The Savior Rises

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The Savior Rises Page 9

by Christopher C. Payne

  “Jesus, what is it?” Matt said. “What’s wrong?”

  “Those horrific monstrosities are back!” Stefani screamed. “You know-- the horse dogs that enjoy eating people?”

  With that, there was a knock on the door. It was too rhythmic, too polite, too out of place. Hector rose from his seat and walked over and opened it slowly. “Hello, Jason,” he said. “It’s been a long time.”

  Standing in the doorway was one of the most handsome men Stefani had ever seen. He was like a cross between Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise, but with a Zac Efron glint in his eye. Stefani stared, her mouth agape. She returned to her senses when she felt a little spray of mist fly across her face.

  She instinctively wiped her forehead with the back of her hand; but as she dropped it back to her side, she noticed it was red. When she looked closer, she saw some droplets forming on her blouse. By the time she looked back up, Hector’s head had been removed from his body, and it tumbled to the floor below.

  “You see,” Jason said, “I don’t believe in making small talk. There just isn’t room in life for it.”

  He plunged his hand inside of Hector’s still standing body, withdrawing it almost as quickly with the still-beating heart held firmly within his fingertips.

  It was then that Stefani saw the sword dangling in his left hand, hanging down by his side. She never saw the sword move. Jesus, how did that happen so fast?

  Matt, pushed up from the table, knocking over his chair as he stood. He moved in the direction of the door, but stopped short.

  “I would suggest against it, buddy,” Jason said. “You see, Hector was an old man, to say the least, but he did still pose a threat. Those darn old men can do that at times. I had to dispose of him in the most expedient way. You, on the other hand, mean nothing and are nothing. I will take my time in killing you, so do not PISS ME OFF!”

  Matt didn’t seem to get the message, but Stefani was frozen in place unable to move. Her feet felt as though they were glued to the wood plank floor. Matt flung open the back door where he met a mouth full of teeth and a puddle of drool sliding from one of the Hell Hounds’ mouths. It was everything he could do to pull his arm back, barely keeping the dog from biting it off.

  “You see, young boy, you really should listen to me. I don’t lie. Well, most of the time that is.”

  Jason pushed aside Hector’s teetering, but still standing body. They all stood watching as it fell backwards. It rocked back and forth until it slowly came to its final resting spot.

  The fountain of squirting blood continued to shoot upwards out of the hole in his chest. His corpse lay only a few feet away from Stefani’s feet. It looked eerily like a water fountain, but the water was blackened red. There was nothing refreshing about seeing the old man lying still on the floor.

  “So you must be Stefani,” Jason leered as he sauntered into the room. “I’ve heard so much about you. Born and bred from the finest stock. The Chosen One. The prophecy. You sure don’t look like much. Not bad mind you; but I’ve been around a while, and I’ve seen more than my fair share of conniving young ladies. I don’t really have much use for them anymore.

  “Now your mom on the other hand – she was a feisty one. Did you know she was a stripper, as well? She wasn’t that good really, at least in my opinion, but a stripper, nonetheless. I guess the apple never does fall far from the tree. Did the two of you ever do any dances together, kind of a mommy-daughter combo?”

  Stefani hadn’t realized she was moving as she launched herself at Jason’s throat, grabbing it with her left hand. He simultaneously smacked her in the face with his fist. Even with the full impact of the blow, she didn’t let go. She landed on her feet and lifted him by the neck. She flipped him over her head onto the table. Jason rolled to his left as Stefani’s fist broke the surface into fragments. Wood splintered into the air as her fist came crashing down on the spot where Jason’s head was resting only a few moments before.

  She felt her skull crack against one of the chairs as he flung his feet around, tripping her backwards and knocking her flat on her back. Even as she fell, she pushed one of her feet up in the air, planting it directly in the left of Jason’s ribcage. She felt the bones pop like twigs as her foot circled back around.

  “You little shit!” he yelled as he brought his elbow down on her chest. He knocked the air out of her lungs and planted his sword within a fraction of an inch of her throat.

