The Girls of Cropton Hall

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The Girls of Cropton Hall Page 5

by Stanlegh Meresith

  "I have one item for today's agenda, ladies, and that is, in a word ... discipline!" Murmurs of approval were joined by a "Yes" with much nodding and smiling in recognition of their shared concern.

  "Perhaps the first thing I should say is that there will be no more lines." This statement was greeted with a hubbub of "Hurrah"s and more general approval and laughter. The tension in the room was beginning to dissolve into a relaxed camaraderie. Edith was impressed and pleased. "Making pupils write as a punishment is simply foolish. We should be nurturing their sense of joy and excitement in writing, not making it a dreaded chore and a bore." More murmurs of approval were exchanged. "Teenaged pupils in my experience respond best to absolutely clear boundaries. Step over the line and they must know they can expect repercussions. And those repercussions need to be serious enough," she paused, "... painful enough, to ensure the lesson is learnt. Corporal punishment provides that painful instruction. It is quick, simple and clearly understood by all. Of course some girls do not learn straight away - I was, I confess, one such myself - they are young, thoughtless, forgetful. Punishments do sometimes have to be repeated, but eventually the lesson is learnt and they are the better for it." The Headmistress surveyed her staff. "Any questions or comments so far?" Edith cleared her throat.

  "I think I can say you have our complete agreement, Headmistress," she said looking round the table for confirmation and eliciting much eager nodding.

  "Thank you." She paused, picked up a pencil and tapped it against her palm. "However... it is also my experience that the rules we ask pupils to abide by, and the punishments administered when they are breached, must be unequivocally fair, and they must be seen to be fair. I therefore propose that we ourselves abide by a system, a system which lays down guidelines as to the degree of punishment for any given misdemeanour." She reached down into her briefcase and extracted a folder. "I have here a simple outline which I ask you all to study carefully." She passed round carbon copies of a typed document.

  Disciplinary System Guidelines

  Staff authorisation for use of instruments:

  Headmistress: senior cane; junior cane; strap; hairbrush; plimsoll

  Deputy Headmistress: junior cane; strap; hairbrush; plimsoll

  Heads of Department (4): strap; hairbrush; plimsoll

  Dormitory Mistresses (3): strap; hairbrush; plimsoll/slipper

  (Instruments similar to the above may be used, subject to approval by the Headmistress)

  Number of strokes:

  These will range from 2 up to 12, though most punishments will consist of between 4 and 6 strokes. Staff may vary the strength of strokes as appropriate. Staff will make every effort to be consistent in their application to ensure fairness.

  Misdemeanour Categorisation:

  Very Serious: (cane) bringing the school into disrepute; theft; drinking alcohol; smoking; bullying; fighting; being out of bounds; cheating; endangering self or others

  Serious: (cane, strap) rudeness; defiance; swearing; disobedience; possession of disallowed item; mendacity

  Moderate: (hairbrush, plimsoll) talking when not permitted; running in corridor; lateness; lack of effort; untidiness; inattention; inappropriate behaviour

  N.B. Repetition of a misdemeanour within a reasonable period will result in an increase in severity of punishment.

  Records and Referral System:

  Two Punishment Books will be kept, one recording each punishment chronologically, the other with a section for each pupil so that frequency of misdemeanours and punishment can be easily monitored. Authorised staff will record every instance of corporal punishment in both volumes as promptly as possible.

  Referral for punishment will be recorded on a Punishment slip, with brief details of the reason and suggesting whether moderate, serious or very serious. Staff may send a pupil to the Headmistress or Deputy Head if they feel that instant retribution is the most appropriate course of action. In all other cases, punishment slips are to be placed in the Punishment pigeon hole in the staffroom and will be sorted daily at 5.00 p.m. by the Deputy Head. These pupils will be dealt with by the Headmistress or Deputy Head during prep (7.00 - 9.00 p.m.).

  These are guidelines; they require thoughtfulness and discretion in their application. They are also subject to amendment in the light of experience.

  Verily Markham, Sept. 3rd 1953.

