Second Age of Darkness

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Second Age of Darkness Page 17

by Diane Lindmark

Duff had been standing in Malachi's office waiting for a quarter of an hour when Richter arrived. Malachi waited another ten minutes before he rose to his feet. "Duff, when do you and Lady Sylvie intend to get married?"

  "With your permission, Sire, we were going to do so tomorrow. Given the situation, we both feel that a quiet wedding is preferable."

  "I have no objections to that as long as I am invited," Malachi said, patting him on the back as he walked past him. The two men followed. Malachi kept up an easy flow of conversation as they entered the Throne Room from the back. As Malachi stepped past the curtain, he turned and glared at it. Glancing around, he saw a bell pull. He crossed to it and jerked it. He stood there appraising the curtains that covered the entire back wall for a long minute, then crossed to his throne and seated himself. His father and brother were standing to the right of the throne. Duff and Richter moved to stand at the foot of the stairs on the right-hand side where Angus, Alec, and Young Alec were already standing. Lucius was standing to the left. The Council members were all standing about ten feet in front of the bottom step. Malachi quickly appraised them. The Council was glaring openly at both Lucius and Richter. "If you have a complaint to lodge about my men, voice it to me. Do not continue to glare at them. They are my men and they serve me loyally. I do not appreciate your hostile glances."

  Douglas continued to stare at the man who had just seated himself on his King's throne. He compared him to King Edmund. King Malachi was mid-twenties at most. He was tall, muscular, and looked nothing like a king. He, however, looked very much the soldier. He was wearing a snug fitting black short-sleeved shirt, black fatigue pants, and black combat boots. There were two braids above each ear pulling his dark brown curly hair back a little bit so it stayed out of his face. The rest of his hair hung loose a bit past his shoulders.

  The silence was broken by the door opening. Everyone turned to look at Cassandra who had entered. She curtsied. Malachi stiffened as he saw someone in the room made her very uncomfortable. She shrank a little bit away from the Council members. When she spoke it was a bit unsteadily. "You rang, Your Majesty?"

  Malachi turned a charming smile on her. "Aye, Cassandra, I believe you were working with my new assistant yesterday, were you not?"

  Cassandra hesitated a moment, then she realized who he must've been speaking about and nodded her head. "Aye, Your Majesty."

  "Good. Would you please go and inform her I need her assistance."

  She curtsied. "At once, Your Majesty."

  Malachi waited until she was gone, then he beckoned Richter to him. One of the council members started to speak. Malachi held up his hand to silence him. Richter approached his left side and bent down. "Care to explain who made Cassandra so uncomfortable?" Malachi asked in Richter's ear.

  Richter shifted his head so he could whisper in his King's ear. "Council member Franklin is Cassandra's father-in-law. He will probably not be your biggest fan since your men killed his son when we took the castle."

  Malachi leaned back, saying in a normal voice, "I see, thank you." Malachi turned his attention back on the Council members. "Which of you is Douglas?"

  Douglas stepped forward. He hesitated, then said, "How may I serve you, my King?"

  "Am I your King? I was under the impression you men were all loyal to King Edmund."

  "King Edmund is dead. You are not, therefore we are now your subjects," replied Douglas.

  Malachi said in a harsh voice, "That conveniently did not answer my question. Are you or are you not loyal to Edmund?"

  "I can only speak for myself, Your Majesty, when I say I will most happily give my pledge of loyalty to you. I can say absolutely that the entire Council encouraged King Edmund to seek an alliance with your people from the very beginning. Even the traitor Lucius should be able to verify that fact. For the past two months of the war, we have all strongly encouraged our King to surrender, but he disbanded the Council at the end, declaring us all cowards," replied Council Member Troy.

  Malachi raised an eyebrow in Douglas's direction. Douglas cleared his throat. "I will be a loyal citizen of your kingdom, Your Majesty, but I will not pretend that I will serve you faithfully on the Council floor. I believe you and I would get along much better if I were to withdraw to a distance and you would allow me to live out my last few years in peace and leave you to govern your kingdom. I do not believe that I can advise you in the direction that your …" he hesitated a moment as he cast hostile glances at both Lucius and Richter, "new advisors would."

