The Girls of Cropton Hall

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The Girls of Cropton Hall Page 30

by Stanlegh Meresith

  "Mmmmm," groaned Rachel, face again in the pillow. The door opened.

  "Aaaw! What a touching scene!" said Julia.

  Susan snatched her hand away and flushed. Julia came forward, followed by Gabrielle. She had Rachel's blazer and skirt over one arm.

  "It's all right, Susie. Don't mind us," she said. "These are dry." She tossed the clothing on the adjacent bed. "Golly, Rachel, you're a sight for sore eyes. How are you feeling?"

  Rachel half-laughed, half-groaned loudly and ruefully into the pillow. "Don't know," came her muffled voice, "bit confused just now." Gabby stood at the end of the bed and whistled softly.

  "Gosh!" she said, shocked.

  "Yes," said Susan, looking up. "Apparently it's a different cane - it's darker and thicker. From ... where was it, Rache?"

  "M'lucci," mumbled Rachel from the pillow.

  "And look at those," said Susan, indicating the gym shorts she'd laid out flat on her chair, bottom up so that the six brown lines were clearly visible.

  "What IS that?" asked Julia peering closely.

  "It's some kind of oil," replied Susan. "Marky rubbed the cane with it before she..."

  "Ah!" said Julia, understanding, "so she could see where the strokes were landing. You've got to admit," she said, turning to Gabrielle, "our Headmistress certainly knows how to cane a girl!"

  "I wouldn't know," said Gabby, "and I'm certainly not about to find out, thank you." She rubbed her backside. "What on earth did you go into the village for, Rachel?" she asked.

  Rachel turned her head to one side now, but Susan answered for her. "These," she said, indicating the pots of Ponds' stacked up on the floor by her chair.

  "Heavens! Well, it's just as well then isn't it?" Gabrielle sensed a tension and noticed the looks passing between Susan and Julia. She realised she might be better off, in her new role, not knowing any more. "Right, well," she said, "I've got to go and check on the fourth-formers." She moved towards the door. "Please try and stay out of trouble, Rachel. We can't have you limping round the field on Saturday."

  Rachel grinned. "Thanks, Gabrielle," she said. "I will."

  Once Gabrielle had gone, Julia sat down on the edge of the bed opposite Susan. "So, how's SWACK coming along then?" she asked.

  "Oh! Super," said Rachel, perking up even more. "We've got the cream, as you can see, an-"

  "At a price," muttered Julia.

  "And we're having our first meeting this Sunday in a room in the attic in the west wing. It's perfect."

  "Good," said Julia in a noncommittal tone.

  "Are you sure you don't want to join?" asked Susan.

  "No thanks. I think it's a great idea, but ... well ... I'm Gabby's best friend now, really, and ... I don't want to put her in an awkward position, you know? But, don't worry, I won't breathe a word. You girls have fun."

  "Thanks, Julia," said Rachel, gratefully. "I think we will, won't we Susie?"

  Susan gazed worriedly down at Rachel's bottom and sighed.

  "Of course we will," she said, uncertainly.

  22. Two Heads and a Sore Tail

  Prudence Waring surveyed her Lower Sixth Geography class as they finished their essays on delta systems. There were five minutes to go until the bell for break and Ward and Linton, the class swots sitting next to each other at the front, were still writing furiously. They were obviously well-armed with all the facts having attended closely to everything Prudence had been teaching them these past ten days. However, Prudence was uncomfortably aware that, just as she hadn't filled out a single Punishment referral slip throughout the first week of term, neither had she yet given a single VS or NS mark since the Headmistress had introduced the Study Card system. She was worried lest she come to be seen as slacking in her duties.

  Thus it was that, with only one day to go until the first Study Card 'reckoning' (as Miss Markham referred to these tottings up of slips and cards), Prudence determined now that one of the girls in front of her must receive at least a VS. She looked past Ward and Linton and spotted Wilson sucking her pen and staring at the ceiling. But no - she'd been pretty good so far this term. Over by the window, MacPherson was sighing and twisting her hair round her fingers. Did she deserve one? Not really.