  Silent concentration fell upon the room whilst the document was absorbed. Eventually, the Headmistress spoke again:

  "As you will see, I propose that the authority to administer corporal punishment will at first rest with senior staff only, that is myself, the Deputy Head, Heads of Department and Dormitory Mistresses." Edith noticed Prudence Waring looking rather disappointed. "However, I intend to monitor the system with a view to extending this authority to all staff and even to prefects when the time is right." Suddenly there was the sound of a hand clap at the far end of the table, and then another and in a moment the entire staff had turned to Verily Markham and were applauding. The new Headmistress smiled faintly and held up her palms to indicate that they should cease.

  "Colleagues, let us not be premature. This depends on you, and I must repeat that fairness is paramount. Arbitrariness leads to resentment and rebellion. During the coming weeks, those of us authorised to beat the girls must consult and compare notes to make sure we are being as consistent as possible. I will also review the Punishment Book regularly to check our progress. This way, a clear system will have been established when we extend the authorisation to all members of staff, which..."

  Prudence Waring interrupted. "And when will that be, Headmistress?"

  The Head frowned. "When I decide, Miss...?" Miss Waring failed to pick up the cue. She was beginning to blush from the sudden attention she had drawn to herself, and was vaguely aware of the disapproval of many of her colleagues.

  "Miss Waring, Headmistress, Prudence Waring," interjected Edith Bainbridge into the awkward silence. "Geography," she added.

  "Staff will be kept fully informed, Miss Waring. Now, unless there are any other questions, Miss Bainbridge and I must get on with our planning. I am sure you all have schemes of work and preparation to do too," said the Headmistress. There was an air of anti-climax round the table as chairs were pushed back and the staff began to disperse to their desks and tasks. Prudence Waring was the recipient of a number of cold looks.

  4. Nostalgie de la Roue

  "Tell me about this Miss Waring," said Verily Markham once she and Edith were settled once more on the sofas in her study.

  "Humph!" muttered Edith. "A bit spoilt, actually. Not a bad teacher, just very full of herself and inclined to sulk and manipulate to get her way. There were two incidents last year..."


  "Two girls in 5C, Thomas and French, managed somehow to put salt in her cup of tea - she shouldn't have had one in the classroom anyway - and she got rather a shock when she took a big gulp and of course the whole class found it hilarious." Verily frowned but Edith thought she saw a hint of a smile too. "Anyway, you wouldn't believe the fuss Prudence made, storming into the staffroom, marching off to find the Head. Normally Mrs Weekes would have given them detention and two hundred lines but Prudence whined and pushed so relentlessly that Clarissa very reluctantly agreed to spank them, which she did."

  "Mm... and the other incident?"

  "That was last autumn. I was off sick for a week with a flu. Emily Stokes, who teaches English, had just joined us - her first post since graduating - and was assigned a desk by the window in the staffroom. Well, with the lovely weather we were having, Miss Waring decided that Miss Stokes's desk was far preferable to her own and, as I discovered later, began a campaign of wheedling to try and persuade her to swap. Emily clearly hadn't wanted to, but in the end, after what Mrs Beecham told me was tantamount to bullying, she agreed and they transferred all their things. I noticed upon my return that Emily was at Prudence's desk and that she seemed rather subdued and I made discreet enquiries as to why - tha
t's when Constance filled me in. I was intending to tackle Prudence when the weather turned nasty and, can you believe it, Prudence was insisting that they swap back again!"

  "Good heavens! The bare-faced cheek of it!" Verily seemed genuinely enraged.

  "Quite. Emily meanwhile was quite happy to get her old desk back, and so I felt that I'd better let the matter rest, but it left a nasty taste."

  "Bitter indeed," mused Verily. "Frankly, Edith, I am alarmed to hear this. I ask myself if I want this young lady on my staff." She thought for a moment. "She certainly needs taking down a peg or two. The way she interrupted me this morning was rather inappropriate I thought."

  "And that is typical of her behaviour generally - thoughtless and selfish."

  Verily ran her fingers over the arm of the sofa and turned to look out of the window. There was a long silence while she considered all she had heard. Eventually she seemed to nod to herself and she turned back to Edith.

