
Home > Romance > Cougars > Page 23
Cougars Page 23

by Earl Sewell

  “Oh God!” Travis covered his mouth with one hand. He didn’t like the way Alex sounded.

  “Alex tells me you’ve made an advanced formula. It sounds like you’re trying to do business on the side without me.”

  “Hatcher, no, that’s not true,” Travis quickly explained.

  “Look at it from my perspective. If the drug companies approve it, I’m out of business. I told you to keep your job so that you could order supplies until I got an inside connection for us. Who told you to improve it without my fucking permission!”

  “I wanted to do it on my own!” Travis snapped back.

  “You don’t do shit unless I tell you to!” Hatcher shouted. “Pull out his teeth with the wrench!” Hatcher barked orders to his men.

  “For yelling at me, your friend is going to lose his teeth.”

  A moment later, Travis heard the shrill of Alex’s agony. “Your friend is in misery.”

  “Hatcher!” Travis tried to reason with him.

  Hatcher started laughing. “You should hear the way he’s cried for you. Listen.”

  “Travis, please, man. I don’t want to die like this. Please, help me, man. Please, please, please,” Alex howled again as another tooth was pulled.

  “Okay, I get your point, Hatcher,” Travis said now fully under- standing what Alex was trying to tell him. Hatcher was evil to his very core.

  “No, you don’t get my point. That’s the problem.”

  “What can we do to fix this?” Travis asked. There was a long pause, then Hatcher laughed sinisterly.

  “I’ll tell you what. A life for a life. Your life for his. You come work for me in South America or your best friend dies.”

  “What if I just give you the formula in exchange for his life?” Travis asked.

  “My terms are non-negotiable. That’s going to cost your friend his big toe,” Hatcher said. Travis pulled the phone away from his ear because he couldn’t stand to hear what was happening to his only friend.

  “I’m on my way. Okay! Just stop torturing him. Please!” Travis said. Hatcher laughed.

  “Alex is pretty fucked up, right? If you’re not at the Palwaukee Airport in twelve hours, Alex will be dead and you’ll be hunted down like a dog and killed. And bring me all of my cash back!”

  Hatcher then hung up the phone. Travis’s knees buckled beneath him and he fell to the floor. He began to have a panic attack. His breathing became labored and he clutched his chest. It never occurred to him that things would get this far out of control. Travis’s first inclination was to take the money and run, but he couldn’t turn his back on Alex. Not after he’d begged him for help like that.

  “Jasmine. I need you, baby,” Travis called out. He ran back upstairs and tried to wake her, but the drug had placed her in a very deep sleep. “Come on, baby, wake up. I need you. I need your help.” Travis slapped her face several times, but Jasmine didn’t wake up. He put his ear to her chest to make sure she was still breathing. Thankfully she was.

  “Jasmine!” Travis screamed out her name, but Jasmine was out of it. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Travis screamed out. He paced the floor and tried to think of what his next move should be.

  “Fuck it!” he said and walked over to Jasmine. He removed the earrings that he’d gotten her, gathered his belongings, and rushed out of her house. The small container he’d kept the Cougars pills inside had fallen out of his pocket.

  Chapter 25


  Forty-five minutes after Travis left, Jasmine awoke feeling very sick. The mucus in her mouth was very thick and blocking her airway. She rolled onto her side, gagged and then vomited on the floor. She felt dizzy and confused. Her body was twitching uncontrollably and she felt as if her nerves were ablaze. She tried to sit up but couldn’t. She vomited voluntarily again on the floor. Her vision became blurred and the room started spinning out of control. Then unexpectedly her ears began ringing. Jasmine began to panic because she didn’t know what was going on. With all of the strength she could muster she willed herself to stand to her feet, but slipped on her own vomit and fell to the floor. The ringing in her ears was constant now. She didn’t know if the noise was in her head or if it was her doorbell. She couldn’t tell. Jasmine began heaving again. Once she stopped, she reached up and tried to pull herself back up by using a nearby nightstand as support. She fell back to the floor hard. Jasmine cried for a moment and then as best as she could, crawled out of her bedroom. She now realized that someone was ringing her doorbell. Crawling over to the staircase, she saw someone step inside of her home. She thought it was Travis and tried to call to him.

