Second Age of Darkness

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Second Age of Darkness Page 12

by Diane Lindmark

  Sylvie screamed and jumped back as Duff staggered. Malachi stepped forward and grabbed his shirt with both hands and jerked him nose to nose. "After what Edmund said he would do to any woman you laid a finger on, you took her to bed? You're just damn lucky they're both still alive! He said he'd cut her throat and you took her to bed anyways! What the hell were you thinking?" Malachi demanded through clenched teeth.

  "There is nothing I can say in my defense. I behaved very badly." Malachi decked him again.

  "No, please, Your Majesty, it's my fault! Trust me, I made it very clear I had no intention of taking no for an answer! I seduced him, I swear! He tried to tell me no! I made it very difficult!" She blushed as she remembered the nightgown she had been wearing.

  "A grown man should be able to control himself," Malachi said, releasing him.

  "At the risk of being disrespectful, Your Majesty, I'd like to see how much resistance you have with a half naked woman curled up in your lap kissing your neck," replied Sylvie.

  Malachi took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "You know what I expect of you."

  "I will do everything in my power, Your Majesty, to convince her to marry me."

  Malachi gestured them both out.

  Chapter 17

  Malachi had been alone ten minutes when his door opened and Broderick entered, his face was as dark as night. Malachi knew instantly something was very wrong. "I just learned Richter's in the infirmary. He's not gonna make … It's going to kill Holly. I think she's in love with him."

  Malachi's shoulders slumped. "I know, I saw them part. How sure is the healer?"

  "He was run through, knocked off a twenty foot wall, and has a severe head injury. The healer says most likely he has brain damage, there is internal bleeding, and he is making a horrible wheezing, gurgling noise. It's awful. The healer says it's a miracle he's still alive, but he won't be for much longer."

  "I'm assuming he's not in the same infirmary I was in, so take me to him." Broderick nodded and led the way.

  When Malachi entered, the healer got to his feet. Malachi extended his hand. "Benjamin, is there nothing you can do?"

  "That he didn't land on his head is probably the only reason he's still alive, but he has some broken ribs, I think his back is broken, and the sword must've nicked his lung. I dug around in there and tried to find it, but I can't find where the blood is getting into his lungs, so they continue to fill with blood. Eventually, he'll suffocate. There's nothing I can do. If it wasn't for the head injury, I'd say the most merciful thing we could do was put him out of his misery, but he feels no pain right now."

  They were interrupted by the door opening. Sylvie and Duff entered. "Duff, take Sylvie out of here," Malachi ordered quickly.

  Duff reached for her, but she pulled away. "I came to see Richter," she said, trying to move around Broderick who blocked her path.

  Broderick said, "Now's not a good time, lass."

  Sylvie stepped back and glared at all of them, then moving quickly around the healer, she got to Richter. She caught her breath at the sight. He was an unnatural shade of gray and he was still covered in blood. "What can I do to help you?" she asked, looking at the healer.

  "You can leave, lass. There is nothing that can be done for him. He'll be dead in a few hours," the healer said in that calm, matter of fact tone that they acquire after delivering this news hundreds, if not thousands, of times.

  She stomped her foot and glared at him. "You're not even going to try? You'll just stand back and let him die? You're unbelievable!" She shoved the healer hard as she passed him and went to the bell pull and jerked it violently several times, then she glared at them all as she walked past them and sat down on the edge of Richter's bed. There was clean water and a rag in a bowl; she picked it up and started wiping the blood from his face.

  The door opened and Lucy and the slave both entered. They both curtsied and Lucy asked, "You rang?"

  "Oh good, Healer, you came. I need your help, please." The healer moved quickly to Sylvie's side. Sylvie turned and grabbed her arm. "I know it's a lot to ask, but please, I know you can save him, please." Malachi and Broderick exchanged a look as the Healer suddenly looked terrified and glanced their direction. "Please, you know Richter doesn't deserve to die. He's not like the others and I owe him this after the terrible things I said about him. I owe him this. Please, for me?"

