
Home > Romance > Cougars > Page 14
Cougars Page 14

by Earl Sewell

  “They were blowing like that?” Jasmine asked.

  “Listen to me, Jasmine. I started screaming like some crazed teenager. Never in my life have I ever had a man, let alone two, sing to me.”

  “Okay!” Jasmine said, fully understanding how Tiffany felt.

  “So, they’re going on about how I’ve lost that loving feeling, right. They jumped down off the stage, walk toward me and Tommy gets down on his knees for me. He puts his hand on my knees and spreads my legs open, looks me directly in the eyes and with the most soul-stirring voice shouts out the word, ‘Baby.’ Bobby responds to the call and yells back, ‘Baby.’ They sang back and forth and my skin got goose bumps everywhere.”

  “Aww shit.” Jasmine started laughing.

  “Aww shit is right! It was at that point that I realized these young men had set my ass up to seduce me. I wiped the perspiration from Bobby’s forehead with my fingertips, just as Tommy kissed me on the cheek. Girl, they pulled me up to my feet. One stood in back of me and the other was in front of me. There was no mistaking their intentions. I knew what it was about and went with the motherfucking flow.”

  “Ahhhh, girl you crazy!” Jasmine screamed.

  “Shit, I’m a grown-ass woman. I started swaying my hips and both of them moved with me. They’d gotten my ass hot. The next thing I knew, my blouse was being unbuttoned, and I had each hand on two hard-ass dicks. In no time flat, our clothes were off. I pulled some condoms out of my purse and told Bobby to lie on his back. I rode him while giving Tommy a blowjob. I didn’t care whether or not I got caught because I’d always wanted to do two men, but never could find the right two guys. It was like some freaky-deaky and buck-wild porno film, except I was in it. I was the treat. All of that naked, sweaty brown skin turned me on in a way I’ve never thought possible.”

  “Girl, were they virgins? I mean, did they have any clue as to what they were doing?”

  “They weren’t virgins when I was done with them, and they knew enough to give me an orgasm and that’s all I’m going to say about that.”

  “And they didn’t care about sharing you?” Jasmine asked again.

  “They were twins, Jasmine. I assume they’re used to sharing everything. They wore me out though. When I got one to blow his load, I had another hard dick to work with. When I left, girl, I could barely walk. My shit was sore for days, but in a good way.”

  “I think your name is getting around and young men are approaching you just to see if they can get fucked,” Jasmine said with all honesty.

  “That may be true, but it’s my choice as to whether or not I give in. I’m just having fun right now. I’m not taking any of this seriously. It’s just a beneficial arrangement between consenting adults. I like to get down and so do they. However, I did make it very clear that what happened there needed to stay there. They understood the importance of making sure it remained our little secret.”

  “So what happened after that?” Jasmine asked.

  “Nothing. It was truly just one of those moments. The boys think I’m the coolest librarian that has ever walked the face of the earth now, but I already knew that I was fly.” Both Tiffany and Jasmine laughed at the authenticity of the comment.

  “Girl, I don’t even know what to say about you and your sexual explorations,” Jasmine said.

  “There is nothing you can say. Shit. It is what it is.”

  Jasmine could hear the smile in Tiffany’s voice.

  “So what’s new with you in the romance department?”

  “Well, I wouldn’t call it romance as much as I would pure lust. I’ve got a new fish on the line,” Jasmine said.

  “Oh really now, what’s his name?” Tiffany asked.

  “He’s a guy I work with.”

  “Ooo, a freaky sneaky office affair. Is he any good in bed?” Tiffany asked.

  “I don’t know. We haven’t done anything yet, except kiss. But get this… Remember when we were in New York and I was telling you ladies about the guy I met at the bar?”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I remember. His drunk friend came over and interrupted your conversation.”

  “Never in a million years did I ever think I’d see this guy again, but as it turns out, he’s a chemist just like me.”

  “Get the hell out!” Tiffany shouted.

  “I’m serious. I almost had a heart attack when I saw him walk in for an interview. He’s a brilliant guy. A little bit of a workaholic and slightly obsessed with his work, but other than that, he’s a good guy.”