  “I’ll give you this, you’re progressing, you worthless little wench. But if you move, and I mean if you even breathe, I will cut your head off. I don’t care what my directive is.”

  Matt had stared at the sudden brawl, unable to move. It all happened so quickly he hadn’t had time to help. But now, he dove at Jason, watching his arms grab nothing but air. Jason grabbed his neck, twisted him over, and slammed him to the ground next to Stefani. He never moved the sword he held against her neck.

  “You’re nothing but a gnat, you stupid toad. I can kill you without giving it a second thought. You have very little value to anyone and have already outlived any usefulness. Actually, now is probably as good a time as any.”

  He flipped his wrist and a knife appeared, floating from his sleeve. He plucked it out of the air and brought his arm down, directly towards Matt’s waiting chest.

  At that moment, the entire building exploded and fragments of wood flew everywhere. It felt like a bomb igniting. The ceiling, walls, and shingles erupted in chaotic unison.

  Dennis was already in gargoyle form. He knew this gave him an advantage even if it were brief.

  He landed on top of Jason, driving him 8 feet into the ground. He broke through the floor and the foundation as he stuffed Jason underneath his feet. Matt and Stefani flew through the air and bounced off the nearest wall. They rolled in tandem and came to a stop on the living room floor.

  As the debris settled and the dust cleared, Stefani saw Dennis, his head sticking out of the giant fissure he’d created, his fists rising up and down, one after the other. After a few seconds, he stopped and pulled a bloodied body out from underneath him. He slammed it on what was left of the kitchen floor.

  Jason’s back cracked as it hit the surface, sounding like a hollow pop, resonating throughout what was left of the tiny cottage. Dennis twisted his head around and yelled, “RUN!”

  He grabbed a knife from his belt and held it to Jason’s throat, but not before there was a loud, shrill whistle that escaped Jason’s bloody, toothless mouth.

  “I said run!” Dennis screamed.

  The impact of his voice jolted Stefani out of her dulled shock, and she grabbed Matt by the shoulder, pulling him to his feet. They both ran as hard as they could to their waiting car. Matt still seemed dazed as Stefani shoved him into the passenger’s seat. She slammed the door and ran to the other side.

  “Keys!” she yelled. “Give me the keys, NOW!”

  Matt pulled the keys from his pocket and pushed them into her hands as she dove behind the wheel. She shoved the key into the ignition and flipped the engine over. That’s when she saw them. Ten, maybe 20, even. It really was hard to tell. They were charging towards the car like a herd of rabid animals thirsting for a kill.

  “I may not be authorized to kill you, but you’ll remember this day for the rest of your short life, asshole,” Jason fumed through his mangled lips.

  As Jason uttered his threatening words, Dennis brought the knife he held directly down, piercing a hole deep into Jason’s chest, penetrating his beating heart.

  “Right back at you, dude.” he muttered.

  Stefani hit the gas pedal down to the floor. The back tires squealed, and the car shot down the driveway, spraying gravel in the air as it lurched forward. She glanced back in her rear view mirror and saw Dennis’ expansive wings open up as he launched himself in the air. Just as he broke free, a dog leaped over the remnants of one wall and caught him by the leg, pulling him back to the ground.

  Then, another dog arrived, and another, and another. The last th
ing she saw right before she hit the main road was a pile of snarling beasts in the exact spot where Dennis had attempted to take flight. Even from this distance she could hear the gnarling grunts from their mouths as they all tried to get a piece of the guy that had just saved Stefani and Matt’s lives.

  What is the Point?

  “So what, we just fly to Italy now?” Stefani blurted out sarcastically. “Are we really going to run around Europe, being chased by killer dogs and heart-eating demons, and wait for me to turn into some kind of super terminator? Why do they even care if I have ultimate power? Aren’t they smart enough to know I would kill them all if I were the strongest being on the planet?”

  “We don’t have any other plan, really,” Matt responded. “What would you like to do? Flying out to Rome seems like our only alternative. If we go home, we’ll probably end up dead. Hector was really the only person I knew that I thought could help you, help us. I don’t know what else makes sense.”

