Captured Devil's Blaze MC Book 1

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Captured Devil's Blaze MC Book 1 Page 5

by Jordan Marie


  “Go, while I’m still of a mind to let you, Beth. Tomorrow.”

  She swallows, her hand coming up to her throat.

  “Tomorrow,” she repeats, then backs away from me. Once we are about ten feet apart, she turns and runs the way she’d come.

  Me? I adjust my dick and promise myself to make it better tomorrow. Damn…

  “Hey, Boss,” Latch calls out.

  He’s getting ready to re-up. They’ll be shipping his ass out to Kandahar next month. I’m going to miss the bastard. It’s been nice having him home, but he gets bored when he’s not deployed. Sabre has tried to talk him into sticking around, but he’s not having it. Latch and Sabre are closer than brothers. They fought alongside each other for five years in that hell. When their platoon got cornered and was taking fire, they lost every friend and squad member they had. The two of them worked to save each other. They survived being POW’s together—and I figure a hell of a lot more. I don’t ask. Some shit a man never wants to talk about. I know I have crap I don’t want to rehash ever again.

  “Hey, man. Sabre and Torch back yet?”

  “No, not yet, but Sabre checked in about twenty minutes ago and said the package was delivered.”

  I nod. Well, that’s one good thing for the day. Let’s see if the Donahues can ignore that shit. Bastards. Scarlett, one of the club girls, comes over and my body goes tight.

  “Skull,” she purrs, setting my nerves on end. Her body pushes up against mine, her breasts against my arm. My dick doesn’t even move. It’s like the damn thing is broken. I know the truth, though. I only want Beth. No other pussy will do. It’s a temporary thing. I’ve always had a healthy appetite for sex. I just need to fuck Beth out of my system and get back to normal.

  That begins tomorrow. “Hey, Scarlett.”

  “I’ve been a bad girl. I need to be punished.”

  And the dick… still doesn’t move.

  “Tell me you’re not that big of a fucking idiot!” Pistol yells from across the room, marching in and slamming the door. He strides over to me and, as much as I want to kill him, I’m grateful he gets me out of the mess with Scarlett.

  “Another time, pet. Another time,” I tell her before turning all of my attention to the man I’m going to kill before the month is out. I just know it in my gut. He’s pushing me too far. I turn around and face him like I’m bored, then wait.

  “You had Torch tell the Donahues that unless they agree to meet with us, you’re confiscating their next delivery? Are you loco or just fucking stupid?”

  “I do not like being ignored. I needed to get a message across.”

  “Oh, you’ll achieve that. You’ll get every fucking one of us killed!”

  That’s when I snap. I strike so fast he doesn’t see me. A quick kick with my steel-toed boots knocks him to the ground, giving me time to get up. While he’s holding his damn dick, I stomp his ribs—I’m not sure how many times. Could be three, maybe four… it’s so fun that I lost count. I have a lot of anger inside of me right now, and this motherfucker just tipped me over. I grab him by his damn cut and slam my fist into his nose, the same fist which happens to have my rings on each finger—skulls, of course. Blood splatters out and Pistol groans, but I’ve been so fast and hard on beating him down that he honestly can’t do much by this point.

  “Has ido a hermano ahora,” I tell him, my voice laced with disgust. You’ve gone too far, brother. Even the words annoy the fuck out of me. He’s not my brother, but he sure as hell went way beyond too far. I slam his head hard against the thick wooden bar. The bottles and glasses rattle in response. Any resistance left in Pistol is gone as he loses consciousness. I drop him to the ground. “Beast?” I call, looking at the pathetic pile on the ground.

  “Yeah, Boss?” Beast lifts his bitch of an old lady off his lap. She must need money again; it’s the only time we see her around here. Why Beast keeps fooling with her fucking ass, I don’t know. Ain’t no pussy worth the shit he’s gone through with her.

  “Lock him in his room. Have the prospects guard him. He doesn’t go for a shit, unless I know about it. Then, contact Spike in Florida and tell him I need to talk to him. We’ll have Church after I talk with the fucker’s brother.”

  “Damn… Gone so long without war and now we have two,” Beast mumbles, dragging Pistol away.

