Taming the Moon

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Taming the Moon Page 11

by Sherrill Quinn

  She gave a small nod.

  “All right.” He put his arm around her waist and turned toward the door. “Let’s go figure out how to save Zoe, shall we?”

  Chapter 10

  “You want to do what?” Declan propped his hands on his hips, the gaze he centered on Sully full of incredulity.

  Sully leaned back on the sofa and stretched his arms along the back. He didn’t take his eyes off his friend, but he was acutely aware of Olivia sitting beside him. She’d been quiet since they’d joined the others, and he knew her thoughts were on her daughter.

  Only a first-rate bastard used children. But then Miles had always been a bastard.

  “You heard me,” he said to Declan. “We should fake my death.”

  “Do you have any idea how complicated that is? Not to mention illegal?” Declan’s broad shoulders lifted in a shrug.

  Sully grimaced. “Since when does complicated or illegal bother you?” Not waiting for a response, he asked, “Anyway, just how is it illegal? We wouldn’t be doing it to commit any sort of fraud. We’re doing it to save a little girl’s life.”

  “If he wants Olivia to provide proof? What then?” Declan raised one dark eyebrow.

  “Then we take a picture.” Sully frowned and leaned forward again, resting his elbows on his knees.

  “The proof I’m thinkin’ of is more along the lines of a finger. Or your head.”

  Pelicia scrunched up her face in a grimace. “He wouldn’t really ask for something like that, would he?” She glanced from one person to the other. “Couldn’t you post an obituary as proof?”

  Olivia shook her head and finally spoke up. “It’s too easy to run an obit in the paper. Eddy would never accept that as proof.” She sighed.

  “What about talking to a reporter?” Pelicia looked at Declan. “Surely there’s something else we can do.”

  “Don’t call me Shirley,” he muttered with a flash of a grin, and just as quickly grew sober again. “A reporter will try to verify the truth of what we’re saying. No body, no police report.” He shook his head. “Thinkin’ on it further, I don’t know how it would work without getting the police involved.”

  “You see why I took the course of action I did?” Olivia sent an apologetic look to Sully.

  He straightened from his slouch and put his arm around her, hugging her to his side. “Don’t you dare apologize again, love. What’s done is done. We need to move forward.” When she gave a small nod, he looked at Declan. “What about that idea you had of getting Ryder here?”

  “I really think that’s the way to go, don’t you?” Declan scratched his chin. “I mean, if Miles—we’re all in agreement it probably is Miles, right?”

  Everyone nodded.

  But just to be sure. Sully glanced down at Olivia. “Tell us what this Eddy of yours looks like.”

  She jabbed him in the side with her elbow. Her gaze ferocious, she said, “He’s not my Eddy.”

  “Sorry. Eddy, then. Tell us what Eddy looks like.”

  She briefly closed her eyes and muttered a cross “Sorry.” She looked a little shamefaced, as if she knew she’d overreacted and was embarrassed by it. “He’s average height, I guess—five-nine or ten. Medium brown hair, somewhat husky build, though he’s not fat. Slight cleft in his chin.”

  “Sounds like Miles. Damn bugger.” Declan rubbed his chin against his shoulder. “If he knew Ryder was comin’ here, I think he’d have to come, too. His obsession wouldn’t allow for anythin’ else.” He walked over to the plush armchair where Pelicia sat. He parked one buttock on the padded arm. “That will get the bastard to Tucson.” He looked at Olivia. “Would he bring your daughter with him?”

  “I don’t know.” Olivia chewed on her bottom lip a moment.

  In spite of the gravity of the situation, Sully’s body reacted to seeing those white teeth digging into soft, plump flesh. He wanted to be the one doing the biting, damn it. Then he’d kiss it better.

  Need flared. His cock stiffened, growing thick along his thigh. He shifted against the sofa and, with a grimace, pulled a pillow onto his lap. Damn wolf, always randy, always ready for a hard fuck. Now isn’t the time.

  “I think he would bring Zoe with him,” Olivia finally said. “He wouldn’t trust anyone enough to leave her behind in New York. He’d be too afraid that someone would have sympathy for me and let me have her. But how would we find him?” She glanced at Sully, frowning a little when she saw the pillow.

