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Lush Page 5

by Chris Adonn

  Julia: Don’t flatter yourself, Winthrop. I’m not remotely jealous. Was just concerned that if you’re dating someone she might not take kindly to you and me attending a ball game together.

  Michael: I’m not seeing anyone, Kincaid.

  Julia: Oh really? According to the article you’re a big hit with the ladies of New York. It implied that you have a new girlfriend every week.

  Michael: Hasn’t anyone ever told you not to believe everything you read in the papers?

  Julia: But if I don’t believe what I read in the papers what should I believe?

  Michael: How about you take a leap of faith and believe me. I’m not seeing anyone. Besides, you said it yourself; we’re going to the game as friends.

  Julia: Yep, friends. I just don’t want to find our picture in the paper next week with a caption stating that I’m your latest flavour.

  Michael: Careful Julia, guys are visual creatures and the things you’re making me visualise are... intimately friendly.

  Julia: Hey, Friend, lock that shit down!

  Michael: You started it, Friend.

  Julia: Then I’m ending it. Night, Friend. I’ll see you on Tuesday.

  Michael: Sweet dreams, Jules.

  As Michael put away his phone and turned off his bedside lamp he thought about the bimbo comments and what they most likely signified. There was a very good chance that Julia was into him after all. His feelings for her were not completely one-sided. If he played his cards just right he might get the opportunity to live out at least some of the fantasies he’d dreamed of ten years ago.


  Chapter 5

  Tuesday, 5:30 pm.

  “Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God! I can’t believe you and my brother are finally going out on a date!” Kirsten crowed over the phone as Julia tied the laces on her sneakers.

  “Seriously, Kirst? Three oh my God’s in a row. What are you, twelve and a Bieber fan who just got to see him flick his stupid fringe live on stage?”

  “Catch up, Jules. He got a haircut and these days he’s showing off his stupid abs and wearing pants that are ten sizes too big for his scrawny ass. Anyway, back to the reason for all my oh my God’s. You were so in love with Mike back when we were kids and now you’re finally going to get to have him. You have no idea how much I wish I hadn’t been so busy these last few days. It would have been fun to get together and discuss his good and bad features over lunch or something.”

  “Jesus, woman, he’s your brother, not a new handbag. And it’s not a real date. We’re going as friends. Totally plutonic friends.”

  Mmm. Julia looked her self over in her dressing room mirror and frowned. She probably shouldn’t be wearing the skimpy, skin-tight, lacy tank top she was wearing considering that this was not a real date. The Jeans were fine, but the top? Not so much. Switching her phone to speaker she ripped the garment off and dug through her underwear drawer for a t-shirt bra.

  “Friends?” Kirsten cried. “Have you seen him? Heck, if he wasn’t my brother I’d totally go for him!”

  Julia shuddered at the mental image. “Girl, you are sick and twisted, and not in a good way.” Feeling a little violated by the topic of conversation she quickly put on the bra and fastened it.

  Kirsten of course seemed to find no problem with the subject matter and chuckled merrily. “Yes, I’m a sick and twisted weirdo, but you love me anyway.”

  Julia found herself chuckling along as she tugged on a fresh t-shirt. One that read ‘LOOK UP!’ over the breast area. Aside from provoking alarming mental images, Kirsten was the best. “True. Speaking of sick and twisted, did you meet anyone interesting at the dating orgy? Carve another notch in the proverbial bedpost?”

  Suddenly Kirsten’s voice was less than bubbly, it was kind of reticent. “Um, no. Don’t get me wrong, there was some definite talent, but I just wasn’t interested in scoring.”

  “But you’re always interested in scoring.” The woman was all about milking every last drop of pleasure out of life. And men were a source of great pleasure for Kirsten.

  She laughed wryly. “I know, right. I must be coming down with something.”

  Her impending non-date with Michael totally forgotten, Julia focussed all her attention on her friend. “What’s wrong, Kirsty-pie? Is it the flu or does it feel more serious? Come to think of it, you’ve been less crazy than usual for a while.”

  In fact now that she really thought about it, Kirsten hadn’t been totally herself since the one-year anniversary of her aunt’s death. That was back in April. At the time Julia had thought that her friend was simply re-mourning Beatrice Winthrop’s passing because that was the kind of thing that generally happened when you were reminded of the loss of a loved one. Only now she found herself wondering if it was something else entirely.

  “It’s definitely more serious,” her friend replied sombrely. “Maybe even incurable. Certainly the end of life as I know it.”

  “Oh my God! What’s wrong? Do you need me to come over?”

  “I think I’m growing up.” This was followed by a hoot of laughter. “Relax chick. I’m totally fine.”

  Julia slumped against the wall in relief. “You just took ten years off my life, Kirst!”

  “Damn. I was aiming for twenty.”

  “Well tell me what’s really up with you and you might get your wish.”

  “I swear, nothing’s wrong. I just wasn’t in the mood to get it on with some guy who was desperate enough to try speed dating. Actually it’s more than that. You’re right, speed dating blows. It’s way too formulaic. Plus I thought about what you said about competing for attention along with a bunch of other women and I drew a startling conclusion: I don’t do competition.”

