Fading Memories

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Fading Memories Page 5

by A. M. Willard

  The nerve of him coming into my house and talking to me that way. He’s so presumptuous to think that I want to get to know him. But here I am, doing what I’m told. Pissed, I snatch the bottle along with a glass. Just as I head toward the back, a knock on the door breaks my attention. Thank you, Lord, the pizza is here! Having already paid over the phone, I quickly sign my name on the slip and close the door. Juggling the items in my arms, I manage to get back out to Dakota without dropping anything. How, I haven’t the slightest clue; it seems I lose everything with him around me.

  With the glasses filled and the plates topped with fabulous pepperoni pizza, I realize how starved I actually am. Ultimately, I’ll make a pig out of myself in front of him, but does it really matter? It’s not like I’m trying to impress him. He’s going to have to realize that I’m not afraid to eat in front of a man. If I was attempting to impress him, I might have dressed up for the occasion.

  Dakota seems to have the same idea, since he’s donning a pair of blue basketball shorts and a plain white, tight T-shirt, hence the reason why I really can’t look at him. That shirt’s stretched across his chest, showcasing every muscle he has. Let’s not even talk about the black ink swirling around his chest and arm. It’s some kind of tribal marking, which, from what I can tell, either starts or finishes at his elbow. I’ve been able to sneak a peek here and there and know that it circles his pecks.

  If I had only met Dakota four years ago, it might be different now. Who’s to know if I would’ve even been attracted to him then? The mixture of his looks and smart mouth, and the feeling that he’s a won’t-take-shit-from-you kind of guy, scares the pants off me. Guess that’s why I settled for Peter, or he decided for me.

  “This is good. Where did you order from?”

  “Little Slice of Heaven. It’s a local favorite. They have been around since I was a kid.”

  “I’ll have to remember to get the number for future orders.”

  Quickly yanking off the coupon that’s attached to the top, I toss it over to him. “Here you go. Now you’re all set.”


  “No problem. Oh, thanks again for helping today. You really didn’t have to. I’m sure you have boxes to unpack.”

  “Nope, I’m all set. Had a few movers help and I really didn’t have much to unpack.”

  “Oh, well, thanks again.”

  “What do you do for a living, Izzie?”

  “You really do want to chit chat, don’t you?”

  “Last time I checked, sweetheart, that’s how you get to know each other.”

  “First off, I’m not your sweetheart, let’s get that straight right now, buddy. Second, I agreed to eat and have a glass or two of wine with you, nothing more.”

  “Woman, you really know how to drive a man mad, don’t you? What do you suppose we talk about, the weather?”

  “Sure, we can speak of the weather, but let me tell you now, you call me ‘woman’ again and YOU … WILL … WEAR … THIS … BOTTLE. Do you understand me? I’m not joking.”

  “Damn it, Izzie, it was an expression. You need to lighten up and have a little fun. When was the last time you relaxed?”

  “You know what, I think we’re done here. Time for you to carry on home. I don’t have time for your shit, Dakota. I definitely don’t have time for you to sit here and tell me to relax and have fun. You don’t know me! I appreciate your help today, but it stops now.” I’m practically yelling at him, and fighting the tears that have breached my eyes. How can he tell me to relax, and question my life?

  “Wow! You really will push and push. Are you always such a bitch? I’ll leave and give you some space, but I really do want to get to know you. Have a good night,” he says as he walks away and lets the screen door slam shut.

  Perhaps I overreacted, but either way, he pissed me off. I haven’t flirted or batted my eyelashes at him, so I don’t understand why he thinks I’m interested. Yes, I might get a little flushed, but who wouldn’t? It’s a good thing he might have finally gotten the picture. His “getting to know each other” is not going to happen. I’ve got no the time for it, and definitely no place in my heart for it. I am disturbed by my own behavior tonight. I’ve never acted that way toward anyone.

  Phone in hand, I pour another glass of wine. Might as well call Kelsey and get it over with. She’s going to be pissed at me. She’s always pushing for me to get back on the market. It’s just that I don’t feel I’m ready to put my heart back out for someone to crush it.