  “Well, honey, a working man never goes out of style, if you know what I mean.”

  “Yeah, I understand where you’re coming from.” Jasmine let her words linger longer than usual. “When he first arrived, he was ignoring me and acting as if he wasn’t attracted to me. He kept everything on a professional level and I was truly torn by that. I admired him for being mature about it, but I also wanted him to flirt with me just a little. Anyway, I had to take matters into my own hands and nudge him along. We’ve agreed to have a very discreet relationship.”

  “Well, have fun with it,” Tiffany encouraged her. “But let me say this. I’m not the one to stop anyone from getting his or her freak on. All I’m saying is be careful with this arrangement because if the relationship sours—”

  “I’m going to fire him,” Jasmine cut Tiffany off and told her exactly what she’d do if the relationship got out of control.

  “Okay, Miss Boss Lady.”

  “Anyway, I’ll keep you up to date about what’s going on with that. Have you heard from Millie?”

  “I talked to her briefly yesterday, but she said she’d call me back because she was on her way to interview a pool of jurors. I never did hear back from her.”

  “I know she’s going through a lot right now. I’ll give her a call later on,” Jasmine said as she walked in to her bedroom. She noticed a small light on her cell phone blinking. She picked it up and glanced at the display. Travis had called twice.

  “Yeah, we’re going to have to keep an eye out for our girl. She’s got a ton of drama going on,” Tiffany said.

  “I’m sure she’ll manage it.” Jasmine flipped open her phone and saw that Travis had also forwarded her a text message. “Cute.”

  “What’s cute?” Tiffany asked.

  “Travis sent me a text message that said, ‘Here is a kiss, you can put it anywhere you want to.’”

  “Hmph. You should respond back and ask if that kiss comes with tongue.”

  “You are just a mess, Tiffany.” Jasmine grinned wide.

  “Hell, that’s what I’d do. I’d also tell him the place I want to put the kiss requires more than just one peck. I need that full lip, tongue, and mouth action.”

  “I am not going to tell him all of that in a text message. I’ll just call him,” Jasmine said.

  “Well, let me get off the phone so you can go handle that. Call me back when he decides to let you up for some air,” Tiffany joked.

  “Oh, he’s not going to have me locked down like that, honey. I’m a Cougar. I’m the one who’ll have his ass pinned down.”

  Jasmine heard Tiffany pop her fingers. “Well all right. I’ll talk to you later.” The ladies said their good-byes and ended their call.

  JASMINE PICKED UP HER PHONE and called Travis back. His phone rang for an unusually long time before he finally picked up.

  “Hello?” Travis sounded as if he were out of breath.

  “Why are you panting so hard?” Jasmine asked, curious as to what he’d been up to.

  “I was in the other room moving furniture around. I’ve been cleaning up my apartment up all day. I finally unpacked the remainder of my boxes,” Travis said.

  “Were you able to bail your friend out of jail?” Jasmine inquired.

  “Yeah, I got his crazy ass out. I spent most of the night talking to him.”

  “What did he get arrested for?”

  “DUI,” Travis lied. He didn’t want to get into all of the complicated details associat
ed with Alex’s arrest.

  “Well, that was dumb,” Jasmine said.

  “I know. I told him that he needed to get his head right and stop doing immature shit and grow up.”

  “Well, I think you told him right. A good friend does things like that.”

  “I would not have skipped out on you like that for anyone else. Alex and I are very close.”

  “I can tell. My sister and I are very close like that. I’d do anything for her and she’d do the same for me.” Jasmine positioned her body on her bed.

  “So what are you doing now?” Travis asked.

  “Laying in my bed.”

  “Do you want some company?” Travis didn’t waste any time trying to hook back up with Jasmine.

  “Company would be nice, but right now my house is a mess,” Jasmine lied. She had a three-month rule. If a guy made it past three months, then she’d allow him to get a little closer to her.

  “Well, I’d like to see you today,” Travis said.

  “I’d like that.”

  “Do you want to grab a bite to eat or perhaps catch a movie or something?”

