Sir Francis Walsingham

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by Derek Wilson

  free speech 91

  Grindal 112–13

  lack of heir 50, 75, 190–1, 230, 247

  marriage negotiations/Anjou match 75–6, 82, 98, 118, 121, 125, 130–1, 134–5, 137, 139–41, 147–51, 154, 160, 242, 244, 245

  Mary Stuart 213–14, 219–29, 242, 247

  money to Anjou for Netherlands 150, 162

  piety of 249–50

  Protestantism 33–4

  Robert Dudley 51, 92–4, 135–6, 235, 239

  secret peace talks 205

  Spain 56–7

  supremacy bill 37

  self-preservation 87

  Pope Gregory XIII 105

  principle of divine right 90

  seizure of Spanish gold 56, 61

  the church 92, 108, 128–9, 194–5

  Emerson, Ralph 184–5

  English New Testament 9

  English Reformation see Reformation, the

  English seminaries abroad 105–6, 116, 129–30, 132, 142, 161, 163–4, 208

  Esmé Stuart, Seigneur d’Aubigny 94, 141, 162, 163, 166–8, 120–1, 162, 181, 206

  evangelicals 3, 11, 12, 13, 17–18, 89, 127, 241

  exiles 103

  Farnese, Allesandro (Alexander), Duke of Parma 119, 141, 151, 162, 172, 176, 197, 198, 204, 208, 231, 233, 237

  Fénélon, La Mothe 167

  Ferrabosco, Alfonso 138

  Field, John 64, 73

  Field of the Cloth of Gold 6

  First Blast of the Trump Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women, The 29

  Fisher, Bishop John 7

  Fitzmaurice Fitzgerald, James 122–3

  Flodden, battle of 6

  Forster, Sir John 165

  Fortescue, Sir John 16

  Fowler, William 168–9

  Foxe, John 26, 27, 49, 66, 73, 110

  France ix, 2, 46, 47–9, 50, 57, 73, 77–8, 90, 114, 116, 122, 124, 132, 157, 168, 188, 203, 209, 228, 229, 252

  Francis, duc d’Anjou 117–19, 125–6, 130, 134–5, 136, 139, 141, 147–51, 154, 160, 161–2, 164, 197

  Francis I of France 42

  Francis II of France 46, 50

  Galpin, George 178

  Gardiner, Stephen (Bishop of Winchester) 15–16, 20, 30

  Gates, Geoffrey 13

  Gates, Sir John 12, 13

  General and Rare Memorials Pertaining to the Perfect Arts of Navigation, The 242

  Geneva 92, 109, 131, 247, 251

  Geneva Bible 109–110

  George, Duke of Clarence 88

  Gerard, Balthazar 179–80

  Gifford, Gilbert 208–10

  Gloriana myth 85–6, 243

  Golden Hind 143, 145

  Gorboduc 153, 243

  Gowrie, Earl of 167–8

  Great Fire of London 3, 240

  Gray, Patrick 206–7

  Grey, Catherine 87–8

  Grey, Lady Jane 19

  Grindal, Edmund (Archbishop of Canterbury) 26, 56, 99, 108–9, 112, 128, 192, 242

  Gualter, Rudolph 35, 36–7, 44

  and letters to Elizabeth Tudor 36–7

  Guises, the 46–7, 58, 60, 65, 75, 77, 79, 118, 162, 163, 166, 167, 176, 184, 186, 203, 206, 208, 209, 235

  Hakluyt, Richard 241

  Hall, Hugh 172

  Hapsburg Empire 21

  and war with France 23

  Harrison, Thomas 138

  Hasler, P.W. (historian of parliament) 39

  Hastings, Henry (Earl of Huntingdon) 88

  Hatton, Sir Christopher 144, 158–9, 177, 181, 194, 196, 198, 204, 221, 225, 240

  Hawkins, John 71

  Henri, duc d’Anjou 75, 76, 98, 100, 117

  Henry, Lord Cobham 136

  Henry II of France 46

  Henry III of France 117–18, 124–6, 145, 148–9, 161, 162, 167, 176, 197, 203, 209, 230, 235

