What Goes on Tour

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What Goes on Tour Page 20

by Boston, Claire

  Kate glared at him. “You took me to hospital.” It was an accusation.

  “The doctor fixed you. It’s just a sprain.”

  Libby stood and went to stand next to Adrian. “How are you feeling, Kate?”

  Distracted, Kate said, “Tired.”

  “How about you watch a movie here then?”

  “Okay. Do you want to stay?” Kate’s eyes held her appeal.

  “Sure. I’d love to.” Libby would worry about her editing later.

  Kate needed her more.

  Chapter 15

  The next day the media were back outside the hotel. Adrian and Kate stayed indoors but Libby didn’t join them. They were going to have a movie marathon and Libby needed to edit her novel.

  She had to keep reminding herself that the relationship she had with Adrian was temporary. She had to convince herself she wasn’t in love with him.

  Donna had called, wanting to issue a press release and Libby had directed her to wait. She didn’t want to release anything until Adrian and George had decided how they wanted to handle it.

  At midday her phone rang.

  “Why do I have to read about my best friend dating a rock star in the paper? I would have thought you’d have given me the scoop.” Piper’s Texan accent was lighthearted and joking but Libby’s heart sank.

  “Oh no.” The story had reached the Houston newspapers.

  “What do you mean, ‘Oh no’? Is it true?” Piper was instantly serious.

  Libby deliberated what to do. She had to talk to someone about what was going on, and she trusted Piper. “Sort of.”

  “You need to spill everything right now,” Piper ordered.

  Libby sat on her bed, scooting up so her back was cushioned by the pillows, and told Piper everything. She explained how she’d met Kent, how she became Kate’s nanny and how much fun she’d been having with them. She didn’t mention that Kent wasn’t his real name. It was a relief to have someone to confide in.

  Piper was silent for a moment. “Are you in love with him?” Her tone was gentle.

  Libby wanted to deny it but Piper knew her too well. “Yes,” she admitted. “I am.”

  “What are you going to do at the end of the tour?”

  “I don’t know. We agreed it was a fling. I’m going to enjoy it while it lasts.” Her words didn’t sound convincing.

  “You’re not that kind of girl,” Piper said. “You were devastated after Clint left – and he didn’t even treat you well.”

  “Which paper is the news in?” Libby asked, trying to steer the conversation in a different direction.

  “All of them. Kent is a Houston boy and they jumped right on it. I’ve even had my boss call me and ask me why I didn’t know. All the papers are saying the same thing.” Piper was an investigative reporter at one of the big Houston newspapers.

  Susan would hear about it for sure. “I need to tell him that the news has made it to the States,” Libby said. “I’ll talk to you later.”

  “You make sure you call me whenever you need me, you hear? Take care of yourself.”

  Libby smiled at Piper’s concern. “I will.” She hung up and dialed Adrian’s room. “The story is in the Houston papers,” she told him when he answered.

  “I know. Susan’s already phoned.”

  “How’d it go?” She couldn’t tell from his tone whether he was angry or sad.

  “Not great. She’s furious Kate was hurt and blames me. She wants me to send Kate back to Texas. Kate’s cousins will be home from summer camp in a few days. I just hope things will settle when we fly to Brisbane tomorrow.”

  Libby knew he didn’t believe that things would settle down. “If you need anything, just call.” When he murmured his agreement, she hung up.

  Part of her had been hoping he would invite her over, just as part of her knew she would have to refuse. She had to do what was right for herself in the long term – meet her book deadline – and not spend all her time with Adrian and Kate. Still, she wished he had asked. Had he decided he’d made a mistake with Libby?

  She shoved the thought away, refusing to worry.

  Staring at her humming laptop, for the first time in her life she resented having a book contract.

  She was annoyed with herself. Adrian had changed her priorities, but he’d be gone soon.

  She had to write.


