Magically Bound_An Urban Fantasy Novel

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Magically Bound_An Urban Fantasy Novel Page 13

by Rachel Medhurst

  “And, as her partner, how do you feel about this?” Kurt interjected. “You’re the one that has to work with her.”

  Even at a time like this, Kurt had no bedside manners. Which was fine, I didn’t need any. I just needed them to…leave me alone. Just for a moment so I could try and gather my strength. But, it didn’t seem that either one would happen any time soon. They were concerned. And, I felt weaker than ever.

  “Well… I think she should stay a witch.”

  Gerard’s words pierced my chest. I had no idea that he had an opinion on what I should be. Surely, it was no one else’s concern? If Annoying Mac-annoying wanted me to be a witch, why should I comply? It just made me more inclined to become a warlock.

  Getting to her feet, Justina came over to me. “Can I have a moment alone with Devon?”

  The others went to shuffle out, their grunts the only sign that Justina’s order had irritated them. They wanted to be in on the conversation. I was glad they weren’t.

  Sitting beside me on the sofa, Justina held out her hand. Closing my eyes briefly, I placed my hand in her palm. Her own eyes closed as she tried to feel for my magic. Great, she would see how weak I was and probably fire me. I couldn’t really blame her.

  “You’re weak. You need some help. You didn’t feel like you could tell me, did you?” Her eyes were lowered when she opened them, but something in her demeanour showed me that she was disappointed.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered, looking up at the ceiling, the throb in my leg forgotten as I faced her. “I didn’t want to believe that the seer was right. I grew up a witch, but always knew something was different about me. And, when my parents died, I found out who I really was, which gave me some relief.”

  Nodding, Justina looked at me. Her cheeks were back to normal now, her breath even. “The seer was right. Your witch side is going, the magic…almost depleted. I’m assuming it’s because you’re still using your warlock magic. Have you always used it more?”

  Thinking back over the days since I had realised that I was a half-breed, I weighed up her question. Warlock magic had been enticing, intoxicating. Just because it’s power was different, slightly more addictive. It made sense considering the magic was from a slightly different source from where witches got theirs from. Its roots were born with darker earth magic, back when warlocks were created. Witches magic was pure. It only turned dark when the intention wasn’t balanced.

  “Warlock magic is easier to channel. It’s just there with thought. I suppose that’s what you get for using something that isn’t exactly pure. But…when Theresa kicked me out of the coven-”

  “What?” Justina sat forward, her eyebrows furrowed. “When did that happen?”

  Swallowing, I ducked my head in shame. It wasn’t ever a good thing to be expelled from a coven. It usually meant you’d committed a crime or been in violation of their terms. I hadn’t done either, yet, they’d never been able to accept that I wasn’t just a full witch. I should’ve seen it coming.

  “The other night. I…went to see them, but didn’t get a very warm welcome.” My tone was ironic, especially considering I’d attacked one of the top dogs. Still, he deserved it.

  Sighing heavily, Justina patted my arm. “I understand why this might be tough for you. But…maybe being one or the other will finally help you to find your true identity. Sometimes, we don’t know who we are until we face ourselves. And, losing your witch magic is showing you what you could be, or what you could lose.”

  “That’s the thing, I… I don’t know.”

  Smiling, Justina stood. “Well, whatever you chose, you are welcome here, Devon. This is your home now.”

  A lump came to my throat as Justina called for the others to come back. They marched in, their faces moody. I didn’t really need them to give me grief at the same time as feeling my own.

  “Gerard, we need to cling onto the tracking spell and see where the shapeshifter is. He’s the key to finding Camos and the girls.”

  Coming over again, Gerard asked me to sit up. Doing as I was told, I cringed as my arms shook, only just holding my weight as Gerard sat down and guided me to lay on his lap. Oh, this was a bit intimate, especially in front of the others.

  “We’re going to give you a moment while we get the map. We’ll be back in five.” Justina walked past Kurt, nudging him when he didn’t budge.

  A grin came to his face as his eyebrows rose. “Aw, do I have to miss this bit?”