  DIALING KELSEY and secretly hoping she won’t answer, it feels like this might be something that’s better to talk to her about in person, not over the phone. Third ring and all I hear is, “Yo ho! You already kill him?” Kelsey is laughing, of course.

  “Aren’t you the funniest person I know, and for the record, no I didn’t kill anyone. Might have been close, but no, he’s still alive for today.”

  “Did you guys already have dinner? We just left like maybe an hour or so ago.”

  “We sort of had dinner, a few slices, and some wine.”

  “Isabel Marie Nichols, what the hell did you do?”

  “Why do you think it was me? And don’t use my whole name.”

  “Izzie, you’ve done nothing but be a royal bitch to him since he moved in. I know you, and I know he probably pissed you off, which ended with you going off on him. Am I right or you going to try to tell me otherwise?”

  “Fine, I went off, but in my defense, you need to hear what happened before you yell at me again.”

  “By all means, please explain. I’m all ears,” Kelsey says, being as sarcastic as she can.

  “Let’s start with the list of things he called me: sweetheart, woman, and bitch. Somewhere in between all that, he informed me that I needed to relax and wanted to know when the last time I had any fun was.”

  The only thing coming through the line from Kelsey is laughter. If she was standing in front of me, I’m pretty sure she’d be bent over holding her sides. Guess there goes the supportive friend.

  “You can stop laughing, Kelsey.”

  “All right, all right, sorry, but he’s right. Heck, after I say this, you might not talk to me for a week, but you need to hear it. So sit down and listen to me for once.”

  “I’m listening, but I’ll not promise that we will be talking tomorrow. I’m pissed at him and you were laughing.”

  “Babe, it was funny. I’m sorry, but you really do need to listen to me.”

  “Go ahead, I’ll listen and drink at the same time.”

  “You know we all love you. Leah, Joseph, and I adore you to pieces. We’ve all been through some rough times. Some more than others, but in the end, we all love each other like family.”

  “I know, and you know you guys mean just as much to me. Carry on before I hang up on you. I’m tired and want to end my night already.”

  “Izzie, you have to rip the band-aid off. Just rip it off and do it quickly. I’m not even talking about Dakota, I’m talking about everything, babe. You are so uptight, it’s not even funny. All of us have to go out of our way to make you smile. We were all hoping that it would come back some by itself, but that’s not happening. I know you broke last year, I know more than anyone, even more than Leah, since I was with you every night. I want my best friend back, we all do.”

  At this point I have no words, I just listen. If I do try to talk, it’ll break that erected wall down, and I’m not ready to watch it crumble.

  “You still with me, Izzie?”

  “Uh huh,” was the only sound I could make.

  “There’s no telling what you have going on in that head of yours, and I’m not sure I want to know. You’ve got to find a way to stop pushing everyone away. Take a moment and look around you, you’re not alone. Lord, I know this is the last thing you want, but that hot new neighbor has the hots for you. I’m not saying you need to marry him, but you know, open up and let him in. Just give him a chance, see where it goes. We want
you happy, and if that’s him, then don’t let your heartache hold you back. Throw caution to the wind, Izzie, and let it happen. Are you still listening to me, Izzie?”

  “I’m listening and I hear you. Doesn’t mean I like it or will follow through with it. I can’t bear the heartbreak again, Kelsey. I know you disliked Peter and wanted better for me. Now that I think about the time wasted on him, I’m glad he dropped me like a bag of rocks. He could’ve picked a better time to do it, yes, I agree with that. I had to bury one man that I loved and watch the other walk out on me all in the same twenty-four hours. How do you process that?”

  “I don’t know what to tell you, Izzie. We all loved him like he was our father, and then we all hated Peter. Yes, Peter could have picked a better time. I know this is going to suck to hear, but I really think Peter was just comfortable with your lives. I don’t think he loved you, not like he should’ve, and that sucks. Look at him now though, he’s moved on and you need to do the same. Your dad wouldn’t want you to stop living just because he’s gone. Just think about it.”

