Hot as Heller [The McAlisters of McKenna Downs 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Hot as Heller [The McAlisters of McKenna Downs 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 12

by Zoey Marcel

  Ronny kissed his head and kept working his erection over in his hand slowly. “Well, of course you’re gonna come. My boys always come. You want to be a number to me?”

  “Yes,” he breathed. “Make me...a number.”

  “Damn, you’re something else. I want you to come on my cock. Pull my boxers down and let my dick out.”

  Sean obeyed, melting against him when he felt that blazing member touch his. Malachi felt so good.

  No, wait. Ronny.

  “That’s what a real cock feels like.”

  “So good,” Sean whispered.

  “Want me to take your innocence, little guy?”

  “Yes,” he pleaded.

  “You’re gonna come hard for me just like they did. Come for me, Sean. Show me how weak you are.”

  Sean cried out when his cock exploded. The orgasm was so hard he couldn’t stop coming. He sobbed with pleasure into Malachi’s—Ronny’s neck while he pulsed his hot release all over the man’s genitals.

  Ronny kissed his head and then reached for something. The squeaking of latex being strapped on filled his ears. Ronny had put on a glove. Cold slickness pierced into Sean’s anus. A mangled cry ripped from him at the chilling shock. He went languid against Ronny’s body as he was stretched and lubricated for his own deflowering.

  “If you want me to stop, let me know.”

  “Don’t stop,” Sean whispered. “Take my...virginity.”

  The fingers stopped moving in his asshole.

  “I was just role playing with you. You’re really a virgin?”

  “I am. I saved it for you...Malachi.”

  He cuddled closer to whomever he was lying on top of and kissed his neck. Was it Malachi or Ronny? He didn’t know. His mind was in a fog, but it was warm and enveloping.

  “On second thought, you know what I’m really in the mood for?” Ronny finally asked after stripping off the glove. “You made a dirty mess all over my junk. I want you to clean it.”

  Sean brushed a kiss against his lips and then moved down his body. How provocative to be made to eat his own cum. His loins smoldered in satisfaction as he licked Ronny’s penis over and then suckled his balls clean.

  “I tricked you. You’re gonna suck my cock like a little slut, aren’t you?”

  “Make me, please.”

  Ronny forced his head down and Sean moaned when the thick flesh slipped into his mouth. Why wasn’t Malachi fucking him?

  This was Ronny. He was nibbling on Ronny’s erection.

  So why wasn’t he having at his ass, especially after lubing him up?

  He pleasured Ronny until the man’s dick burst all over his tongue. Warm, salty jets sprayed into his mouth. Sean closed his throat and then spat into some tissues Ronny handed him after he pulled off.

  “That was damned good.” Ronny petted his head and gave him a lopsided grin. “I didn’t mean any of those insults.”

  Sean offered him a smile since he was dazed.

  “I think you’re a little intense for me, kid. If you ask me, what you really need is a sadist.” Ronny brushed his cheek. “Your first time for sex should be with someone you have feelings for on some level. But I’m honored that I got to be your first experience with S&M.”

  Sean kind of heard what he was saying, but he felt woozy and sort of high or low. It was difficult to tell which. He picked up Ronny’s hand. Such big hands. Nice hands. Strong hands.

  Kiss those hands.

  He kissed Ronny’s hand.

  “You’re a sweet kid. I can’t believe you took all that. I didn’t even use the whip on you. I don’t usually play with masochists. I’ll get you some water.”

  Sean watched the man rise and zip up his pants. Big Ronny. Nice Ronny. Strong Ronny.

  The man came back and handed him a water bottle, wrapping the blanket around him more. They sat like that for a while. Ronny held him close and rocked him. Afterward he rubbed something cool and soothing onto Sean’s raw backside.

  He guzzled water while Ronny played with his hair.

  The man said something, but Sean couldn’t hear him. He was mesmerized by the temperature fluctuations of hot and cold in his body.

  Ronny helped him dress. Sean gave a half-assed scan around the room. Where was his shirt?

  Ah, there it was. Ronny handed it to him.

