Fading Memories

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Fading Memories Page 15

by A. M. Willard

  “You know you can never hide when you drift off from me? Here’s your food.” He places my plate before me and takes the seat to my left. “What are your plans for today?”

  “I don’t know. I need to straighten up the house and then the rest of the day is open. What about you?”

  “I have a few things to do this morning, but then I have a date.”

  A date? My eyebrows raise to attention as I cock my head in his direction. I’m a little put off by how blunt he is with the simple fact that he just announced that he has a date, but has been locking lips with me.

  “Wipe that look of your face, it’s with you.”

  “I don’t have a look and you know you’re free to date whoever you want.” I shrug as I put a fork full of eggs into my mouth.

  “Glad you mentioned that, since we are dating and have a date today.”

  Spitting out the last bit of eggs and coughing at the ones that didn’t go down correctly, I say, “What?”

  “You heard me, I decided last night that we are dating and today I’m going to show you some fun.”

  “When were you going to fill me in on who I was dating? Also, how’s your leg? I need to clean it soon.”

  “I just filled you in and the leg is fine, already cleaned it. Now finish eating so you can get your stuff done. I’ll clean the mess I made in the kitchen and go home for a few. Then I’ll come back to get you.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Someplace special, but wear your swimsuit.”

  “Special and my bathing suit.”


  I shake my head as I have no clue what he is up to and finish the food on my plate, not sure if I was hungry or if these really are the best eggs I’ve ever tasted. With a clean plate and a happy stomach, I lean back in my chair and enjoy the rest of my coffee, which is almost empty. I go to stand after I finish it off, and motion for Dakota to give me his.

  “I don’t need any more, but there is plenty left for you.”

  “How long before you’re back today, and can I get a hint?”

  “An hour should do good and no.”

  “You are no fun, Mr. Jackson.”

  “Oh, I am plenty of fun. Say that again.”

  “Say what again?”

  “Mr. Jackson. I like the way it flowed from those beautiful lips of yours.”

  “Not happening, Dakota. You need to calm down.”

  “You’ll say it again soon, and don’t forget, this is calm. Call the girls while I’m gone and make sure they know you are all mine today and tonight.”

  “Are you staking your claim on me?” I laugh.

  “I am.” He rises from the table and heads to the kitchen. My gaze travels with him, watching every step he takes, never knowing what his next move will be. He stops less than an inch from me, gives me that quirk of a smile before maneuvering around me to the sink. Shocked that he didn’t try to kiss me or do the regular Dakota moves, I shake my head as I place my cup down on the counter.

  “Head on home, I’ll clean this mess up since you cooked me breakfast,” I say as the need for him to leave my space immediately hits. I’m not angry, or anything else with him, it’s just I need time to process.

  “You sure?”

  “I am perfectly capable of cleaning up my kitchen and getting things organized.”

  “I know you are, but I made a mess.” He motions his hand around the kitchen and I take it in. It’s not bad, but for this simple meal, it looks like we should’ve had a buffet.

  “I promise, plus I have things to do.”

  “Okay, I’ll give you an hour or so before I come back over. You’ll be ready, right?”

  “I will …” I say and turn my body away from him. He grabs my arm and spins me back around, causing my chest to knock into his. Lips sealed together, owning this moment. The one thing that I know we do well together, taking each other’s embrace like we do. This time it’s different, almost carnal, and erotic. Dakota slides his hands up to the base of my neck and grips me tightly. I have no time to move or accept it because it’s over just as fast as he started it. He pulls away leaving me panting for more, and stalks away from me. Just as quick as the kiss happened, he’s gone out the sliding door, then the screen door. All I can see is his back to me as he walks toward his house through the sandy path between the two cottages.

  I lean against the counter for support; Dakota just took all my might with him. Then I question if he will ever give it back to me. How am I going to make it through the day with the pull that swirls around us when we are together? We will either explode or it’s going to be the longest date in history.

  After I load the dishes into the dishwasher, I look for my phone to dial Kelsey. As it rings, I wonder what fifty questions she’ll have for me.

  “About time you call me! I was getting worried he tied you up or something.”

  “Funny, he just left and I had to clean the kitchen before I called you.”

  “Did you already eat? I was going to call you sooner and see if you wanted to meet.”

  “I did, he made me eggs and toast. Oh, do you find it odd he knows how I take’s my coffee?”

  “That’s sweet and kind of weird. I mean, we know only because we’ve been around you for years, but I’m not surprised.”

  “I guess if I think about it, I’m not really surprised either.”

  “What are your plans today? I was thinking you and I could go shopping. I’d ask Leah, but she was cranky this morning and I’m pretty sure Joseph plans to put her in her place today.”

  “Not surprised, you know she needs a million hours of uninterrupted sleep. What do you mean about Joseph?”

  “He said so when he dropped her off, told her that he’d call her later and if she didn’t answer he’d knock down her door. I think our little Joseph has had enough of her games and plans to take action.”

  “Oh, this is going to be good. Can we get popcorn, wine, and tickets?”