  Gerard’s chest moved as he chuckled, the deep rumble comforting me as I closed my eyes. I had no idea what they were suggesting, but it seemed there was a joke that I wasn’t getting.

  “Don’t be such a…” Justina’s last word was drowned out as the door shut behind them.

  The silence that filled the room made me open my eyes. Gerard was gazing down at me, his eyes soft.

  “What’s going on?” I asked, tempted to move.

  “You’re much better when you’re like this,” he said, an arm coming around my waist, his hand resting on my hip.

  Usually, I would be totally down for some partner on partner action, but he was unnerving me. My palms started to sweat, especially when he took my hand with his free one.

  “You prefer me when I’m useless and weak?”

  I almost had the energy to rip away from him, almost. And, yet, a small part of me enjoyed being held by him, although, I was starting to get suspicious about what he was about to do.

  “No, vulnerable. Stop squirming and relax, I’m not going to take advantage of you, I’m helping you.”

  A sudden warmth came from his hands, filtering into me. Taking a deep audible breath, I looked up into his eyes. Was he…?

  One corner of his lip lifted into his cheek as he poured his magic into me. He was supporting me, his energy caressing the inside of my body. My mouth opened slightly as the intensity deepened. My own energy started to go into him, coming back to me stronger. It was the most intimate feeling I had ever felt in my life.

  His tongue flicked out to lick his lips, his eyes hooded as we kept eye contact. Pinpricks of excitement darted all over my skin.

  Tears came to my eyes as my body grew stronger. He was helping me, healing me. Saving me.

  “It’s okay,” he whispered. “You’re safe.”

  The tears dripped from my eyes as he bent his head towards mine. His lips briefly touched my forehead. My breath caught in my throat when he pulled away, but still stayed close, his breath fanning my cheeks. Would he kiss me? I wanted him to kiss me. A lot.

  My tongue flicked out this time, drawing his gaze to my mouth. Taking a deep breath, he sat up straight. Letting go of my waist, he wiped the tears from my cheeks before smiling at me. He had restored some of my power, our energy now mixed together.

  “Are you decent?” Kurt called from the other side of the door.

  Grabbing Gerard’s other hand so I held both, I looked into his eyes. “Thank you,” I whispered.

  Nodding, he helped me to sit up fully. Cupping my cheek, he swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. “You’ll never be alone, Devon, not anymore. This agency is a family. Trust that. Trust me.”

  The door burst open, making Gerard jump to his feet. They had all been in on the plan. Had they ever done that before? It felt so intimate, so…sexy. How did they do that and not end up in bed together?

  “Aw, we missed it, babe.” Kurt wiggled his eyebrows at Justina, laughing when she smacked him on the arm.

  They held a huge map of London between them, taken down from the wall in the library. Placing it on the table, Justina gestured for me to go over. Getting up, I grinned to myself as energy poured through me. Oh yeah, I was back to normal. Almost.

  Walking forward, I tried to hide my cringe when I put my weight on my ripped up leg. Okay, I was not quite fully healed.

  “Don’t worry,” Kurt said, waving around a small pot. “This is the stuff I put on your leg. It’s my incredible healing salve. A bit of herbs mixed up to take the pain
away from your gashes. You should be pain free soon.”

  A genuine smile came to my face as I leant against the table. “Thank you, Kurt.”

  Dismissing my gratitude with a wave, he pointed at the map. “Let’s find the son of a bitch, shall we?”

  Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes, ready to draw my energy from the ground. Justina mumbled something I didn’t hear. Looking at her, I almost laughed when I saw that she held a strand of animal hair. Gerard must have got it from the apartment. Good, it would be a good anchor point for the tracking spell.

  Taking it from her, I dipped it into the inkwell beside me. It was full of thick black ink. Holding the piece of hair above the centre of the city of London, I waited while three drops of ink landed on the map.

  Chanting the spell, I pulled on my link with the shapeshifter, pleased when I felt it resisting. It meant that we were still connected. The locator spell had all the right ingredients, so it would be completely accurate, which meant that we would find him the first time. Sometimes locator spells were unstable, making it harder to perform. In this case, the shapeshifter’s DNA was a strong anchor.

