,” my mother declared.

  “No, I am not changing my name.”

  The bright smile my mother had been wearing faded. “Blanche, be sensible.”

  “I mean it! You will not take my name. It is all I have left of father, my brothers!” I stepped close to her. The same way she did when she meant to intimidate me into bending to her will.

  Surprised by my aggression, she stepped back. “You can't be serious. What will everyone think?”

  I closed the space she had tried to give herself. “I don't care what everyone thinks. You will tell Roger it is important to keep my name for the best interest of our businesses. It will be a clear statement of the merger of our empires. I don't care what story you come up with. If you don't make it clear that my name will not change, I won't marry him.”


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