  “I know, right. Anyway, what about you?”

  “Oh, I have a date.”

  “A date, huh? With whom?”

  “Do you really have to ask? It seems that I was told I have a date and by the way we’re dating,” I say, and just as I finish, the screeching scream from the other end deafens me.

  “Oh … My … God … Izzie, are you really doing this?”

  “I wasn’t given the option, he told me and I have to admit, I like it when he tells me what I’m going to do. Something stirs deep when he gets that way.”

  “Oh, you have it bad, but at least it’s for him, and not the asshole. So, what are your plans?”

  “Don’t know, he just said to be ready in about an hour and wear my swim clothes.”

  “Huh, that sounds interesting. All right, listen to me, okay?”

  “Okay, I’m listening.”

  “Enjoy yourself today, turn your mind off and just go with the flow. You deserve to have this and besides, we all like him.”

  “I am very aware of this; you all make sure I understand how much you like him. Do I need to worry that you like him more than me?”

  “Never, sweet cheeks. You’re our girl and he’s just a bonus.”

  “All right, well I’ll call you later then.”

  “How about you call me tomorrow because if you do that tonight, it means you didn’t enjoy yourself.”

  “Fine, tomorrow it is.”

  “Love you, and Izzie, have fun.”

  “Love you and I will. Bye.” I say and click off the phone.

  The mere fact that I have no idea what is going to happen today or tonight has me rushing about to get everything done. I got the house picked up and myself ready in record time. As I finish putting the last bit of my items away, I snatch up my beach bag and make my way out to the sunroom. The day has turned out to be beautiful and you’d never know that we had one killer storm last night. A gentle breeze is blowing around, the clouds are just enough to give a little shade casting down from the sun. To
day seems to be starting out perfect, but I hope it stays this way.

  Time slips past me; it seems like I had just sat down when Dakota opens the back door.

  “You ready?”

  “I am. What do you have in your hands?”



  “Yes, you know those triangle things that float around in the sky on a string.”

  “I know what they are, but why do you have them?”

  “Because we’re going to fly them, it’s the start of our date.”

  I just stand here and don’t respond. Why he’s chosen this activity is boggling my mind.


  I FOLLOW DAKOTA down to the beach, still interested in this activity. It’s been years since I’ve flown a kite, as I think about it, the last time I was around the age of ten. That whole summer all we did was fly kites, me and a few of the other children flew them every day.

  “Here’s yours,” Dakota says, breaking me from my trance.

  “Thanks.” I unfold the material and start pulling the string off the handle. Inspecting the design, a smile comes out from nowhere when I notice that it’s shaped like a butterfly with a mixture of all the colors of the rainbow. It’s perfect and familiar and I know this would have been the one I picked for myself if I’d been able to.


  “Always, be prepared to get your butt kicked in kite flying.”

  “Is this a competition?”

  “Of course … Let’s see who can fly theirs longer.”

  “What’s the winner get?” he asks.

  I lift my index finger up to my chin as I carefully choose the prize. “The loser has to cook dinner for the winner, their choice of everything, right down to the wine.”

  “I’ll take that bet. I hope you can grill a mean steak.”

  “Actually … It’s going to be a spread of seafood, maybe a steak. But … you will be the grill master, after I win.” Just as I finish, I take off running in the opposite direction, letting the kite trail behind me until it gets enough momentum to fly high in the sky like a butterfly. With my head tilted up, eyes strained, I keep a watch on Dakota as he struggles to keep his flying. I didn’t notice what kind he had until now. It's looking like a plane from here. It’s huge, and not doing well. Mine starts to take a downward turn toward the sand, and I run backwards to gain more speed. Then the wind picks up and a gust hits the wings of the kite, yanking the handle from my hands. “Shit … No, come back!” I yell as I chase after it and try my best to catch it. I’m sure if someone was videoing me, they would find it hilarious as I jump up and down for it.

  “Need some help?”

  “No …” I stomp my feet into the sand and instantly let out a rush of breath, knowing I’m defeated in this little bet. Dakota’s is still up high and soaring through the blue sky as it’s intended. Mine, on the other hand, is gone, and I only see a speck of it off in the distance.

  “I’d like to have steak, grilled shrimp, and those potatoes I watched you cook before, salad, and I’ll allow you to pick out the wine.” He snickers and I glare at him.

  “When do I have to cook all of this?”

  “Tonight for our date.”

  “What? You asked me on a date, which means you take me to dinner.”

  “That was before you lost a bet, and now all I can think of is you cooking me dinner. Can’t blame me for picturing you in the kitchen as you cook and mumble under your breath. It’s hot when you do that, just look at you right now.”

  “I’m not mumbling … You tricked me?”

  “Yes, I paid the Gods of the Wind to come and take your kite away, just so you could cook tonight. If it makes it any better, you can use my kitchen.”

