Holding You

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Holding You Page 11

by Kelly Elliott

  Anna smiled and reached for Libby’s hand. “The new mom. I have some wonderful gadgets for you.”

  Libby’s eyes widened. “Thank God, Jack and Grace took Mireya tonight.”

  Everyone laughed.

  “Next we have Alex. She’s getting married this summer.”

  Anna smiled bigger. “Ohh . . . I have some fun little tips for the wedding night that will rock your new husband’s world.”

  Alex blushed. “Next we have Maegan who could probably have taught this class herself.”

  Maegan shot Grace a dirty look. “Fuck you, Grace.”

  Anna chuckled. “It’s a pleasure, Maegan.”

  Grace walked over to Taylor who looked scared to death. “This is the virgin of the bunch.” Looking at Taylor, Grace pulled her head back and asked, “You are still a virgin, right?”

  Red washed over Taylor’s face as she pushed Grace. “Yes, and I wear the title proudly.”

  Anna clapped her hands. “Oh good!” Reaching into her bag, she dug around and pulled out a sash. Placing it over Taylor’s head, we all started laughing.

  The sash read Proud Virgin.

  Grace turned and held her hand out for me. Placing my hand into Grace’s, she pulled me closer to her. “This is the girl who requested your help, Anna. Lauren has recently popped her cherry—”

  “Hey!” I said as I looked at Grace, who continued to talk.

  “She would like to know the proper way to please her man in the area of blow jobs.”

  “I’m going to be sick,” Alex said as her face drained of all color. Pursing my lips together, I attempted to not start laughing.

  Anna walked up to me and smiled. It was almost a motherly-type smile. I liked Anna instantly. Her smile was infectious and when she smiled really big, she had a dimple in each cheek. Reaching for my hand, Anna gave it a firm shake. Her nails were flawless. “Lauren, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Shaking her hand, I nodded as I felt my cheeks light up on fire. “The pleasure’s all mine.”

  Anna gave me a wicked grin. “Oh not yet, honey. But it will be this evening when I’m done with y’all.”

  Turning, Anna began pulling everything out of her bags. She put down flavored condoms, flavored lubricants, sex toys, which I had no idea what half of them were used for and some I didn’t want to know what they were used for.

  Then she pulled out a few different vibrators and these silicone blob-looking things. Reaching over I picked up the pink one and turned it over. Sucking in a breath of air, I turned to Taylor with a horrified look on my face. Showing her, I whispered, “Does that look like a—”

  “Vagina? Yes. Except I don’t think all va-jay-jay’s look like half a rose.”

  Giggling, I looked back at it. It did somewhat resemble part of a rose.

  Anna looked at Taylor and me and smiled. “You’re holding a masturbation sleeve. Better know as . . . your man’s second vagina.”

  “Oh shit.” Taylor and I both said as I dropped the sleeve back onto the table.

  My cell phone rang and I quickly pulled it from my pocket. Daddy scrolled across the screen. Standing, I walked to the corner of the room.


  “Hey, baby girl.”

  Smiling, I shook my head. I adored my parents and was lucky to have a close relationship with them. They both still called me baby girl and even though I wouldn’t ever admit it to them, I loved it.

  “Hey, Daddy! What’s up? Are y’all in a port?”

  “Yeah baby, we just got off the ship. Is Colt with you?”

  My heart dropped. Slowly taking in a deep breath, I blew it out. “No, why do you need him?”

  Covering the phone, Daddy shouted something to someone. “I was gonna see if he might be interested in—”

  Closing my eyes, I prayed he wasn’t going to say something about the new stallion we had coming in tonight. I wanted my hands on that horse first and I had told Daddy that.

  “Lauren? Are you still there?”

  Shaking my head, I said, “Um, yeah. Sorry what did you say?”

  “I need a fence repaired tomorrow and wanted to see if Colt would be around and could help with it.”

  Relief flooded my body. “Oh. He should have his cell phone.”

  “Text me his number again will you, Lauren. I must have lost it.”

  “Sure, I’ll do it right now.”

  “Have fun tonight, baby girl. Love you.”

  Feeling my face flush, I said, “I’ll try. Y’all too and love you back.”

