Exile to Unity

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Exile to Unity Page 7

by Tara Finnegan

  “I think she has the hots for you. Her knight in shining armor,” Ange said.

  “Shit, you’re not serious.”

  “Ach no, I’m teasing. She’s wants to show her gratitude. You did save her life,” Ange replied as they climbed into bed. “So, what time should I set the clock for?”

  “Six,” Jim replied with a groan. Any plans for talking or other nocturnal activities had just flown out the window. He needed to be fresh in the morning. Ange lay on her side facing the outside of the bed and Jim tucked himself around her curvaceous bottom, with his arm on her waist. There was nowhere on earth he would rather be, when they were on good terms. He could feel his cock engorge; Ange’s ass always did that to him. He distracted himself with thoughts of games that had gone badly in his football career until he felt the swelling subside. He knew too well that if they started up with any antics it would be hours before he got to sleep as Ange would still be horny as the devil after her spanking the previous evening. Much as he would have loved to go there, he could see the folly in it.

  Within an hour of starting work, he heard his cell ping with a message and as soon as he had a chance, he checked it.

  No bloody way, was all it said.

  The rules went down well then. Damn, I should have fucked her last night; she’d have been way more submissive had I done so, he thought. He hadn’t long to dwell on it though as he spent the morning in meetings, getting up to speed on the projects he’d have to oversee. As it neared home-time, he was surprised to see Carla arrive.

  “There are a few more things we need to go through,” she advised him. She asked for details on his work permit, work history and other things. It was already an hour past quitting time when Hank came in and told them both to go home.

  “We’re not done yet, Dad.” Carla said.

  “Tomorrow is another day, and you’re even not supposed to be back at work, young lady,” Hank admonished. Jim watched how Carla graciously accepted his word, and started to pack up. Now why couldn’t Ange be that tractable? he wondered.

  “Would you like to go through this at my house?” Carla asked as they neared their cars. Jim hid a smile as he realized she wasn’t quite as pliable as her father thought she was.

  “Couldn’t it wait ‘til tomorrow?” Jim asked. “I’d like to spend time with the children before bed and it will be another early start tomorrow.”

  “I’ll tell you what, I’ll meet you for lunch tomorrow,” Carla readily agreed, much to Jim’s relief. He really didn’t want to be falling out with the boss’s daughter, but he really wanted to go and talk to Ange, and spend time with the children.

  The welcome, or lack thereof, that he got at home made him almost wish he had gone to Carla’s. Ange was raging with him.

  As soon as he was through the door, she said, “How am I supposed to have an evening meal prepared, if you don’t do the courtesy of letting me know when you’ll be in? You were due home an hour ago and your dinner is spoiled.”

  “I got delayed, it couldn’t be helped. Carla needed me to go through some things for my permit.” Jim saw Ange’s mouth form a tight line, but Jack had come running in, closely followed by Ava.

  “So it’s ok for you to be delayed without letting me know, but if someone stays here past the holy Jim anointed hour, I get punished?”

  “And you also get punished for disobedience and disrespect. Not even one day in and you’re already earning a good spanking,” Jim warned.

  “Daddy, Daddy,” Jack shouted grabbing his father’s legs. Jim lifted him up and spun him around in the air, eliciting giggles of innocent, childish excitement. Jack’s timing was excellent.

  “Do me, Daddy, do me!” Ava pleaded until he swapped over and lifted her up, throwing her in the air and catching her until she squealed with delight.

  “My turn,” Jack said, tugging on Jim’s jacket.

  He swapped them over several times, knowing no matter how many times he did, they would never have enough. Tired as he was, he was happy to humor them, their delight at seeing him had somehow seemed to negated Ange’s bad mood and she was smiling at their antics as she took his dinner from the oven, without even slamming the plate down. He knew, had she taken it out two minutes earlier, he’d have been treated to plenty of bashing and clattering. Truth was he did feel a little bad about not letting her know he’d be late.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t text you, Ange,” he said as the noise abated.

  “Okay, just let me know if you’re being delayed,” she replied. Her chin was tense again and she dropped the subject. Jim decided he would, too.