  “Dinner actually sounds good,” Jasmine said.

  “Well, I’m new to this town, so I don’t know of many places outside of Wrigleyville.”

  “I’ll tell you what. Since you’re relatively still new to Chicago, why don’t you give me your address and I’ll come pick you up. I know of a great place where we can go.”

  “Sounds like a plan, but I’m picking up the tab for dinner. I don’t want any back-and-forth chatter when the bill comes.”

  “You’re the man,” Jasmine said.

  “Great. How long will it take you to reach my neck of the woods?”

  “Give me about an hour,” Jasmine said. Travis gave her his address and they exchanged a few more pleasantries before ending the call.

  JUST AS SHE’D PROMISED, an hour later Jasmine arrived at Travis’s apartment. She phoned him when she pulled up in front of his building. “I’m here. Come on down because there is no place to park.”

  “I’ll be right down,” Travis told her as he grabbed his keys and headed out to greet her. He got into Jasmine’s white Jaguar and got situated.

  “Nice car,” he said.


  “So where are we headed?”

  “We’re actually doing two things this evening. We’re going to go out for dinner and then we’re going to see Argentina Tango on Stage at the Harris Theater. Do you like dancing?”

  “I have two left feet. I know for a brother to say that is sad, but very true. What about you?”

  “I took tango lessons when I was a little girl. Along with ice skating and ballet. Have you ever seen a live tango performance?”

  “No. I can’t say that I have,” Travis said.

  “Then you’re in for a real treat. The tango is all about sensuality, sex, and seduction. It’s about the way a man handles a woman and how they move together as one.”

  “I can’t wait,” Travis said as they drove off.

  Travis and Jasmine enjoyed their evening out together. Every-thing went perfectly. Their dinner at Carmen’s Italian Restaurant and sensual tango performance offered the perfect combination for a memorable evening. Travis and Jasmine were now sitting in front of his apartment building.

  “How long will it take you to get back home?” Travis asked.

  “Not too long. Probably about forty minutes,” Jasmine said as she put the car in park and shifted her position so that she was facing him. She focused on his beautiful brown eyes, chiseled jaw line and his full delicious lips.

  “Would you like to come up? I could show you what I’ve done to the place,” Travis said, placing his hand on top of hers.

  “There is no place to park, Travis,” Jasmine said, glancing up the block in which cars lined both sides of the street.

  “That’s my car right there.” Travis pointed. “I’ll move it so you can have the parking space and I’ll park on the next block.”

  “You don’t have to do that.” Jasmine didn’t want him to feel obligated.

  “You don’t understand, Jasmine. I want to do it.” Travis leaned in for a kiss and paused just before their lips met, making certain she wouldn’t turn away. He kissed her. More tenderly this time. Jasmine’s right hand rose up and caressed his cheek. Travis slowly pulled away and looked directly into her amazing green eyes.

  “Let me go move my car,” he whispered, then turned and exited the car.

  As soon as they stepped inside of Travis’s apartment, Jasmine had tossed her purse on the sofa, kicked off her high-heeled shoes and pushed Travis back against a wall. She stepped into his embrace, pressed her body against his and began kissing him on his lips and long brown neck. She started unbuckling his belt and pulling his shirt out of his trousers. She couldn’t wait to devour every inch of him. Once his jacket and shirt were off, she squatted and placed succulent kisses on his cheek and gently clenched her teeth on his left nipple. Travis moaned as he flexed his pectoral muscles, enjoying the sensation of both pleasure and pain. Jasmine curled her fingers into claws and raked them over his chest and abdomen. Travis shivered as he enjoyed the sensation.

  “Oh that feels so damn good,” he uttered as Jasmine pulled his slacks and underwear down around his ankles. Travis’s manhood was erect and sprang out ready for whatever Jasmine had for him.

  “Ooo, you have a pretty dick. It’s so long, thick, and chocolate,” she said as she stroked it with both hands and kissed the head of it. Travis removed the rest of his clothes leaving them in a pile on the floor. He helped Jasmine get out of the skirt and blouse she was wearing and draped them over the arm of his tan leather sofa. She had on a leopard print thong and matching bra.