  At that moment there was a knock. "Enter!" called Verily. Margaret Dawson's head appeared round the door.

  "I hope I'm not disturbing, Headmistress?"

  "Not at all, Margaret," said Verily getting up and crossing the room to welcome her. She smiled warmly. "It's been many, many years, hasn't it?"

  Margaret Dawson looked simultaneously pleased and embarrassed. "Yes, it has, Head -"

  "Please, call me Verily - when we're not in formal circumstances at least!" Verily's warmth was genuine and Margaret felt grateful that this bit of ice had been broken. "How can I help you, Margaret?"

  "I'm sorry to bother you. I can see you're busy with Edith, but I wanted some advice." Verily nodded encouragingly. "It's Prudence Waring..." Verily's eyebrows rose and she turned to give Edith a surprised look as if to say "Talk of the devil".

  "And what about Miss Waring?"

  "She is being most uncooperative about the record of work she should have for the Upper Sixth Geography. Results were particularly poor again in Geography this year and so I asked her to provide me with all her records for that group, and she is simply making strings of excuses. She somehow manages to make me feel as if I'm the one in the wrong! As Head of Humanities I surely have the right to demand a basic measure of teaching such as a record of work? Not according to Miss High and Mighty, though. I really am at the end of my tether. I feel badly about bringing this to you so soon after your arrival - you must think I'm unable to -" Verily raised her hand and interrupted her former fellow pupil.

  "Margaret, I think none the worse of you for struggling with the very wearing Miss Waring!" Margaret took a breath and looked relieved, then smiled at the pun, as did Edith who had risen from the sofa to join them. "Edith and I were just discussing her. Leave this with me." Margaret thanked her and made a tactful exit. Verily crossed to the window and stood looking out at the immaculate green lawn and the rose beds that were now her garden. After a few moments she turned to her Deputy.

  "I think I know, Edith, just how to deal with Miss Waring. It's unorthodox but it will, I believe, force the issue one way or the other. However," she warned, "I shall need your support and no one but you and I must know."


  On the Tuesday afternoon of the week before teaching was due to begin, Headmistress Verily Markham met with senior staff to discuss the new disciplinary policy. They met in Margaret Dawson's classroom adjacent to the staffroom, and as they gathered they were intrigued to notice Mr Arnold, the groundsman and handyman, just finishing the affixing of a small wooden board bearing four hooks to the wall next to the blackboard near the teacher's desk. It looked like the kind of panel used for clothes hooks in a hallway but the hooks themselves were smaller and L-shaped.

  "Be arta ya way in a tick, ladies," he said jovially to the assembling staff. "Still got t' rest o' this side o' classrums to do."

  Miss Markham entered at that moment, and noticing Mr Arnold, said,

  "Ah yes, everybody, the hooks I ordered. Thank you, Tom." The last screw tightened, the handyman took up his toolbox and, with a "Pleasure, Ma'am," left for the next classroom.

  "Mr Arnold is installing these in each of your classrooms - I propose that our punishment implements are displayed for all to see, and within easy reach. I have ordered a dozen straps and hairbrushes with small loops on their handles so they can be hung up easily. These will be delivered by Friday, along with a dozen junior and six senior canes from Smith's of New Oxford Street. I am trusting that this measure will help instill in the girls a better attitude from the start."

  "Certainly a good idea, Headmistress," offered Mrs Palmer, dormitory mistress for the East wing, "but I fear that it won't be long at all before one or all of these implements disappears." Margaret Dawson endorsed this view:

  "I'm afraid I have to agree with Eileen. Things are very different to how they were in our day, Headmistress. Some of the girls are very defiant and would see this as a challenge they couldn't resist." She looked to the Headmistress, as others did, for a response. Verily smiled.

  "And it's a challenge I relish, ladies," she said. "I would regard such behaviour as a very serious misdemeanour, and if no culprit admitted to it I would have no hesitation in beating the entire class as well as charging their parents for the cost of replacement. In fact I did just that at St Hilda's when no one would own up to destroying school property - I'd caned four of them before the culprit confessed." Her colleagues exchanged impressed glances. "Now, shall we get down to today's business?" They arranged themselves at various students' desks near the front. The Headmistress took the teacher's chair.

