Trapped in Wonderland (Wonderland Chronicles Book 1)

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Trapped in Wonderland (Wonderland Chronicles Book 1) Page 15

by Dani Hoots

  I shook my head. “I already failed at that, I faced Morpheus and I lost.”

  “You survived though.”

  Barely, I thought. The only reason I survived was because the others pulled me out of there, willing to sacrifice everything. I would be gone if it weren’t for them. “Because of Malcolm. I didn’t want to wake up, I didn’t want to leave the place he left me in.”

  “Well,” his eyes became dark. “Then I guess Morpheus has won and Wonderland is no more. Dreams that everyone has in the real world will cease to exist.”

  He made it sound like it was my decision, that only I could bring peace in Wonderland. That if I gave up, then everything would fail. “You can’t place all that on my shoulders.”

  “Oh, but I can, because you are Alice and Alice shall save Wonderland like she always does.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “I don’t like you.”

  He simply laughed. “That’s what the old Alice used to say.”

  I had a feeling that it was what a lot of people said to him. Although, even though he was a bit obnoxious, he was a pretty nice guy. I felt as if I could open up to him, which was strange for only knowing him for a few moments now. I have never felt like that before about anyone, at least not so fast.

  A crash sounded from the other side of the door. Both Kenny and I jumped up to our feet, not sure what was happening. Smoke came pouring from underneath the door and I started coughing. The door swung open to reveal Malcolm. I stared at him, surprised that he had broken in so soon. I guess it was better than waiting for them to increase security.

  “Well, why are you staring at me? Let’s go!”


  “Malcolm, my ol’ buddy, my pal!” Kenny ran up to him and hugged him like a bear. Malcolm didn’t return the hug but just stood there annoyed. “You came to rescue me at last.”

  “I came for Alice and you know that, and we are in a hurry so either stay here or join us in our escape.” Malcolm grabbed my hand. “Let’s go, Alice. We only have so much time.”

  Malcolm pulled me into the hallway and handed me a katana. “Here. Figured you lost your other one.”

  I took it and strapped it to my side. “Thanks.” Although I didn’t know how much help I could really do with it, as Bill had easily defeated me when I went up against him. Then again, he was one of the best soldiers in the Kingdom, so I couldn’t really compare myself to him.

  “Ooo, I do love a good escape.” Kenny ran in front of us, backwards so he could face Malcolm and I. “What do we do next?”

  “We escape,” Malcolm answered as a matter of fact.

  “Brilliant! Hey, did you get me a sword?”

  “No, quite honestly I forgot you were even in here.”

  Kenny pouted. “Awe, how can you say that after all the things we’ve been through together?”

  “Easily, I just simply put any thought of you in the back of my mind and let it disappear.”

  “Because your feelings for me are too great so you had to let yourself forget. I understand now.” Kenny smiled as if he had really believed for a second that was what Malcolm meant.

  I turned to Malcolm. “He’s strange, isn’t he?”

  Kenny laughed. “That’s what the old Alice used to say as well.”

  Nodding to turn, Kenny led the way, running with his knees up way too high to be comfortable. I didn’t even know how to take in the strangeness that was Kenny. It was like taking in every strange anime character I knew and combining them into some eccentric hybrid.

  Alarms started ringing, echoing through the basement of the facility. We actually got quite farther than I thought we would before the alarm had been sounded. I was surprised, but a little worried. Something seemed off to me but I couldn’t quite figure out what it was. It was probably just the whole scenario.

  As we made it further down the corridors, Kenny stopped and peered around as if looking for something.

  “What is it?” Malcolm asked. He seemed actually concerned instead of ignoring him. So he did trust that Kenny knew his stuff. I probably would have ignored him if I were by myself. He seemed to have some weird quirks.

  “Where is everyone? There used to be more guards down here,” he whispered, his face now serious. How he could change his tune so easily, I had no idea. “There’s a trap waiting for us.”

  Malcolm smiled. “I know, I planned on it. Bill thinks he can outsmart me, but as we all know, he can’t.”