  Henry VII 50

  Henry VIII ix, xi, 6, 8–12, 13, 27, 29, 42, 44, 87, 92

  Henry of Navarre 79, 118, 125–6, 209, 235

  Henry Tudor, Earl of Richmond 4

  heresy 9, 103–4, 130

  History of the most renowned and victorious Princess Elizabeth x

  Hooker, Richard 103

  Horsey, Edward 40–1, 48

  as adventurer-pirate 41

  as patron of Calvinist clergy 41

  and Dudley plot 40

  Howard, Catherine 7

  Howard, Henry 169, 177–8

  Howard, Lord Admiral Charles 225, 233, 236

  Howard, Thomas 22, 66, 68, 71

  Huguenot(s) 41, 42, 47, 54, 79–83, 118, 124, 125–6, 163, 230, 235

  and Edict of Saint-Germain 46–7

  Hullier, John 31

  Humphrey, Dr Laurence 115

  Institution of the Christian Religion 17, 153

  Ireland 100, 120, 122–3, 134, 145, 152

  Islam 54, 78, 106

  Isle of Wight, importance of 40

  James, Earl of Moray 59, 120

  James V of Scotland 50

  James VI of Scotland 53, 120–1, 162, 165–8, 170, 191, 206–7, 219, 229–30

  James Douglas (Earl of Morton) 120–1

  Jesuits 49, 105, 116, 143, 152–3, 158–60, 163, 181, 184, 192, 208

  Jewel, John (Bishop of Salisbury) 25, 36, 52

  Kelly, Edward 242

  Kent, Earl of 222

  King’s College, Cambridge 13–14

  Kingston, Sir William 6

  Knollys, Francis 38, 39, 248

  Knox, John 25, 28, 29, 30, 32, 41, 50–1

  Latimer, Hugh (Bishop of Worcester) 14

  Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity 103

  Leclerc, Nicolas (Sieur de Courcelles) 169

  Leicester’s Commonwealth 183–4, 185, 187

  London, Bishop of 64

  Lords of the Congregation see Calvinism/Calvinists

  Lorraine, Cardinal of 50

  Low Countries 76, 80, 90, 115, 118, 126, 132, 134–5, 145, 178, 200–1, 230, 233 see also Netherlands

  Lussault, Mathurin 1

  Luther, Martin 9, 14

  Lutheranism 17

  Maitland, John 228

  Man, John 73–4

  Manucci, Jacomo 125

  Manwood, Sir Roger 129

  Margaret of Austria 55

  Marian appointees 34

  Marian exiles and persecution 28, 31, 108

  Marian statute 131

  Marvell, Andrew x

  Mary of Guise 29, 50

  Mary Queen of Scots/Mary Stuart ix, xi, 48, 54, 58, 61–2, 65–7, 70, 78–9, 85, 90, 93, 116, 120, 124, 141, 162–5, 169–70, 175–6, 177, 179–82, 184, 191, 203, 206–7, 209, 211–13, 227, 228, 34, 247, 248

  as claimant to English throne 50–1

  as hope of Catholics 57

  Bothwell 52–3

  Casket Letters 59–60

  death of 219–29

  imprisonment of 53, 67

  marriage plans for 66, 69, 87

  Mary Tudor xii, 19–24, 29, 30, 31–2, 33, 34, 40, 66, 73, 75

  Mayne, Cuthbert 129, 130, 132, 157

  Medina-Sidonia, Duke of 236

  Mendoza, Bernardino de 127, 143, 149, 151, 163, 164–5, 169, 172–7, 187, 208, 233

  Merchant Venturers 114, 178, 241

  Mildmay, Sir Walter 12–13, 90, 152–3, 158

  Milton, John 27

  Monson, Robert 131

  Moody, Michae 202–3, 220–1

  Mont, Christopher 53

  More, Sir Thomas 7, 10

  Morgan, Thomas 180, 184, 187, 209

  Morton, Earl of 134, 162

  Mr Secretary Walsingham and the Policy of Queen Elizabeth xi

  Murray (Scottish regent) 65

  Musculus, Wolfgang 73

  Netherlands 100, 124, 128, 136, 138, 128, 149–51, 196, 197, 203–4, 211, 235–6, 252