  “How was your first day?”

  “It was grand, strange but grand. Carla was a big help last night and today.”

  “I thought she wasn’t supposed to be working,” Ange said.

  “No, Hank was surprised to see her.”

  “Be careful,” Ange warned. “It seems to me the hero worship might be going a bit far. And if you annoy her, you don’t know how Hank will react.”

  “Great! What are you implying? Thanks for the support. Nice to know you can count on your wife.”

  “Jaysus, I’m just saying watch out. I didn’t say you did anything wrong.”

  Ange filled her arms with clean laundry and went upstairs. So much for disobedience and disrespect, Jim thought. He’d definitely deal with her tonight now. He finished his dinner in silence and plonked in front of the TV while Ange did the laundry and put the kids to bed, but it wasn’t long before the doorbell rang, revealing Carla, with another arm full of manila files. He wondered briefly if Ange had a point, but for as long as she stayed, the conversation didn’t steer away from work and Jim figured it was paranoia on his behalf, courtesy of Ange’s caustic comments. He presumed lunch was off the next day as they had covered everything, but Carla reminded him of it as she was leaving, while standing on the front doorstep.

  Ange didn’t return downstairs until Carla had left. When she did return, it was with a different attitude. To Jim’s utter amazement, Ange was in her nightclothes, and offered herself willingly for his chastisement. He had no idea what had caused the transformation.

  “You could have come down while Carla was here,” he told her as she lay across his lap. He lifted her nightdress up, exposing her bare bottom and lower back, rubbing her back as they spoke.

  “I know, but I didn’t want to make it more awkward for you. You’re meeting her for lunch? I wasn’t eavesdropping, I just overheard, and her voice carries.”

  “Yeah, so it seems. You might be right about her. I’ll try to discourage her, okay?”

  “I didn’t mean to accuse you of anything. I was just saying it’s a bit strange.”

  “I agree, now are you ready?”

  He felt her stiffen as he raised his hand, but now that they had cleared the air, and she had offered her body so willingly, it became more of an erotic spanking than a punishment. He started off with a slow warm up, and allowed her body to relax and feel the sensations. As he spread the heat all around her beautifully rounded globes, he watched the pink flush spread and her body become open. Only then did he spank harder. Gradually he increased the heat, and as she struggled, he paused for a moment, before starting again. He could almost physically see the endorphins enter her body and he knew he could strike harder still, while still keeping connected without a struggle. Harder and harder he slapped, until he felt her give her body over to him completely. He was surprised to see Ange’s tears flowing and her shoulders shake in a silent sob. He didn’t think he’d gone too hard on her or lectured her unfairly. Maybe she too had to let go of the stress of the past. He pulled her up onto his lap and comforted her as she wept, long and hard. Jim didn’t ask what was wrong, he just assumed.

  “I’ve missed you the past few years, Ange. Don’t shut down like that on me again. Please.” At that, he lifted her and carried her to the bedroom. She didn’t offer any resistance as he lifted her nightdress over her head; rather she lifted her arms compliantly like a
child. Jim kissed her tear stained cheeks, one after the other, allowing his mouth to travel down to hers. Ange’s lips were soft, moist and salty from her tears as he flicked his tongue gently across her mouth, seeking the inner folds of her lips and tongue. Equally gently, she responded to his kiss. He cupped her chin to make her eyes meet his.

  “Hush, love. It’s all right. Everything will be fine. It just takes time,” he promised. He meant they would be all right. They were strong, they’d come this far and in spite of all the obstacles, they had survived. He wasn’t letting her go now.

  Ange nodded her agreement, it seemed talking was not on her agenda as she lay back on the bed, waiting. Waiting for him to comfort her, claim her, love her? He wasn’t quite sure which, and he tried to figure it out as he stripped himself. There were so many times over the last three years that Jim O’Brien wished that his wife had come with an instructions manual. Times he had feared that their love was not enough. All too often, he found himself wishing he could turn the clock back to before that fateful night, before their world imploded. Shooting in the dark a little, he opted to love her, slowly and thoroughly.

