The Omega Team: Saving Summer (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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The Omega Team: Saving Summer (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 6

by Tiffani Lynn

  I walk back out to the main warehouse to wait for him. I’m still pissed and not ready to talk about it.

  Chapter Seven: Mike

  It doesn’t take a genius to realize Summer’s pissed off. Yelling at her probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do in the middle of that mess and all those people, but there was no way I could tamp down the anger and fear that I felt when I realized what happened. I was only gone to the bathroom for a few minutes. It’s a good thing Hudson was paying attention—not that I doubted him—or she might be gone with crazy Maggie.

  We ride quietly to my place and when we arrive she continues the silent treatment. I need to end the standoff so I can hold her and reassure myself that she’s okay. My gut is still churning with residual worry, and even with anger, because I can’t seem to control all the variables in this situation.

  Now that we know who this guy is I’m even more nervous. He’s a big-time Hollywood director and I can guarantee he owns a lot of property outside of the United States, which would make finding her difficult if he gets a hold of her. Why he used Wallace and Maggie, I have no idea other than they were both connected to her on this movie.

  Once inside my house she pushes inside the bathroom and closes the door behind her. I need to find a way to fix this, but I need to calm down first. I spy a bottle of bourbon I bought at the beginning of my vacation next to the row of shot glasses. I flip one over, pour the amber liquid in the glass and drop it down my throat. Then I repeat the process once more, close the cabinet door and go wait outside the bathroom, impatient to talk to her.

  It feels like forever, but is probably only another five minutes, before she opens the door and jerks back, startled to find me there.

  “We need to talk.”

  She tries to push past me and I grab her. Her eyes flare and then quickly narrow. “I don’t feel like talking.”

  “That’s not an option. I left you to stew all the way home. Now it’s time to talk.”

  “Fine.” She shakes free of my grip, pushes past me and stomps into the kitchen. “Then let’s talk about what kind of asshole you are for yelling at me in front of a crowd in the middle of a crisis.”

  “I was wrong for doing that and I’m sorry. But you need to look at this from my point of view. My only priority in life right now is to keep you safe. I gave you instructions that would ensure your safety long enough for me to take a piss and you ignored them.”

  “They had my mom!” she shouts.

  “Your no-good, piece-of-shit mom who has never had your back?”

  “She’s still my mom. She’s all I’ve got.” The last sentence is like a slap in the face. She takes a deep breath and her eyes widen, probably understanding what she’s said.

  “Are you kidding me? You’ve been part of our family since you showed up in a dirty blue sundress with crooked ponytails and bare feet. Are you saying we aren’t there for you?” My fury peaks and boils over.

  “That’s not what I said. You know what I mean.”

  “No, I don’t. Your mom hasn’t thought of what’s best for you one day in your life. You ate most meals with us, you went on vacation with us, you stayed at our house most nights. Unless you and Valerie got in a stupid tiff you were with us. Now you’re saying she is all you have?” I’ve closed in on her and she’s craned her neck all the way back, studying me with wide eyes. It’s possible I’ve finally gotten through, but now I’m so pissed I can’t stand here and talk about it. I turn to storm out of the room and she grabs my arm and tugs.

  “Wait! Wait! I’m sorry. Don’t walk out, please. You don’t get it and I don’t expect you to since you grew up in such a great family. But I can’t let something happen to her.”

  I twist back to glance at her and see that her eyes are filled with tears. Kryptonite. Her tears are my weakness and have been for years. Something her mom, along with that piece-of-shit sperm donor she calls a father, caused often.

  I don’t want to scare her, even as mad as I am, so I force my shoulders to relax. Then I continue to stare down at her, afraid that if I open my mouth something I’ll regret will spill out. My fists stay clenched though because I’m still so angry.

  Summer places both hands on my cheeks and stares at me as the tears leak down her face.

  “Please don’t be mad at me. Gladys will always be my mom and I may not like her much, but I do love her. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be the woman you think I am. Give me some slack. I’ve never had to deal with this kind of thing before. I’m doing the best I can.”

  The pull to her is so strong, the need to comfort and protect her is even stronger, while the need to sink into her perfect, sweet little body is suddenly overwhelming. My head lowers and my mouth crashes to hers while I grip her thighs and lift her to sit on my kitchen table. I break the kiss, pull my shirt over my head and move just as quickly to get hers off. After that it’s a frenzy of lips, teeth, tongues, skin and hands, neither of us stopping until I’m buried deep and pumping away at her hot, sweet pussy. Although I feel like I can’t get deep enough, the force of my thrusts moves the table across the room until it bangs into the wall. I’m leaned over her, braced on the table as she nips at my neck and chest with her teeth. I increase the pace, and the smacking of our flesh mingled with her building moans is so fucking hot.

  The scent of our sex has taken over the room, sending my testosterone into overdrive. There is something about her that turns me into a caveman—taking away my ability to go slow and sweet. She screams my name and arches her back, kneading her own tits. Her pussy clenches tight around me and she comes with my name on her lips, forcing me to explode inside her.