  “Jasmine!” She recognized Lauren’s voice, but then blacked out.

  WHEN JASMINE AWOKE AGAIN, SHE WAS FEELING BETTER. Her mouth and throat were very dry and she wanted a drink. She slowly rolled her head to the right just as her sister, Lauren, was walking into the room. Jasmine slowly raised her right hand which had some type of tubing attached to it.

  “I’m here.” Lauren quickly grabbed her hand. Jasmine had a difficult time keeping her eyes open, but was glad that she could see her sister clearly.

  “Water,” Jasmine whispered and then winced because her throat was so dry. Lauren grabbed a cup already filled with water from the bed stand and helped Jasmine to drink it. Jasmine savored the taste of liquid and then closed her eyes briefly.

  “Jasmine,” Lauren called to her.

  Jasmine opened her eyes again and focused on her sister. “Yeah.”

  “What happened?” Lauren asked.

  “I don’t know,” Jasmine answered wearily.

  “The doctor says you’re very lucky that I found you when I did. You could’ve died,” Lauren whispered as Jasmine coughed. “I let myself into the house with the spare key because you didn’t answer. I just sensed something was wrong.”

  “I’m glad you had that key,” Jasmine whispered.

  “So am I.”

  “I’m so blessed to have a sister like you who comes to check up on me. I didn’t know what to do.” Jasmine started crying.

  “Don’t cry. It’s okay,” Lauren said as she grabbed a Kleenex and wiped the tears that were rolling toward Jasmine’s ear.

  “Funny thing is, I’d come over there to show you the toxicology report from Senator Yolanda Cobb. I wanted to ask you how a person would go about making such a strong poison like Cougars. Never in a million years would I have ever thought you were taking the drug. But I’m here for you and I’m going help you get through this addiction of yours.”

  “I just woke up feeling horrible. I’m not taking Cougars,” Jasmine said.

  “Jasmine, the poison was in your bloodstream. The doctor told me himself. I even saw the toxicology report. Plus there was a pill bottle filled with the drug on your floor by the door.”

  Jasmine started crying again. She now realized what Travis had done. Now she understood that he’d poisoned her with the experimental aphrodisiac he’d been trying to perfect.

  “It’s going to be alright, Jasmine.” Lauren stroked her sister’s hair. Once Jasmine got her emotions under control, she looked into her sister’s eyes.

  “Travis poisoned me. Those are his pills. I didn’t know he even had them. He probably made them himself,” Jasmine explained. As she spoke, it became clear to Lauren what had happened.

  “I’m going to call his ass in for questioning!” Lauren pulled out her cell phone to let her colleagues know that Travis Adams was a person of interest in the narcotics case they were investigating as well as a wanted man for attempted murder.

  “What’s Travis’s address?” Lauren asked. Jasmine gave it to her and Lauren relayed the message. “It’s two p.m. I’ll meet you at his residence in an hour. I want to be there when he’s picked up,” Lauren said before she hung up the phone.

  “I have to go, but I’m coming back,” Lauren said as she kissed Jasmine on the forehead. “I’ve called Tiffany and Millie. They both dropped everything and are on their way.”

“Go get that bastard and drop-kick his ass for me. I’ll be okay,” Jasmine whispered. Lauren gathered her belongings and headed out the door in a rush.

  Chapter 26


  When Travis left Jasmine’s house, he stopped by the pharmaceutical lab and grabbed all of the files and notes he could find on the experiments he’d been doing. On his way out, Sam stopped him and asked, “Is everything alright?”

  Travis didn’t bother to answer him; he just walked out of the building as fast as he could. He then drove back to Jasmine’s house to see if she was awake yet. When he turned onto her street, he stopped the car and put it in reverse. Travis positioned his sedan so he could view the activity from a distance. He saw paramedics bringing a body out on a gurney. Travis feared the worst.