  “I’ll cook in my own kitchen, thank you very much.” I plop myself down into the sand. Stretching my feet out and digging my toes in the sand so they are covered, I lean back on my hands and stare up toward the sky. The sun feels so good beating down on my face. Dakota sits next to me and bumps his shoulder into mine in order to get my attention. I ignore him and keep my face toward the sky. By the third slightly harder nudge I bring me face down and reach for my sunglasses. My eyes cast in his direction, and I can’t help but smile at him.

  “You let go of your kite, didn’t you?”

  Sunglasses covering my eyes, I tilt my head back again, choosing to not answer him.

  “You did, you little cheat.”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about, Dakota. The wind took it and I couldn’t hold it, I had to let it go.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “That’s my story and I’m not changing it.”

  “I’ve got my eye on you, you the sneaky person you.”

  “Should’ve bet something different. How do I know if you can cook a good meal? I’m not putting my life in the hands of a bad cook.”

  “So you admit you cheated.”

  “No such thing. You can’t hold it against me.”

  “Oh, dear Izzie, I can and I just might.”

  “Huh … No, you won’t.”

  “Maybe not today, but one day I will pull this little trick out of my pocket. Be prepared.”

  “We need to go to the store, or you can come back over later after I get it all started.”

  “I’d be happy to tag along, someone has to watch you. Next thing I know you’ll tell me my steak is steak, but really something else.”

  “Wouldn’t put it past me, I do have tricks.”

  “I see that.” He stands, holding his hand out for me to take. Just as they connect, he snatches me up, but I resist and pull him toward me. It’s a domino effect, I fall backward watching him tumble to me. My back’s flat against the sand, his massive chest against mine, faces inches apart. Neither one of us move, we don’t even blink as we stare into each other’s eyes. They're filled with lust, and for the first time in my life, I desire someone more than I care to breathe. My hands reach up, sliding through his hair, and grip together to pull him down to me. Yes, I want his mouth on mine. I want to give into this relationship, show him that he might just have won me over.

  It’s not our first kiss, but it’s the first one that I needed. It’s not brash or demanding; it’s intimate. Two people leaning into each other, tasting, and wondering if this is a new beginning for them.

  He pulls back, locking his eyes with mine again. When I look at them, they relay the understanding that I needed him to know. That I’ve accepted him and want more. It might not be a fairy tale, but who knows what the future can hold? All that matters at this very moment is that I’ve opened my heart to this man, one I barely know, but my heart tells me we were born for more. A tiny smile forms across my face, as I realize what a step this is.

  Dakota leans down and places the softest kiss I’ve ever received on my forehead. “Come on, we need to grab food. Someone has dinner to cook.”

  “Ruin the moment, much?”

  “Your shoulders are red, time to cover you up. And I’m hungry.” He stands and reaches out to help me up from the sand. I wipe my backside off and notice that he’s staring at me with such intense eyes that goosebumps race over my body. Who do you know that can stand in over a hundred-degree heat, and have chills covering their body? Not anyone that I know, until now.

  “Stop glaring.”

  “It’s not glaring,” he says, “it’s admiring.”

  “Come on, let’s go before I dunk you in the water.

  “That, we can do later, after my woman feeds me.”

  “Your woman is about to slap you silly and deprive you of food if you keep it up.” I turn from him and head up the path. My pace picks up a little more when I hear him gaining speed. The next thing I know, Dakota has me thrown over his shoulder and all I can see is his backside and sand. “Put me down, you caveman!”

  “I’ll show you caveman, later.” He swats my butt causing me to yelp.

  “Put me down, please,” I beg.

  “I wil
l when we get to the deck, you shouldn’t run from me. I’ll always catch you, Isabel Nichols, always.”

  “I didn’t know I was running,” I say as he places me down on my feet.

  “You’ve been running for years, you haven’t found the right one to catch you. Now, you have no choice but to stop. It’s no longer a race, but a stroll through life.”

  “Pretty cocky of you, but you’ve been that way from day one. I might try this stroll, see how it feels.”

  “Oh, I promise it will be worth it. Just you wait and see.”

  With a shake of my head and chuckle, I pivot and head inside. Sometimes he’s just too much to handle. I never know what to say to his comments most of the time. I make my way to the bedroom to change and plan out the menu for tonight in my head. He won the bet, so I’ll live up to my end of the bargain and then some.

  Sandals buckled, I go out to the living room where Dakota is looking at all the pictures on the mantel. He picks up the one of me and my mother when I was nine. It’s one thing that we haven’t spoken about, and one that I’m not ready to explain. Soon we will air all the dirty laundry, but not today—today we celebrate our new relationship. Tomorrow we talk, not about the future so much as the past. He still hasn’t explained to me why he moved here, anything about his parents, or what he likes and dislikes. Okay, now that I think about it, we might discuss this tonight in a simple conversation.

  Clearing my throat to grab his attention, my eyebrows raise in an “are you ready” manner. “Come, my man needs food.”

  “Finally she understands what I need,” he says as his tall body struts across the way to me. His arms wrap around my waist, pulling me into him. Just when I think he’s going to land one of the hot Dakota kisses on me, his lips press to the side of my face, he pulls back and motions for the door with his head.


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