The Last Jump: A Novel of World War II

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The Last Jump: A Novel of World War II Page 31

by John E. Nevola

  “No problem, Max,” Jake answered sarcastically. “I’m Jake.”

  Taylor came right back at Jake. “You’ve been told where we’re going. Do your jobs and don’t get in the way.” He turned away and then turned back. “Can you handle a wireless?”

  “We’ve been trained on lots of different radios, Max,” Johnny answered.

  “Yeah, Max, we’re paratroopers. We got skills and can do a lot of stuff.” Jake added. He was having difficulty with the General’s dismissive attitude but was enjoying the repartee and took pleasure in tweaking him.

  “Good, then take care of this,” he slid a dark brown suitcase out from under a table. It looked like any other ordinary leather suitcase. Johnny took the handle from Taylor who walked outside and waited on the dock. It was rather heavy for its size. Johnny concluded it was a high-powered short-wave radio.

  Gardiner broke the silence. “This trip has three legs. The first is a fast patrol boat. Then we transfer to an Italian corvette. That’s the long leg. We’ll slip into port disguised as rescued seamen. The ruse is that we’ll appear to be under arrest from the boat to the vehicle. Then it’s up to the Italians to drive us into Rome. That’s all you need to know for now.”

  Both men nodded. Jake began pacing. Johnny and Gardiner sat in silence until they heard the deep-throated roar of high-powered gasoline engines outside. A Motor Torpedo Boat was nestling up to the pier. It was dark gray and flying the British Union Jack.

  Some crewmen helped the four men onto the craft. The officers went immediately to the small bridge. Jake could see on the side of the open bridge the faint designation MTB-102 peeking through dark paint. Someone tried to hide it. A crewman took Jake and Johnny below deck through a covered hatch to a crew space. Immediately, the lines were cast off and the small craft carefully picked its way out of Palermo Harbor. There would be no use for guards on this leg of the journey. However, they would have to be on their toes once they boarded the Italian vessel.

  A Royal Navy crewman gave each of them a tin cup filled with rum and some hard biscuits. Johnny crunched down on the hard and tasteless biscuit. Jake soaked his in the rum before biting it. The rum warmed their insides. They sat in silence with the British crewman in the cramped area. The less said, the better.

  The engines revved and suddenly there was a sensation of great speed. The front of the MTB lifted out of the water and a huge bow wave sprinkled seawater back onto the deck. The paratroopers finished their rum and biscuits and stepped up the stairs.

  “You can sit on the top step, mates. No place to dally about on deck,” the crewman explained. He stepped between them and took his position in a 20-millimeter Oerlikon gun tub near the stern and began scanning the horizon.

  Johnny felt a little queasy. He had a penchant for getting seasick. The fact that he couldn’t swim well contributed to his concern. The covered hatch offered some protection from the sea spray and he had a good view of the giant rooster tail wake being kicked up by the churning propellers. Johnny looked up at the starry night sky and found the Big Dipper and then the North Star. He estimated they were traveling over forty knots in a straight line directly north. They were in the Tyrrhenian Sea north of Sicily and he distracted himself with the notion he was riding the same waves that Roman triremes rode some 2,000 years before. The profoundness of that realization momentarily relieved him of any anxiety. He noted the location of the nearest lifejacket, held the suitcase tightly and decided to remain silent in deference to the growling roar of the three powerful engines.

  They were only cruising at top speed for a little over an hour when they heard the engines gently cut back and felt the bow of the MTB glide smoothly back into the calm sea. They were approaching a landmass, a little island, and maneuvering into a small, protected bay. Another ship, a Gabbiano class corvette flying the Italian flag with the cross of Savoy, was waiting at anchor off the island of Ustica. The two ships exchanged recognition signals and the MTB pulled up alongside the larger craft’s illuminated deck.

  The captain of the MTB shook hands with Taylor and Gardiner as they climbed the short ladder to the deck of the corvette. Johnny and Jake followed. The crews of both boats moved quickly and silently as the sunrise was beginning to lighten the eastern sky.

  “Welcome aboard the Ibis,” the Italian captain said in reasonably good English. “Please follow my first officer to your quarters below.”