  And then her eyes alighted on Thomas and French at their double desk at the back - no need to ask why those two were always furthest from the front. Neither had been especially well-behaved or attentive this term; come to that, neither had shown much sign of learning anything either, and French's spelling had to be seen to be believed (her mangling of 'Mississippi', in which she'd managed to include six S's and 4 P's, had caused great amusement when Prudence had shown colleagues in the staffroom,). But she had a soft spot for those two now, especially since her own caning by Miss Markham on the Saturday before term began. She looked back with shame on her behaviour last term, getting them both whacked - and surprisingly hard by all accounts, given it was the insipid Mrs Weekes - for the salt in the tea incident. She recognised that she herself had needed taking down a peg or two, and she rather admired the pluck and imagination in the way they'd done it. She sighed. Someone had to get at least a VS, or she'd be looking insipid herself.

  Thomas she had already caused to be caned for her eavesdropping outside the head's study, and of the two she was marginally more on the ball. It had to be French.

  After the bell sounded, while the girls were handing in their exercise books on their way out, she called French over.

  "Your Study Card, please, French," she said brusquely. French froze for a moment and looked mortified.

  "Miss?" she asked, rather pointlessly.

  "Hand me your card, please." She picked up her pen and unscrewed the top. "You've earned yourself a Vix Studiosis for your less than sparkling performance this week."

  "Oh, but, Miss..."

  "No buts, French." Prudence crooked her index finger in a summoning motion.

  Very reluctantly, and flushing bright red, Susan produced the rather soiled, crumpled card and handed it over. Prudence was shocked to see two NS marks already recorded. Her added VS would mean six of the best from the Head with the senior cane. She hesitated for a moment, but couldn't go back on what she'd just committed herself to. Thomas stood by, looking deeply unhappy as well. Prudence noticed French's hand shaking as she took back the card with the extra VS that meant an even severer doom than the two NS marks had already condemned her to.

  The young mistress sighed as the two girls turned and made their way disconsolately towards the door. She wanted to say she was sorry, but knew she shouldn't. She felt guilty, and for a moment her mind flew to Monica Gibson's cottage and an image of herself bent over a desk while a cane swished menacingly behind her. She shivered.


  Outside in the corridor, Rachel tried to comfort the now pale and trembling Susan.

  "Why, Rache?" asked Susie pleadingly. "What did I do?"

  Rachel shrugged and pressed Susie's arm with her hand as comfortingly as she could. Alice Jennings appeared. She, too, was looking distressed.

  "Hello," she said, miserably. "Guess what I just got?"

  "Don't tell me," responded Rachel. "An NS?"

  "How did you know?" asked Alice, genuinely surprised at Rachel's apparently psychic powers.

  "I didn't, but they seem to be flying around like wasps in August. Susie just got a VS that means a caning by the Head."

  "Me too," said Alice. "I already had an NS and a VS. That Polish cow really doesn't like me. She asked for our favourite phrases in French and German and ..." She giggled, spirits revived now by having an audience.

  "What did you say?" asked Rachel, smiling already.

  "S'il vous plait Mein Herr! I mean, what's wrong with that?" Alice opened her eyes wide in mock innocence, as Rachel burst out laughing. Susan managed a smile too. "And you know what she said? She went all frowny, you know the way she does when she's angry, and said, 'Vell, I 'ope ze 'Eadmistress plaits your bottom viz ze cane, Jenninks!' and she made me gi
ve her my card there and then."

  "It's not fair," said Susan quietly, her chin trembling.

  "Bloody right, it's not!" said Alice vehemently. "And Simpson's got five VS's too, so it looks like that's three of us SWACK girls in for it tomorrow."

  "Sssh!" said Rachel, looking around. "Watch where you're talking about SWACK, Alice," she said in a low, conspiratorial voice. "Anyway, we'll show 'em. We'll become the voice of the underdog, well ... the undergirl. Girls under the cane, arise! We will, I promise, we'll show 'em."

  Alice looked unconvinced. Then she leaned forward and whispered,

  "Rache, any chance we could smuggle some of that cream you got into our form rooms for tomorrow evening? It'll be prep when we get striped and we won't be able to get up to the dorm for at least an hour and a half?"

