Taming the Moon

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Taming the Moon Page 15

by Sherrill Quinn

  “Sí. I’m sure la chica hermosa will know what she needs, eh, little one?”

  “Sure, Rico.” She grabbed Rico’s hand and tried to drag him out of the room. “Come on! We’re gonna go see my mommy!”

  Rico grinned and allowed her to lead him away.

  Eddy sighed. Once he had Merrick and O’Connell out of the way, he’d really have to do something about Rico, too.

  Chapter 15

  Olivia sat on the floor and stroked the wolf’s heaving side. Poor Sully. Even in those amber doggy eyes she saw the pain he was feeling. He’d already shifted twice, and she knew he wasn’t going to like it when she told him he had to shift one more time. But she could tell that his healing still wasn’t complete. He needed another shift.

  He gulped down air and closed his eyes, and in a few seconds was back in his human form. “Oh, God,” he muttered with his eyes still closed. Sweat coated his skin, made his dark hair stick to his forehead. “I think I’m going to throw up.”

  With so many shifts in a row, that reaction wasn’t at all out of the ordinary. Olivia pushed to her feet and ran into the bathroom. She wet a washcloth with cold water and wrung it out, then grabbed the wastebasket, just in case.

  Returning to Sully’s side, she patted his face with the cold cloth, then held it across the back of his neck. “Is that better?”

  “Mmm.” He opened his eyes and turned his head slightly to look at her. “Thanks.”

  She nodded. Brushing his hair from his forehead, she murmured, “You need to shift one more time.”

  His brows drew down. “I don’t think so. I feel fine.”

  “Do you?” Olivia sat back on her haunches. Voice firm, she said, “Get up then.”

  He stared at her, determination in his eyes. A muscle flexed in his jaw, then the stubborn son of a bitch tried to do just that. To give him credit, he actually made it to a hunched-over position before he fell back to the floor, clutching his legs and cursing.

  She did her best not to flutter over him, or smack him for being so thickheaded. “Once more, Sully. Then you can rest.”

  He turned to his side, breathing heavily. He gave a short nod, muttered another curse, and closed his eyes.

  As many times as she’d seen a shift, it never ceased to amaze her, how bones and muscle, tendons and cartilage could transform themselves from one form to another. And in such a short time. Yet the proof was before her, as Sully lay on the floor, panting. His tongue lolled from one side of his muzzle, and his eyes were half closed.

  From what she could tell, he had just about enough energy to get back to his human form, and that was it. She sifted her fingers through the heavy ruff at his nape. “Okay, honey. Come on back.”

  He turned his head and swiped his tongue along the inside of her arm. Then he closed his eyes and a few shuddering breaths later rolled onto his back, once again human.

  Olivia helped him onto the bed, then grabbed the washcloth and wet it again. Returning to the bedroom, she lightly ran the cloth over his arms, chest, and belly, then down his legs, wiping away the sweat and trying to cool him down. By the time she finished, he was asleep. She pulled the sheet over him and sat on the edge of the bed, staring down at his still form. The fear for him still ate at her like a living thing, telling her most clearly that she had, indeed, fallen in love with him.

  Not that she could tell him that. Not yet. Not until after she confessed all of her secrets. Then she’d see where she stood.

  He frowned in his sleep, his unhappiness with his current situation clear even in slumber. She knew his legs still ached, though he had pretty much healed. At any rate, by the time Ryder was to arrive at the airport, Sully would be in tip-top shape.

  There were a few upsides to being a werewolf. Speed healing was one of them.

  She let her gaze travel over him, covered with just a sheet, and saw the bump caused by his penis. Usually when a male shifted from wolf to human he had a hard-on; with Sully being in so much pain and exhausted by the last shift, no matter how strong he was, his body couldn’t produce an erection.

  Minutes passed, blending into an hour, then another as she watched over him. She’d just closed her eyes, trying to clear her mind of worry over him, over Zoe, over the mess her life had become, when he spoke.

  “Hullo.” Sully’s voice came out a deep rasp, sending shivers skating over her skin and heat straight to her core.