  Still looking frightened as she stared at the men, the healer slowly nodded. The healer dropped down on her knees next to Richter and began running her hands over his body, starting with his face, his head, and working her way down. She glanced around and clearly didn't see what she was looking for. She glanced up at Duff and pointed to his knife. Duff jerked it out and handed it over quickly. She began cutting the bandages from his body, then she removed the stitches. When she was done, she put both of her hands over the wound on his side. She shut her eyes tight and concentrated hard; after several minutes, Richter suddenly gasped, taking long deep breaths as his lungs filled with air. After a moment, he gagged and she quickly began trying to push him on his side. Duff and Malachi both moved forward quickly to help her. When he was done vomiting up blood, they eased him onto his back again. She placed her hands over his badly broken ribs. All four men stared in astonishment, then exchanged looks. What had been a bleeding wound was now completely closed, without even a scar. They continued to stare as the broken ribs moved back into place. Then she went to his neck and worked her hand slowly down his spine. Now she slid her hands beneath his head and cradled it, after a few minutes, she eased his head back down.

  Then she struggled to her feet. Malachi stepped forward to assist her. Once she was on her feet, she sagged against him for a moment. Malachi wrapped his arm familiarly around her waist. She leaned against him for a moment, then realized what she was doing and pulled free so abruptly she almost fell forward. Malachi had to reach out to steady her. Benjamin walked up to her and offered his hand. "That was incredible. How long have you been able to do that? Were you born this way, or did it just develop over time? Does it always work? How long will it be before you can help someone else?" The slave's eyes widened and she took a step back.

  "Benjamin, she doesn't speak and I think you're overwhelming her. She's obviously tired. Perhaps you should ask if you can speak to her another day," suggested Malachi.

  "Wow! A mute with that extraordinary ability, very interesting," Benjamin said in awe.

  Malachi didn't know why, but he bristled and without intending to, he snapped, "I didn't say she couldn't, I said she doesn't." Malachi watched as the slave went to a bowl and scrubbed her hands. When she turned back to face the room, he indicated Richter. "I'm grateful for what you did. Thank you. How long will he be asleep?" She held up her thumb and index finger about an inch apart. "For a wee bit?" She gave a tired smile and nodded. Malachi crossed to her and took her firmly by the arm and headed for the door. "Benjamin, I'm leaving you to clean up the mess and get Richter decent." Still holding the slave by the arm, Malachi exited the room. Once they were in the hallway he asked, "Where is your room? I will escort you. You need to rest." She pulled away and looked frightened as she shook her head. "I'm not gonna hurt you. You don't have to be afraid of me. You just look very tired and I don't want you to fall. I would be honored to escort you to your quarters." She held up her hands in front of her and shook them back and forth clearly indicating, 'no'. Malachi sighed. "Very well, but I order you to go to your quarters and get some rest." She turned and headed in the opposite direction from his quarters. He returned to his room.

  He hadn't been in his room a quarter of an hour when they started bringing in the bath. As he bathed, he found himself thinking of Alec and Heather, two completely different abilities. Then he of course thought of Young Alec, a strange mix of their two abilities. He stroked his chin, wondering if the slave could heal herself like he and his brother did, or if she had to be conscious to use it. He considered what Roberta had said. She had said it was a month and a half be
fore the Healer was up and about. That clearly indicated conscious awareness necessary to use the ability, but surely she wasn't unconscious that whole time. Why not heal herself? Maybe she couldn't use it on herself, or maybe she didn't want to. He got out of the tub, dried, and dressed himself in only a kilt. He was still considering this when he rang the bell an hour later. When the servant entered, he asked, "Would it be possible for my dinner to be brought up to me on a tray?"

  "Aye, of course Your Majesty, but the supplies only recently arrived. We're still working on dinner. It might be as much as an hour, is that all right?" she asked, looking nervous.

  "Aye, of course."