  An unmistakable sweet musky smell hit his nostrils. God, she was getting aroused again, too. “Olivia…”

  “You started it,” she muttered with a light smack to his shoulder. She stood and moved away from him, going over to the patio doors and opening them. She leaned against the door frame, arms folded as she faced the room.

  A fresh breeze swept into the room, carrying with it the odor of lemons from the trees in the side garden. The citrus scent did what it did best—blocking other more tantalizing aromas.

  Though it didn’t help alleviate his ill-timed erection.

  He noticed Pelicia looking from him to Olivia and back again, curiosity plain on her face.

  “Don’t ask,” he muttered before she could say anything.

  Her fine eyebrows went up, but all she said was, “Okay.”

  “So, if we can get Miles here…aye, the question is, how do we find him?” Declan glanced at the pillow and lifted one brow but otherwise didn’t comment, though Sully suspected it was more for Pelicia’s sake than his or Olivia’s. Declan rubbed one hand over his face. “He was a slippery one, even as a youngster. He won’t be easy to fool.”

  “He will be if I can be convincing enough.” Olivia shrugged. “He should believe me if I tell him I overheard a conversation between the two of you. And that I thought it best to pass along that information and see what he wanted me to do.” She spread her hands and grimaced. “Seeing as how I screwed up my assignment, I don’t think he’d trust me with killing Ryder. Plus, he told me that was something he wanted to do himself. After…”

  When she didn’t complete the sentence, Sully prompted, “After?”

  Her lips thinned. “After he rapes and kills Ryder’s wife in front of him.” At their shocked looks, she pursed her lips, then added, “I did warn you—he’s a monster.”

  The thought of Taite and Ryder being put through something like that caused Sully’s hopeful arousal to die a quick death. He stared at Olivia, disbelief warring with outrage. “Son of a bitch.”

  “Aye.” Declan stood and walked to the phone. His face was hard. “Well, we can handle the bastard.”

  “He won’t come alone.” Olivia’s eyes darkened.

  “How many do you think he’ll bring with him?” Sully went over to her and put his arm around her. He was gratified when she slid her arm around his waist and gave him a small squeeze.

  “I dunno.” She blew out a breath. “Probably at least four—his most trusted lieutenants.”

  “Well, then. Between the three of us we can handle five werewolves.” Declan picked up the phone and dialed.

  “Three?” Olivia crossed her arms.

  Declan didn’t look up from the phone. “Aye. Me, Sully and Ryder.”

  Uh-oh. Sully pressed his lips together to hold back a grin. Declan was about to get his ass chewed off by an irritated female—one who was a hot-blooded werewolf to boot.

  “And just what is it li’l ol’ me is supposed to be doing while all you heroic menfolk are off saving my daughter?” Olivia began tapping her right foot.

  The sarcasm in her tone caught Declan’s attention. He looked up, seemingly unfazed by her attitude, a slight smile curling his lips. “Waitin’ in the getaway car for us to bring her out to you.”

  Pelicia cleared her throat. “And just what am I supposed to do?”

  Declan’s grin faded. “You can’t be thinkin’ to go along with us, darlin’.” At her raised eyebrows, he slashed his free hand through the air. “No! I am not takin’ you literally into a
den of wolves.”

  Her lovely face darkened with a scowl. “Just how stupid do you think I am, O’Connell? I don’t want to go fight a bunch of werewolves, you dolt.”

  Sully kept his lips firmly pressed together. Declan should stop while he was ahead, though his friend did seem to have a knack for just digging himself in deeper.

  “Don’t you now?” In his agitation, Declan’s rich Irish brogue thickened. “That seems to me just what you were suggestin’.”

  “I could drive the getaway car.”

  He frowned, opened his mouth to respond, then turned his attention to the phone. “Get Ryder.” He paused, his scowl deepening. “Yeah. Hello, Cobb. Get Ryder.” He huffed a sigh. “She’s fine, an’ I’ll be happy to let you talk to her. After you’ve put Ryder on the line.”

  Pelicia stood and walked over to the phone, one hand outstretched. “Let me talk to him.”

