Neversfall c-1

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Neversfall c-1 Page 4

by Ed Gentry

  "Yes, sir," Taennen said, lifting his gaze again. Jhoqo was right, of course. The Durpari had acquitted themselves well in the fight but they were an unknown element. They had no code or rules. They were not like the Maquar.

  "Very good," Jhoqo said.

  "What do we do next, sir? What of Neversfall?"

  Jhoqo was looking to the ground but raised his eyes to meet Taennen's. "What if it was these beasts that took it?"

  Taennen nodded. "We should be on our way, sir."

  "Before we go," Jhoqo said, turning a soft eye to Taennen, "I need you to tell me what happened out there."

  "Sir?" Taennen said.

  "Son, you lost nearly a quarter of your men in that fight. Those are not acceptable losses and you know it."

  "What?" Taennen's legs went out from under him, and he fell to the ground. He watched in silence as the dust settled back around and on him, covering his shins in a light powder. Jhoqo offered his arm to help Taennen stand.

  "Who?" Taennen asked.

  "The terir has the list for you," Jhoqo said. "I asked her not to inform you before we had a chance to speak."

  Taennen accepted the man's assistance and paid no mind to the dizziness as he stood. His eyes scanned the camp, looking for those he had led into the battle. The fight played out in his mind. He watched the deaths of the first two soldiers. Every commander had lost men under him-nothing could be done for that. But what if his idea of taking captives had cost his fellows their lives? He thought of the low strike the first woman had used. A few inches higher and the goblin would have been too dead to kill her.

  His thoughts were interrupted as Jhoqo leaned in close to him. The man's face was grim and tight. "What happened?" Jhoqo repeated.

  Taennen focused on his commander and said, "Sir… I… I told my people to try to take prisoners if they could. I thought we could get some useful information out of them about Veldorn and maybe even Neversfall."

  Jhoqo shook his head and said, "Durir, I've never been in a battle where every member of either side was killed. I knew we would have a few prisoners, that's why I didn't specifically request that any be taken. It's a given in any battle and soldiers fight harder if they're fighting to kill."

  Taennen tried to pay attention but found his eyes wandering the camp for those who had fought under him. Who hadn't made it?

  Jhoqo grabbed the younger man by the shoulders and looked him hard in the eyes. "This sort of thing is why we must adhere to the chain of command so strictly, son. I'm disappointed in you. I had hoped for better from you in that fight. I lost men, too, son, but… by all the One," Jhoqo said.

  "Sir…" Taennen said, his mind back on his situation. He winced away from the look of disappointment on his commander's face and wondered if he had looked the same to his father all those years before.

  "Rest now, son. Just… leave me for a while," Jhoqo said.

  Taennen saluted and limped toward his tent, Jhoqo's words stinging in his ears. The man he loved as a father was disappointed with him, much like Taennen had been with his own father. Taennen stopped his wobbling walk as the setting sun caught his eye. He wanted to wallow, to drown in the lament of his mistakes and the sorrow of the soldiers he lost. But he knew he could not.

  His father had told him to attach his hopes and dreams to the rising sun and let the setting sun take away his pain, fear, and sadness. That way, he had said, every day was new. Taennen stared at the orange and red hues of the horizon and did just that. Ironic, he thought, that something his father had taught him long ago would come to him when he needed it most.

  "Let me help you," Loraica said beside him, drawing him from his memories.

  He accepted her arm, and together they walked to his tent. The Maquar they passed whispered to one another as they continued their work. The air was filled with the scent of mucjara soup, a staple among the Maquar. The citrus scent itched at his nose and his stomach growled despite the pain from his wound.

  "You should have told me before I talked to him," Taennen said.

  "I know. I'm sorry. I just couldn't," Loraica said. After a moment she continued. "What did he do?"

  "Nothing," Taennen said.

  "Nothing? What do you mean?"

  "I mean nothing. He told me what I needed to know, and that was all."

  "What did he say?"

  "That I acted foolishly and that I need to be a better soldier if 1 don't want more lives on my head, Terir."

  Loraica stiffened at her title but said nothing.

  "I'll take the list now."

  "You should rest tonight," she said.