  They headed toward London, but still used Heathrow Airport as their specific goal for a final destination in England. It took about 30 minutes of Matt’s coaxing for Stefani to finally slow down from their initial hasty escape. She’d driven like a mad woman once they left Hector’s house, or what was left of Hector’s house.

  When she finally relaxed enough to ease off the gas pedal, they had pulled over to the side of the road and Stefani lost all emotional control. The woman who hadn’t shed a tear since her mother’s death – if her mother really was dead – was now a complete psychological wreck. She was wearing down. Nobody seemed to have any answers, and everywhere she turned, things didn’t add up.

  As soon as she had pulled over, she pushed open her door and threw up. The black bile seemed to be thicker. It oozed out of her mouth like sticky molasses as she spit and coughed. She did everything she could to remove the clinging gel from her throat. She really needed some water and a toothbrush. The taste and feel on her tongue was too disgusting for words.

  They sat in silence for a few minutes before Stefani started the car and continued the drive toward London. But it all seemed futile now.

  “Do you really think any of this makes sense?” she asked Matt with a defeated tone in her voice.

  “No, I don’t,” Matt replied. “I don’t know who my father is. I don’t know why I’m here. I have no idea what will happen or what tomorrow might hold for us, but I do know we’re in this together. I’m not going anywhere, so let’s see it through. Let’s head to Italy and see what might be hiding under the rocks there and find Roberto of Ladispoli.”

  Stefani felt beaten to her inner core, but she did agree with Matt to some extent. What other choices did they really have? Maybe this Roberto would help guide them where others had failed. She had no idea what to think, but Rome seemed like their only option.

  They had enough time once they got to the airport to wash off in the restrooms. They bought a few essentials in the airport shop and took a break. It all gave them a fragile sense of false normalcy.

  No wonder the lady had stared at me when I handed over my passport, Stefani thought as she had glanced in the mirror. Her hair had bits of wood, dirt, and leaves matted all over it. Plus, it was shooting in all directions. She didn’t look much better than the gargantuan demon mutts that kept showing up everywhere they went.

  They grabbed a bite to eat, and it was soon time to board their airplane. It was approximately a two and a half hour flight, maybe slightly more, so they would arrive just in time to relax for the night. Stefani was exhausted and needed to rest again. She only wished they could slow down. It would’ve been nice to take a time out and start this up again in a few days. But apparently, this would all be over in a few days. At least the nightmare had an expiration date attached – her birthday. What a joyous occasion to look forward to!

  When their flight landed, they secured another rental car and headed for the coast. They decided to find a nice hotel near the ocean and relax for the evening. They’d had enough action for one day and could find Roberto tomorrow when their adventure would renew. Jesus, Stefani had her action quota filled for the rest of her life. A good night’s rest would be welcomed.

  They stopped at a shopping center on the drive and picked up some new clothes. A change from their dirty attire was appealing. Stefani’s shirt still had some of Hector’s blood splattered across the front. She’d lost track of how many people she’d now seen killed in the last few days.

  It was like a Hollywood zombie movie gone awry where everyone dies before the audience figures out the plot. She was still having trouble figuring out what was going on.

  They stumbled across and checked into a small local bed and breakfast owned by a husband and wife. It was about 20 miles outside of Ladispoli. Matt texted a friend who lived in Rome and asked him for Roberto’s address. Apparently Matt was better connected than he let on. This continued enlightenment was keeping Stefani a little on edge.

  She had wondered how they would find Roberto in all of Italy when they had no address or even a last name. Somehow Matt seemed to keep coming up with all the answers although he apparently didn’t ascertain an exact address, just a general location.

  Interestingly, there had only been one room available in their little abode. Stefani figured Matt would have to sleep on the floor. There was no way she was going to let him share her bed. Her thoughts were wandering about this man, but she couldn’t fathom anything romantic with all that was happening in her life.