  Kenny laughed. “You always did think ahead. Nothing like me, are you?”

  “Wouldn’t be alive if I thought like you. How you managed not to be killed by now I have no idea.” He started back down the hall. “Now we need to go this way.”

  Kenny and I followed Malcolm as he led us further through the basement. I didn’t understand why we didn’t head up. Bill would catch us if we didn’t start heading up soon, as that was the only exit to get out of this place, at least that was what I thought. I had no true idea of how this place was even laid out. Malcolm must have had something planned.

  “How did you get in here so easily?” I asked.

  “It’s always easier to sneak into a place than it is sneaking out,” Malcolm explained. “Remember that. Besides, I used to live here, remember? I was once the King and Queen’s knight in shining armor, so to speak. I never cared for armor, always got in the way.”

  Kenny added. “That’s for sure, a nice leather coat is always so much more practical. That is, until you are shot or stabbed.”

  “Which is why you just simply don’t allow that to happen. You can wear all the armor in the world, but if you go against someone who is better at sword fighting than you, it will be all for nothing. A good offense is always a good defense in this world.”

  “And you try to say you aren’t mad anymore, Malcolm, I think you lie.”

  Malcolm let out a quiet chuckle. “It’s really just common sense, something you lack by far.”

  “Who needs common sense when you could just be spontaneous?”

  “Everyone. Everyone needs common sense. I have no idea why you don’t understand that by now.”

  We rounded the corner to find four guards waiting for us. Malcolm pulled out his rapier in a single swoop and stabbed one of them in the stomach. As quickly as he could, he grabbed the fallen guard’s rapier and threw it straight at Kenny’s face. I seriously didn’t think he was going to catch it and just end up with a sword through his face, but he did. and joined the battle with Malcolm. I pulled out my own sword as one of the guards came at me. I tried to remember all that Chase had taught me. I blocked the few thrusts and slashed my opponent’s torso. He fell to the ground along with Malcolm and Kenny’s opponent.

  “Wow, Malcolm taught you well,” Kenny commented.

  “I didn’t teach her,” Malcolm said as he started down the hallway. “Let’s keep going.”

  “Where are the others?” I asked as I ran beside him.

  “It is easier for one person to sneak in than a group, that is something else you need to remember. Besides, it’s better if they are on the outside in case we get captured again. Then they can rescue us. If they were here and we were all captured, who would rescue us then?”

  “Good point.”

  We came upon a dead end, with nowhere to go but back the way we came. The hall just simply ended. Malcolm stared at it for a couple of seconds and let his lips curl in a smile. It was all part of the plan, I simply wished I knew what that was.

  The sound of clapping came from behind us. Turning around, we found Bill and a dozen or so guards trapping us. If I could see Bill’s face, I bet it would have been a look of pure satisfaction.

  “Good show, Malcolm, good show. But where did you think you were going?” he asked.

  “Tracked us the entire time?” Malcolm questioned.

  “Of course, who do you think I am? I just waited for you to make a very bad choice, which you did. Now you have nowhere to go.”

  Kenny stepped forward. “Oh, come on Bill, wha
t are you going to do to us? You wouldn’t hurt me now would you?”

  “You’re the first person I want to hurt, Kenny.”

  “So naughty, I swear. But you don’t mean that, not after all the fun we’ve had together…” Kenny pouted. I really wished Bill didn’t have his face covered in shadows so I could see his response. I felt like there was more to the story between those two but knowing Kenny from these past few minutes, it was really hard to tell.

  “Stop talking. You have nowhere to escape, but back into our custody. There is no point in fighting, Malcolm. Just give up so your precious Alice doesn’t get hurt.”

  I glanced at Malcolm, who was smiling, not afraid of Bill and the others.

  “You so sure about that? That I have nowhere to go?” Malcolm asked.

  Kenny examined Malcolm, as if trying to figure out what he was planning. Then a giant smile appeared on his face.

  “You, Malcolm, brilliant! You are brilliant!”