  "I have letters to write to the families of our fallen, Terir. I'll have the list now," he said.

  Loraica paused in her steps to look him in the eyes. "Aye, sir." She pulled a parchment from her belt and offered it to him.

  Taennen took the list and released his grip on Loraica. "Thank you, Loraica. I can manage it from here."

  Loraica studied him a moment longer. "Yes, sir. Rest well."

  "And you, Terir."

  Being so stern with Loraica felt like lying. Even through rigid military training they had always been close and had been a source of support, a stable rock of sanity for one another their entire careers. But as he stumbled into his tent and read the names from the list by the low light of a candle, Taennen knew Jhoqo was right. Soldiers followed the chain of command so strictly for a reason, and Taennen had failed to follow his orders. He had taken it upon himself to win information and, he admitted to himself, Jhoqo's admiration by trying to take prisoners. It had cost him the lives of his men and the trust of his commander. It would not happen again.

  The sound of gravel grinding under booted feet woke Taennen from his restless sleep. He could only guess the time, but the sun was nowhere near relieving Lucha of her nightly travels. Taennen took in a slow breath and held it to better hear. The grinding sound repeated. Someone was pacing outside his tent. Taennen released his breath and rolled from his cot. His stomach jarred him more fully awake with a jolt of pain. He covered himself with a light brown tunic and grabbed his khopesh. The pacing continued outside, but there were no other sounds, no indication of an invasion of the campsite. If hostile, the person outside his tent was either slow or foolhardy. Few enemies were ever gracious enough to be both.

  Taennen stepped beyond the flap of his tent. A tall, thick man stood a few strides away, his pacing stopped. Haddar had been with the Maquar for a very long time, longer than Taennen. His rank of muzahar was well earned. He was known by all for his skill with the scimitar, and his drinking prowess was equally legendary. He stood with his arms crossed and his brows furrowed. He was fully dressed, including his leather armor and his blade hung at his belt.

  "Muzahar," Taennen said.

  "They are dishonored," Haddar said. "Wajde is dishonored."

  Wajde, one of the men lost under Taennen's command that day, had been Haddar's cousin and closest friend. Taennen felt his loss more than any other, as Wajde had been a guide and aide to Taennen since his youth. As much as Jhoqo had been like a father, Wajde had been an uncle. Where Haddar was gruff and firm, Wajde was warm and patient.

  "I would gladly give my life for his honor, Haddar, if I could," Taennen said. "It is a dangerous life we lead, and my actions did not help matters."

  "Wajde knew he could die in battle. We all know that!" Haddar said.

  "I led them and it is-" Taennen started.

  "I do not question your ability!" Haddar said.

  Taennen frowned. "What, then?"

  "Your mistake went unpunished!" Haddar said. "The honor of the dead demands a price be exacted. The urir should have done that, but no! You are like his own blood, his child of favor! He could never punish you. If any other man had led your troops into that fight with such a disastrous result, what would have happened? What would Jhoqo have done to him?"

  "Do you believe, even for a moment, that I asked to be absolved?" Taennen said.

  Haddar stared at him, h
is chest heaving and his hands clenched. From nearby tents, heads peered out at the commotion, and whispers filled the tense air. Another muzahar approached the two men from behind Haddar, motioning to Taennen that she could subdue him, but Taennen waved her away and motioned for everyone watching to return to their tents.

  After a few moments, Haddar stepped in close to Taennen and grabbed the younger man by the shoulders. His grip was like iron and his breath was hot on Taennen's face. Haddar snatched the back of Taennen's neck and squeezed hard drawing him closer to his face.

  Taennen looked at Haddar's curled fist and nodded. "Exact the toll for them," he said.

  Haddar's face twisted, but his grip relaxed. "No. I will not. Because Wajde loved you like his own and because you wish for me to do it," Haddar said. "Better for you to live without the absolution."

  "What in all the…?" came Loraica's voice from nearby. "Muzahar!"

  "Terir," Haddar said, releasing his hold on Taennen as he stepped back.

  "Taennen, are you all right?" she asked.

  Taennen nodded and turned his eyes to the ground. The weight of Haddar's words pressed down upon him, and he forgot the pain in his stomach and the new ones in his shoulders.