  Without breaking contact, I lift her up and carry her to my bathroom, stepping into the shower with her. She clings to me like I’m her lifeline and in my heart I know this is how it’s supposed to be. Me loving her, me caring for her, and me protecting her at all costs. As I set her down under the spray her eyes blink open, focusing on me.

  Needing to make it right, I say, “I’m sorry I yelled at you and embarrassed you. But I’m not sorry for loving you enough to be angry about the whole situation.” I smooth her hair down and ask, “Was I too rough just now? The sex, I mean.”

  “No, I like the sex however you give it, but yelling at me in front of everyone hurt my heart. I’ve had enough of that in my life, I don’t want it from you.”

  I lean down and kiss her softly. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I’ll do my best to be more careful with your feelings.”

  We take our time washing and touching each other until the water runs cold.

  As we’re drying off, Summer turns toward the mirror to look at her backside. “I always thought you were a butt guy. I don’t have one. I’ve got big boobs but no butt. Do I need to get implants or something? I don’t want you leaving me one day for some woman with a famous round butt whom you’re running security for.”

  What the heck is she talking about? I lean over and playfully bite her butt cheek. “Nope, it’s the perfect size for biting.” Then I move in close behind her, reaching around to palm her heavy breasts.

  “These make up for any missing flesh on your ass. Been jerking off to the thought of these for years. I don’t want or need anyone but you and what you come equipped with.” I drop my hands from her breasts and watch as they bounce a little before I smack her ass playfully. “Come on, let’s get you a shirt and an ice pack for your knuckles. I’m ready to eat. Tomorrow morning we will get up and go by your house to get you some clothes.”

  Later that evening we lie on the couch and watch The Goonies—a movie we’ve always loved. Just after Andy accidentally kisses Mikey in the movie, my cell phone rings.

  “Why do you have that old-school ringtone? It’s so annoying,” Summer says. I roll my eyes at her and answer the phone.

  “Hey, Jacquie,” I say, noting the name on the screen.

  “Hey, Mike. Sorry to bug you, but I wanted to give you an update. Jean Christopher has disappeared. He was last seen at th
e Orlando airport but not since then. His car hasn’t run through any tolls, it doesn’t have LoJack and his phone’s off. None of his known friends have seen him so we’re flying blind here. Make sure your security is tight until he resurfaces. Hudson is coming to sit outside your house in a nondescript, black four-door sedan with dark windows. It’s got a Florida tag. Keep your cell on you. If he sees anything he’ll call you.”

  “Thanks, Jacquie.”

  “No problem. Now I need to get some sleep. Call Grey or Athena if you need anything; they’re on call.”

  Jacquie disconnects and I realize that Summer’s watching me carefully, trying to decipher if the news is good or bad.

  I explain to her what was said and she lays her head back down on my chest without a word.

  “Look at me.”

  She lifts her eyes to mine, but says nothing.

  “Everything is going to be okay. Tomorrow we’re going to work out a plan to lure him in and nab his ass. I’m ready to move on with our lives together without fear running the show.”

  “I need to call my agent tomorrow, and Phil, the director. I have no idea what they’ll do since Maggie and the executive producer are in jail.”

  “Okay, let’s finish our movie, then we’ll go to bed and work it all out tomorrow.”

  The next morning I’m cooking breakfast when she drifts out of my room. Her hair is a sexy mess and my T-shirt is so big it’s slid over, exposing a shoulder as it tries to fall off her body.

  “Morning, beautiful,” I say, smiling at her. I’ll never tire of the sight of her.

  “Morning,” she mumbles and rubs her eyes, moving in close to me.

  “You hungry?”

  “Nah. I need coffee first. I’m so tired. I couldn’t sleep last night.”

  “Why not?” I ask. I fell right to sleep, but I don’t often have problems sleeping.

  “I was trying to think of a way to finish this off. I don’t want to hide. I don’t want to run, and I don’t want to put my life on hold anymore. It’s bad enough that my career didn’t start until my 40’s, but to have to pause it now too? No way. I’m ready to be done with this. Can’t we dangle me like a carrot? Give me a tracking device, pepper spray or a stun gun and put me under surveillance. I could even call him and set up a time to meet. I don’t care how, but let’s get this over with.”

  “There’s no way in hell I’m dangling you in front of a crazy man. Any number of things could go wrong. I won’t risk your safety like that. You are finally mine and there’s no way I’m letting you go.”

  She places her cool palms on my face and rubs her thumbs along the morning stubble on my jaw as she stares at me like she’s contemplating something.

  “Mike, I’ve waited my whole life to mean something to someone. To have a real connection, real love. I wouldn’t risk anything about that if I thought there was a better way. You work for an elite protection agency with access to all the bells and whistles. If anyone can keep me safe, you and the rest of Omega Team can. They’ve done everything possible up to now. Let’s sit down with them today if they’re available and see what they say. If we end this, we can get on with our lives…together.”

  Clenching my teeth, I consider what she’s said. I know she’s right but it’s taken me so long to get her that I don’t want to risk it. I also know that anything can go wrong in even the best-planned operation. If something happens to her…I’ll never be able to live with myself.