  Neville, Edmund 181

  New Testament translation (Laurence Tomson) 109

  Newhaven Venture 48–9

  Norfolk, Duke of 61–2, 66–7, 70, 177

  Norreys, Sir John 199

>   Norris, Sir Henry 75, 95

  Northern Rebellion 67, 69, 124, 177

  Northumberland, Duke of 20, 62, 67–8, 175

  Norton, Thomas 66, 153–4, 156–7, 159, 160–1, 174–5, 242, 243, 246–7

  Oxford, Earl of 186

  Pacification of Ghent (1577) 119

  Padua 25, 30–1

  Paget, Charles 184, 187, 208

  Paget, Lord 175

  papacy, the ix, 44–6

  Pope Gregory XIII (Ugo Boncompagni) 78, 80, 105, 116–17, 122, 124, 175, 180

  Pope Pius IV 44

  Pope Pius V (Antonio Ghislieri, Grand Inquisitor) ix, 45, 49, 104, 122

  Pope Sixtus V 231

  papal bulls/directives 45–6, 129

  Regnans in Excelsis 45, 69, 104, 154

  Paris 2, 43, 46–8, 77–80, 118, 149, 164, 167, 170, 186, 196, 209, 228

  and St Bartholomew’s Massacre 79–83

  Parker, Matthew (Archbishop of Canterbury) 73, 108

  Parliament 35–7, 39, 111, 151, 155, 156, 191

  House of Commons 12, 39, 91, 112, 156, 157–8, 194, 246

  and policies of concern 39

  Protestant representation in 35–7

  Parry, William 180, 182–3, 191–2

  Paulet, Sir Amias 182, 206, 213, 221

  Percy, Henry (Earl of Northumberland) 177–8

  Persons, Robert 141, 163, 184, 186

  Phelippes, Thomas 210

  Philip II of Spain ix–x, 21–3, 47, 34–5, 51–6, 71, 74, 78, 86, 105, 116–17, 119, 122, 124, 126–7, 131, 138, 143, 145, 149–50, 162–3, 166, 175–7, 179–81, 197–9, 203, 205, 218, 230–3, 236

  Pilgrimage of Grace (1536–7) 67, 110

  Pole, Reginald 30

  Poley, Robert 210–11

  Politique Discourses 138

  Posset, John (Bishop of Winchester) 25

  prayer book 104, 193

  Edwardian (1552) 28, 56

  Elizabeth’s 64

  English 14

  Puritan version of 110, 114

  Prayer Book Rebellion (1549) 110

  Principal Navigations, Voyages and Discoveries of the English Nation 241

  prophesyings, suppression of 110–13, 131

  Protestant league 98

  Protestant refugees 23–8, 33–4

  Protestantism ix, xii, 3, 18, 33–5, 46, 50, 62, 90, 92, 98, 103–104, 115, 116, 120, 188, 206, 208, 209, 224, 230, 241, 249, 250, 252

  Puritans/Puritanism xii, 28, 41, 63, 66, 89, 95, 99, 106–7, 109, 129, 130, 132, 130, 149, 152, 155, 156, 157–8, 189, 193, 194–5, 211, 224, 240, 242, 248–9, 250

  Radcliffe, Egrement 138

  Randolph, Thomas 226

  Read, Conyer xi

  Recusancy Act 155–6

  recusants/recusancy 106, 155, 158–9, 185, 208–9

  Reformation 11–12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 21, 28, 50, 77, 106, 107, 122, 238