  Malachi was sitting in a large, comfortable chair with his feet stretched out in front of him resting on the brown bearskin rug in front of the fire almost two hours later when the slave entered carrying a large tray. She placed it on the table by the door, then went and retrieved a small table that she placed next to him. Looking down, her eyes widened, and then she touched his shoulder. Malachi smiled at her. She looked worried. "Worried because I removed the bandages?" She nodded. He laughed and leaned forward, turning in the chair just enough so that she could see the back of his shoulder. Her eyes widened and she stared at it, then she ran her hand down the smooth, unblemished skin. "You're not the only one with extraordinary abilities. Not that you aren't special, you most definitely are. I know of many people who heal themselves, but not others." She shrugged her shoulders and looked uncomfortable. She went and retrieved the tray and placed it on the table next to him. She indicated it. She gave him a thumbs up and smiled. Then she gave him a thumbs down and frowned. Malachi examined the tray. He thought for sure there was more food than he could possibly eat. There was a large cut of venison and two slices of bread. He stared at the bread; he couldn't remember the last time he'd had bread. Bread was one of the many things they struggled with after the women died. There were green beans, potatoes, and onions. He smiled up at her. "It looks and smells wonderful, thank you." She picked up the empty glass and tapped it, then shrugged her shoulders. "What would I like to drink?" She smiled and nodded. "You know, woman, conversation with you would be so much easier if you'd use your words." He wasn't surprised when she looked frightened and shook her head. He reached out and gently gripped her arm. "Whatever he did, whatever he said to make you stop talking, he's dead. He can't hurt you. I promise you he is dead and you don't have to be afraid anymore." She stood there trembling and looking frightened for another minute, then she slowly shook her head and looked down at the ground. After a minute, she shook the glass again. He sighed. "There wouldn't happen to be any ale around this place, would there?" She smiled at him, nodded, set the glass down, and left the room.

  She returned a few minutes later and poured him an ale, then placed the pitcher next to him. He smiled at her. "Thank you, I have everything I require for the evening. I think it's been a very long day. Why don't you turn in. Someone can retrieve the tray in the morning. It'll be fine here overnight." She nodded and excused herself. To Malachi's surprise, he not only enjoyed his dinner immensely, but he ate every last crumb of it. When he was finished, he crossed to the window and pulled the curtains. He blew out all of the lamps, then added wood to the fire, and seated himself.

  An hour later, Malachi told himself for the tenth time he needed to go to bed, but he was exhausted and wound tight all at the same time. He was in the process of trying to make himself get up and go to bed, when he heard the door open. He dropped his hand down the side of the chair where he had rested his sword. The door closed. The door was outside of the firelight. He tightened his grip on his sword as he listened, but he heard nothing. A moment later, a large dark figure came just into the farthest edge of the light. It did not pause there, but moved all the way into the light. Malachi dropped his sword as he saw it was the slave wrapped in a bearskin. She started at the noise. "You're supposed to be in bed. I told you to get some rest. There's no need for you to take the tray now …" Malachi was sure he was about to say something else, but whatever it was completely left his head as the bearskin slowly slid down her very naked body. She stood there completely still for a long moment; then she brought her arms up as though to cover her breasts, but she didn't. It was more like she was almost hugging herself. Then she brought her hands out in front of her, palm up, like she was offering something to him. Malachi blinked as his mind jumped to the most desirable conclusion. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Did someone tell you to come here?" She shook her head and repeated her offer. "Are you here because you think you have to be?" She shook her head again. This time, she brought her hands up and touched her chest and then held them out toward him. "If you're here of your own free will because you want to be," he held up a hand and beckoned her with a finger, "then come here." She crossed to him and dropped down on her knees in front of him. She quickly unfastened his kilt. Malachi was just in the process of reaching down to grab her by the shoulders to pull her onto his lap when she bent her head and took his cock into her mouth. Malachi gasped and let out a startled moan as his hand went into her hair. Malachi moaned again as he grabbed a hand full of her hair. "Oh, God," he moaned, as her delightful mouth slid up and down his cock and pulled her head away. She looked up at him worried. "That's a very kind thing for you to do, lass, but that's not what I want right now. I want to be inside you. I need to be between your thighs."

  The slave looked up at his face. She found herself very confused. He had the strangest look on his face, almost like he was in pain. She couldn't recall Edmund ever having stopped her from sucking his cock; but then again, as he has said several times, he's not Edmund. She nodded, feeling very shy at the way he was looking at her. He released her hair. She kind of smiled to herself. She didn't know why, but she had liked it when he put his hand in her hair. She scooted backwards on her knees. When she was far enough back, she laid down on the bearskin rug in front of the fire, pulled her feet up, digging her toes into the fur. She liked the way it felt on her skin. He got to his feet and was staring down at her in a way that made her feel even more shy. She was surprised that her breath was coming a little bit quicker. She continued to stare up at him. She was also surprised how she felt when she touched his skin; she'd never felt like that before and it made her feel uncomfortable. And he was very nice to look at, that too made her uncomfortable. She opened her thighs to him invitingly. She ran her hands along her body, caressing her breasts, her belly. She momentarily allowed her eyes to trail down his body; aye, he was most definitely very nice to look at.