  "I remember this classroom well. It belonged to a mistress called Mrs Hardacre who taught Mathematics - very well as it happened, I learnt a lot in her lessons - but she was ruthless when it came to stamping on the slightest deviation from perfect behaviour in the classroom. Woe betide anyone daring to even mutter out of turn, or pass a note! She had eyes like a hawk and a strong arm. Miscreants were dealt with on the spot with a butter pat - a rectangle of hardwood about eight inches long and four wide with a handle." She gestured with her hands. "It had lots of grooved serrations running lengthwise which left a very distinctive mark, even through one's underwear."

  "Would I be right in assuming, Headmistress, that you were on occasion numbered among those miscreants?" asked the Countess with a smile. Verily responded with a nod of assent and a grimace at the memory. Everyone laughed sympathetically.

  "I too remember that butter pat," said Margaret Dawson blushing. She didn't find it easy to speak in even relatively small public forums, outside the classroom that is, though, at 41, this shyness was easing. And she had another reason to blush too. "Unfortunately I found Maths particularly hard to concentrate on, even in the face of Mrs Hardacre's indubitably effective deterrent and I was quite a frequent recipient of those marks you mention, Headmistress. Furthermore, you may be interested to know ... I am now the proud possessor of that very implement!"

  "Really, Margaret? How on earth...?" asked Verily.

  "Mrs Hardacre retired the same summer I finished my Upper Sixth year. Despite my poor Maths, she'd always seemed to like me, and on our last day she came and found me and said, "Miss Dawson, I thought perhaps, as you know it rather well, you might appreciate this as a memento."

  Surprised laughter greeted this anecdote.

  "Well," said Verily, "as a dormitory mistress, Margaret, I see no reason why you shouldn't put it to good use again."

  "Margaret, you are a dark horse!" said Miss Gibson in surprise. She and Margaret Dawson were firm friends, sharing a love of literature and walking. Monica Gibson herself taught History and coached the first XI hockey team.

  What Margaret Dawson had not told them - God forbid - was how she'd made use of this paddle in the intervening years. Her habit of spanking herself was a secret she'd guarded for over twenty years - a secret, however, which she'd felt increasingly frustrated by in recent months.

  "Ladies," continued Verily in a serious tone, "I chose to meet in this room and
evoke the memory of Mrs Hardacre not purely out of nostalgia. Through my years of teaching I have often recalled her methods and have come to realise that she combined the two essential ingredients of a good teacher: the ability to impart knowledge interestingly and at the right level for the age group, and a steely expectation of the highest standards of behaviour ... and of course a consistent willingness to punish any lapses. That is what I want us to aim for here at Cropton Hall. I do not propose a reign of terror! I want happy girls who enjoy learning from good teachers, but also girls who respect each other and us."

  The Headmistress then led the discussion on to each colleague's experience of and attitude to administering corporal punishment. Anecdotes and tips were exchanged, favoured implements indicated. Verily emphasised the importance of care and exactitude in making the severity of any beating fit the crime, and that they should be especially careful, if angry ("which comes to us all"), to maintain self-control. Some, including Verily herself, related incidents where they themselves had been the recipients of both salutary and less effective punishments and explored the reasons. Edith had wise words of advice from her many years of experience serving under Miss Bentley and her successors. After an hour of such talk, which all had found both engrossing and useful in preparing for their new duties, the Headmistress closed the meeting by making appointments with those she had not yet met for an individual interview.


  Preparations were complete in the Thomas household for the departure of Rachel for the new term. Her trunk was packed save only for the contents of her sponge bag that she would need in the morning, and her uniform of blue blazer and skirt, white blouse and tie, was neatly laid out on the spare bed. It had been easier than usual, mused Patricia Thomas, Rachel being more enthusiastic about going back than her mother could remember her ever having been. Perhaps it was because she'd be in the Lower Sixth this year. Her husband was reading in his study and Rachel had gone for a walk, so Patricia had time to herself to pen the letter she'd been thinking about for several days but which she hadn't had a moment to sit down and write.


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