  "Explain yourself, Muzahar," Loraica said to Haddar.

  "No," Taennen said. "It's fine, Terir. Everything's fine."

  "Sir, I just saw him-"

  "He did nothing. Let him be," Taennen said as he turned back toward his tent.

  Loraica sighed but nodded to Haddar who narrowed his eyes and screwed up his face tightly. "I have wronged a commanding officer, Terir. What is my punishment?"

  "You heard the durir, soldier. Back to bunk," Loraica said.

  "Sir, I assaulted an officer. I am to be reprimanded, at the least," Haddar said. The warble in his voice could not be mistaken. Without punishment, he had no discipline, no honor.

  "Back to bunk," Loraica repeated.

  "Wait," Taennen said, facing the man again.

  Haddar stood at attention, unmoving, his gaze distant. Taennen watched the man for several moments before moving to stand before him. Haddar's jaw clenched with tension, but he did not flinch.

  Taennen stepped back from the muscular man and drew his right arm high over his left shoulder. He sent the back of his hand searing across Haddar's cheek. The blow sounded with a snap, but still Haddar did not react.

  "You are dismissed, Muzahar," Taennen said.

  "Yes, sir," Haddar said. He nodded, his eyes thankful, and marched away toward his tent.

  "Do you want to tell me what that was about?" Loraica asked. "I thought you said he didn't do anything. So why did you punish him?"

  "Because I care for him as we care for all of our soldiers, Terir," Taennen said. "Good night, Loraica."

  Without waiting for a reply, Taennen passed into his tent and lowered himself onto his cot. He cradled his right hand, still stinging from the impact with Haddar's face, and wished Jhoqo had done the same for him. He thought of Wajde and of the mistakes he would never make again.

  Chapter Four

  Vieenya spotted Taennen in the marching lines. He looked better in the morning light, though it was obvious his wounds still pained him. She fell into step next to him. He gave her a small smile and saluted.

  "Durir, it pleases me to see you're well. Be at ease," she said, returning the salute.

  Taennen dropped his arm to his side. "Thank you. What can I do for you, Orir?"

  "I wanted to see how you were recovering," she said.

  Taennen nodded. "Fine, thank you. I hope the battle went well for you and yours, sir," he said.

  Adeenya nodded. "As well as any fight can," she said, her lips forming a tight smile.

  Taennen raised an eyebrow and tilted his head.

  "No fight is a good fight, Durir Tamoor." Her goal had not been to remind him of his losses, but by the look on his face, she clearly had. Regrettable but she had no time to worry about such things.

  "That seems a strange attitude for a mercenary," Taennen said, "if I may say so, Orir."

  "Does it?"

  "I meant no offense," he said with a bow and a gesture of apology, wiping three fingers down his chin.

  "It's quite all right, Taennen. May we talk frankly?" she said. If she was going to try to get answers, she might as well go straight to the heart of the matter. "Taennen, I have been unable to speak with the prisoners yet. Urir Valshu said it was unsafe and that with more time to examine them, he could allow me to interrogate them myself."

  "They are very dangerous, Orir," Taennen said.

  "I know that, but I hope you can understand my position. I need to know what's going on. I'd be a poor leader if I led my soldiers blindly without gathering all the intelligence I possibly could," Adeenya said.

  Taennen nodded, looking vaguely uncomfortable. She was getting to him.

  "I'll be blunt, Taennen. I need your help," she said.

  "I would be pleased to help if I can, Orir," he said.

  Adeenya smiled. "Excellent. Tell me about the prisoners."

  "I know very little, sir. I haven't even been able to interview them myself," he said.

  "What you do know would be helpful," Adeenya said.

  "Orir, if I had any answers for you, I would share them," the Maquar said. His stiffened posture told her what she needed to know. She was being excluded. The urir obviously didn't think much of her command. He'd rather share information she needed with his skittish second.

  Adeenya frowned and nodded. "Very well. If you do learn anything or find you can share something you might feel unable to share now, please let me know."

  "Good morning," Jhoqo said as he fell into step beside Adeenya.

  "Good morning, sir," Taennen said.