  The MTB separated from the corvette, circled slowly and departed in the direction from which it came. Jake looked at the speedy boat forlornly and realized their job of guardians just became a lot more serious. He watched the MTB gun her engines and disappear swiftly into the western darkness.

  The Italian first officer showed Taylor and Gardiner into a small stateroom and the two paratroopers to an adjacent cabin. Johnny stowed the radio in their room.

  Once the transfer of personnel was completed, the anchor was quickly raised and the idling engines came to life. The sleek ship jerked into motion as the propeller shafts engaged. She moved slowly and deliberately at first and gradually picked up speed until she eventually cleared the sheltered bay and was out into the open sea.

  At 200 feet, the Ibis was over three times longer than MTB-102. She mounted a 4-inch gun on her foredeck and two eighteen inch torpedo tubes on her sides. For anti-aircraft defense she had seven 20-millimeter cannons. Her twin-shafts, powered by two diesel-electric engines, pushed out 2,500 horsepower and propelled her to speeds upwards of nineteen knots. She was a new ship with sleek lines and kept exceptionally clean by her one hundred-man crew.

  This would be the longest leg of their journey, even though the Italian captain had obviously pushed the throttles to the wall. The two paratroopers scouted a few yards up and down the corridor and then took up positions on either side of the stateroom housing their officers.

  Jake spoke first. “I don’t know how we got into this but I still haven’t changed my mind about becoming a prisoner. I won’t be taken.”

  “I know how I got into this,” Johnny answered. “Language skills. Had to be. I put down I’m fluent in Italian and French.”

  “Well I ain’t,” Jake countered. “Max will sure be pissed when he finds out.”

  “Jake, it’s not on you if the army fouled up and sent you here by mistake.” Johnny looked at him seriously. “I don’t know why the hell they picked you, but I’m glad you’re here.”

  Jake noticed how sincere his buddy was. “I know. But I’m still not being taken prisoner.”

  Jake reached into his pocket, took out a small Bible and began reading. Johnny noticed and said, “Jake, for as long as I know you, I never knew that you were a ‘Bible Thumper’.”

  “You mean this?” Jake pointed to his Bible. “It belonged to my daddy. It was the only thing left to me from my folks. I figured I must have held on to it for a reason. So I started reading it in North Africa.”

  “Does it help?”

  Jake flashed his infectious smile. “Do you believe in God, Yank?”

  Johnny pondered the question. “They say there are no atheists in foxholes. That everybody believes in God when they go to war. But I can’t honestly say that I do.”

  “Well, maybe the War will change all that,” Jake replied.

  “Change that? For Chrissake Jake, I’m doing everything not to change. I liked my life before the War and I want to go back and pick right up where I left off. I liked who I was, so I’m trying my damnedest not to let anything I see or do in this fucking War change me. When it’s over, I just want to be that guy I was before all this shit!”

  “That’s gonna be hard, Johnny, even for you.” Jake reflected a moment on the ghastly things he had seen since he became a soldier. “I’m hoping this War changes me a lot and for the better. I’m trying to turn everything I see into a lesson to make me a better person. I want to speak better, learn more about the world around me, become smarter, like you.”

  Johnny was unprepared for the compliment. It was the kind of thing
one says to another when he expects not to see him again. “Thanks,” Johnny replied. “But you’ve always had a more realistic grip on this War than me. And I think because you want to improve yourself so badly…well…you’re probably the smarter one already.”

  The Ibis plowed relentlessly through the seas all through the night and into the next day. They came within distant sight of the Island of Ponza on the starboard beam in the Gulf of Naples. No one on the Ibis knew that Ponza was the island where their former Il Duce, Benito Mussolini, was currently living in exile. The Americans were now deep into the belly of the beast and clearly at the mercy of their one-time enemies. It wouldn’t take much treachery for all of them to wind up in a Nazi prison camp or worse. Not that they could have done much on the ship outnumbered as they were. But they stayed alert.