  Olivia smiled at him. Leaning over, she stroked her fingers across his jaw, letting her thumb rub gently over his lips. “How’re you feeling?”

  “Better.” He lifted his arms above his head and stretched, a low moan coming from him. The sheet slipped to his waist, and she admired his long lean torso and ridged abdomen, and tried to push aside the compulsion to trace her tongue over the small muscles covering his ribs along his side. He levered himself up against the headboard, arms loose at his sides. “What time is it?”

  She glanced at the clock on the side table in the living room. “Just past three.”

  “So just another couple hours until we need to head out to pick up Ryder.”

  Olivia nodded. “Yeah. I was thinking about that, actually.” She met Sully’s gaze and curled her hand around the back of his neck, rubbing her thumb beneath his ear. “I think you need to stay here. Out of the public eye. Just in case.”

  He drew in a breath and held it a moment, then puffed it out through his nose. “You mean in case whoever hit me might be watching.” He brought his hand up and covered hers, pulling it to his mouth to plant a soft kiss in her palm.

  “Yeah.” A deep thrumming started inside her, one which she tried to ignore. He really wasn’t in the best shape to be doing the horizontal mambo, for crying out loud. Her timing could have been a bit better. She cleared her throat. “If whoever hit you has reported back to Eddy that you’re dead—which is what I’d have done—then you’re the one advantage we might have in this whole mess.”

  She should probably call Eddy and tell him the news herself. But how would she explain that she’d been close enough to witness the accident but hadn’t been the one to “kill” Sully?

  “Hmm. I like that. Being an advantage.” Sully moved her hand and pressed his lips to her inner wrist.

  “Keep that up, buddy, and you might find yourself being taken advantage of.” Olivia pushed aside thoughts of Eddy and focused on the man at her side. She tried to pull her hand away, but he tightened his grip, his mouth lingering on her pulse.

  Sully’s gaze turned thoughtful. “I don’t think I’ve ever been taken advantage of before.” His lips tilted in a lopsided grin. “You never know. I might like it.”

  She wasn’t going to turn down an invitation to take advantage of him, that was for sure. She’d just make sure she was gentle. “Want to find out?”

  His eyes sparkled with amber heat. “Absobloodylutely.”

  “Well, then, my good man,” Olivia said with her best British accent, “lie back and prepare to be advantaged.” She wiggled her hand, and this time he let her go.

  She’d long ago divested herself of her shoes. “I think I’ll get a bit more comfortable while I’m at it.” She slid off the bed and yanked off her T-shirt, then took off her shorts, keeping her peach-colored panties and matching bra on for the moment. “Now, where to begin?”

  She tapped her chin with one finger, letting her gaze rove him from the top of his head to his sheet-covered feet. On her way back up, she noticed the bulge at his groin had grown considerably and now tented the sheet. “You are feeling better, aren’t you?”

  “Good enough to be taken advantage of.” His face lightened with his quick grin. “So…what are you waiting for? I’m ready.”

  She got back on the bed on her knees, kneeling at his hip, and leaned forward, bracing herself with one hand gripping the solid pine headboard. She placed a soft kiss against his mouth, gave his bottom lip a sharp nip, then laved away the sting with her tongue. Another kiss to the corner of his eye, his nose, beside his ear.
  Her kisses wandered across his strong, stubbled jaw and down his neck, lingering in the hollow at the base of his throat. Sully tipped his head back, his low groan vibrating against her lips.

  Olivia couldn’t resist following the line of his nearest collarbone, her tongue lightly tracing a trail out to his brawny shoulder. She kissed her way over the bulge of his biceps, paused at his inner elbow, then picked up his hand and brought his fingers to her mouth. After kissing each fingertip, she pulled his index finger into the wet heat of her mouth, laving it with her tongue, then added his middle finger and gently sucked on them.

  “Oh. My. God.” Sully looked down at her. His tongue flicked out, leaving his lower lip wet and inviting. “I don’t think this is being taken advantage of, love. I think you’re still trying to kill me.”