  "'Tis done, fair Knightess," said Rachel quietly with a flourish. "Leave it to me. Come on Susie, let's get you some chocolate and cheer you up." She put her arm through Susan's and they made their way towards the tuck shop, Alice in tow.


  Cropton Hall


  North Yorkshire

  September 16th 1953

  My dear Patricia

  Thank you so much for your letter of September 4th and for your kind wishes regarding my new post. I am sorry it has taken me this long to reply: as you may imagine, it has been a very busy time with the start of the new academic year and all that is entailed in my duties as the new Headmistress.

  I do indeed recall the incident of Miss Bates' "let-down" and the price we paid! That was, I think, the hardest caning I ever received from the redoubtable Miss Bentley, but, looking back, I still maintain it was worth it! That moment in the corridor was priceless! You must think it strange that I still regard those events in much the same light as I did then, given my position now at the other end of the cane, as it were. But I have never and will never let injustice go unchallenged - indeed fairness in all things was the first and firmest precept by which I insisted my staff must abide.

  Apart from returning your good wishes and confirming my own eager desire to meet again at the soonest opportunity, my purpose in writing is to apprise you of Rachel's progress. Academically, of course, it is rather too early to comment meaningfully. I suspect she has not yet fully grasped the significance of the transition to the Lower Sixth, but I have just instituted a new Study Card system designed to provide motivation in that area.

  With regard to her general deportment, you may not be too surprised to learn that she has made quite a nuisance of herself! Indeed, her page in the Punishment book already boasts considerably more than the average number of entries, reflecting the mischief she has been up to, but also, to be fair, the much stricter regime I have established this term. I thought you might be interested, so I copy it here:

  Sunday Sept 5th - Butter-pat – 6 – MD - Riotous behaviour in dorm

  Monday Sept 6th - Senior cane – 1 – VM - Smacking another girl (in play)

  Friday Sept 10th - Junior cane – 6 – VM - Deceit

  Monday Sept 13th – Hairbrush – 4 – VM - Eavesdropping outside Head's study

  Monday Sept 13th - Butter-pat – 4 – MD - Inattention in class

  Wednesday Sept 15th - Mol. Cane – 6 – VM - Out of bounds at village

  As you can see, she has been, and remains, a very sore-bottomed young lady! I should mention that the deceit for which I caned her was motivated by an entirely honourable defence of her friend Susan French. I believe the eavesdropping incident resulted from a similar loyalty, though I confess to being very irritated and perhaps unduly harsh that morning. Miss Bainbridge's caning would have been deferred had Rachel revealed her two previous whackings that day. She is a "tough cookie", as the Americans say! Her illicit walk to the village for which I had to cane her rather severely was in search of Ponds' cold cream, her use for which, I think, needs no explanation. All in all, it has been for Rachel a painful introduction to my new regime here at Cropton Hall, but she seems to be surviving in good fettle. I must say, Patricia, that she reminds me not only of you, of course, but also of myself at her age: there is no malice in her, just high spirits and a penchant for mischief, along with an admirable sense of loyalty and a good helping of courage. You may remain proud of her.

  Once again, thank you for your letter. I look forward immensely to meeting again after so long.

  With very best wishes,



  "And so," intoned Miss Gibson, summarising, "the necessity to export the products of the Lancashire cotton mills to all parts of the rapidly expanding empire, especially India - the jewel in the crown - became paramount." She beamed down at the girls huddled over their desks as they completed their notes.

  Gabrielle's palms were moist and her heart pumped in her chest with unaccustomed urgency. 'You're mad,' she told herself. She felt light-headed. She didn't even know if what she was about to try would work, let alone whether she wouldn't regret it deeply, either in a few moments or, more likely, tomorrow evening. But she'd thought it through and set her mind to it, however painful the consequences, and she was nothing if not a determined young woman.

  As the bell went for lunch and Miss Gibson called out a reminder about the weekend's homework, the Upper Sixth girls started to put their books away and make their way out of the classroom. Fortuitously, Julia was desperate for the loo and rushed away. Gabrielle dawdled with her books, waiting for the right moment. Miss Gibson was wiping the blackboard. Just then, though, Shirley Barton sidled up to her.