  Malachi took several deep breaths as he stared down at the exquisite, naked woman on the floor. Her very pale body and hair were sharp contrast to the dark brown bearskin rug. He took another deep breath and let it out slowly. He groaned with pleasure when her hands ran along her body. He couldn't wait any longer, he needed to be in her. He dropped down on his knees between her legs. He ran his hands down her thighs and gripped her hips. He moved his right hand and slid it between her thighs. Using his thumb, he caressed the delicate nub of her flesh for a moment while his fingers found her entrance. As he slid inside of her, he moaned with pleasure as she lifted her hips to meet him. He moaned with pleasure as his hand found its way back into her hair. She felt so good. Malachi knew if he didn't give himself a moment, he was going to lose control right now and embarrass himself. She lifted her hips, ground her body against his. That was all it took. Malachi let out a loud moan as he spilled his seed in her belly. After a moment, he pursed his lips together and dropped his head against her neck and shoulder, trying to regain his composure after just humiliating himself.

  The slave's whole body went rigid as she felt him release his seed inside of her. She squirmed uncomfortably beneath him. He moaned again. She wasn't sure if she wanted to scream or cry. She was trying desperately to hold onto her composure, then she felt his lips gently brush her neck, then she felt a gentle nibble at the base of her ear. His hands began caressing up and down her body. He tentatively nib
bled on her earlobe, then he said softly in her ear, "Your turn." My turn? My turn for what? she asked herself as he began rocking his hips. He lifted his head and his mouth found hers and he began kissing her passionately. At first she didn't think she liked it, then she decided she did. And as his hands continued to caress her body, she found she liked that too. It was starting to make her feel very uncomfortable, a strange tightness in her belly. One of his hands slid under her back and grabbed a handful of her hair tightly, the other hand slid between them and gripped her breast as he continued moving his body. He pinched her nipple and began rolling it between his thumb and forefinger. He pulled his mouth free and said, "Tell me what to do to make you come. I want to hear you cry out in pleasure." A moment later, as though on command, she moaned with pleasure. He smiled down at her; he shifted his hips again in the same way and she moaned again. "So that's what you like." He went back to kissing her as he continued to move his hips in that same manner which was making her feel even more uncomfortable. A part of her very much wanted to stop this, but she also knew she couldn't. He would not permit her. Suddenly her arms tightened around his back as her fingers pressed into his skin, he moved faster, and then she cried out again and again with pleasure. Finally, they both collapsed, exhausted.

  Malachi lay on top of her for a few minutes, then he eased off of her, adjusted himself on his back and pulled her against him. For a few minutes she was completely soft and pliable in his arms, then he felt her go rigid. He looked at her face, worry written on every line of it. He caressed her forehead. "What's the matter, did I hurt you?" She slowly shook her head. "If I hurt you or I did something you didn't like, tell me." After a minute she touched his chest and then dragged her thumb across her throat. "You think I'll kill you if you tell me?" She shook her head. She touched his chest again and dragged her thumb across her throat. "You think I'm going to kill you?" She nodded. "You know, woman, communicating with you would be so much easier if you would use your words." She shook her head fiercely. He sighed, "Why am I going to kill you?" She looked thoughtful for a moment, then she put her hand over his chest. She reached down and ran a finger between her thighs and came up with it covered in his seed, then she rubbed her fingers together, then she pointed at him, then she wiped it on her belly. Then putting her hand just below her breasts, she made a large curve implying a swollen belly. Malachi sighed and stared up at the ceiling trying to puzzle that one out. "Okay let's see, my seed on your … no in your belly, belly full." The light finally dawned and he said with irritation, "You think I'm gonna kill you if I got you pregnant?" She nodded, looking frightened. Malachi put his hand on her belly. "If I wasn't willing to accept the possibility of giving you a bairn, I wouldn't of made love to you." She didn't look as though she believed him. She put her hand to his chest and then held her fingers over her head indicating a crown, then she touched her chest. She sat up and reached over him, gripping some ash from the fireplace and rubbing it between her fingers. She then touched it to her chest. "Okay I'm a King, you are …" he hesitated a moment and then glared at her. "You are not dirt. That's what you're trying to say, right? I'm a king. You're dirt, therefore you're beneath me." She nodded. Malachi gripped her tightly and pulled her into his arms. "You're not dirt and don't let me ever hear you say that about yourself again. There is nothing wrong with being born the daughter of a farmer."


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