  Her heart stuttered. He couldn’t really think that. She looked up again and realized he hadn’t meant it literally. She released his fingers and murmured, “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet, honey.”

  She let his hand drop back to his side and leaned over him again. She nuzzled under his jaw, enjoying the solid feel of bone, the softness of flesh, then moved down to his chest, darting her tongue out to flick at one hard nipple. His indrawn breath sounded like the sweetest music to her ears. Bringing up her free hand, she rubbed her fingers back and forth over one of his nipples while she licked and sucked the other one.

  Deciding she needed both hands, she swung one leg over him and straddled his thighs. His erection bowed beneath the pressure she put on the sheet still covering him, and his breath hissed between his teeth.

  “Poor baby,” she murmured with a glance down between her legs. There was a small wet spot on the sheet and the clear outline of the head of his cock. “Your turn’s coming soon,” she promised.

  “From your lips to God’s ears,” Sully muttered with a low chuckle.

  Olivia met his gaze and ran her tongue over her bottom lip. “That’s the idea, big boy. From my lips…”

  His nostrils flared. “Well, get on with it, then.”

  “Aye, aye, sir.” She gave him a mock salute and then bent over him. Her lips followed the smattering of hair that bisected his tummy, her hands pushing the sheet away as she went. She scooted down, pulling more of the sheet with her until his cock was bared to her gaze. And her hands.

  And her mouth.

  Her breath quickened, but she made herself keep a slow pace. She wasn’t going for the gold just yet. Anticipation was the greatest aphrodisiac of all.

  She ran her hands lightly down Sully’s legs, taking care not to exert too much pressure, loving the feel of warm, hair-roughened skin covering hard, flexing muscles. Her pussy thumped with emptiness; her nipples hardened beneath her bra.

  But it wasn’t about her. It was all about him. She kissed a path over one hip to his leg, lingered on the sensitive flesh of his inner thigh, feeling his cock twitch against her cheek.

  “Oliviaaaaaa…” His voice rasped against her eardrums, setting up another set of shivers.

  She planted another slow kiss on his thigh, then wandered down his leg. Tilting her head, she placed her mouth on the sensitive skin behind his knee. His muscles tensed and relaxed, tensed again as she curled her hands around the back of his thighs and kissed her way down to his ankles.

  Every inch of this man was special to her, from his long toes to the dark, spiky hair on top of his head. And before she was done, he’d know it.

  She started her way back up his legs again, lightly massaging with her hands in the wake of her mouth.

  “Olivia, sweetheart.” His voice was a low husk of sound. “Put that gorgeous mouth of yours on my cock before it explodes.”

  She looked up at him and grinned. With gentle fingers she took his erection in one hand.

  “God, yes.” He groaned, his eyes fluttering closed.

  He was so hot and heavy in her palm, his skin silky smooth. She rubbed the fingers of her other hand lightly over his hair-dusted balls. “What do you want, Sully? This?” She leaned down and pressed her open mouth against one testicle, letting her warm breath blow against him as she swirled the tip of her tongue in a slow circle. Lifting her head, she whispered, “Or this?” and nibbled her way up the underside of his cock to his tip.

  She licked the pre-cum that wept from the slit, and with her tongue spread it around the ruddy head. His hips punched upward, driving more of his length into her mouth. Olivia pulled away and tsked him. “I’m the one doing the taking advantage of, remember? You’re just supposed to lie there and let me do all the work.”

  “Then get to it.” Sully’s irises were wholly amber now. The wildness of the wolf swallowed up the green and blazed from his eyes. “Stop teasing.”

  “But the teasing will lead to so much more,” Olivia promised and stuck out her tongue to lap at the head of his cock. She held his gaze, exulting in seeing a muscle flex in his taut jaw. He was on the fine edge of his control. She wanted to see if she could shove him over it. Making him shed his cool, calm Brit exterior was her new calling in life.

  For however long that might be.

  For however long he might be hers.