  “You got a problem with it?” I ask Beast because I respect him. This wasn’t something I could bring before the Church. I’m president. This is my club. I’m not asking anybody for permission and I won’t tolerate disrespect. I’ve tolerated it for too long with Pistol. That ends tonight.

  “Been a long time coming, Boss. I’m just thinking shit might get a little too interesting around here.”

  He’s probably not wrong. I’ll have to call in a few markers from our other chapters and talk with some of my allies. It’s time to circle the damn wagons. My taste for the drink gone, I leave the bar and head off to my room. I lock the door and make it to my bed. This place is like an apartment of sorts. It has my office and two doors. One is a regular door, which leads to my bedroom with a connected bath, and the other is a steel-reinforced door that is the back exit of the club. Both stay bolted, and I’m the only motherfucker with the key.

  I’m too fucking keyed up. I yank off my cut and shirt and throw them into the chair by my bed. I undo my pants and zipper, leaving them hanging low on my hips. I’ll need to go back out and deal with shit once I know the response to my message. Right now, I just want to be by myself and drink. I grab a half-empty bottle of vodka on the nightstand and open it before taking a swig and falling back on the pillows.

  My mind should be anywhere but on Beth right now—but she’s all I can think of. Even now, I can remember the feel of her sweet cunt. Hot and wet, sucking my fingers in so eagerly. My cock swells with need, and I regret not forcing her to come back with me. I try to tell my body: tomorrow, just twenty-four hours. Then I remember the way her cream felt clinging to my fingers, and fuck, her sweet taste.

  Being a man who has always enjoyed sex—perhaps too much—you would think that the taste of pussy would all be the same. That’s not the way it is, though. Each one has a special essence, a special flavor. But Beth… Beth is unlike any woman I have ever tasted. She’s indescribable, and something I must have over and over. My balls ache from the need to come. I slide my hand around my cock, choking it tightly in my hand, trying to stem the need inside of me. Instead, translucent strands of pre-cum slide from the head, trailing down the shaft and onto my hand. I lean back on my pillow and close my eyes. Beth’s face immediately comes to mind. Her lips swollen from my kisses, her sweet pink tongue coming out to tempt me, and her hair tangled around her face because I’ve held it tight in my hands… I can hear her sweet voice whisper my name… Skull…

  My hand glides up and down my shaft, my pre-cum bathing my cock. Up and down I move, squeezing, imaging it’s her sweet pussy I’m tunneling inside of. Skull… Again, her voice haunts me and I imagine she’s moaning my name before she comes, tightening the muscles of her pussy and clamping down on my cock, squeezing it tighter and tighter… I growl out her name when I can feel my climax racing forward. The electric zing flashes up my spine and then cum is streaming from my cock, shooting in the air, and falling down on my stomach and against the headboard of my bed. I pump my dick until my orgasm is finished, then squeeze the head tight, draining the last of my cum.

  When it’s over, I lie there… unsatisfied. She’s going to make this up to me. I’ll fuck her face so hard she won’t be able to close her mouth for a week. Disgusted, I go to the shower. She’ll definitely make this up to me.

  What am I doing? I’m so stupid. I’m an idiot, really. It’s the only thing that’s certain in my life. My mental tirade has repeated over and over in my head from the time I left Skull yesterday until right now at this very moment, standing in front of Katie’s stone, waiting for the one man in the world I should stay completely away from.
I don’t, though. I choose to ignore common sense. I ignore my overpowering fear… and end up here instead of back at school.

  The only excuse I have is that after Colin’s text this morning, I have a bigger fear. Colin has ordered me home this weekend. We’re going out to dinner together. Like a fool, I thought it was just another family dinner, and I asked if everything was alright.

  His response made my blood run cold. He thinks it’s time to announce to the family that we’re a couple. “You ought to get accustomed to what I expect of you.” That’s what he said. I have no idea what that means, but the implications chill me.

  I can’t let it happen. I just can’t let my life be one in which I’m… Colin’s.