  Bill started for his rapier, but it was too late. Malcolm wrapped one of his arms around me and grabbed Kenny by his jacket with his other hand. Slamming his back into the wall behind us, the paper ripped and down we went towards the ocean.

  I screamed, of course, because what else do you do when you are falling to your death? You scream bloody murder. Malcolm kept a firm grasp around me and onto Kenny’s coat. Of course, Kenny laughed the entire time we fell. Malcolm simply closed his eyes, remaining calm as we were falling straight into the roaring ocean about to die. Then, suddenly, out of nowhere, Chase appeared, grabbing Malcolm, and away we went to another part of Wonderland.


  I took a couple moments to catch my breath. The air no longer tasted of salt, but of wet moss and pine. We were in a forest now. Peering around I saw the massive pines and oak that shrouded the light from the sky. It almost appeared to be twilight out due to the tree coverage, but I had no idea what time it was. A light fog covered the ground all around us, which always did creep me out. I hated not being able to see the ground, you never knew what you were going to step on, or what was going to grab you. Especially like that episode of Stargate Atlantis. I shuddered at the thought. There was a reason I didn’t watch scary movies. First off, I lived by a forest. Second, I wanted to be able to sleep at night.

  Kenny started clapping his hands. “Oh, that was fun! Can we do that again?”

  Malcolm glared at him as he stood up and wiped off the leaves that clung to his clothes. He didn’t land as softly as we did, which I had a feeling Chase may have done on purpose. “No.”

  “You can never have any fun, can you?” Kenny added.

  “Not when you’re around.”

  Kenny smiled. “You don’t mean that.”

  Chase stayed seated on the ground, cross-legged, staring at Kenny. “What’s he doing here?”

  Malcolm finished straightening his tie. “He was locked up with Alice. I told him he could tag along if he wanted. Didn’t actually think he would, but I figured if we ran into any trouble I could just throw him at the enemy and save Alice.”

  Kenny laughed. “Such a joker, I love you Malcolm.”

  “I wasn’t joking.”

  “Well.” Chase leaned his chin on his knuckle. “This changes things.”

  “But we are all about change, now aren’t we?” Kenny spun around, his arms wide open. “That’s the beauty of Wonderl—” He stopped, face frowning. “Wait, I know this place.”

  Malcolm looked at him but didn’t say a word. I tried to figure out what was happening, but I also didn’t know what was going on. It wasn’t like I could recognize places in Wonderland, except maybe the kingdoms from the stories.

  “We are at the entrance to the Dark Forest,” Kenny whispered.

  My heart felt as if it had skipped a beat. There was no way we would be going into the Dark Forest, was there? I mean, after everything everyone said, it sounded like it would be the worst place to go. It had to be a joke, right?

  Chase stood up. “Brilliant, Einstein, you figured it out.”

  Kenny turned to him. “What’s an Einstein?”

  He put his hand on Kenny’s shoulder. “It’s an Earth thing, don’t worry about it.”

  The sound of twigs and leaves crunching under running footsteps made us each turn to see what was coming. My heart raced in fear that Bill had followed us. Coming into view, Davis and Melvin appeared, looking beat.

  Davis leaned on his knees, panting. “You landed a little off from where we planned. We could see you, though, so we came over.”

  “Oh, I made you have to run. Sorry pipsqueak,” Chase smiled.

  “That’s not funny!” Davis rebutted.

  “It doesn’t matter now, we are here,” Melvin stopped the cat and mouse from arguing. “And now we have to start moving.”

  “What’s your plan, Malcolm?” Kenny questioned.

  Davis looked at him in surprise. “Where did he come from?”

  “Answer me, Malcolm, what’s your plan?” Kenny repeated. His seriousness was frightening me, especially since it didn’t seem like he was the same person.

  “We are going through the Dark Forest. You can join us, if you want. Otherwise…” Malcolm pointed. “The exit is that way.”

  Turning, Malcolm began walking in the direction opposite to where he pointed. I glanced back at Kenny, who just stared at him, then followed along with the rest of the boys.

  “That’s suicide and you know it!” Kenny called out.