  “Aw man! Did I ruin it for you with my big mouth and nasty comments? I was just in a rotten mood. You know I say the dumbest things when I’m grouchy.”

  “Well this time you actually said something smart. But seriously, don’t sweat it, I still had fun. Some of those guys were cool to talk with and I did enjoy myself. I might even take the time to get to know a few of them if it turns out that we’re compatible. Lush sent out the emails yesterday.”

  “Did you stay till the end?” That would be a sure way to tell if Kirsten was still her old self.

  “Of course, Silly. I wasn’t going to leave early when the Cosmopolitans were so delicious. I must have ordered a new one every three dates.”

  Okay Kirsten was definitely still the same old Kirsten. “Hey, how did your date with Finch go? I was kinda worried when I saw that he was there because I know he’s your type. Please tell me you didn’t make him fall in love with you.”

  “Don’t worry, girl. I remember the rule you imposed on me after I screwed things up with your stupid project manager. Thus it goes without saying that I did not unleash my irresistible charm on Finch.”

  Phew, that was cause for relief. “Thanks Kirst. Did he mention anything about work? Maybe something that I should know.” Like resenting that she wasn’t giving him the design freedom and promotion that he was chomping at the bit for.

  “Anyone ever told you you’re manically nosy? All I’m sharing with you is that he loves working at InVision. As for me, I think he’s really nice. It’s kind of hard to reconcile the guy I spoke to with the pain in the ass you’re always whining about.”

  “I hope you didn’t let that slip.”

  “You bet I did. He’ll be quitting next week.”


  “So,” Kirsten continued, her voice starting to rise with renewed excitement. “Tell me more about you and my gorgeous brother. What did you crazy kids get up to after I abandoned you sports lovers for round two?”

  “We played a few Wii games.”

  “Ooh, did you play Call of Duty? You totally dominate at Call of Duty.”

  “Actually we played tennis and golf.”

  “Who won?”

  “Me of course.”

  “I’ll bet you a bottle of vintage Bollinger t
hat he let you win.”

  Julia smiled to herself and shook her head even though Kirsten couldn’t see. “I know he let me win.”

  “And you still want to tell me that tonight’s date is just friendly? Admit it, you’re hot for him and he’s obviously hot for you.”

  “Kirst, to be totally honest I don’t know what tonight’s date is. And FYI, I’m not hot for him.” Okay, she was totally hot for him, but she wasn’t blinded by the attraction. She wasn’t a naïve teenager anymore.

  “Oh come on. You are sooo hot for him.”

  “No, no I’m not. I like him but I’m not an idiot. His divorce was only finalised half a year ago and it probably left him with all sorts of issues. I can understand and respect that, but I won’t be some kind of rebound fling while he finds himself. I’m worth more than that.”

  “Of course you are,” Kirsten rushed to reassure her. “But like I told you when he got divorced, he never loved Allison-the-Whore. He only married her because she lied about being pregnant with his kid.”

  “You don’t know that she lied,” Julia argued. Sure, she knew as well as anyone that Allison had spun a big one, but someone had to play Devil’s advocate.

  More importantly, she couldn’t let Kirsten talk her into letting her guard down where Michael was concerned. It was dangerous and she still carried the emotional scars to prove it. She couldn’t even have a simple conversation with or about him without getting her hackles up.

  Kirsten snorted nice and loud. “Oh please. She rushed him to the altar and then suddenly miscarried just three weeks later. And let’s not forget how convenient it was for her that it apparently happened on location. Everyone knows that her doctor is corrupt at best. I bet you she slept with him to get him to corroborate her story. They played my brother and deep down he knew it, but he was determined to try and make the marriage work even if it killed him.”

  “Even if she did lie, he must have loved her to stay with her. He would not have married her if he hadn’t felt something for her.”

  “Then you obviously don’t know my brother very well. Think about it Jules, his father left our mom when she fell pregnant with him. He never wanted to be like that asshole. Mike is honourable and when he gives his word he won’t break it without a damned good reason. Hell, he’d probably still be married to that viper if he hadn’t caught her sexing her personal trainer in his own bed. Forget all the other stuff I sometimes say about him. That’s just sisterly teasing and some pent-up resentment because he had the balls to go out there and blaze his own trail rather than fall into the family business like I did. He is the best and most principled guy I know. If we were Catholic I’d probably ask the Pope to make him a saint.”

  “Geez, Kirst. Are you trying to pressure me here?”

  “No,” she declared fiercely. “I’d never do that. I’m just trying to tell you to be open. If you like him, give him a chance. If you don’t, then don’t. Just please, whatever you do don’t hurt him deliberately. He’s really very sensitive deep down and he’s been through enough in the past year.”

  Sensitive? That was a crock of shit. If only Kirsten knew about how her sensitive brother had once deliberately hurt her. How he’d strung her along all those years ago only to humiliate her and break her too young heart. But she had never told Kirsten about that night and this was not the time for that kind of revelation.

  “Jules, you still there?”

  “Yeah, I’m here. Look, I know you love your brother and you want to see him happy, but I can’t make myself date him just because you think we should.”