  Revelation, Book of 27

  Ridley, Nicholas 14, 15–16, 21, 31

  Ridolfi, Roberto 68–73, 76, 104, 122, 124 see also conspiracies

  Rizzio, David 52

  Rogers, Thomas aka Nicolas Berden 188

  Rome 43–5, 69, 92, 116, 122, 131, 132, 143, 180, 251

  Ross, Bishop of 70, 71

  Russell, Francis (Earl of Bedford) 30, 34–5

  St Bartholomew’s Massacre 2, 79–83, 85, 90, 95, 103, 118, 124, 252

  St Giles, Cripplegate 41, 64–5

  St Mary Aldermanbury 3, 41

  St Paul’s Cathedral 3, 239

  Sackville, Thomas 243

  Sandys, Edwin (Bishop of Winchester) 33, 34

  Santa Cruz, Marquis of 231, 234, 236

  Savage, John 208, 210

  Scambler, Edmund (Bishop of Peterborough) 92–3

  Scotland 6, 43, 50, 52, 57, 61–2, 120, 121–2, 141, 162–4, 168, 169–71, 183, 206–7, 228–30

  Scriptorum Illustrium Maioris Britanniae Catalogus 26

  Sebastian, King of Portugal 117, 123

  Seymour, Edward (Duke of Somerset) 12, 13

  Seymour, Henry (Vice-Admiral) 238

  Seymour, Thomas 12

  Shakespeare 18, 238, 252

  Sharington, William 13

  Shelley, William 175

  Shephard’s Calendar, The 141

  Shrewsbury, Earl of 72, 162, 182, 209, 222, 248

  Sidney, Philip 138, 171, 183, 216–17, 239, 240, 242, 244–5

  Singleton, Hugh 141

  Sledd, Charles 142–3, 160

  Smith, Sir Thomas 48, 78, 89

  Somerville/Somerfield, John 172

  Spain ix, 53–7, 61, 68, 74, 76–7, 86, 100, 114, 121–2, 138, 145, 149–50, 153, 157, 168, 178, 197, 228, 229–31

  Spanish Armada x, 85, 179, 183, 230–1, 235–6

  Spanish Inquisition 22, 103, 194

  Spenser, Edmund xi, 240, 242

  Stafford, Sir Edward 166, 180, 185–7, 196, 201, 220

  Stafford, William 203, 220–1, 228, 233

  Standen, Anthony 233–4

  state censorship 241–2

  States General /United Netherlands 197–9, 204, 236

  Stewart, Robert (messenger) 42

  Stubbe, John 130–1, 140–1, 148, 156, 160, 242, 244

  Stukeley, Thomas 122–3, 124, 134, 138

  Sturmius, John 89, 131–2

  Sussex, Earl of 100, 138, 144

  Tamworth, John 25

  Tankerville, Alice 7

  Throckmorton, Francis 169, 172–5, 177 see also conspiracies

  Throckmorton, Sir Nicholas 19–20, 41–2, 47–9, 169

  Tower of London 6–7, 10, 16, 20, 31, 111, 138, 143, 157, 160–1, 173–5, 177, 181, 226

  treason, penalties for 155

  Treason Act (1351) 160

  treaties of Nonsuch 198

  Treaty of Berwick 207

  Treaty of Blois 78, 82

  Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis 47–8, 54

  Tregian, Francis 129

  Tuscany, Duke of 233

  Tyndale, William 9

  Venice 30

  Vermigli, Peter Martyr 25

  Walsingham, James 4, 6

  Walsingham, Mary 12–13

  Walsingham, Sir Edmund 6–7, 12

  Walsingham, Sir Francis (and)