  "Good morning, commander," Adeenya said, with a smile she didn't feel. "You've trained a tough one here."

  "I certainly have. How are you, son?" Jhoqo said to Taennen.

  "Well, sir, thank you."

  "Actually, sir," Adeenya said. "I was just asking Taennen what he knew about the prisoners as I've not yet had the opportunity to interview them."

  "We've spoken about this, Orir," Jhoqo said. "No one has been allowed to interact with them yet. It's much too dangerous."

  "Very well, sir, can you at least tell me what you've learned?" Adeenya said. "Clearly that information is not too dangerous as you know it and stand before me unharmed."

  Taennen started at the woman's bold words. "Orir, I don't think-"

  Jhoqo chuckled and waved a hand casually. "No, son, it's fine. If I were in her position, I'd be asking too. So, what have you learned from my durir so far, daughter?"

  "Nothing, I'm afraid," she said.

  Jhoqo nodded at the woman and turned a smile on Taennen. Pride shone in his eyes. Adeenya bit back her anger. She needed to know more about the creatures, and their secrets were in her way.

  "Commander, I am already disadvantaged with a company appropriate only for the simple task I was advised of." she said. "I cannot do my job here if I don't have all the information available."

  Jhoqo cocked his head and looked at her. "You have all the information you need, Orir," he said. "Unless perhaps we're of differing opinions as to what your job here is."

  "Sir?" she asked.

  "Your job, Orir, is to follow my orders and support the Maquar in this endeavor," Jhoqo replied.

  Adeenya took a deep breath and said, "Sir, this is a joint mission. We are here to support one another."

  "But you must agree that I am in charge?" Jhoqo said.

  "Yes, sir. Of course, sir," she said.

  "Very well. Then, why are we still discussing this?" he said with a small smile.

  "Sir, the safety of this mission is part of my duty. Important information necessary to honoring that duty is being kept from me, sir," she said.

  Jhoqo squinted at her for a moment and said, "Are you accusing me of something, Orir?"

  "No, sir," she said. Adeenya did not fear the man before
her, but his rising ire did not bode well for her career. Accusing an officer of negligence was a serious offense. Add it to that the fact that she had already tackled the man, and Adeenya saw her life as a soldier falling away.

  "You need to be sure of what you are saying, Orir," Jhoqo said, stepping toward her.

  "Sir," Taennen said. "I believe the orir is just trying to do her job. I would be just as persistent as she were our roles reversed."

  Adeenya did not know who was more surprised by Taennen's statement, she or Jhoqo. The Maquar commander spun and faced his second. "Durir?" Jhoqo said.

  "Sorry, sir," Taennen said, lowering his head.

  Adeenya could almost see the younger man's spine melting away and thought it a pity. Her hopes for him had been raised when he had stood up for his principles.

  She spoke again before she lost her momentum. "Urir, we've never seen anything like these creatures. Before she died of her injuries, one of my people told a comrade that the ant-creatures had done something to her… had tried to do something to her mind but had failed," Adeenya said.

  "I need to investigate that. It could be disastrous for this mission."

  Taennen's head snapped up and his eyes met Jhoqo's. "Gods damn it. You knew!" Adeenya said. "Orir, keep your voice down," Jhoqo said, glancing around.

  Adeenya seethed and wished to say more, but after several breaths nodded. "Yes, sir," she said.

  Jhoqo sighed. "You may as well tell her now," he said to Taennen.

  "Yes, sir. I… experienced something similar," Taennen said.

  "What is it? What are these ant-things doing?" Adeenya asked.

  "They call themselves formians, Orir," Jhoqo said. "Formians… where are they from? What are they doing here?"

  "We don't know," Jhoqo said.

  "Urir, I need-" Adeenya began.

  Taennen stepped nearer her and shook his head. "We really don't, sir."

  Adeenya was skeptical but decided she didn't have much choice. She had achieved more progress than she had expected to. "May I speak with them now that I know?" she asked.

  "I suppose it couldn't hurt," Jhoqo said. "Once we've halted for meals. But I'll have your word that even your second-in-command doesn't learn of this. I want this no further than it's already gone."


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