  That means I have to run away before Friday evening when Gerald comes to pick me up. I’m scared to death, but I’m more afraid of what will happen if I don’t try. It also means I have three days… three days… with Skull. It may be selfish of me, but I’m going to ignore everything inside of me that screams this is a bad idea. I’m ignoring the part of me that’s enraged and hurt because Skull’s already planning on moving on to another woman before we’ve even begun. I’m going to ignore everything and just live.

  Skull is the only man to make me feel like a woman. I almost died, and one of my biggest regrets was that I would never feel what it felt like to make love… to be in love. Skull is that chance for me.

  There’s a very big chance that my escape will fail and I won’t be able to get away from Colin. If I do, then he’s not going to be the only memory I have of sex… of being with a man. I’m going to give my body to Skull, except I’m doing it on my terms. What Skull doesn’t know hopefully won’t get him killed.

  And that is the real reason I’m standing here. I expected Skull to show up by now. I glance at my watch. If he doesn’t show in the next ten minutes…

  “Cristo… you’re in a uniform.”

  “What?” I ask, taking in a breath after he scared me. He’s standing behind me. How long has he been there? I’m going to have to be more alert if I am really going on the run from my family. I turn around to look at Skull.

  “I don’t usually engage in games,” he tells me. “I like my fucking straight forward. But… Christ, Beth. I wondered yesterday and now seeing you in a school uniform with that damn skirt… I suddenly see the appeal of role-play.”

  His words warm me with heat—not embarrassment, but desire. I like knowing I get a response out of him that he hasn’t had before. Suddenly I find myself, the virgin who is slightly scared of going all the way, liking the idea of role-play, too.

  “I didn’t have time to change,” I lie. I was afraid to change. “I brought some clothes in my pack,” I tell him, holding up the large backpack I’m carrying on my shoulder.

  “Good girl, but you forgot one thing,” Skull says, stepping closer to me until our bodies are almost touching.

  “What’s that?” I whisper, loving the look he has in his inky dark eyes.

  “I’ve been almost twenty-four hours without your lips, querida,” he tells me, his hand sliding along my neck, adjusting me the way he wants before he takes my mouth.

  I’ve spent all night remembering how it felt when he touched me… the way his fingers felt inside of me. Add that to the fact I know in my heart that I only have a few days with him and I’m dying for him. So, as his tongue dives into my mouth, I don’t wait for him to coax me this time. I let the taste of him invade my system and moan at how delicious it is. My tongue seeks his out, fighting with it, warring with it and demanding more. Skull’s arms come under my ass to pull me up on his body. I steady myself on his shoulders, our lips never parting as I wrap my legs around his thick body. We’re moving, but I don’t care. I want more of his taste, more of his kiss, more of… him.

  I feel something hard hit my back. He has me against a tree. His mouth pulls away from mine and I let out a growl of protest; I’m not ready to stop yet.

  “Christ. You’ve turned into a she-cat,” he says, his voice hoarse. One of his hands reaches under my shirt to palm my breast. I look at him, listening to the sounds of our ragged breath mixing with each other.

  “I need you,” I tell him, saying the one fully honest thing to him I can.

  “Are you horny, sweet Beth?” he asks, his thumb brushing against the fabric of my bra, teasing a puckered nipple that begs for his attention.

  When I said I needed him, I wasn’t just talking about sex. I knew that’s where Skull would take it. I’m okay with that. He doesn’t have to know that he’s everything I’ve ever wanted in the world. Just like he will never know that he won’t be in control of when this ends. It’s just as well. I need to be the one to walk away from Skull, because if I have to watch him walk away from me, I know I’d never survive. Skull would laugh. I’m not so young and stupid that I don’t get that he doesn’t believe in love, but I know that I could love him. I could love him completely.

  “Did you think about me last night, Beth?” he asks and I force my mind back to the here and now because that’s all I have… all I may ever have.

  “Yes,” I tell him, and it’s the truth. That’s just one more complete truth between us.

  “Did you need to come? Did your body remember what it felt like to have me touching it, exciting it?” He growls, freeing my breast from the bra, again torturing my nipple by pressing it firmly between his thumb and forefinger and pulling.

  “Skull…” I complain, trying to grind myself against him, needing more than what he’s allowing.