  They flew to Brisbane early the next morning, avoiding the paparazzi out the front of the hotel in Sydney by using one of the hotel’s back entrances. Libby couldn’t believe they were still hanging around. The story wasn’t that newsworthy.

  In the airport Libby spotted a gossip magazine with a picture of Kent on the front and the headline, “Rock Star Dumps US Nanny for Aussie Lover.” There was a small picture of Emily in the corner. Her heartbeat sped up. She bought a copy and flicked to the story.

  She frowned. The article was an interview with Emily, who asserted she’d been fired and abandoned in Australia so Libby could take her place. It hinted that Emily had once had a relationship with Adrian but didn’t claim it outright. It also hinted that Emily was concerned Kate was being neglected. “Sources” close to Kent refused to comment.

  Libby’s doubt outweighed her anger at the story. If it was true Emily had been fired, it would explain why she was so upset, but Adrian had said she’d quit.

  She scanned the article again for a clue about the truth. No, it had to be a lie. Emily had insinuated Kate was neglected and that certainly wasn’t the case. The relief Libby felt at this thought didn’t push away all of her doubt. She’d been lied to by someone she’d trusted before.

  Libby took the magazine back to the business class lounge, where Adrian and Kate were waiting. Kate was sitting on one of the couches reading while George and Adrian stood talking.

  “What have you got?” Adrian asked.

  She showed him the story and waited for his reaction.

  His expression went fierce and he swore. “George, take a look at this.” He held out the magazine and George took it.

  “Why did Emily quit?” The question came out before Libby thought about the consequences.

  Adrian checked where Kate was before he answered. “She came on to me. When I told her I wasn’t interested, she walked out.”

  “Oh.” Libby didn’t know what to say.

  Adrian took her hand and rubbed his thumb over it. “None of Kate’s nannies interested me before you.” He studied her, waiting for her reaction.

  Libby forced a smile. It might be true, but it didn’t mean their relationship was going to last. She needed to distance her heart from him.

  As if hearing her thoughts, Adrian tugged her closer. “Have dinner with us tonight. We can talk after Kate goes to bed.” His expression was earnest.

  Libby’s willpower melted away. “All right.”

  He smiled.

  Some of her doubt faded. Libby stepped back as George spoke.

  “The only lie is that she was fired. It’s the magazine implying things.” He frowned. “She doesn’t mention that Kate is your niece, so the press are going to keep right on speculating.”

  “What’s going on?” Kate asked, looking up from her book.

  “There’s a new story, kiddo,” Adrian said, showing her the magazine.

  Kate read the article, snorting at some of the things written.

  “It’s all lies. Can’t you tell them that?” Kate looked at her uncle.

  “I don’t think they’ll believe me.”

  “We need to say something,” George told him. “This isn’t going to go away, especially if Emily gives more interviews.”

  Adrian ran a hand through his hair. “Why don’t you draft something up and we’ll go from there?”

  George nodded.

  Before Libby asked what she could do to help, an airport attendant came over to tell them it was time to board. As they gathered their things, Libby realized she needed to address the article this time, no matter what Adrian chose to do.
Emily was portraying her as some kind of harlot. Libby needed to consider her own statement. Would people read the article and stop buying her books for their children?

  She couldn’t discuss it with Adrian now. There were already people taking their seats in business class and she didn’t want to be overheard. She took her seat next to George. She would talk to them when they got to the hotel.

  She might not be able to protect her heart from Adrian but she could protect her career.


  The flight was uneventful, but as they drove into the hotel, Libby’s heartbeat sped up.

  “Paparazzi.” George swore.

  “We have to get Kate straight inside the hotel.” Adrian turned to Libby. “Can you manage on your own?”

  “Sure,” Libby said, her skin tight with nerves. The car pulled in and cameras flashed. George got out of the driver’s side and pushed his way around to the back door closest to the hotel entrance, where Kate sat. He opened the door while Adrian got out of the front seat. With George on one side and Adrian on the other, together they hustled Kate into the hotel.