  “Damn, you have a sexy body,” Travis said while admiring her. He was eager to get inside of her warm folds. “Turn around and let me see that ass I’ve been fantasizing about at work.” Jasmine placed her hands on her hips and turned for him.

  “Bend over and place your hands on her knees,” Travis instructed and Jasmine complied. Her ass was even more beautiful in person. It was full, round and built to take a pounding. Travis had seen more ass than a proctologist and rated Jasmine’s as the finest one he’d ever had the pleasure of meeting. Travis lowered himself to his knees. He kissed and nibbled on her caramel derriere.

  Jasmine adjusted her stance and stood with her legs shoulder width apart. She leaned forward, resting her hands on the arm of the sofa.

  Travis inhaled her sweet scent until his brain memorized it. He moved the fabric of the thong out of the way and nibbled on her butt cheek. He then removed the thong completely, spread her ass cheeks with his hands, and tasted her sweet pussy.

  “Reach back and hold your ass cheeks open for me,” Travis instructed Jasmine and she complied. Travis made small circles with the tip of his tongue around her anus as he slipped his long middle finger inside of her wetness. Several moans escaped the back of Jasmine’s throat as he moved in and out of her with his finger.

  “Shit,” Jasmine said as she straightened her posture. “Let’s take this into the bedroom, baby.” Travis led Jasmine to his bedroom. He opened up his dresser drawer and removed a box of condoms. He put one on then turned on his iPod, which was seated in a docking station. Maxwell began singing.

  “On your back,” Jasmine ordered him. Travis did as she asked and positioned himself in the center of the bed. Jasmine unhooked her bra and ran her hands down her body.

  “You are so damn sensual!” Travis spoke as he stroked his Pride with his right hand.

  “Standing here watching you stroke yourself is such a turn-on. Your dick looks so damn delicious. The way it’s shaped, the way the veins are pulsating and I adore the fact that you’ve completely shaven all of your pubic hair. It makes me want to put your cock in my mouth, balls and all.”

  “And I like the hourglass haircut you’ve given your pussy. You taste better than sweet. The flavor and scent of your essenc
e is like heated brown sugar and it makes my mouth salivate.”

  “I can’t take it anymore. Here is what I want you to do for me,” Jasmine said.

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “Get your spread eagle on, Travis. Open up your legs and spread your thighs.” A devilish grin formed on Jasmine’s face.

  “Oh, you want to get straight up freaky,” Travis said as he complied with her request.

  “Oh baby, there isn’t even a word for what’s going on in my head right now.” Jasmine positioned herself between his thighs. She put one hand at the base of his cock and stacked the other hand on top of it. She opened her mouth as wide as the sky and took him in.

  “Hmmm,” she cooed as she swirled her tongue around in a clockwise motion. A healthy amount of saliva was building up in the cave of her mouth so she pulled his dick out and allowed the moisture to trickle down his long shaft.

  “Fuck. Do that shit again,” Travis begged. Jasmine repeated the move, taking in as much of him as she could until she gagged. She came up, held up his shaft, pushing it against his belly, and licked his smooth testicles. She felt his manhood pulsate in her hand. She knew it was a sign that he wanted to be jerked off so she obliged him.

  “Oh damn, I ain’t never had my shit sucked like this.” Travis didn’t want to admit that, but he couldn’t help it because she, without a doubt, had perfected the art of giving a blowjob.

  Jasmine, with his cock still in her mouth, glided her hands up his muscular abdomen, to his tiny brown and erect nipples. She pinched them between her thumb and forefinger and felt the head of his penis swell in her mouth.

  “Not yet,” Jasmine said, sensing his attempt to blast his essence into her mouth before she was ready for him to empty his load.

  “Oh, I got this under control, baby,” Travis said as he tucked his chin into his chest and threaded his fingers through her hair. “It’s time for you to serve up some of that brown sugar pussy of yours.” Travis pulled her head up. He repositioned himself and rested his back against the headboard.


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