  “Why not? You’d be so good for each other and I can’t believe you don’t see it. I don’t get your attitude and ambivalence. There was a time when you would have killed to have him look at you the way he looked at you the other night.”

  “I was a kid, Kirst. I’ve kind of grown up since then. Besides, your brother is a player. He’s been in the society section of the local papers every week since he opened Lush, and never with the same woman.”

  “That’s just for publicity. He doesn’t sleep with them.”

  “And you know this how?”

  “I know my brother. Underneath the public persona he’s pitifully old-fashioned. Just like you.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Julia demanded indignantly. She wasn’t sure if she was more offended on her behalf or Michael’s.”

  “It means that you both consider a wedding ring, two point five kids, and a white picket fence the pinnacle of happiness.”

  Okay, she could concede Kirsten’s point but, “That’s all the more reason for me to keep things light. Your brother is probably rebounding from a lost dream and shattered trust. That is much harder than rebounding from a failed marriage.”

  “Give me a break,” Kirsten argued, her voice oozing frustration. “My brother would never use you to get over anyone or anything. He’s always cared about you. He never once failed to ask about you and your folks when he’d check in. Even after he married Hurricane Allison.”

  That was news. “Why did you never tell me?”

  “What was the point? You were angry with him for leaving to study abroad and you refused to visit with me every single time I invited you. Besides, he was off having adventures and building up one successful club after another, trying to prove himself to Dad, trying to find his own place in the world outside Dad and Aunt Betty’s tremendous sphere of influence. He wasn’t ready for you, and you were, and remain, too stubborn to settle for less than everything.”

  “Bullshit! Every relationship I’ve ever had was essentially casual. I’m not looking for anything more. I’m not ready to settle down yet!”

  How the hell had what should have been a simple conversation turned so damned long and complicated?

  Kirsten actually had the nerve to sound superior as she said, “That’s because you’ve never had a relationship with someone who you could truly fall in love with. My brother is different. He always was.”

  “Good grief, chick. Take off the fucking My-brother-is-perfect coloured glasses and toss out the pompoms. He’s just like every other man: Three X chromosomes and one that can’t stop asking why!”

  Kirsten burst out laughing then had the cheek to say, “Jules, that is a lame attempt at funny. Stop now, before you hurt yourself. And my brother was never just like any other guy to you. You were madly in love with him once and I’ve seen the way you look at his pictures when they show up in club publicity shoots and events.”

  “I barely glance at them!” Okay, so she more than glanced.

  A loud snort brought her out of her disturbing thoughts. “Oh please, Julia. You scrutinise them like you’re trying to commit every detail to memory. Just do me a favour; even if you can’t be honest with me, be honest with yourself.”


  “Will you call me tomorrow and tell me how your date went?”

  “Oh bravo, Ms Suggestive-Persuasion. I really like the way you threw date in there. Nevertheless, I promise I’ll call you tomorrow and tell you all about how the baseball game went even though I know you don’t give a damn.”

  “Well no, I don’t care about softball, but I do care about you and Mike so feel free to tell me about that.”

  “It’s baseball.”

  “It’s boring.”

  “If you would just try to understand it you’d–”

  The line went dead.


  Chapter 6

  Michael wasn’t sure what he was more exited about: getting to watch the Midsummer Classic with a fellow baseball fan who he used to love attending ball games with, or that he was going to spend a few hours in the company of a beautiful woman who could care less about who he was and what she could get out of him. Actually he knew exactly what he was exited about. He was going to be hanging out with Julia. She wasn’t just a baseball fan. She wasn’t just a beautiful woman. She was Julia.

  When he pulled up in front of her apartment building on his motorbike she w
as already waiting in the lobby, chatting merrily to the middle-aged doorman. On seeing him she excused herself and came to greet him with a raised brow.

  “Two things Mike,” she said sternly before he even had a chance to remove his helmet. “First, you are over half an hour late. Second, you are on a motorbike.”

  “Yeah, about that, I’m late because my car had a flat and as it turned out the spare was flat too. Getting it repaired would have delayed me even more and I couldn’t get a new tire even though I called three different places. That’s the real downside of British classics.” He gave her what he hoped was a remorseful smile and added, “Second, I figured the bike was the best alternative because we can make up for lost time. Besides, after what you told me about how you enjoyed riding the Harley with your dad, I figured this might be kind of fun.”

  She eyed his red and black BMW R90S dubiously. “Only that isn’t a Harley, Mike, it’s a sports bike and there are no long stretches of open road between here and the stadium. Also, you are not my dad. Tell you what, I’ll go down to the garage and bring out my MV Agusta F4 since she’s been sitting idle for almost a month. I’ll meet you at the stadium.”

  Michael was blown away. “You have an Italian superbike?”

  “Yep.” She shrugged like it was no big deal. “Got her real cheap at an auction after she was almost totalled in a shipping accident. My folks helped me restore her. It was a bonding thing.”

  He half chuckled at that. Both Julia’s parents had been surgeons; so maybe putting bikes back together in retirement was a natural progression. “Nice. My folks and I usually bond in the study when they invite me over to discuss real-estate ventures.”


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