  She looked down at his erection. He was thick and long, wide veins running the length of his shaft. More clear liquid hovered at the tip, and she leaned forward, swiping it with her tongue.

  His hands came up and fisted in her hair. “More,” he demanded, his voice guttural.

  Olivia took the head of his cock into her mouth and sucked lightly. She stroked one hand down his shaft and cupped his balls, rocking them in her fingers.

  Sully groaned and bucked against her. “God. Take more!”

  She opened her mouth wide and took as much of him as she could. He was so thick she couldn’t take all of him, so she stroked her hand from her mouth down to his base. When he grunted and thrust against her, she drew slowly away until he left her mouth with a soft, wet pop.


  “Anticipation, remember?” She pressed his cock up against his belly and licked a path on the underside from the crown to the base. He tipped his hips toward her, and she smiled in feminine triumph. There was something very empowering about having a strong man like this silently—and sometimes not so silently—begging for more.

  She was only too happy to oblige. In her own way.

  In her own time.

  Olivia swiped the flat of her tongue over his sac and pulled one of his balls into her mouth. Beginning a slow steady stroke of one hand along his shaft, she fingered his balls with the other hand, rolling them back and forth as she nibbled and sucked. She slipped her fingers from his sac to the sensitive skin behind, rubbing gently.

  She licked her way back up the length of his cock, then pulled him into her mouth. Keeping one hand beneath him, she palmed his sac and rubbed the skin behind it. He pumped his hips, thrusting more of his cock into her mouth, and she hummed, knowing the vibration would shoot straight to his balls.

  “Christ!” Sully’s hips bucked and surged, driving more of his thick length into her mouth. The head of his cock hit the back of her throat, triggering her gag reflex. She pulled back slightly to catch her breath, then went back down.

  He tried to push her away, but she swatted at his hands and stayed where she was. She put her hands on his thighs and kept sucking.

  “I’m going to come, sweetheart,” he muttered, his muscles tensing beneath her hands. His hands went to her hair and gripped, holding her steady.

  She hummed again and brought his cock deeper, to the back of her throat, and swallowed.

  Sully growled and took over the rhythm, fucking into her mouth with short, hard thrusts. Olivia opened her mouth as wide as she could and sucked him on each outward stroke. She reached one hand between his legs and grasped his balls, tugging on the hard globes.

  His roar reverberated through the small room. Hands tightening in her hair, he held himself still while his release jetted into her mouth. He tasted salty and tart, and her throat kept
moving until she’d swallowed every last drop.

  Hard hands around her arms hoisted her up, and he clamped his mouth over hers in a possessive, demanding kiss. Drawing back, he cupped her face in his hands. “Damn. I think you’ve about killed me.” He kissed her again. “Let me return the favor.”

  With a quick twist of his lean torso, he flipped her over onto her back. He stared for a moment at her lying there, clad only in her bra and panties. His eyes narrowed, and he placed one palm on the slight rise of her tummy. Heat from his big hand permeated her skin, fired her blood. She couldn’t stop the slight shimmy of her hips any more than she could keep from breathing.

  He drew in a deep breath through his nose and groaned. “God, you smell so fucking good when you’re aroused.” He reached behind her and undid her bra, pulling the filmy material away and letting it drop to the floor. Then he pulled her panties off and let them drop, too. “That is one aspect I’m willing to admit is helpful about being a werewolf.” His gaze held hers a moment. “That I can smell even the smallest hint of your arousal.”

  His hands slid from her ankles up to her knees, parting her legs. He bent over her and pressed his lips to one calf, mouthing a path up her leg to the back of her knee. He draped her leg over his strong shoulder and lifted her other leg. After placing a soft kiss on her inner thigh, he let that leg rest over his shoulder as well.

  He spread her slick folds apart with his thumbs. With another rough growl, he dipped his head and swiped the flat of his tongue along the length of her slit.

  Olivia moaned and jerked, tilting her hips and letting her thighs fall apart even more. Sully’s hands slid under her and lifted her closer to his mouth. His low groan vibrated against her clit just before he sucked it into the wet warmth of his mouth.


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