  “We haven’t the time—”

  “Oh, for God’s sake, O’Connell. Two minutes for me to say hullo to my father isn’t going to make a bit of difference.” She thrust out her hand. “Give me the bloody phone.”

  Declan handed over the receiver.

  Pelicia brought it to her ear. “Hi, Dad.” Her face blossomed with a smile.

  “She doesn’t look at me like that,” Declan muttered.

  “You don’t deserve it.” Olivia shifted against Sully, tucking her shoulder tighter under his arm.

  Sully grinned. Every facet of this woman’s personality he uncovered just made him like her more. That she wasn’t going to take any of the crap Declan was so good at shoveling was a good sign.

  “And just so we’re clear—I am not gonna sit around in the damned car. She’s my daughter.” Olivia’s voice was tight but low enough to not disturb Pelicia on the phone. “If I have a chance to remove that monster from my daughter’s life once and for all, I’m taking it.”

  “Even if it means you could die?” Declan studied her for a moment, then looked at Sully. “You all right with this?”

  Sully stared down at Olivia. Did he want her in harm’s way? No. Did he think he could stop her if that was really what she wanted to do?

  Hell, no.

  But he understood and admired the fierce determination she had to protect her daughter. “She has to follow her heart, Dec. As much as I don’t want her to get hurt, she does know Miles better than any of us. She’s been around him for the last three years, so she’ll be an asset when it comes to fighting him.”

  Olivia tightened her arm around his waist. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.” Sully pressed a kiss to her temple. “Just don’t get yourself killed. You’ll make me regret supporting you in this.”

  She smiled and rubbed her cheek against his shoulder.

  Declan made a gagging noise, but when Sully looked over at him, his face was all innocence.

  Pelicia got off the phone and handed it back to Declan. “Dad’s gone to fetch Ryder.” She met his frown with one of her own.

  Sully bit back a grin. Dec had landed himself just as feisty a female as he had. The next several years for those two promised to be full of fire.

  “I’ll say it again. I don’t know how you put up with him.” Olivia shook her head and sighed.

  Pelicia quirked an eyebrow at her fiancé. “Oh, he certainly tries my patience.” She sat back down in the plump armchair. “But I’ve loads of practice and know how to handle him.”

  Declan rolled his eyes. Before he could respond, Ryder must have reached the phone, because Declan turned his attention away from Pelicia and her teasing. “We have a problem,” he said, his voice low and terse.

  As Declan explained to his friend what was going on, Olivia leaned into Sully and fought to breathe. What if Ryder said no? The entire plan hinged on him coming to Tucson to lure Miles out of hiding.

  She sighed. She really needed to keep thinking of him as Eddy. That way she wouldn’t mess up and inadvertently call him by his real name. Though she’d be happy to call him Miles when she killed him. To protect her daughter, Olivia was more than willing to kill the monster who’d put both of them—and so many others—in danger. An innocent Eddy was not.

  But first they had to get him there. She was sure Ryder Merrick in Tucson would be an effective lure. If he agreed.

  As Declan talked to his friend on the phone, his eyebrows rose. “Really?” He grinned and shot a glance at Pelicia. “Congratulations, boyo!” He listened to Ryder, his smile fading. “Well, you’ll cross that bridge when you get to it. In twenty-five years, give or take. So, for now, give Taite a kiss for me, and tell her I said congratulations.” He paused. “Aye. E-mail me your itinerary, and we’ll pick you up at the airport.” He said his good-byes and disconnected the call.

  Olivia breathed a sigh of relief. Obviously Ryder had agreed to come. Now all they had to do was iron out some of the details.

  “What was that all about?” Sully asked.

  “You’re goin’ to be an uncle.” Declan wore the biggest shit-eating grin Olivia had ever seen. He walked over and took up his perch on the arm of Pelicia’s chair again.

  Sully shook his head and stared at Declan. Then the meaning sunk in, and his eyebrows shot up. “They’re pregnant?”

  “Aye. Ryder said Taite’s just about four months along.” Declan’s grin widened.

  Olivia clenched her jaws to keep from spoiling the moment. A few seconds to let them talk about their friends’ good news wouldn’t kill her. But they’d better get back to planning Zoe’s rescue soon.