  Malcolm didn’t even turn to look at him. “At least here I have the advantage, out there Bill can get her, Morpheus can get her. In here we can hide for a while and regroup without anyone bothering us.”

  “Other than the Jabberwocky and everything else that is crawling through these woods!”

  Malcolm was starting to get frustrated, I could see it in his eyes. He didn’t like it when others questioned his authority. “Then come and help us fight them. You and I know these woods better than anyone else in Wonderland.”

  “What would Howard say about all of this?” Kenny yelled after him.

  “Howard’s dead.”

  The words hit me like a wall. Although I saw it happen, although I knew it had happened, I had hoped that maybe, just maybe, some miracle happened and he was alive. That what I saw wasn’t real and he was going to be waiting for us when we escaped.

  Kenny ran over and stood in front of Malcolm, making him stop. “What did you say?”

  “Howard’s dead. Bill attacked the Red and White Kingdom and they killed him,” Malcolm explained.

  Kenny shook his head. “No, that can’t be possible.”

  Malcolm shoved past him. “Well, it is.”

  “Then he finally woke up as a butterfly. His dream has come true.” Kenny stood there for a long moment, staring at us as we walked into the woods. I didn’t particularly want to go, especially if Kenny, of all people, feared going inside, but what choice did I have? It wasn’t like I could simply join Kenny without worrying about Morpheus finding us. Hell, this place had to be better than that Circus, nothing could be worse than one’s own fears right? As I thought about that, I heard a screeching sound come from deep within the forest. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe I agreed with Kenny and wanted to get the hell away from here.

  As we kept walking, I could hear Kenny pacing back and forth, the leaves crunching under his shoes. At least, I hoped they were leaves, couldn’t really tell with all the mist that seemed to swallow our feet whole.

  All of a sudden Kenny appeared next to us. “Fine, I will help, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  Everyone became quiet as we pressed further into the Dark Forest. I didn’t realize that we hadn’t quite entered the forest until now. It had already been so eerie that I couldn't believe it could get worse. It was like a haunted mansion except all outdoors. First off, cobwebs everywhere, the size of yarn. I did not want to see what those spiders looked like. Moss blanketed practically everything in the area, and trees, although thick and block
ed out the sun, were practically leafless and I swore some of them were glaring at me.

  The ground was slippery and I really wished I could see where I was walking. I felt as if at any moment I could step into quick sand like in Princess Bride. This place was horrible, and quite quiet now that we had gone deeper and deeper. I couldn’t stand the silence.

  “Have any of you heard of Princess Bride?” I asked. “I mean, I just really hope that there’s no R.O.U.S.’, you know, rodents of unusual size?”

  Davis gave me the most horrified look I had ever seen. At first, I had no idea why he was looking at me like that, then it hit me.

  “Oh, no, I didn’t mean… Davis I’m sorry…”

  He put his head down, as if ashamed he was a dormouse. I felt like such an ass. He was a rodent in Wonderland and was probably picked on about it and I had just made matters worse. Chase simply laughed.

  “Now that was funny, Alice! I didn’t know you had it in you.”

  I really didn’t, I wasn’t even thinking about it when I said it. I decided to keep my mouth shut for a while and just hope that Davis would forgive me.

  As we kept walking, the fog started to clear. I was thankful that I finally could see the ground. This area was covered in grass and flowers were spread out all around. It was quite gorgeous, in a very creepy sort of way.

  Out of nowhere, I started to hear voices, of children to be exact, singing. It echoed around me, bouncing off all of the trees, making it so I could’t figure out the direction it came from. I glanced at the others, wondering if they could hear it or if it was just in my head. None of them seemed to be bothered by it. I tried to ignore it, blaming my mind for making things up. But it kept persisting, the strange lullaby echoing through the forest. I could even see the tall grass and flowers sway to the rhythm.

  “What’s that singing?” I finally asked, persuaded that I couldn’t be the only one hearing it.

  “Ignore it, just ignore it. Don’t let the words form in your mind,” Malcolm warned. “Cover your ears if you need to, but it might not help, you just need to let your mind ignore it.”


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