  Hitting End, I sent the text to my father and pushed the phone back into my pocket and made my way back over to where everyone was. Taking my seat next to Taylor, I looked down at the coffee table. There were all kinds of little packets spread around the table. Grace, Maegan, Alex, and Libby were picking everything up and talking about how they wanted to try it. Then the Altoids caught my eye. Thank God. I was starving.

  Reaching over, I grabbed a container. Reaching in, I grabbed two mints and threw them into my mouth then handed the container to Taylor.

  “Thanks!” Taylor said with a smile.

  Looking around, I noticed everyone was staring at me.


  Anna let out a small squeal. “You’re jumping ahead, Lauren. But by putting Altoids in your mouth while you suck off your man, it gives him another sensation. The men I’ve done this with have loved it. They come so much faster.”

  Anna wiggled her eyebrows up and down as I choked on the Altoids. Holy shit. Oh my glitter! Eewww! I need bleach after that mental image. Stat!

  Taylor began slapping my back as she laughed. Glaring over at her, I gave her the finger.

  Libby started laughing. “Just don’t eat like ten of them and then try it. I did that with Luke and all he did was start screaming. I thought he was screaming because it felt good, so I sucked harder. He jumped up and started yelling, ‘My dick is on fire!’ as he ran to the bathroom. He turned the water on and just kept repeating how it burned. I think ten Altoids was a bit overkill.”

  We all laughed except for Grace. She wore a look of horror the whole time Libby told the story. “I will never be able to unhear that, Libby. Ever.”

  “Now ladies, let’s get this started. Shall we?”

  Everyone nodded and got settled in, ready for our lesson. Libby had a huge sectional sofa that we sat on. All the . . . goods . . . were spread out on the barn door coffee table. The suctioned dildo looked scary as hell to me, but I found myself thinking of places to stick it. Did it stay stuck to the surface when you used it? I wondered why you would need it to suction on something.

  Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I listened to Anna tell us all about herself. She was thirty-one, married with three kids. Two boys, twin three-year-olds, and one little girl who just turned five. She had been doing sex party’s for Pure Romance and decided to branch out on her own and start her own company. Taylor hit me on the leg when Anna said the name of her business was Blow by Blow.

  Reaching into her cooler she began taking out . . . cucumbers? Grace and Alex busted out laughing as Libby and Maegan stared at the cucumbers with I’m sure the same shocked expression Taylor and I both wore.

  “Cucumbers? You expect me to suck off a cucumber?” Maegan asked.

  Anna nodded her head as she flashed Maegan a smile and gave her a wink. She dug around and pulled out the biggest, thickest cucumber I’d ever seen. Handing it to Maegan she said, “I think you need this bad boy.” Taking a closer look, I noticed the blue balls at the end of the cucumber were water balloons and the tops of the cucumbers were made out to look like the head of a dick.

  “Jesus, what are you trying to do, choke me to death with this monster?”

  Everyone laughed as Grace poured more wine and Libby brought over a small little cooler filled with beer. Reaching for a beer, I popped it open and took a long drink. I was gonna need a strong buzz if I was going to be sticking a cucumber in my mouth and pretending it was a dick.
  Taylor leaned over and said, “If she gives me one that big she is going to scar me for life!”

  Letting out a chuckle, I pushed Taylor with my arm as she giggled.

  Once all the cucumbers were passed out, Anna stood. “Now, is everyone pleased with their dicks?”

  Grace sat back and stared at her dick . . . I mean cucumber. “If I was only so lucky to have a dick this size.”

  Alex gasped and told Grace to stop. “What about Noah?” Libby asked. Grace’s face fell and Libby shook her head. “Shit, Grace I’m sorry. Have you seen him at all this year?”

  Grace leaned forward and finished off her glass of wine. Setting it on the table she shrugged. “Nope. I guess he decided to either quit school or move schools after he got married.”

  My heart broke for Grace. Alex and Libby said that Grace must have fallen hard for Noah because she hadn’t been out with anyone since him. Maegan told Alex today that it was time for Grace to move on but I wasn’t so sure Grace was going to feel the same way.