  accusation of Presbyterianism 108

  advice from Beale 97–8, 99–100, 101–2

  alliance of England and France against Spain 78–9

  Anglo-Scottish relations 121

  as ambassador in France 59, 71, 72–3

  as Bible-based Protestant 107

  as English ambassador in France 1–2

  as MP for Bossiney, Cornwall 35–6

  as parliamentary member for Surrey 156

  as Puritan 204

  as trusted intermediary 41–3

  as venture capitalist 149–50

  at Fotheringhay 215

  at King’s College, Cambridge 13–16

  audience with Charles of France 81

  banishment from court 141

  belief in Reformation 107

  birth of 8, 10

  Catholic detention centres 132–3, 155

  Catholic plots against Elizabeth 58

  Catholic resurgence, fear of 132–4

  Cecil (Lord Burghley) 41–3, 57–8, 84, 166, 196

  chancellor of the Order of the Garter 127

  coups and crisis management 235–7

  dangers facing England 123–4

  daughter’s marriage to Sir Philip Sidney 171

  death and interment of 239–40

  demand from Elizabeth for closure of seminaries 164

  dilemmas of 99–101

  diplomatic mission to France 70–1

  Dorset constituency 39

  Dutch rebels 125

  financial hardship 217–18

  early years of 10–11

  English-French amity 82–3

  espionage 57–8, 163, 202–4

  evangelical beliefs, origins of 13

  evangelicalism of 88, 127

  exile years of 24–32
  expenditure on secret service 187–8

  falling-out with Elizabeth 228

  family and family responsibilities 4–8, 12–13, 24–5

  foreign policy 145

  foreign travel 17

  Francis Drake 143–5, 149–50

  genealogical tree of 4–5

  grasp of international affairs 93

  hatred of Catholicism 2

  ill-health of 98, 124, 128, 178, 196, 204, 221–2, 237, 239

  in Padua 24–5, 30–1

  in Scotland 169–72

  information sources 100–1

  ingratitude of Elizabeth 218

  intelligence service of 93–5, 100–2, 151, 180–87, 236

  intelligence-gathering 142

  interrogation of Ridolfi 68–70

  interrogation of Thomas Franchiotto 58, 59

  kidnapping of James VI 121, 167, 168

  knighthood 127

  letter from Dr Thomas Wilson 115

  letter to John Sturmius 131–2

  letters to Elizabeth 98–9, 245

  letter to William Davison on Prayer Book 114

  letters of 88–9, 108–9, 137

  letters to/from Cecil 41–3, 59, 68–9, 80, 83, 113, 125, 139, 196–7, 218

  Magdalen College, Oxford 108

  marriage to Anne Carleill 38

  marriage to Ursula Worsley 40

  Mary Stuart 162–7, 181–2, 206–16, 221–5, 227

  merchant venturing 38, 241

  memo (1578) on ills plaguing nation 250

  memorial and remains of 3

  Mendoza 176–7

  mission to Henry III of France 146

  motivation of xii

  naval treaty 178

  negotiations for Elizabeth’s marriage 76

  opposition to Anjou marriage 135

  other Council members 99–100

  patronage of 107–8

  payments for espionage 142

  personal tragedy 216–17

  Privy Seal 101

  property and estates of 38, 39, 40, 41, 95

  Puritan zeal of 90, 95, 108

  re-education of Catholics 154

  reputation of 240–1

  responsibilities in France 75–6

  Robert Dudley 108, 166, 199–201

  royal marriage fracas 139–40

  St Bartholomew’s massacre 1–2, 80, 81–3

  St Giles, Cripplegate 41, 64–5

  Scotland 120, 206–7

  sequestering of archbishop Grindal 113–14

  Sir Edward Stafford 185–6

  spies in French embassy 168–9

  strong convictions of 98

  study at inns of court/Gray’s Inn 16, 17–18, 20

  support for English intervention in France 49

  sympathy with Calvinism 28–30

  Thomas Norton 160–1, 174–5

  Throckmorton plot 173–5

  war with Spain 231, 233–5

  William Davison 223–7

  zeal of 59

  Walsingham, William 7–8

  Walsingham family 12

  Watson, Thomas 132

  Wentworth, Paul 99, 152


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