  Libby clambered across the seat to follow. The reporters had closed in behind the three of them and Libby was left by herself. As she stepped out of the car, Adrian, Kate and George disappeared into the hotel. The doorman barred the media from following.

  They turned, saw Libby and surrounded her.

  Cameras snapped wildly and she was jostled back and forth as the reporters jockeyed for space. She was only a couple of yards away from the entrance but she couldn’t move.

  Voices clamored around her, yelling questions.

  Libby took a deep breath and smiled. “Excuse me,” she called. “I’d like to get through.”

  No one moved. Bodies pressed up to her and microphones were shoved in her face.

  “Libby, is it true you’re dating Kent Downer?” one man yelled.

  “Did you force Kent to sack Emily?”

  “Who’s the little girl with Kent? Is she Kent’s daughter?”

  Libby put up a hand to ward them off. “No comment. Please, I’d like to get through.” She couldn’t move and she was being blinded by the flash of the cameras.

  Being polite was not going to get her into the hotel.

  Fear slowly built as the air seemed to disappear and she struggled to breathe. She had to get inside. Lowering her shoulder, she pushed forward and rammed up hard against one of the reporters who wasn’t budging.

  “Answer our questions and we’ll let you through,” he said with a wink and a grin.

  Anger bit its way through the fear.

  She brought her knee up right into his crotch and got a jolt of pleasure as his eyes widened, his jaw dropped and he crumpled over.

  Pushing past him, Libby came face to face with Adrian.

  He’d come back for her.

  He grasped her hand and pulled her after him as he muscled his way to the door and then gently pushed her through before him.

  Libby gasped in relief. She turned back to see the reporters all pressed up against the glass windows, peering in.

  “This way.” Adrian kept hold of her hand and led her behind the registration desk to where Kate and George were checking in. Adrian exhaled deeply.

  Kate gazed at Libby, concern on her face.

  Libby smiled at her. “Are you all right, Kate?”

  Kate’s nod was hesitant, her eyes uncertain. “What about you?”

  “Fine. Your uncle rescued me.” She smiled her thanks at him.

  “You seemed to be handling yourself. Did you knee that reporter in the crotch?” Adrian was bemused.

  Libby shrugged. “It was the only way to get past.”

  “I don’t want to think about the headlines tomorrow,” George commented, but grinned at her. He turned from the desk with keys in hand. “Let’s go.”

  Libby followed along behind them to the service elevator, feeling calmer and more relaxed with each step she took. This attention was utterly ridiculous.

  For the first time in her life she hoped another celebrity would have a major meltdown.

  Anything to draw attention away from Adrian and Kate.


  After Libby had settled her things in her room, she headed to Adrian’s suite to spend the afternoon there.

  In between getting her butt kicked playing the dancing game, she, George and Adrian put together a couple of statements for the media. Libby planned hers methodically, making sure she answered every question that had been posed. Kate had helped, pouring over the articles and identifying different points that needed to be addressed.

  In the end Libby kept her statement brief, avoiding any mention of a relationship with Adrian and instead simply stating that she was working for Adrian. She posted a copy on her website and blog, and forwarded a copy to her publicist.

  After Kate had gone to bed and George had left, Libby finally had some time alone with Adrian. She wanted to know more about the Emily situation and how Adrian was coping, but she wasn’t sure how to broach the subject.

  Adrian shut the door to Kate’s room and settled with a groan on the couch beside Libby. “What a day.”

  “Kate seems to be coping well,” Libby said.

  “Having to go through the reporters again shook her up, but spending the afternoon doing routine things has settled her,” Adrian said.

  “Do you think the media will go away now we’ve made statements?”

  “As long as Emily doesn’t continue her claims they should.”

  “She’s quite disgruntled, considering she quit.”

  Adrian heard her unasked question. “I promise you there was nothing between Emily and me.” He looked at her intently to see if she believed him. “Susan recommended Emily, and to keep the peace, I agreed.