  Malachi glanced at the two still silent council members. "What say the two of you?"

  "I say I only care about peace and prosperity for my people. I, like Lucius, was a relatively new member of the Council, though I had been with them almost a year. Also, like Lucius, my predecessor had been executed by the King for speaking his mind far too freely. I would be happy to advise you if you wish to keep me on in such a capacity, or I can adjourn to a safe distance, if that is what you prefer me to do, Your Majesty. My only question is, am I going to be killed for speaking my mind?" replied the youngest member of the Council, Cameron.

  Again they were interrupted by the door opening. This time it was the slave who entered. Malachi smiled at the sight of her. She looked very pretty. She was wearing a pale blue button-down blouse, a form fitting brown skirt that went about four inches past her very nice knees and little brown slip on shoes. Malachi frowned. He would have to find out if she had warmer clothes. It was already quite cold. Surely she was half frozen wondering around this frigid castle dressed like that. The door she had entered from was on his left. She went all the way around the back and then moved up on the right, and waited a bit behind the soldiers for him to acknowledge her. He hated it, but he made her wait. He turned his attention on the last council member.

  Franklin spoke immediately. "You need have no worry about me causing any trouble, Your Majesty. I intend to remove myself and my daughter-in-law from your grounds immediately."

  Franklin was interrupted by Young Alec starting forward, saying as he did so, "No." Alec and Angus both quickly grabbed Young Alec and pulled him back.

  Malachi hesitated a moment, then said a quick prayer to God for peace and said firmly, "I presume my little brother does not desire your company, so I'm going to assume he objects to you removing your daughter-in-law."

  Franklin cut him off rudely. "I don't give a damn what he objects to. She is my son's widow and I will not permit her to become a whore to one of the men who slaughtered my son."

  Young Alec struggled against the two men holding him back as he snapped angrily, "Your son wasn't a man, he was an animal. He tortured, raped, and beat her. I will die before I let her fall into your hands. You're no better than your son."

  Malachi pinched the bridge of his nose as he said calmly, "Broderick."

  Broderick let out an ear piercing whistle. The room fell silent, but Malachi could see that Young Alec was still standing there seething with rage and now Cameron was holding back Franklin. "If I were you Franklin, I would step back and take a breath. You don't want me to let you go at Young Alec."

  Franklin shook off Cameron and glared at Young Alec, but he spoke to Malachi. "Surely you will not prevent me from removing my family?"

  "I will not prevent anyone who wishes to leave this castle from going as long as they give me their word they have no intention of trying to raise an army and attack me. However, I also have no intention of permitting you to take anyone who does not wish to go with you." Malachi turned to face the slave. "Would you please be so kind as to go and retrieve Cassandra for me?"

  The slave nodded and hurried from the room.

  The room was silent for a few minutes, then Young Alec shrugged off his father's and Angus' hands. "You can let me go. I'm not going to kill him. He'd probably put up less of a fight than his son did when I beat him to death," Young Alec said as he continued to glare at Franklin.

  Cameron tried but failed to grab Franklin as Franklin went for Young Alec. There
was a brief struggle during which Franklin managed to grab Young Alec's knife out of his scabbard. He brought the blade up intending to stab it into Young Alec's chest right where his heart was, what followed happened simultaneously.

  Cassandra came into the room just in time to see the knife strike Young Alec's chest, she screamed and fainted.

  Malachi put his hand over his face and said, "I knew I should've had Young Alec removed."

  Then Richter and Duff both grabbed Council Member Franklin and pulled him off Young Alec.

  Angus, Alec, and Broderick were pulling Young Alec back from Council Member Franklin while Young Alec was laughing and yelling, "I told you, you're pathetic and weak just like your son."

  General Mackall cuffed Young Alec upside the head. "I'd just shut the hell up if I were you, lad, or I'll let Broderick go a few rounds with you. You won't find him such easy prey." Young Alec stopped laughing.