  Sean had his back to the door, but he felt a sudden draft rush over him. Ronny looked puzzled before someone came at him and punched him in the face. The guy fell over. Poor Ronny.

  Somebody’s voice came through. It was a familiar brogue, lashing out at Ronny. Sean stood there in a stupor, hearing an Irish lilt. He made out swear words.

  “Stop,” he whispered when he realized it was his father.

  After putting his shirt on, Sean waddled over to him in a daze and put his hand on Aiden’s arm. Da almost elbowed him away until he saw that it was him. That grip on his arm felt like a vise. His old man looked pissed.


  Ronny called out some words to him. Sean picked up “Subspace.”

  Aiden shouted a few words back. Two of them came through. “Fuck off.”

  Da walked him out of the room with brisk, angry steps. He pulled Sean down a hall and pinned him against the wall, spewing furious words at him.

  Then Aiden became instantly cold instead of hot. He still looked outraged, but he handed him a flask and told him to drink. Sean did, making a face when the potent taste of alcohol burned going down.

  Aiden pushed it back toward him. “More.”

  Sean drank more. He didn’t like the stuff, but Da looked seriously pissed, so he took several more swallows.

  Aiden took the flask back and tucked it away before leading him down the hall. They met up with a man in a 1920s gangster costume, Shane Huntington, Da’s business partner and the other owner of Leather & Lace.

  Sean imagined he had pissed off a Mob member, but instead of a hideous death, Shane punished him with S&M. Then he pictured Malachi in the attire and the fantasy got a million times better. After punishing him, that horny gangster pushed his big dick into his virgin ass and had his filthy way with him.

  Sean smiled.

  Aiden glared down at him in between telling Shane something and pointing to the private room.

  Shane listened and stepped closer, inhaling. He gave Aiden a questioning look before heaving a resigned sigh and then heading down the hall, looking stern.

  What was going on?

  Aiden led him roughly out a back door. He shoved Sean toward the passenger’s side of the car and then got in on the driver’s side. The drive back to Uncle Greg’s was strangely quiet. Da sat there stewing in his rage, which made Sean nervous, but he was fairly distracted by the pretty colors of the traffic lights.


  There was red like tomatoes, green like Christmas trees, and yellow like a fuzzy bee.

  Sean made a buzzing sound.

  Aiden threw him a dirty look.

  Evidently Da didn’t like bees. Why not? They were right cuties.

  When they got home Aiden grasped his arm firmly again and went inside with him. Sean saw the couch and wanted to curl up on it like a contented housecat. He wanted to tell Da to go away, but that probably wouldn’t go over well.

  Aiden stormed toward him with a glass and hurled water in his face. The warm, fuzzy trance of hormones and brainlessness diminished. Cold water fractured his hypnosis. Sean howled, wiping his face.

  “What the fuck were you doing at the club?” Aiden snarled. “I told you never to go there!”

  Anxiety replaced the former dreamy state. “I’m sorry. I just wanted to try S&M.”

  “What the fuck for? It’s vile.”

  Sean blinked at this, still trying to get his bearings. “So it’s all well for you to be around kink, but I have to be a good boy?”

  “Don’t sass me, boy. You know better than to act like that. I raised you better than this.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with a little pain. I’m sure you
’ve experimented with things you forbid Cara and I to do.”

  Aiden jerked his chin up. “No one tops me or inflicts pain on me. If you were half the man you should be, you wouldn’t submit to anyone either.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with submission.”

  “Why the hell did you pick a man to do that to you? It would have been bad enough if you were blubbering like a little bitch for a woman. Instead you bottomed for a man?” His nails dug into Sean’s jaw. “Are you gay, Sean? Is that what I’m hearin’?”

  Sean felt weak in the knees, small beneath those sharp eyes and that vicious tone.

  “‘Cause if it is, then maybe I need to stop bein’ so lenient with you. Do you need more time in church? Do I hafta send you to that ex-gay camp that Brodie sent his eldest son to?” Aiden’s voice softened, eyes threatening. “You know I’ll do it if that’s what it takes.”

  Sean gaped at him. Shaking his head, he stepped back. “There’s nothing wrong with it.”