  During the voyage, the four Americans were fed and treated respectfully by the officers and crew. Late the following afternoon Johnny spotted land and a port city surrounded by ancient walls. A crewman told him it was the ancient port city of Gaeta. He remembered reading about the legend of the Trojan hero Aeneas, son of Aphrodite, who, according to the poet Virgil, named the city after his wet nurse, Caieta.

  They put in motion the deception they agreed upon; that the Americans were a group of sailors rescued from the sea. Just before the Ibis pulled into the dock, crewmen splashed buckets of water over the Americans wetting their hair and coats. As soon as the Ibis tied up at the dock, the four Americans were hustled roughly down the gangplank by armed Italian sailors. They were shoved brusquely into a waiting Italian navy vehicle and drove off. No one in the militarized port seemed to pay much attention. Once they reached the outskirts of Gaeta, they transferred to a military ambulance for the long trip to Rome.

  Once inside the city, the ambulance took them to the Italian Supreme Headquarters in the Palazzo Caprara on the Via Firenze. The American officers had hoped to meet with Lieutenant General Giacomo Carboni, commander of the Italian corps assigned to defend Rome, and Prime Minister Badoglio. Instead they were greeted warmly by other lesser-ranking generals and were told Carboni and Badoglio were unavailable.

  Jake and Johnny checked out the rooms adjacent to the large dining room and all appeared normal. The Italian generals seemed to have no sense of urgency. They began serving the American officers a sumptuous dinner. The two American bodyguards took up positions immediately outside the kitchen. When it was time to eat, they were served figs, grapes, and chunks of cheese with Parma ham. They ate standing up. Johnny asked for Espresso coffee. It was served thick, black and strong and helped the boys stay awake. The two bodyguards whispered quietly among themselves while they remained heedful of their surroundings. As they vigilantly moved about the dining vicinity and adjoining areas, they never let the two American officers out of their sight.

  Johnny noticed General Taylor was becoming agitated. While the Italian generals were making a great show of enjoying their leisurely meal, the Americans were pressing them for details. Taylor kept telling them he needed to see the general in charge as well as the Prime Minister. Finally, at around ten in the evening, Generale di Corpo d’Armata Giacomo Carboni made an appearance in his highly polished cavalry boots and beribboned dress uniform.

  Taylor pressed Carboni for answers. Carboni was immediately pessimistic about the ability of the three divisions of his corps to support the airborne landings. In addition, he seriously doubted the Prime Minister would announce the surrender on the evening of the eighth as previously committed. Carboni treated the entire issue with a casual disregard, further frustrating and infuriating Taylor. Johnny could tell by the snippets of conversation he picked up the discussion was not going well. Taylor did not seem the least bit impressed with General Carboni. With so much on the line and getting nowhere fast, Taylor insisted on seeing the Prime Minister immediately. Carboni was reluctant to disturb the Prime Minister at such a late hour. Pressed by Taylor and after some frantic phone calls, Prime Minister Pietro Badoglio agreed to see the Americans.

  Carboni drove the Americans in his own car through a hot and humid blacked out city. The three golden stars on the car’s flag guaranteed they would not be stopped at checkpoints or by roving patrols. Taylor observed that Italian soldiers, not Germans, manned the patrols and checkpoints. Could it be that General Carboni was exaggerating the difficulty of supporting the American airborne forces?

  Prime Minister Badoglio received the Americans in his luxurious villa on the outskirts of the city, a gift from Il Duce for leading the invasion of Abyssinia. He was in his pajamas, looking particularly old and tired. They sat on facing couches. The discussion took place in French as Johnny Kilroy eavesdropped from his position inside the window overlooking the garden. Taylor didn’t particularly like Badoglio and didn’t enjoy having to negotiate with him. The rumors of atrocities committed under his command in East Africa were rampant. Nevertheless, Taylor apologized for inconveniencing the Prime Minister at such a late hour.

  Badoglio essentially repeated what Carboni told the Americans. He embellished the details with accounts of German forces already disarming some Italian units, cutting off gasoline and ammunition supplies and moving reinforcements and armor into Rome. Badoglio rattled off some of the German units involved including the 3rd Panzer Grenadier Division and the 2nd Parachute Division. Taylor and Gardiner had seen no evidence of this. Badoglio did not want to antagonize the Germans. He would wait for the Allies to invade in sufficient force to be able to protect Rome before he announced an Italian surrender.