  The slave had only barely managed to catch Cassandra before she hit the ground hard. She was now holding her in her arms gently patting her on the cheek. She looked up when she heard Malachi speak angrily. He had gotten to his feet. "Young Alec, go to my office and await me there!" Young Alec opened his mouth to protest. Malachi pointed at him. "Do not argue with me, wee brother, or I will flatten you." The slave swallowed hard. Malachi was furious. The sight of him frightened her and made her cling tightly to Cassandra.

  Young Alec swallowed hard as he was reminded how intimidating Malachi could be when he was angry. He bowed respectfully. "My apologies, my King. As you command." He turned and exited the room through the back door.

  Cassandra started to stir in her arms. The slave looked down, Cassandra's eyes opened. "Alec?" She sat up looking frantic. The slave looked up to see standing in front of them was the large huntsman. He offered his hand to Cassandra. She took it tentatively, tears streaming down her face. "Alec, where is he?" She went to move past him.

  Alec stuck out his arm to prevent the lass from moving forward. Holding her with one arm, he offered his other hand to the other young lady and assisted her from the floor. Looking down at the nearly hysterical woman he said, "The lad is fine. He's just in trouble with Malachi. He's been sent to Malachi's office."

  Cassandra looked up at him in astonishment. "I saw the blade; it went straight to his heart."

  Alec chuckled, "I'll let my lad explain later, but he's fine, I assure you, completely unharmed."

  Cassandra looked up at him again. "You're Alec's father? He told me about you."

  Alec nodded his head respectfully to her. "Then the young lady is at the advantage; he told me nothing of you."

  While Alec was dealing with the two young women, Malachi stormed down the steps heading for Franklin. Richter and Duff had pulled him to the back so as to separate him from Young Alec. Malachi stormed up to him. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't throw you in my dungeon and lose the key."

  "You expect me to take it calmly? That wee bastard murdered my son!"

  Malachi decked him. "You will refer to my brother as Young Alec. You will not insult him. He did not murder your son, he killed him in battle. There is a very big difference. And if Young Alec says your son was an animal that needed to be killed, then I promise you it's true. Right now, all I can think about is that he says you're no better, which makes me tempted to throw you in the dungeon anyways. Young Alec is never wrong about people." Franklin continued to glare at Malachi.

  Douglas decided it might be wise to try to defuse the situation, so he asked, "You'll forgive me, Your Majesty, but I am a bit confused. I thought the man Broderick was your brother. How is Young Alec your brother?"

  Malachi continued to glare at Franklin, then he let out a deep breath. He realized what Douglas was trying to do. He decided to permit it. "Young Alec is the younger brother of my betrothed, therefore in my eyes, he is my brother." Malachi hesitated a moment then demanded, "You think you've calmed down enough to behave?" Franklin nodded grudgingly. "Release him." Malachi turned and strode toward the throne. Seating himself, he turned his attention towards Alec and the two women. "Is Cassandra feeling well enough to speak to me?"

  Cassandra moved to stand in front of the throne. "Aye, Your Majesty, I'm sorry I fainted."

  "You have nothing to apologize for. Are you feeling up to answering a few questions?"

  "Aye, Your Majesty, if I may be of assistance to you," she replied, trying not to look at Franklin, who was standing behind her and making her feel very uncomfortable. Then a movement behind her caught her attention, she glanced over her shoulder quickly to see Alec had moved between her and Franklin. She was surprised at how comforting she found the scary looking man's presence.

  "Your father-in-law wishes to leave my castle. He wishes to take his household with him. He includes you in this request. What do you want?" The instantly horrified look on her face told Malachi everything he needed to know. She opened her mouth trying to speak, but was too terrified to get anything out. Malachi gestured to Alec. "I think you should remove Cassandra. She suddenly looks unwell." Alec stepped forward quickly and took Cassandra by the arm and escorted her from the Throne Room, making sure to keep himself between her and Franklin. It surprised Alec how she quickly clung to his arm, her fingers biting into it, she was clearly terrified.

  Malachi turned his attention on the irate Franklin. "I have my answer. Cassandra wishes to remain here." Malachi hesitated. He could feel to the depths of his soul that it was a very bad idea to let Franklin leave; but he also felt he had no reason to hold him. If he threw Franklin in the dungeon, Malachi felt in his heart he would be no better than Edmund and he couldn't bear the thought. "I will permit you to leave, but you are not to settle within a day's ride of this castle and if you ever come near Cassandra, I will have you executed. Be gone by dawn tomorrow. Now get out of my sight."