  Aiden sucked in a harsh breath, gaze frigid. “Are you gay?”

  “I’m not going to a camp.”

  “Are you fucking gay?” Aiden yelled, knocking something off the table.

  Sean jumped.

  Well, I can’t tell him when he’s this mad.

  “I’m not, but it’s nice to know that you’d support me if I was.”

  “Did he fuck you?” Aiden strode toward him, looking about ten feet tall.

  “No. It was just S&M.”

  “You were drunk and he took advantage of you.”

  “No, I wasn’t. Ronny was a gentleman. I didn’t have anything to drink.” Sean’s eyes widened and his mouth fell open. “You. Is that what you told them—that I got drunk and Ronny took advantage of me? Is that why you gave me the alcohol, so Shane would smell it on me and ban Ronny from the club?”

  “That’s none of your business. Stay out of that feckin’ club, and for Christ’s sake, stop thinking about men!”

  “Did you hit him because you thought your son was in danger, or was it because he was gay?”

  “I don’t like your tone.”

  Sean shook his head in disgust. “You knew it was subspace, not drunkenness. That’s why you gave me alcohol.”

  “I didn’t give you anything. You were either drunk or in subspace. It’s natural you’d get confused.”

  “That’s a lie!” He glared at him. “I still taste it.”

  Aiden stepped forward. “Watch your mouth. Your mother would be ashamed of you.”

  “Well, she’d be ashamed of you, too.” Sean tried to leave, but he was yanked back.

  “Don’t you walk away from me when I’m talkin’ to you. I’m gonna ask you one more time. Did he fuck you?”


  “Did he make you suck his dick?”

  “Da, please.” Sean looked away, wrinkling his nose. “This is humiliating.”

  “Oh, is it? Try havin’ a wayward son make a bloody fool of himself in your place of employment.”

  “You weren’t meant to see that.”

  “I know. You were bein’ a little sneak.” Aiden gripped his arm tighter. “Your back had no marks. That means he used those tools on your ass.”

  Sean’s body went cold. His insides churned.

  “It wasn’t about sex,” he whispered.

  Aiden shook him once. “Then why don’t you tell me what it was about?”

  The front door opened and Uncle Greg walked in. “What’s going on?”

  “My son here is a fuckin’ pervert.”

  “Da hates me.”

  Aiden’s expression softened. “I don’t hate you.”

  Sean stepped back when he loosened his hold. “Well, it feels like you do.”

  “Right, so I’m just supposed to stand back and let sick freaks beat you and fuck you? Why the hell did you even choose an older man?”

  “He was nice.”

  “That’s what he wants you to think.”

  Greg cleared his throat and turned. “Okay, then. I’m gonna go.”

  “Always distrusting, aren’t you?” Sean shook his head. “It’s a wonder you ever married with all your trust issues.”

  “I fuckin’ married her because of you!” Aiden shut his mouth, pursing his lips, eyes darting away.

  That stung.

  “So it was duty? That’s romantic. No wonder you don’t believe in soul mates. You didn’t even love her.”

  “Sean,” Greg scolded him.

  “I loved your mam,” Aiden said cautiously, not looking at him.

  “You didn’t even cry at her funeral. You never talk about her unless Cara or I bring her up. You’re so callous and you judge me? Even if I was gay I’d still be a better man than you.” Sean pushed him, freezing in shock after doing so.

  What did I just do?

  Aiden grabbed him and pulled his arm behind his back, standing behind him. “Right now you’re only half the man I am. I’ve been through hell, that’s why I’m like this.”

  “Aiden,” Greg said in the background.

  Aiden’s hush was somehow worse than when he yelled. “You’ve had an easy fuckin’ life. What’s your excuse?”

  Greg came over. “Aiden, let him go. Take a walk.”

  “I bawled my eyes out when I came home and saw her bleedin’ everywhere,” Aiden said in a low snarl. “I’ll always be the bad guy, but every once in a while guilt trickles through. You’re lookin’ to be just like me and you feel no remorse. Tell me which is worse.”

  “Aiden!” Greg snapped.

  Aiden shoved Sean away from him and then stormed toward the door.