  “I’ve killed Jasmine. She probably overdosed on Cougars.” Un- willing to face the consequences, Travis drove off in a reckless manner.

  It was 2:45 P.M. Travis was at his apartment trying to gather up as much of his belongings as he could. He raced around his apartment shoving clothes and money into a large suitcase. Now he looked forward to going with Hatcher because it was better than facing murder charges. Out of nervousness, he glanced out of his front window and saw two squad cars pull up.

  “Fuck! How did they find me so quick?” he howled. He grabbed his suitcase and rushed out the back door. Glad that he’d parked his car in the alley, he tossed his suitcase in the trunk and hurried around to the driver’s side of the car.

  “Travis, stop!” he heard Lauren scream. Travis had no intention of doing so. He fired up his car and sped down the alleyway.

  Before long there was a line of police cars pursuing him. Driving like a madman, Travis did everything he could to outrun them: ran red lights, sideswiped cars and almost ran down several pedestrians. He had no regard for anyone’s life but his own. Travis got on the Kennedy Expressway and cut off an eighteen-wheeler. His sedan was no match for the speed and training of the police officers pursuing him. Travis tried to shake the police officers by swerving abruptly to exit the highway. He turned the wheel too hard and crashed into a concrete barrier. Airbags deployed, the front of the car was smashed and a section of the dashboard collapsed onto his legs. Pleased that his legs weren’t crushed, Travis quickly maneuvered himself out of the car via the passenger door. He started running down the exit ramp as fast he could. He raced across several lanes of traffic and was narrowly missed by several vehicles that swerved to avoid hitting him. Travis raced through the parking lot of a fast-food restaurant, climbed over a chain link fence and continued on. He had no idea where he was running. Travis ducked into a gangway between two brick apartment buildings. He stopped, pressed his back against one of the structures and leaned over to catch his breath. It was then he noticed that one pants leg was soaked with blood. There was a tear in his pants and a nasty gash on the side of his right leg.

  “Fuck!” he growled angrily. He knew his badly injured leg would not take him much farther.

  Once his breathing regulated, he began looking around for a place to hide. He knew the police were not far behind because he could still hear sirens wailing. Seeing no safe harbor, he cautiously continued on toward the rear of the buildings. He made it to the alley and looked in both directions making sure no police were present. He limped as best as he could toward a safer location. When he reached the end of the alley, he saw several teen boys standing around a car listening to loud music.

  “Damn, man! Your leg is fucked up!” shouted one of the boys who pointed at him.

  “Shhhh! Can I get a little help?” Travis asked.

  “Hell no! I don’t fucking know you!” snarled the young man as he and his buddies got inside the vehicle and drove off.

  “Fuck it then!” Travis barked as he continued on, dragging his leg as if it was a heavy sack. He came across a backyard and noticed the back door to the house was open. An elderly woman stood at the sink washing dishes. Her back was turned to him so she didn’t notice Travis was there. Desperate and deranged, Travis gave himself permission to do the unthinkable. He was going to force his way into the house and strong arm the elderly woman into helping him. He opened the gate to the yard and hobbled toward the open door. In his hastiness he didn’t see the two Pitbulls resting in another corner of the yard. By the time Travis spotted the hounds, they were charging toward him and barking viciously.

  “Oh fuck!” Travis hollered out. He quickly turned and hauled ass as fast as he could before the dogs reached him. Travis continued on, but only made it to the end of the street before collapsing from a combination of blood loss, pain and exhaustion.

  Moments later, Travis was surrounded by police officers. Once he was handcuffed, he was yanked to his feet when he saw Lauren approaching him. Travis smiled smugly as if none of what was happening was of real concern. When Lauren got within striking distance, she punched him in the face.

  “That’s for trying to kill my sister, you sick bastard! You’re lucky she didn’t die because if she had, I’d put a bullet between your eyes!”

  “She’s alive? That means it worked.” A deranged expression formed on Travis’ face. Lauren felt as if her message had not gotten through his thick skull, so she kicked him in the balls to drive her point home.

  “Fuck you, too, bitch. This is police brutality. My rights have been violated.” Travis argued as he coughed and gasped for air.