  “Four months? And they’re just now telling us?” Pelicia crossed her arms.

  “Apparently Taite didn’t want to tell anyone until she made it through the first trimester. Just in case.” Declan’s smile faded. “Plus Ryder’s having a hard time dealing with the fact that he’s perpetuatin’ the family curse by continuin’ the bloodline. It doesn’t matter if it’s a girl or boy—the boy will become a werewolf upon reaching twenty-five, and a girl will pass along the curse to any boy children she might have.”

  Pelicia sighed. “Poor Ryder. I wish…Well, I thought he’d finally come to accept what he is.”

  “Aye, I think he has. He just isn’t keen on passin’ this on to a child.” Declan shrugged. “Me, I like bein’ faster and stronger.” He looked at Pelicia. “I can protect what’s mine better.”

  “We’ll talk about your caveman attitude later, sweetheart.” She gave him a saccharine smile and a pat on the knee. “I can sympathize with what Ryder’s going through, though. Perhaps especially because you won’t pass this along to a child.” She looked at Olivia. “Right?”

  Olivia nodded. “Everyone in the pack who’s had children after they became werewolves had normal human children. From what I’ve been told, if it weren’t for Eddy, they’d live normal human lives.” She bit her lip, not liking the memories of just how many turnings she’d been forced to witness over the last three years. “But he makes sure that the children are turned on their eighteenth birthdays. He considers it a coming-of-age. If they don’t…” She met Sully’s gaze. “People don’t leave his pack. Ever. Unless they’re carried out in pieces.”

  Sully cupped her face. “I am so sorry for what you’ve had to go through, love.” He placed a light kiss on her lips. “We’ll stop him, Olivia. I promise you that.”

  “We have to.” She turned away from him and looked at Declan. Just to make sure, she asked, “So your friend is coming, right?” At his nod, she went on. “When should I call Eddy and let him know? After Ryder’s arrived? Or just before?”

  “You tell us.” Declan stretched his arm along the back of the chair. “How would Miles react if he thought you knew of Ryder’s pendin’ arrival at least a day before you told him?”

  “He wouldn’t be happy.” Boy, was that the understatement of the year.

  “Well, we don’t want to give him too much of a head start,” Sully protested in his crisp British accent. He crossed his arms and leaned one hip against the narrow
table behind the sofa. “Giving him time to dig in somewhere won’t help our cause a bit.”

  Olivia couldn’t help but stare at him. He was such a handsome man. Dark brown hair fell over his forehead, giving him a young appearance. Two days’ worth of stubble lined his strong jaw. The rolled-up sleeves of his shirt exposed strong, hair-covered forearms. Narrow hips made keeping his pants in place a fight against gravity. And green eyes that went tawny when his emotions were aroused never failed to arouse her.

  She caught his eye and grinned at his satisfied smile.

  Yeah, he liked her ogling him.

  She hoped she’d have time to concentrate on him later.

  She took a deep breath and tore her gaze away from temptation, looking at Declan. “Did Ryder say when he thought he’d be arriving?”

  “He was goin’ to see about gettin’ the first flight out of Heathrow that he could, so sometime tomorrow, I reckon.”

  “Then I should call Eddy.”

  “You mean Miles,” Pelicia corrected softly.

  Olivia shook her head. “I have to keep thinking of him as Eddy. If I slip up and call him Miles, he’ll know something’s wrong.” She swallowed. “I can’t give him any hint at all that we’re planning something. Zoe’s life depends upon it.”

  “Call him after we find out Ryder’s itinerary, once we know he’s well on his way,” Sully murmured. “That way, even if Miles is able to get a flight out that day, he’ll still arrive after Ryder has.” When she nodded, his lips curved in a slow smile. “In the meantime, you can stay here with us. With me.”

  Chapter 11

  “I want you two to go to Tucson and keep an eye on Olivia. I don’t trust her to complete her assignment.” Eddy stared at one of the men in front of him with a steely gaze, directing him without words. In addition to finding a place in Tucson, he wanted Peter to keep an eye on Calvin to be sure the man either passed this final test of loyalty or, if he failed, to make sure that his failure was fatal.


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