  Da’s words confused him.

  “I almost wish you were gay,” Sean muttered. “Then you’d ...”

  He shut the hell up, realizing his mistake.

  Aiden spun back around and prowled toward him. “He fucked you, didn’t he? You said you weren’t fuckin’ gay!”

  Greg blocked his path.

  Sean shriveled. “I’m not.”

  “You’d better not be. I didn’t spend twenty goddamned years raisin’ you for you to be some man’s bitch!”

  “Take a fucking walk already,” Greg told him. “And, Sean, shut up.”

  Aiden glared at his brother before heading for the door. “It’s nice to know he has someone keepin’ him from gettin’ into trouble.”

  “I have to work sometimes. You could try having him live with you.”

  “Maybe I’d better!” Aiden bellowed, throwing a warning look at Sean. “If he doesn’t fuckin’ go off to school already. I’m payin’ and he still won’t go. Gratitude at its finest.”

  He left, slamming the door behind him.

  Greg heaved a sigh. “And you thought I was judgmental. I don’t like to think about men going at each other, but you’re my nephew.”

  Sean wept.

  “Hey, it’s okay. Come here.” Greg walked him over to the couch. “You’re okay.”

  Sean sat next to him. “He hates me.”

  “He doesn’t hate you. He loves you and your sister. He’s just not supportive of certain things.”

  “I have to go to school. Malachi was right. There’s no future for me here. I wish there was.”

  “You made it into Columbia?”

  He nodded, looking down at his lap.

  “That’s great, Sean. I’m proud of you.”

  “Thanks.” Sean stared into space, heart sagging. “I can never tell him.”

  “That you’re gay?”

  “Yeah,” he whispered. “Please don’t tell him.”

  “It’s not my place.”

  “I lost my mam. I can’t lose my da, too. He doesn’t have to know.”

  “Are you really gonna hide it from him for the rest of your life?”

  “If I have to. Maybe someday he’ll open up to the idea.”

  Greg put his arm around him and Sean leaned into the side hug. “Just have a nice conversation tomorrow when he’s cooled down and try to patch things up before you leave.
It would be a shame to go off to school when you guys are on bad terms.”


  Sean thought back on his encounter with Ronny. It suddenly occurred to him that he’d accidentally said Malachi’s name. Ronny had then changed his mind about taking his virginity. It touched him when he realized that Ronny had probably stayed out of his ass so his innocence could go to the man he cared about. Ronny was a good guy. Sean hoped he found a good partner someday.

  He recalled Malachi saying he was a sadist. Sean’s eyes closed. God, they were so perfect for each other. Why couldn’t the preacher see that?

  Maybe Malachi did see it and that’s why he’d been avoiding him.

  Sean’s spirit dimmed when he reflected on his da. Aiden would never accept him.

  Malachi would never get intimate with him.

  New York offered him the opportunity to start over, get an education, and make a new life for himself. A future without the love of his life or Da’s support seemed bleak, but at least it was a future.

  There was no future for him here. It was all dust and broken dreams.

  * * * *

  The next morning Sean packed his things, glancing up when he saw Da standing in the doorway of his room.

  “My flight leaves next week. Then I won’t be your problem anymore,” Sean said.

  Aiden came over and then sat down on the bed. He touched Sean’s arm to still him. Sean moved the suitcase before sitting down next to him.

  “I never said you were a problem, Sean. I want you to go to school so you have more opportunities available to you in the future.”

  “I know.”

  “About last night...sometimes S&M stands on its own without sex.” Aiden wouldn’t look at him. “If you tell me you were just curious about pain and not gay sex, I’ll believe you.”

  Sean’s mood dampened. Da wasn’t stupid. He had to know what Sean was. Apparently Aiden was so deep in denial he would accept any excuse from him to keep from having to face the truth.

  “It was just about pain. We didn’t have sex.”

  Technically true.

  Aiden nodded. “I understand you were curious, but there’s no need to let someone beat the shite out of you. If you need to be clubbed within an inch of your life during sex, you’re doing it wrong.”

  “If someone clubs you within an inch of your life, it’s no longer sex.”


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