  They’d scoped out a restaurant and, as soon as she freshened up, they would head down for a nice dinner. Jesus, how could she have known a few days ago she would be on the coast of Italy, taking a shower, and getting ready for an evening meal? Somebody had hijacked her life, and she was struggling to regain control.

  She threw on her jeans and shirt, brushed out her hair, and opened the bathroom door. She was starving and needed to eat quickly. Matt turned to look at her, and he just stared. He did that a lot.

  “Hey, buddy, you’re really going to have to stop gawking if you want us to feel at all comfortable,” she said with a laugh.

  “Sorry,” he stammered. “It’s just that every time I look at you, I catch a new glimmer of how beautiful you really are. You look amazing.”

  “Thanks, but let’s forego the pageantry and go eat, please. I’m starving.”

  They decided to walk down a little cobblestone road to their restaurant which was less than a mile away. Stefani could feel herself blushing again as part of her wanted to hold Matt’s hand. What was it with this guy that made her feel so peaceful? It was strange how connected they were.

  They didn’t do much talking on the way over, but she kept catching him looking at her from the corner of her eye. She hadn’t felt this way near a boy her entire life. Maybe her all-consuming hatred for Greg was her own living Hell. Maybe, in reality, Hell was nothing more than allowing your hatred to dominate who you were as a person.

  Didn’t the Bible preach forgiveness and turning the other cheek? Her life could’ve been so different if she’d made other choices. Yes, her family was all dead, if they were in fact, her family. But she still controlled her own actions.

  They arrived at the restaurant and were seated on a balcony overlooking the ocean. It was an amazing view. Stefani felt her breath being whisked away as her gaze scoured the picturesque horizon. They ordered pasta, fresh bread with loads of butter, and red wine. They took the time to just enjoy each other’s company.

  As the night wore on, they consumed a second bottle of wine; and before Stefani knew it, she was wobbling in her chair. They finally decided they’d had enough; and after Matt took care of the check, they headed back to the hotel for the night. On their walk back they stopped along the way to enjoy the ocean and the cool air, pausing as the environment engulfed them with its peacefulness. The light from the moon and stars reflecting off the water was enchanting.

  As they stood there, Matt turned to her, took her hands in his, and gently pulled her closer
to him. She couldn’t resist him any longer. He gently stroked her hair, brushed it from her shoulder, and pulled it back over her right ear. She felt her entire body tingle as his fingers lightly touched the back of her earlobe.

  He placed his hand on the nape of her neck as he ran his fingers up under the silky soft fibers of her hair, pulling her head up to meet his. As their lips touched, he gently explored her mouth, kissing her for the very first time.

  Her legs felt weak; and, for a second, she thought she might not be able to stand. They stood there together for a few minutes, kissing, basking in each other’s essence. She wrapped her hands around his waist, never wanting a man as badly as she wanted him that moment.

  They walked the rest of the way in silence back to the hotel. As they held hands, they felt as though their troubles were behind them. Nothing seemed to matter anymore.

  Once they reached their room, Matt grabbed a pillow and headed to the floor beside the bed, gently caressing the top of Stefani’s head before he lay down.

  “I’m just not ready for anything else, yet. Is that ok?” he asked in his little boy sheepish tone again. Somehow he flipped from this gorgeous confident guy to a nervous adolescent faster than Stefani could keep track.

  “Of course, it is,” Stefani responded quickly. “We’ve been through a lot. It’s better if we take our time getting to know each other. I do want you to know this was the most amazing night I’ve ever experienced.”

  She, then, rolled over to face the opposite direction.

  Matt lay on the floor, staring up at the ceiling, smiling from ear to ear until he saw Stefani’s back facing him. His expression quickly changed when she was no longer looking his direction. He felt the tear as it rolled down his cheek, and he quickly wiped it away.

  He liked Stefani so much. In another world, in another time, if things were different…but, they weren’t. Everyone had a role to play in this scenario. He could do nothing more than act out the part he was given. It seemed so much easier before he’d gotten to know her. Now he wasn’t so sure.


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