  “I’ll think about it and see if I can try. Just for the record, you would’ve slapped him for talking to me the way he did. He’s so arrogant and it drives me insane.”

  “I might have gone off, I’ll give you that. Now his arrogance, I find sexy. What you need to do with that man is take him for a few test drives. Clean out the cobwebs, have a little fun. No harm is done with a little fun, Izzie. It might release some stress.”

  “Funny. Funny. Funny. I’ll apologize when I see him again, but I don’t promise anything. You got that?”

  “Roger that, chick. No promises, I can work with that. Now hang up with me, go take a bubble bath or something, and go get some sleep.”

  “Fine, love you, Kelsey, even though you drive me nuts.”

  “Love you too, Izzie. Chat tomorrow.”

  Maybe she’s right, I don’t know. What I do know is that I’m tired and confused. Dakota makes my head spin in a million directions. Even though he upset me, I was on the verge of being turned on. His demanding mouth makes me wonder how he is in other areas of his life.


  Shit, that woman is going to drive me insane. When I saw her bending into the trunk, the feeling of coming home washed over me. I’m not sure if I want to bend her over my knee and spank her or kiss her until she shuts up. As I sat back today, taking in the way she interacts with her friends, it was a sight to witness. She’d smile and laugh with them, but the emotions never reached her eyes. That friend of hers, Kelsey, watched her like a hawk. I respect that girl for being straight with me, but someone needs to be straight with Izzie. I don’t know everything, other than what I’ve overheard, but something in me wants to wrap her up and hold her as she lets it out. Izzie walks around like she’s strong, but in reality, she’s a fragile kitten that needs to cuddle. She needs to feel loved, wanted, and desired before she can stop fighting against life.

  When she told me off earlier, I had to adjust my shorts. The fire that lit up her eyes … it was about to drive me crazy. At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to claim her as mine forever. That might’ve shut her up long enough to let someone else talk, but instead, I left as she instructed.

  I stroll down toward the shore for a brief walk in order to remove my thoughts, still too worked up to go back to my place. I’m afraid I might punch a hole in the wall. Izzie’s wound me up like no other woman has ever been able to do. I’ve had plenty of them piss me off, but not like she has managed to do. She makes me want to fight gladiators for her.

  As I survey the waves, all I can think about is how I want to make her happy; the need to witness her smile becoming as bright as the sun. When I went inside today, I caught a glimpse of a picture she has on the kitchen counter. It looked to have been from college graduation, and God, that smile was confident. Whatever made her smile like that needs to make her laugh like that yet again.

  This isn’t helping. I need to head back up to the house and finish unpacking so I can set up my home office. I have a few graphic design jobs that need to get started, especially since starting my own company. No reason to make my new customers unhappy; they’ll just go to my brother’s company.

  Reaching the back steps of my deck, I happen to glance over to Izzie’s. She’s sitting outside, wiping her face. Shit, I’m an ass, I really upset her. “Good job, Dakota, look what you did,” I say out loud. Should I check on her, or give her the space she requested? I’m going to give her distance for now. I wonder who she’s talking to. I can hear her saying something, but I’m not close enough to listen. If it were darker, I’d eavesdrop like I did last night. Even though I couldn’t hear much, I’d still try. Ah, she’s talking to Kelsey—I manage to hear her name.

  Once back inside my cottage, I head to the spare room that will become a home office. Boxes are all over the place. The only things set up in here so far are my desk and laptop. Really it’s all I need for now, but I need to stop helping next door and get work done here. I have deadlines, and I need to meet them. Not meeting those means no paycheck.

  I’ll unpack boxes tomorrow. Tonight, I’ll work on the one design. This should take my mind off her for now. Tomorrow is another day, a day to up the game possibly a little.



  EMBARRASSED BY MY BEHAVIOR, I’ll need to apologize to Dakota the next time I see him. Maybe I did overreact a little. It’s more that he confuses me. Dakota is making me forget who I am. That’s what has my mind boggled. Two days ago I still wanted to stay curled up in the ball that has become second nature to me. Tonight, the urge to actually smile at him was overwhelming. It’s something I’m not used to, nor am I ready for.