  Smacking her hands together, Anna pulled me from my thoughts. “Okay ladies. Now I’m going to use a cucumber dick as well. First off let’s talk about the penis.” Anna spent about five minutes giving us a run down of the penis. I didn’t think I really needed to know about the anatomy of a dick, but Anna said it would help. “Now, the first thing you are going to want to discuss is the yes and no’s. Every couple has them. By talking about this first, you’ll both be more relaxed.”

  Maegan huffed. Anna looked over at Maegan and said, “Maegan, did you have something to add?”

  Maegan shrugged. “I mean, if you’re both hot and bothered and you decide to go down on a guy, are you really going to stop and be like, wait, we need to discuss this?”

  Anna smiled sweetly. “You’re right, you probably wouldn’t. But, if you’re in a relationship with someone you care about, you’re more likely going to be able to have that conversation together.”

  Grace pointed to Maegan. “That counts Meg out. She’s a wham bam thank you ma’am kind of girl.”

  Maegan glared at Grace. “Again, fuck you, Grace. You’re one to talk.”

  Alex let out a frustrated moan. “Stop arguing, you two. I want to know how to give Will a good blow job.”

  Libby snarled her lip. “Gross. That’s my brother you’re talking about, Alex.”

  Anna let out a chuckle. “Shall we continue?”

  Taylor practically shouted, “Yes!” I couldn’t help but notice she was now drinking a glass of wine. Looking at me she winked. “I needed to loosen up a bit.”

  Anna started talking again. “Remember fast isn’t always best. Start off slow. Kiss around his stomach, hips, and inner thigh. Remember to breathe and relax. No one enjoys rushed oral sex. Take your time and I promise it will be worth it in the end.” Giggles encircled the room and you would think we were all sitting in a high school sex education class.

  “The next tip is to make sure your man’s dick is wet enough.” Anna spit on her cucumber, so we all followed her directions. “Whether you use your spit or lubricant, make sure it is good and wet before you begin playing with it. You could even attempt to take your man all the way to the back of your throat as it releases more saliva.”

  Libby attempted to take her cucumber all the way in but started gagging. “Nope. No way, this baby is not going in any more.”

  Glancing over to Grace, she was licking all over her cucumber. “Damn, I want a salad now.” She mumbled as everyone started laughing.

  “The next tip is if you get tired or your jaw begins to ache, take a break and use your hands. Slowly move them up and down the shaft with a relaxed wrist. You’ll want to add a little twist to your movement but not too much of one.” Anna began to show us the proper way to use our hands. Moving my hands up and down my cucumber seemed silly at first, but one quick peek around the room and everyone was totally focused on their cucumber dicks. Alex was staring at it as if she was concentrating hard.

  Continuing to work her cucumber, Anna continued talking. “Now the next thing to talk about. To spit or swallow.”

  Grace let out a moan as she slowly pushed her mouth over the cucumber. The way she worked it had me and Taylor leaning forward to watch her. Grace pulled it out and looked at us. “Sorry girls, it’s been too long since I’ve even touched a penis. This cucumber is starting to look pretty damn good.”

  Laughter broke out around the room as Anna talked about letting your partner know if you wanted to be warned ahead of time in regards to him coming in your mouth. Taylor leaned over and asked, “Spit or swallow?”

  Shrugging, I looked back out at everyone. “What does it taste like?”

  “Ass,” Maegan quickly said. “Spit that shit out as soon as you can. Better yet, let him jiz on himself.” My mind was flooded with the memory of Colt and I in the study room as he came on my stomach. Chewing my lip, I pushed the memory away.

  Libby laughed. “No it doesn’t, Lauren. It depends on what they eat. If they eat a lot of Kiwi or Pineapple, the cum tastes better, sweeter almost. Most of the time it’s kind of salty.”

  “Huh,” I said as I let it soak in.

  Taylor downed her wine as she sat back and laughed. “Nope. He is just gonna have to come somewhere else, salty, sweet, or peanut butter tasting. That shit is not going in my mouth.”

  Everyone died laughing as Taylor made her announcement.

  Anna took a sip of wine and went on with her presentation. “Now the most sensitive part of man’s dick is the head. Be sure to pay particular attention to this area. To start you should lick up and down his shaft. Get to know his sensitive areas.”