  She’s going to fight me on this and I don’t want to argue this morning so I push it off on my team. There’s no way they are going to allow it. “Fine. We can talk to the team and see what they say but I think they’ll side with me on this.”

  “If they do then I’ll accept that, but let’s at least try. I want this to be over.” She looks so desperate and I can tell this is wearing on her more than she’s letting show. I lean in, placing a quick but gentle kiss on her lips, and finish making breakfast.

  Mid-morning we arrive at Omega Team headquarters to find Grey, Athena, Jacquie, Owen and Hudson waiting for us. Everyone is in the conference room ready for a meeting. Jacquie, Athena and Grey have laptop computers open in front of them, while Hudson has a yellow lined pad of paper and a pen. Owen has nothing but his coffee in front of him as he sits back with his legs stretched out, crossed at the ankles. This is as relaxed as he gets.

  Summer’s hand is in mine as we enter the room and she removes it to give a small wave. I pull out her chair for her and take a seat next to her, across the table from Grey and Athena.

  “Morning,” Summer says, and the sound of her sweet voice makes me smile. I know I look like a swooning schmuck when she’s near but I can’t seem to help it. When I focus again, Grey is studying me with an intensity that I’m not used to having aimed at me.

  Before I get a chance to say anything, Summer speaks up. “Mike’s not okay with this idea, but agreed to let me run it past you. I want to be the bait that draws Jean Christopher out. I feel like you guys could put a tracker on me in case something goes wrong and he snatches me. You could also give me pepper spray or something. I want this to be over and I feel like we’re at his mercy just sitting here waiting on him to make his move. My life is on hold indefinitely until he comes after me again. Everywhere I go I’m on high alert. I can’t sleep because I feel like a sitting duck. I need this to end one way or the other and the easiest way to do that is to put me out there in the open where he can get to me. If we do it on our terms you’ll be guaranteed to have my back. If we wait for him to make his move, it could be when we are least prepared.”

  Everyone sits quietly, letting what she’s said settle. To make sure they know my position, I reiterate my thoughts. “I don’t like it. I think if we’re patient, he’ll come for her and we can handle it then.”

  Surprising everyone in the room, Hudson speaks up. “You aren’t thinking clearly either. A man in love doesn’t think with a tactical mind.”

  “I have more to lose than anyone here, I think I’m pretty clear on that.”

  “Don’t get defensive. We were taught to remove emotion from the situation and you’re the only one at the table who is unable to do that. Summer’s right. If we place her out front and center, but have everything in place—including a backup plan—then we control the situation instead of him controlling it. We already know he won’t kill her. He wants her too bad for that.”

  “Don’t be a dick. We both know there are worse things for women than death and this guy is capable of them, I think.” It’s easy for Hudson to be gung ho because the thought of another man touching Summer and forcing himself on her doesn’t make him physically sick.

  “Use your brain. If you think about it logically you’ll know this is the safest way to handle this situation. We get her set up for tracking, we arm her with something small but effective, and we call in the whole staff for this operation. Then we find somewhere for her to go out alone in public that has a minimum of exits so we can cover them. I can guarantee this guy will make a move. My gut says he’s close by. We know he’s totally lost it and is not thinking logically. If he sent Wallace and Maggie after her, who are as competent as Laurel and Hardy, then he’s not thinking clearly. He’s only thinking about grabbing her and going. We know his plane is in Orlando. We can also post someone on that. I’ve got a friend at the airport who can help us. I’m telling you, this is the best bet to end it. If she’s willing, then we need to jump on this.”

  Grey clears his throat. “I agree.”

  I glare at him. “What if this were Athena’s life on the line?” I growl at him.

  “She’d be able to take care of herself, but we aren’t talking about Athena. We’re talking about Summer and she wants to do this. I imagine she’ll follow our instructions to a T and we will arm her the best we can.”

  We all sit in a tense, uncomfortable silence until Owen finally says, “I get where you’re coming from, but I also understand what she’s saying. I had a similar situation with Maddie. Trust u
s to do our jobs, man.”

  Anger builds and I know I’m going to blow up so I stand and leave the room. I respect everyone in there and I don’t want to be an asshole, but I can feel it coming on. Summer calls to me as I storm from the room.

  The cadence of footsteps follows me from the conference room across the building, but I don’t stop until I’m outside. I knew it wasn’t Summer following me, but I’m a little surprised when I turn to find Athena coming through the door.

  “Athena—” I start, ready to ask for a few minutes to cool off.

  She holds up a hand to stop me. “Let me say one thing before I leave you alone. As a woman, I understand the vulnerabilities you’re talking about. As someone in love, I understand your need to protect. As your friend, I understand your fear, but you’ve got to trust us. We’d never do anything to harm anyone and we have a team that’s capable of handling an op like this. I agree with Summer. It’s better to do this on our terms if she’s willing to put herself out there. We could get it over with tomorrow if we do it right. I agree with Owen. This guy is close and he’s waiting for the perfect moment to grab her. Let’s provide it and the means to end it.”

  “I know you’re right but I’ve waited my whole life to have her and I don’t want to give her up, especially in some horrific way.”


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