  “It’s moving,” Justina said under her breath.

  Raising my voice, I clasped the edge of the wooden table surface, gripping it to keep me upright. I would have to keep the connection until we were in front of him. My energy would drain, so we had to find him quickly.

  Opening my eyes, I watched as the line of ink moved south. Giving the magic one final pull, I stopped chanting when the ink came to a standstill in Greenwich. I would have to use my energy to feel where he was once we were there.

  “Okay,” I said, using the table as support as I relaxed my grip. “Let’s go.”

  Justina looked at Kurt, her arms crossed over her waist. “I’m going to have to stay here in case he moves. I can let you know. Kurt, go with them and help Gerard take him down. We need him alive.”

  The men nodded, not bothering to question their orders. I paused, gathering myself enough to push away from the desk. I still had some energy, but it wouldn’t last long. The sooner I severed the tracking spell, the sooner I could get back to my normal self. Sort of.

  “I’m ready,” Kurt said, opening his jacket as he grinned.

  A whole host of weapons coated the inside pockets. Grenades, a gun, stakes and even a dagger, just like mine. He was well and truly prepared to help Gerard take down the shapeshifter. A pang in my chest made me feel like I was losing out on a fight, but I was in no fit state to get into any type of confrontation, especially not with a tiger that I had sliced up.

  Taking my arm, Gerard flashed us to Greenwich. Kurt landed beside us, his face serious. The noise of the people exploded in my ears. They were making their way to the big white dome building in front of us. The O2. A venue where concerts and other events took place. Why would the shapeshifter go there when he had just been found?

  “He thinks he’s safer in a crowd,” Gerard muttered, answering my unasked question.

  Kurt smirked in our direction. “Does he not know that we’re witches?”

  Laughing for the first time in a while, I started to march towards the building. There was a pull in my chest, as if a rope was attached to it. The spell would lead me straight to the shifter. Hopefully, he didn’t have a ton of backup with him.

  “Eyes and ears wide open.” Kurt glanced around, his gaze calculating every single person he laid eyes on.

  The building rose high above us. I’d only been in once or twice. Concerts were great fun, but not on your own. No other witch would ever come with me, so I had been a couple of times, but needed a music buddy.

  “I’ve seen a few bands here,” Gerard said as we came into the foyer.

  Kurt whispered a cloaking spell as he spotted security. Ah, yes, they checked bags and jackets now. We wouldn’t get through if they could see the weapons we had on us.

  The energy in my chest tugged to the right as we went through security without any hitches. It surprised me that the government didn’t have some type of supernatural security at the big venues. But, then, we kept under the raider as much as possible. We didn’t want the human race to openly know about us. It would cause too much tension. And, a lot of old fashioned witch hunts.

  “This way.” Leading them towards the restaurants, I tuned out all the noise, lights, and excited people around me.

  If I didn’t concentrate, I wouldn’t be able to get an accurate reading on where the shapeshifter was, especially in a place full of people.

  “There,” I said, pointing towards a small crowd in the distance. “I can feel something over there.”

  Edging closer, we remained calm, our intention to blend in as much as possible. If things started to get out of hand, Gerard would probably hide us, but it wasn’t ideal.

  There were three women and two men. Most of them had their back to us as they spoke together, laughing and joking. Both men wore hoodies that covered their heads. The feeling grew stronger as we got nearer.

  “No!” one of the woman shouted as they laughed. “Don’t do that!”

  A man broke off from the group, running towards an unmarked door. The tug went with him, his energy pulling it.

  “Him,” I muttered, breaking into a run as he disappeared through the door without looking back.

  He knew. He knew that we were there. How? Was his shapeshifter senses good enough to feel us? Or was it the spell that made it easier for him?

  “Keep calm,” Kurt said as they drew alongside me.