  Franklin stood there a long minute seething with rage. He forced himself to say as calmly as he could manage, "Aye, Your Majesty." Then he turned and left the Throne Room. Broderick locked eyes with Duff and jerked his head in the direction of Franklin. Duff nodded and followed.

  Malachi turned his attention on Douglas. "If you wish to find a nice quiet place to spend out the remainder of your years, do so with my blessing."

  Douglas smiled, nodded, and bowed formally. "A long life and happiness to you, Your Majesty."

  Malachi turned to Lucius. "As the temporary head of my Council for this region, I leave the other two to you." Malachi got to his feet and beckoned the slave.

  The slave, who was still reeling under the knowledge that the King had a betrothed, though it should not have surprised her; but now knowing that he belonged to another woman made her feel dirty. She was again, 'the other woman, the home wrecker, the mistress.' She hesitated. She couldn't think of any other things such women were called, except, of course, the always popular 'whore', oh and 'slut'. She shook her head and crossed to the King's side. She looked up at him.

  Malachi gestured to the curtains. "I don't like having a bunch of curtains where people can hide in them directly behind me. Can you see about having them removed and maybe having the Throne Room repainted? It looks kind of shabby. And I don't like the upholstery on the chair, do you think you could sort it for me?" She smiled and nodded. "Thank you, I really do owe you." She shook her head. Malachi sighed. "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have to go deal with my brother."

  Malachi turned and headed for his office. When he entered, he slammed the door. Young Alec was standing in the middle of the room. Malachi moved to stand four feet in front of him, then he crossed his arms over his chest and glared at him. "Just because you're impervious to blades doesn't mean everyone who could've gotten involved in that is. What the hell would you have done had Cassandra or the Healer got caught in that? One of them could have died, but no, you just had to goad him. I understand you're pissed with him, but try not to get innocent people hurt when you start a fight. Well, dammit, don't just stand there, say something."

  "I would if you
would shut up long enough." Malachi was in no mood for flippant remarks. He decked him. Alec hit the ground hard. It took him a minute before he was able to push himself up. He got to his knees and wiped the blood from his mouth. His head was spinning. He forgot that Malachi had a right like a sledgehammer. He got to his feet a little unsteadily and turned back to face his older brother. He said much more respectfully, "I am sorry, Your Majesty, I was a colossal asshole and I beg your forgiveness."

  Malachi gripped him by the shoulders and shook him. "You should be sorry. You scared ten years off my life. Even knowing that you're impervious to blades, it still scared the life out of me and scared Cassandra to death. She is apparently the friend you've been spending your nights with."

  Alec blushed and nodded. "Aye, I'm sorry. I should have found an opportunity to inform you of that sooner."

  "How did that come about?"

  Alec shrugged his shoulders. "It's kind of complicated. I guess it kind of started with me running into her husband in the courtyard, an evil bastard." Alec put his hands to the sides of his head. "Malachi, it was awful the way he treated her. She could do nothing right. He derived pleasure from hurting her. I enjoyed killing him. I was in the courtyard helping to clean up the bodies when she approached me. She said one of the men told her that I killed him. She asked me if it was true. I said it was." Alec blushed an even deeper shade of crimson. "Next thing I know she drags me off to some shed and well … thanked me." He shrugged his shoulders. "We kind of like each other's company, is that all right?"

  Malachi laughed. "You don't need my permission when you like a lass. She is a pretty wee thing, just look out not to hurt you, or her."

  Alec looked at him confused. "What do you mean?"

  Malachi sighed. "I mean, any time you're involved in a relationship with a woman it is always wise that both parties understand what that relationship is and what it has the capability of being. In other words, if this is just sex and fun for you, you need to make sure she knows that. You don't want to hurt her, and vice versa. If all she wants is sex, you need to know that so you don't fall in love with her and end up getting hurt." Alec nodded in understanding.


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