  He lay on the bed beside her, leaning over to kiss her. His tongue trailed down to her neck, heading for her ear, nibbling gently as he whispered, “I love you so much, you’re my life.”

  “I love you, too, Jim. I’m sorry, I screwed up so badly.” Ange cried. But by now her arms were around his neck, inviting him closer.

  “Do you want to talk some more?” he asked reluctantly. By now, he was aching to have her, but if this was the opportunity to finally let it all out, he wasn’t going to miss it, even if his body was screaming otherwise.

  “Not yet, later,” Ange whispered as she pulled him still closer. Jim was oddly elated, not just because she wasn’t stopping the proceedings but the “later” also gave him hope. It seemed like finally she was ready. After years of marriage, Jim knew Ange well enough to know that was as good as a promise. He sought her mouth again, more hungrily this time. His hands found her breasts. Her nipples were peaked and deep pink buds against her pale skin. He adored that visual. As long as he had been looking and admiring her, her nipples never ceased to amaze him, especially when hard with desire. He couldn’t resist tasting them, nibbling softly while kneading them with his hands, until he could hear her moans of pleasure.

  Ange’s legs had opened to accept him between them. He trailed down her torso with his mouth and hands until he reached her Mons de Venus, with her pubic hair shaven to a thin strip and neatly cropped. Her feminine folds were rich red and swollen with desire. Her creaminess coated her labia. The evidence of her arousal was a drug to his brain in his aroused state. Driven by a force outside his control, he just had to bury his mouth and nose there, to fill his senses with her. His tongue found her engorged clit; her taste was divine, salty and sweet at once. He caught a faint whiff of her perfume but his brain zoned it out, one scent only mattered. Her natural essence. As he tasted his fill, her juices smeared his upper lip, ensuring he would carry her scent throughout their entire lovemaking.

  Aching and throbbing, Jim continued to feast until her body tensed beneath his touch. He knew he could easily bring her to a climax like that, teasing her with his tongue, but from the thrust of her hips it was obvious what she needed: she wanted him inside, his cock filling her chalice making them into one. Somewhat reluctantly, he forced himself to pull away and give her what she yearned. As he shifted his position, Ange’s hands found his burning rod. The relief of her touch almost made him shoot straight away. She massaged his shaft with one hand and pressed on his balls with the other, reducing the aching pressure. God, that woman really does know how to play me well, he thought, as he felt his body come back under some control. But still her scent on his upper lip was playing with his mind, egging him on, forcing him to claim her.

  He groaned with pleasure as he sunk his cock into her warm, wet pool. As her pussy sucked him in, he was almost giddy with need. He thrust hard, and fortunately for him, Ange was more than ready, her orgasm sending her body into small spasmodic jerks, one after another, over and over. Her pulsating drove him crazy as he distracted himself with thoughts of anything he could muster, to keep him from coming, too. When her orgasm subsided, he began his thrusts again, reclaiming her pebbled nipples with his mouth. Supporting his weight on his elbows he pumped harder, faster. His head got clouded until he could no longer force other thoughts into his brain. His testes contracted, his heart was beating faster and he was aware of every pulse in his body. He fought with it all until he felt her pussy starting to contract again, and with enormous relief, he let go with one hard thrust, coming in unison, each totally aware of the other. They hadn’t just fucked. They had reunified in soul satisfying lovemaking. His elation was so much more than physical. They lay there for a time, not saying much, small little things, but there was tenderness in both their words and tone that Jim hadn’t been aware of for a terribly long time.

  Chapter Nine

  Ange woke to the sound of the coffee cup on the bedside table, followed by a kiss on her lips. She had barely woken enough to smile at Jim before he had left the room. He returned carrying a sleeping Ava, exited again and this time his return brought another bundle of joy in the shape of Jack. Both slept through being toted from room to room, and Ange smiled as they snuggled into the warm space beside her.

  “It might buy you a bit more time. You know how they love our bed. And you didn’t get much sleep last night,” Jim whispered.