  Lauren ignored him and began reading him his Miranda Rights. “Travis Adams, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you.”

  “I don’t have a damn thing to say!” Travis glared at Lauren with arrogance and superiority as he was marched over to an emergency medical team who had just arrived for treatment.

  TRAVIS WAS TAKEN INTO CUSTODY and driven to the police station where he was placed in an interrogation room. A short time later Lauren entered with another agent and sat down on the opposite side of the table.

  “I don’t have to tell you why you’re here. You already know what this is about, am I correct, Travis?”

  “I’m not saying a word without a lawyer,” Travis answered insolently.

  “Travis, the evidence found in the car you were driving will pretty much serve as the nails in your coffin. Why don’t you make it easier on yourself and tell us how and who helped you distribute the drugs.”

  “I’m not saying anything until my attorney is here and a deal can be made.” Travis stared directly into Lauren’s eyes.

  “Fine. We’ll wait for your legal counsel to arrive. But answer this one question for me. Why did you do Jasmine that way?” Lauren had to know.

  Travis squirmed around in his seat and tilted his head upward trying to decide if he should answer the question.

  “Tell you what. Off the record, tell me why?” Lauren gave him another option.

  Travis met her gaze once again. As he stared at her, he thought about how brilliant he was. Then his mind split and the psychopathic spirit within took full control.

  “What’s wrong with you? Why do you suddenly look like an insane lunatic?”

  “I’m perfectly fine, Lauren.” Travis inhaled deeply, then exhaled loudly as if he were taking in air for the very first time. “In fact, I’ve never felt better.”

  “Then answer my question.”

  Travis laughed and then said, “It was for the good of science. It was a necessary evil. Besides, she tried to control me and keep me from fulfilling my destiny…I couldn’t have that.”

  Chapter 27


  Three days after she’d been poisoned, Jasmine was at home and feeling much better. The toxins were now out of her system and thankfully, the test results from the blood, which was drawn before she was released, had come back normal. The attending physician explained to her how fortunate she was to still be alive because she could’ve easily gone into card
iac arrest.

  Tiffany and Millie had both taken time out of their busy schedules to visit with her and nurse her back to good health. They’d cleaned up her house, cooked for her and done anything else which needed to be taken care of.

  They were now all sitting on lawn chairs in Jasmine’s backyard enjoying the beautiful warm day and drinking sun tea.

  “I still can’t believe that psychopath almost poisoned you to death,” Millie said as she tried to comprehend Travis’s madness.

  “I just feel so stupid right now,” Jasmine admitted. “I was his fool. I tried not to be but I was. I didn’t want to think that he could stoop so low. He seemed so sincere and I believed in him. I’m still having a difficult time wrapping my mind around why he allowed himself to go down the road of madness.”

  “Because he was a crazy motherfucker, that’s why.” Tiffany chimed in. “He thought he was above the law and couldn’t get caught.”

  “Hello, ladies,” Lauren greeted everyone as she stepped through the sliding-glass patio door.

  “Come here and let me give you another hug,” Jasmine requested. Lauren approached her, leaned over and hugged her sister. “I love you so much.” Jasmine started crying.

  “I know,” Lauren answered.

  When Jasmine finally let her go, she noticed that both Millie and Tiffany were teary eyed. “I love you guys, too,” Jasmine said.

  There was a long moment of silence before Millie broke it. “So how’s the investigation going?”

  “It’s not pretty.” Lauren exhaled as she sat down.

  “Not to change the subject here, but how did the probe into your case-fixing allegations turn out? Well, obviously it turned out fine; you’re still a judge but what was that about?” Lauren asked.

  “Honey, that’s a long story for another day but the short of it is this: Another female judge who I didn’t get along with started all of the bull. Apparently she used to date the young intern I was having an affair with. He broke up with her just before he started dating me. You can pretty much fill in the blanks on why she tried to ruin my name,” Millie explained. “Then there was the issue of my husband and his affair and oh, it was just one big mess. How-ever, I’m happy to be divorced, single and available.”


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