  "Gabby, I was wondering ..." she began.

  Gabrielle turned and gave her as genuine a smile as she could. There had been an understandable awkwardness between them since yesterday's announcement of the team for Saturday, and she felt very sorry for Shirley given the circumstances, but she knew too that she should try not to show the pity she felt.

  "Yes, Shirley?"

  "Would you be willing to go over the essay plan with me for the Buddhism essay for Marky? It's just that I noticed you seemed to really understand what she was on about."

  "Yes, fine, Shirley," responded Gabrielle kindly but a little impatiently - Gibbo was starting to pack her books in her briefcase. "Can we arrange it later? It's just that ..." She lowered her voice. " ... I just need to speak to ... " She nodded at Miss Gibson.

  "Oh! Yes, of course," said Shirley, disappointed. She wondered if she wasn't being fobbed off nicely, but she had little choice but to accept Gabrielle's postponement. Reluctantly she shuffled over to the door, paused, looked back for a moment at Gabby who was still delaying over putting her books away, and left.

  "Miss," said Gabrielle, immediately. Miss Gibson looked up with a smile.

  "Yes, Pearson?"

  "Erm ... I wonder if you could help me?" Gabrielle came forward and reached into her blazer pocket. "This is a very strange request, Miss," she continued, pulling out her yellow Study Card.

  "Really?" asked Miss Gibson, bemused but interested. She was painfully conscious that precisely one week ago at this very moment she had been walloping this tall, pretty girl on her bare bottom with a strap in something of a frenzy, and the memory shamed her. There wasn't much, however strange, she wouldn't grant the auburn-haired Head Girl standing before her. "How can I help?"

  "Well, I got a VS from Miss Dawson, Miss, and another one from Miss Bainbridge in English. And ... well ... Oh gosh! This is going to sound really peculiar, Miss, but I want you to give me three more, or an NS and a VS, Miss."

  Miss Gibson's eyebrows rose in surprise as she contemplated the blushing Pearson. "I see," she said, uncertainly. "But, if I may ask ... er, why would you want me to do that, especially considering you haven't deserved them?"

  Gabrielle looked down, took a deep breath, and dived in.

  "Miss, I'm Head Girl now but, you see ... I've never been caned, and I'm probably going to have to report girls for things that they'll get caned for and ... well ... I just think I shouldn't do
that if I don't know what it's like." She sighed. "And I think the girls will respect me more if ... you know..."

  "Mm! Yes ..." said Miss Gibson kindly. "I see ... and this way you don't have to do anything wrong: you've just failed to apply yourself properly to your studies - rather frequently it has to be said in just one week but still ..." She thought for a moment, gazing into the girl's slightly frightened but determined eyes. "I think it's a rather strange decision, Pearson, most certainly a brave one, and I understand your reasoning, but ...." She gave Gabrielle a very serious, concerned look. "Are you absolutely sure? You know this will mean six of the very best don't you? From the Headmistress? It's extremely painful, Pearson, you do know that, don't you?"

  Gabrielle gave a rueful smile and nodded. "Yes, Miss, I do. I've seen the results. But if I may say, Miss ... " She paused and opened her eyes wide in a kind of respectful innocence. "... if I survived your punishment last week, I think I can survive this one, Miss ... even though I know the cane is ... different..."

  Miss Gibson looked down sadly. "Quite so, Pearson, quite so." She sighed and played with the buckle of her briefcase for a moment. Then she looked up brightly and said,

  "But I hope that is behind us now? Here, give me your card and let me do my worst!"

  Gabrielle smiled and handed over the Study Card. The mistress unscrewed the lid of her fountain pen.

  "So," she said, thinking for a moment, "let's pretend you got an NS on Tuesday and a VS today, shall we?" She wrote in the letters, blew on the card and handed it back to Gabrielle. "If you wish, I can have a word with the Headmistress and explain the situation?"

  "No, Miss, I'd rather you didn't. I want this to be like anyone else, Miss, if you see what I mean ..."

  "I do, Pearson." Again she gazed, somewhat admiringly, at the brave girl before her. "And ... good luck! I hope it isn't too awful for you."


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