  “What is it, querida?” he asks like he doesn’t have a clue.

  “Stop torturing me!”

  “Aww, but torture can be so much fun, querida… So. Much. Fun.” He looks down at me commandingly. “Unbutton your shirt, now.”

  His order grabs my attention and I don’t argue. I do exactly what he says, unbuttoning the white dress shirt. My fingers are shaking, whether from nerves or need, I can’t decipher. My fingers brush the back of his hand as I work, but my eyes never leave his. I watch his face, his attention glued to my breasts, and as the cool air hits my chest, I see that familiar heat zap into his eyes… and I feel beautiful. I feel like a woman… his woman. It takes some work, but I shrug out of the blazer and shirt, letting them fall to the ground. I don’t want them between us. I want to be bared to him—for him.

  His head goes down. I expect more of his soft kisses, but on my neck or stomach, while his fingers keep up their magic. I don’t get that. Instead, I’m shocked as he sucks one of my aching nipples into his mouth. My body goes still for a minute as a wave of sensation barrages me. Then, need explodes through my body.

  This. This is what I knew only Skull could give me. This is what is worth Colin’s wrath. This.

  My hands go into Skull’s hair, urging his mouth on, and I cry out when he releases my breast with a wet pop. The sound echoes, but I don’t have time to voice my frustration because he instantly moves to my other breast, which for some reason is even more sensitive.

  “Skull… oh, God. That feels so good,” I moan, wanting more, but wishing our positions were different so I could touch him too.

  He looks up at me, and I don’t even complain that he’s left my breast alone. It doesn’t even occur to me, because he has this look in his eyes that hypnotizes me.

  “Just wait, querida. I plan on making you feel much, much better.”

  I swallow at his dark smile and darker promise. Fear is not there this time. Now, it’s all need.

  I told myself I was going to get her back to the club and savor her… that I’d coax her and tease her until she gave me what I wanted. I wasn’t expecting her to demand I give her more. It’s a welcome surprise. Still, I might be a bastard, but I don’t want to take her virginity in a fucking cemetery.

  Well, I do… but she deserves better.

  I claim her mouth again. Her taste has seeped down inside of me and changed something. I have to have it now. A drug? I think it may be more powerful. I’m starting to th
ink I may never be free—and I don’t really give a damn.

  As my tongue tangles with hers and I take another hit, I slowly let her down on the ground, holding her close to me. We break apart and those beautiful gray eyes of hers are clouded with need. Her body trembles and I feel like a fucking king. She’s completely mine and, though she might deny it, I know she wants anything I give her. My hand slides along the side of her neck and I raise her head up to place a gentle kiss on her lips.

  “Button up, querida. I want to get you back to my home,” I tell her. It’s fucking hard to turn down what she’s freely offering me right now.

  She swallows, her face heating and her eyes breaking from mine as she starts buttoning her shirt. Something about the move bothers me. I bring her face back up and see the embarrassment there and… something else. Vulnerability? I don’t think I’ve ever met a woman who has had that quality. The women I usually deal with are just as jaded and hardened as I am. I need to remember to take into consideration that she’s different. She’s unlike anyone I’ve ever encountered.

  “What?” she asks, her face reddening even more.

  “You’re beautiful, mi cielo.” The endearment slips out. I should take that as a warning. Again, it seems I don’t care.

  “Skull,” she whispers, and those fucking eyes of hers are glowing. My chest grows tight, but I ignore it and help her button up her shirt. It’s a shame to cover her up; she was made for a man to gaze upon.

  “Let’s get out of here,” I tell her, my voice gruff.

  “I… I could be—I mean, there’s a chance they’re… looking for me,” she stammers, and her face flushes worse.

  Something about the way she says that troubles me. Is she that afraid of being expelled from school? I know she wants to graduate, but can she be so innocent that she thinks she is the first woman to get in trouble for skipping school? Maybe it’s her Catholic upbringing. Did she mention parents? No. Guardians? Fuck, why didn’t I find out more about her? Even as my brain asks that question, I already know the answer: I just wanted to fuck her all along. I still do, but… fuck me sideways, she’s tying me in knots.


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