  Anna began licking up the cucumber and motioned with her hand for us to do the same. “Now, put your mouth on the top of the head. No teeth ladies. Using a sucking sensation, go down a little ways.” Anna started moving her mouth up and down her cucumber dick.

  “Move your head some ladies . . . like a corkscrew.”

  Okay this is awkward.

  “Keep that dick wet, ladies.” Libby and Grace were giggling as they took their cucumbers and hit them together like they were toasting each other.

  Alex cursed, “Damn it. I took a nipple off my cucumber!”

  “Don’t forget the balls, but be mindful if he is overly sensitive in that area. Don’t be afraid to play with them. Sometimes right before they come, a slight pull on the scrotum will heighten his orgasm. Some men don’t like a lot of sucking. Listen to him. Learn what pleases him and what doesn’t.”

  “What if the penis is too big to fit in your mouth all the way?” Taylor asked.

  Anna smiled. “Great question, Taylor! If that is the case, use your hand in that up and down relaxed motion I showed. Apply a little pressure with the hand but not too much.”

  As we continued to practice on our cucumber dicks, I was growing more and more confident I would be able to give Colt a good blow job. Anna kept talking as we all laughed, practiced and drank.

  Maegan cleared her throat and said, “Let’s talk deep throating.”

  Anna picked up a dildo and began talking. “For me, I practiced on a dildo. The deeper you go, the better you train your throat. The best position for deep throating is a sixty-nine.”

  “Yeah,” Grace said as she and Alex high-fived each other. Libby made a shuddering move as she rolled her eyes and said, “Again, don’t need that visual, Alex.”

  Maegan nodded her head and placed her cucumber dick in her mouth and moaned.

  Grace looked at Maegan, “Yeah, Meg, get into that shit!”

  What Maegan did next had all of us gasping.

  “Oh my glitter!” I shouted. “You just bit off the head of your dick!”

  Anna’s mouth dropped open, as she stood there stunned. “Maegan. Why?”

  Taking another bite of her cucumber, she shrugged. “I was hungry damn it! You can’t have us sucking on cucumbers all night and not expect us to get hungry for Christ’s sake!”

  Grace reached ove
r and hit Maegan. “I cannot believe you just ate your dick!”

  Maegan smiled and said, “I’ll tell you one thing, it sure as shit tastes better than any cum I’ve tasted.”

  “Gross,” Taylor said as she took another drink of wine and rolled her eyes.

  “Jesus, Meg, what in the hell is wrong with you?” Grace asked as she busted out laughing.

  We spent the rest of the evening laughing, drinking, and learning tricks to please our men. My favorite part of the evening was learning how to apply a condom with your mouth. Taylor kept gagging every time she tried until she finally gave up. “That’s it. I’m not meant to be the type of girl who gives blow jobs. I’ll end up puking on the poor bastard.”

  Laughter echoed through the room as Libby said, “Don’t worry, Tay. You can’t help it if all that knowledge went to Meg!”

  Maegan raised her glass of wine and smiled proudly. “Hell yeah it did!”

  After taking a break and eating some food and chatting, Anna got back down to business. Picking up one of the silicone looking blobs she held it up. “Now, for the masturbation sleeve. This can be a lot of fun for your man, especially if you’re not feeling it, maybe it’s that time of the month, or you both want to just play, this can be a great tool to use.”

  Taylor reached for one and said, “What if he likes this better than you?”

  Grace grabbed it from Taylor. “Tay, if any guy ever tells you he wants to use this thing rather than stick his dick in your pussy . . . you better kick him in his junk and walk out the door.”

  Anna chortled and pointed to Grace. “That was way better than my answer.”

  BY THE TIME I walked Anna to the door and thanked her for everything, I was feeling pretty damn good. My buzz was borderline being tipsy, which probably meant I was drunk. Taylor for the first time ever had a pretty strong buzz going on but she wasn’t drunk. She knew when to back off and quickly began drinking water for the rest of the night.

  “Thank you, Anna for the fun evening. I haven’t laughed that much in a long time.”

  Anna reached for my hand and gently shook it. “It was my pleasure, Lauren. Have fun tonight.”

  Giving her a naughty grin, I responded. “Oh I plan on it.”


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