  With a bottle of water and towel in hand, I search out the comfort of the shore. The need to relax and let the breeze take all my worries away is a must before sleep takes its turn. It’s been somewhat of an emotional and busy day. Thoughts of my childhood overpowered me as we all worked side by side to make the remodel possible.

  I’ve been thinking of the past and how I miss them both in a different way. Kelsey asked me months ago which one I missed more: Peter or Dad. Of course, I said my father, but the truth is, Peter wins that one hands-down. My chest caves when I think of the past four years wasted with him. I knew he wanted more than the life here, but I always felt deep down he would choose me.

  Propped up on my forearms, I let all the grief fall from my shoulders. The sense of relief runs its course through my body as I let a smile display across my face. Did this happen all of a sudden because of the words Kelsey spoke on the phone? I don’t know, but it feels as if I’m lighter.

  Allowing the night the replay in my head, my cheeks burn from the inside out. I’ve never been that way toward another human being, not even my worst enemy. Maybe I should go talk to him. I’d hate for it to get out that I didn’t offer up the southern charm that’s been instilled in me. My family raised me better than that. Making up my mind that I need to offer a truce sends me jumping up to my feet.

  I snatch the towel and nearly run up the path toward my house. I know the one thing that’ll show him I’m sorry. He’s asked nothing from me other than dinner and a get to know me. I can handle that; it’ll be like taking candy from a baby.

  Tossing the towel down, I retrieve the same bottle of wine that he brought to dinner. I let out a deep cleansing breath and march toward Dakota’s back porch. It’s now or never.

  After I knock on the sliding glass, I don’t hear anything. Maybe he left, but I notice his car is still in the driveway. I knock a little harder this time, and the door slides open in one quick movement.

  Quickly, I look down toward my feet as I’m greeted by a half-naked Dakota. The crimson towel around his waist leaves very little to my imagination. My eyes dart back up to his, and then back down his chest. I can’t help myself as I follow the thin line of chest hair, down toward his V spot. Licking my lips, I’ve got to remind myself to snap out of it.
br />   “Well, if it’s not the wicked witch from the beach. To what do I owe the pleasure of you knocking on my door? Here to slap me this time?”

  “No, I came to offer you Southern hospitality and to apologize for maybe overreacting,” I explain as I hold out the unopened bottle of wine.

  “You sure you didn’t come for the peep show? You mind looking up here, and not where my towel is gathered?”

  “Uh … Yeah, I mean no, I didn’t come for a peep show, and I am looking at you.”

  “Izzie, I just witnessed you lick your lips as if you were tasting chocolate from them.”

  “Fine … Maybe I did, but I’m still here for a reason. You mind if I come in?”

  “Yes, I do mind. Have a seat on the deck; let me throw some clothes on.” He slides the door shut in my face.

  “I’ll wait for you here then,” I say, responding to my reflection.

  Did he really just tell me to wait here? Guess payback’s a bitch, but I don’t understand the nickname “wicked witch from the beach.” I’m not that bad—well, I don’t think. I make a mental note to mention that little saying to Kelsey. She’ll get a kick out of it.

  Moments later, Dakota steps out onto the deck, wearing a pair of jeans hanging low on his hips and another tight T-shirt. He’s barefoot and the five o’clock shadow causes my heart to skip a few beats. I’ll admit that he’s gorgeous and comfortable in his own skin. The confidence he displays is something that I miss from my past.

  Peeking up through my lashes, it finally clicks. The light bulb is so bright that I haven’t got a clue how I missed it. I’m witnessing what Kelsey and Leah have been hinting at. Dakota is pure man. His shoulders are back, and his playful grin causes me to lose focus.

  “So, you mentioned something about offering Southern hospitality?”

  “Yes, do you have any glasses? We can open this and get to know each other.”

  With an amused smile he answers, “I have a few unpacked. Be right back.”


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