  “Neither did you. What time is it?”

  “Six-thirty, I’ve got to go. I hope you get back to sleep.” With a brief, tender kiss he was gone.

  Sleep was out of the question for Ange. Her head was full to the brim. Several things were troubling her and she had to work out a game-plan. Carla seemed to have a thing for her husband. And she could offer him certain things that Ange couldn’t, total submission and an unfailing adoration born of gratitude for his having saved her life. Ange also knew that she wasn’t letting him go without a fight, even if she had to accept DD as a tool to keep him. When she had got his list yesterday morning, she was fit to punch him, but then when Carla had arrived and Ange had overheard the lunch plans, she decided to save that argument. She would go along with it for a while, if that was what it took. That she hated it was irrelevant for now. First she had to reclaim her husband, then she could make him realize how pointless that stupid list of dos and don’ts were. But to do both of these things, Ange also knew she would have to open up to him. Tell him all that had been going on in her head for the last three years, and let go of the past. She had to forgive him, and then forgive herself.

  Ange knew Jim would be waiting to hear her out, and he’d expect her to talk soon, but she needed to get it all clear in her head. For too long, the words they threw out had been harmful and damaging. She would have to get it right. And her actions would have to substantiate her words. A long time ago, she’d wondered briefly about the prospect of marriage counseling, having an intermediary help them find their way, but she knew deep down that Jim would never go for that. Having do-gooders interfere in their marriage would be his way of looking at it. As far as he was concerned the last do-gooder was the midwife and she had done untold damage. He used to laugh back home at the fact that the majority of those he knew who went for marriage counseling ended up divorced. Try as she might, Ange could never convince him that the real reason for this was that those who successfully survived marriage counseling rarely advertised that they had used the service. Jim was skeptical of counseling, full stop. Before they arrived in Corbin’s Bend, he had even been totally averse to the idea of having mentors, tolerating them only as they were part of the conditions of acceptance into the community. But amazingly, he seemed to hold a lot of store in what Kirk had to say, even though he was many years Jim’s junior. Too much store, to Ange’s mind.

  After a lot of thinking and a couple of days of skirting round her promise, Ange decided the best thin
g to do was to put it in writing, that way she could read and amend it several times before she finally handed it over. There were a lot of things over the years that she wasn’t particularly proud of, and she knew Jim would have good reason to be bitterly disappointed in her. After many aborted starts, Ange had a letter she could work with, even though it showed her in a poor light it was nothing less than she deserved, in her own opinion.

  Dearest Jim,

  I know you have been waiting and waiting for me to explain myself and my withdrawal from you. I can’t do it off the cuff because there is so much and a wrong word or phrase can come across in a way it’s not meant, so I’ve been trying to work out how best to be honest. I hope you understand this is because I want to get it right, not because I don’t want to talk to you.

  Yes, I admit I blamed you for Jack’s early arrival and my subsequent humiliation. I blamed you for being the one who gave into temptation. Those toys were meant to be for after the birth. But the real truth that I have been grappling with for the last three years, not admitting it even to myself, is that by laying the guilt at your door, I could avoid it. One of the joys of being a “sub” is that you take what you are given, and you can justify avoiding responsibility. After all, you’re only being obedient.

  As long as I could accuse you, I didn’t have to acknowledge my own irresponsibility. So I hid in that blame. The reality is, I felt contractions that night, but thought they were just Braxton Hicks, like those I had felt with Ava. I should have called a halt, but I liked it too much and was too ignorant of the risks to take it all seriously. Then every time Jack got sick, I felt it was because he was prem, and I couldn’t handle that I hadn’t carried him full term, so I held you and your damn horniness responsible. Stupid? Yes. Unfair? Yes. But without being able to blame you, I think I would have sunk myself to the bottom of the river Liffey. There’s another thing that I haven’t told you: I had two years of severe depression. I don’t know why I kept it a secret – shame, I think. I was always used to being in control and for that period I felt so out of control, so vulnerable, that I could never admit it to another living creature, not even you, who I trusted more than anyone else in the world.


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