  The discussion dragged on fruitlessly into the early morning hours of 8 September. Eisenhower planned to announce the surrender of Italy late that day just ahead of the invasion and expected the Italian government would make the same announcement to its own people. American paratroopers were at that precise moment gearing up in Sicily to depart at 1830 hours for the flight to Rome. The Italians were not privy to the exact time of the invasion and thus were not behaving with any sense of urgency. All of Taylor’s efforts to move them to action were in vain. The Italians stubbornly stuck to their position. They could not support the airborne drop and would not announce their government’s surrender to their people later that night.

  Taylor reminded Badoglio the Allies already had the signed surrender agreement and General Eisenhower would not take kindly to this duplicity. All Badoglio could do was cite the changes in circumstances. Taylor offered to use his clandestine radio link to transmit any message Badoglio might want to send. While Badoglio went off into another room to compose his message, Taylor paced the floor. He was furious. The Allies had been suckered into signing an armistice agreement with the new Italian government at that government’s initiative. The Allies then based their operational plans and timetables on the agreed-to surrender. Now the Italians were backing out and leaving the Anglo-American forces high and dry. This was unacceptable to Taylor and infuriated him.

  He spoke to Gardiner in English. “What do you think, Bill?”

  “The Italians don’t seem to want to piss off the Germans…but Ike will really be pissed.” Gardiner reflected a moment. “Seems like they’re more afraid of the Krauts than of us.”

  “Wouldn’t you be?”

  Gardiner nodded.

  “Thing is,” Taylor continued, “Ike may go ahead and announce the surrender anyway even if Badoglio doesn’t. After all, he has the signed agreement. The real question is can we make Giant Two work without Italian support?”

  “Hell, if they got no gas…” Gardiner began. The drop zones were over twenty miles north and west of Rome. The paratroopers were counting on Italian motor transport to get to the city.

  “That’s just it,” Taylor interrupted. “We both agree these guys don’t want to fight and are scared shit of the Germans. They want to sit tight and let us do all the dirty work until it’s safe for them to surrender. Like, after we conquer the entire country.” Taylor’s words were dripping with sarcasm. “What if they’re making up all this crap about reinfor
cements and armor to justify postponing the surrender? What if they’re making it all up just to discourage us? Hell, I haven’t seen a German soldier in Rome since that last checkpoint. I haven’t seen any evidence to support what they’re saying. And that’s exactly why we’re here. Not just to listen but to see first hand.”

  “Why would they make all that up?” Gardiner sounded exasperated.

  “Because they don’t want to fight, that’s why. Because they’re afraid of what will happen to them and their villas and their privileges if they get caught on the wrong side of the fight.” Taylor paused to let his words sink in. “Because they got in over their heads in the first place and are trying to squirm out of it now. So they make shit up so we have to cancel the airborne drop.”

  Gardiner reflected for a moment. “You know Ike really wants Giant Two to go. He’s under enormous pressure to get Italy out of the War. We could save a lot of lives if we can pull this off. But if the Italians are correct and are not just playing cutesy, it could be a slaughter.”

  Jake and Johnny had been listening carefully. They moved closer to the couch where the officers were speaking.

  “I know,” Taylor sighed heavily. “And my boss has been skeptical from the beginning,” referring to General Ridgway. “But we need to have good reason to cancel it and all I have right now is the shaky word of a bunch of scared Italians.”

  Johnny edged a little closer. Taylor looked up at him, annoyed at the intrusion. “Yes, trooper?”

  Johnny looked at Jake. “For Chrissake, tell him what you’ve been telling me, Jake.”

  Taylor looked at Jake. “Well, spit it out soldier.”

  “It may be nothing, sir, but when we went through that rail yard just outside the city, I saw some things looking out the window.”

  Taylor sat up. Jake had been the only one who had a clear view outside. “What did you see? Did you see any tanks?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “C’mon, soldier what did you see?”


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