  “It was a few days into the tour before I suspected Emily might want to be more than just the nanny. I wasn’t comfortable around her, but she and Kate seemed to get along and I didn’t want to upset Kate.

  “The night of the talk show, Kate had gone to bed and Emily suggested she could help ‘relieve’ some of my worries. She thought we could leave Kate alone and go to her room.”

  Libby gaped at him. “Did she know about Kate’s nightmares?”

  “She’d seen them herself.”

  “What did you say?”

  “I told her I wasn’t interested. She got embarrassed or angry and quit.”

  It was no wonder Emily was disgruntled. Adrian had rejected her but not Libby. A tiny doubt pried its way in. Emily was far more attractive than she was. Libby couldn’t work out why Adrian wouldn’t be attracted to Emily. Had Adrian just got bored?

  “Hopefully she’ll leave it alone now you’ve made your statement,” Libby said.

  Adrian murmured an agreement. “I hope this doesn’t affect you too much,” he said. “Though that reporter today will think twice before getting in your way again.” He chuckled.

  Libby pushed away her concerns and smiled. “I honestly didn’t think about what I was doing. It was a gut reaction to go for the crotch. He’s not likely to write anything nice, I’m sure.”

  Adrian slid closer and put an arm around her. “We’ll deal with it together.”

  A thrill went through Libby as he drew her toward him. He sounded like he meant it.

  “You’ve helped me so much. I won’t let you down,” he said.

  Before Libby could respond, he kissed her. It was a gentle kiss, soft and caring. Libby’s heart sighed as she kissed him back. She wouldn’t let the experience with Clint make her mistrust every other relationship she had. She would enjoy this while it lasted.

  Adrian deepened the kiss and pulled her closer so she was on his lap. One hand twined into her hair while the other one slid up her jumper to her breast.

  A tingle of heat ran over Libby as he caressed her, running his thumb over her nipple. She gasped and arched into him for a moment before needing to touch him as well. She ran her hands down his chest before slipping them u
nder his top and running them over his smooth, hard body.

  Adrian dragged his mouth away and stopped her hands. He breathed heavily. “We can’t do this here.” He stood and pulled her to her feet, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her again. He pulled back, swearing softly. “My room?”

  He was giving her a chance to change her mind if she wanted it.

  Libby didn’t need to consider it.


  Chapter 16

  Adrian lay staring at the ceiling, his arm around Libby, her head on his chest. He focused on controlling his breathing, but all he wanted to say was “Wow.”

  He ran a hand over Libby’s naked back, and for this moment, everything in his life was perfect. Sex had never made him feel this way before. It was generally a fun way to spend a couple of hours. With Libby it was something else. He didn’t want to examine it, or pick it to pieces, he wanted to enjoy this comfort and the closeness of Libby lying next to him.

  It had been a long time since he’d had sex as himself. Usually he was in his Kent gear.

  He kissed her forehead and she tilted her head to look at him and smiled. She stretched up and kissed him, humming her pleasure. “I should go,” she said.

  She was right, but he didn’t want to break this moment. He wanted her to stay here, spend the night with him, wake up with him.

  The thought made him freeze. He’d never felt this way about anyone before. He never spent the night. This thing with Libby was supposed to be casual. A no-strings-attached tour romance.

  Libby turned her head to look at him. “Are you okay?”

  Adrian forced a smile onto his face. “Of course.” He kissed her, enjoying her taste, and then sat up. “You’re right, you should go.” The words came out bluntly and he hated the look of hurt that crossed Libby’s face. It was for the best, though. She wasn’t expecting anything more than a temporary romance and he couldn’t get attached. He retrieved a pair of boxer shorts from the floor while Libby got up and dressed.

  He turned as Libby was slipping on her shoes. She didn’t look at him as he came around the bed and he felt like jerk. When she was dressed, he pulled her close, unable to let her go thinking that the sex meant nothing to him. She watched him, waiting.


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