  Opening the door, I burst through, almost tripping over. Storage boxes, mops and buckets, and other debris blocked our way as we picked over them. A crash from the hallway ahead made me smile. He was there, trying to stall us. But, it wouldn’t work, we would catch him. I was determined not to let him get away this time.

  The tugging on my chest almost dragged me forward as the others followed. I jumped over the items that were scattered across the floor. My heart was pounding in my head, my breath fast and hard.

  Spinning around the end of the corridor, I gasped as something came flying towards my head. Ducking, I stopped myself from looking round when Kurt grunted. It was only a metal bucket; it wouldn’t do him any damage.

  “Go!” Gerard shouted at me.

  The man was ahead, his back to us as he ran as fast as he could. He had been right to aim at my head, he would’ve knocked me out. It was just lucky that I had reacted so quickly.

  My torn leg started to ache as my boots thumped on the ground. Trying to concentrate, I held up my hand and pulled on my warlock power. A bright yellow stream of magic formed. Throwing it forward, I chuckled to myself when it flew ahead of me. The shapeshifter glanced behind him when he heard something approach.

  “Bitch!” he shouted when the magic wrapped around his legs.

  Crashing to the floor, the man came to an abrupt halt. Catching up to him, I stopped before I got too close. He was still a threat. I would always treat the enemy cautiously, no matter how vulnerable they seemed.

  “You’re under arrest for the kidnapping of witches,” Kurt said as he approached, Gerard just behind him.

  They nodded at me. Was that all the thanks I would get for bringing him down? In the most impressive way probably...ever.

  Shoving his hands against the ground, the shapeshifter managed to get to his feet. My warlock magic was still wound around his legs, so he didn’t get far. In fact, he fell forward when he tried to take a step.

  “You’re not going to get very far,” I said. “You can’t even shift, can you?”

  His grunt of effort proved my point. Warlock magic was good for something, even if a lot of people didn’t like it.

  Kurt bent over the man to handcuff him. Tugging him up, he turned him and pushed his back against the concrete wall. “Where are the girls?”

  His hiss was directed straight into the man’s face. His eyes were blue, their shape slightly oval, showing his feline gene. His nose was short, his mouth wide. He wasn’t an at
tractive man, his energy unnerving, too.

  His lips snarled, his gaze finding mine. “I’m not telling you anything.”

  “Oh good,” Gerard interrupted, raising his arm. “Gives me an excuse to hurt you.”

  The man cried out as Gerard stared at him, his fingers extended in a claw-like shape. He was squeezing the man’s brain, how very cruel. And, yet, not one ounce of remorse siphoned through me.

  Releasing his spell as Kurt held the man upright, Gerard tilted his head to the side. “Ready to tell us yet?”

  The echo of our enemy’s laboured breath in the corridor made it obvious that he was in pain. “No.”

  Gerard raised his hand again and gave him another dose of torture. My energy was sapped, the spell still draining me. I wasn’t quite ready to release it. I would hold on until we had the information we needed.

  Bending forward, the man groaned loudly, desperately trying to pull his arms from where they were handcuffed behind his back. “Okay,” he cried when Gerard moved his hand, causing the man’s neck to start twisting at an awkward angle. “I’ll tell you.”

  Relaxing, Gerard looked at me, his expression serious. He was in work mode. Dealing with a suspect in quite a gruesome way. But, he got the job done. The suspect huffed, his back moving as he straightened.

  “Luis Camos,” I said. “Where is he?”

  The others glanced at me as his gaze rose to look at me. A scowl appeared on his face, the look of disgust evident. “You’re an abomination. The first ever female warlock…and your bloodline is mixed with a witch. You should’ve been put down at birth.”

  Before I could react, Kurt raised his arm and ploughed his fist into the man’s face. His head whipped back, his skull hitting the wall behind him. Howling, he quickly clenched his teeth as he breathed through the pain.

  “Just tell us where the girls are.” Gerard put a warning hand on the man’s shoulder, squeezing tightly.

  “Luis and the girls. They’re in Mayfair. I’ll… I’ll give you the address.” His body slumped against the wall when Gerard let go of him.


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