Private Pleasures [The Doms of Sybaris Cove 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Private Pleasures [The Doms of Sybaris Cove 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 10

by Tara Rose

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered, as tears stung her eyes. They knew her so well now and could sense the slightest change in her mood. Once again, the urge to tell them she loved them bubbled up, but when Felipe started to push his dick into her asshole, she forgot everything except how incredible it felt.

  There was a tiny pinprick of pain, followed by pressure, and then the most peaceful feeling imaginable overtook her. She relaxed against the leather underneath her skin, and Rey’s touch on her back soothed her. Once Felipe started to thrust, all rational thought was gone.

  One of them reached underneath to caress her clit, and that did it. Another orgasm raced through her, chasing away the last of the demons and doubts. She belonged to these two, body and soul, and she always would. Nothing and no one could take them from her. They’d claimed her, and she’d freely given herself to them. She would never hurt again, or fear a man’s voice or the look on his face. It was finally and truly over. These two were her heroes. They had rescued her from her past, and would risk their lives to keep her safe.

  She was barely aware that Felipe had pulled out and Rey taken his place. Both men were so gentle and loving. It wasn’t rough fucking at all, but she was okay with that for now. In time, she would grow as used to this as she’d grown used to oral sex, and she’d let them take her more forcefully if they wanted. But for now, this was perfect, and she loved them even more for understanding that they needed to take this slowly.

  When each man came, he cried out loudly, and Mattie was excited all over again to know she could give them that kind of pleasure. When they were finished, they uncuffed her then let her use the bathroom. She crawled onto Felipe’s lap and drank water, and then they took turns holding her again, telling her over and over how fantastic that had been and how proud they were of her.

  By the time they finally made their way to Rey’s bedroom, Mattie was nearly asleep. She crawled between them and snuggled against their warm bodies, never wanting to leave this bed or their arms again. She had grown to believe she’d never be happy again, or find a man who treated her with care and respect. She’d been wrong. She’d found two. She had all of that with both Felipe and Rey.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Rey was certain he and Felipe had wandered into an alternate universe where everything was smooth and perfect each day. There was no other explanation for the way he felt. Alaina and Mark had even complimented him and Felipe recently on their work product. It’s not that either man never took their jobs seriously before. But after listening to Mattie describe what a struggle it had been for her to go to work each day while she was married, and then again after she was hiding out in Georgia, they both realized what a gift it was to have been born into families where a job simply waited for them.

  He and Felipe hadn’t had much of a life before Mattie returned to the island. Oh sure, they’d dated, but they’d simply drifted through their day-to-day routine, not deeply caring about anything. They merely existed. Mattie had changed all that for both of them. It was as if they’d each been waiting for her to return to them. And now she was here, ready to explore a side of her that neither man had realized existed, and ready to heal from her past.

  Rey wanted to help her do that, and he knew Felipe wanted the same thing. They’d taken it for granted that most people had easy, comfortable lives, but now Rey realized that was hardly the truth. They’d never even known the pain and horror Mattie endured when she was still living here and they saw her every day at school. But that was over now. Rey vowed to never again assume everything was perfect and rosy behind closed doors.

  So many of their relatives took Phoebe’s Playthings and the standings of both the Durante and Raleigh families on this island for granted. It was an easy thing to do, especially with Asa and Tim at the helm. Asa especially commanded respect and fear by his very presence, and everyone knew he’d take care of the company and the families, no matter what.

  But being with Mattie now had helped both men realize there was an entire world out there where people struggled with work and relationships. That Mattie had even been able to escape it was a miracle because most battered women didn’t. They either ended up dead, or went from one abusive relationship to another.

  Mattie had rescued herself, but Rey knew that she’d been sent back here to him and Felipe so they could keep her safe for the rest of her life. He knew it as certainly as he knew his own name, and as sure as he knew he was deeply in love with her.

  Alaina popped her head into his office, cutting his musings short. “Hey, I’m glad you’re here. Petra Trudeaux is on the island now.”

  “That’s Phyllis’s grandniece, right?”

  “Yes. She’s moved into the apartment above the shop already, and she’s got all the information Jan found for me on the documents and in Shona’s diary. She’s asked to get the Durantes and Raleighs together to reveal her plan. She’s sure she can help lift the curse.”

  “Wow. Seriously? When and where? I’ll be there.”

  “Asa’s house in two weeks, on Friday the thirtieth, at seven. It’s the only place we could think of that would hold that many people, and he can’t clear his schedule until then. Of course, we don’t expect everyone to show up. And you can bring along Mattie if you want. I’ll be there.”

  “Yeah. Sure. Okay. She’d love that. Thanks.”

  “If you’ll let Felipe know, then all the sales staff will have been told. And pass it along to anyone else who’s related to you two, if you would please. Asa doesn’t want to send out a memo or anything like that. He wants us to spread this by word of mouth.”

  As soon as she left, he called Felipe to tell him the news. “Maybe Mattie can talk to Alaina about being a submissive, and get answers to any questions she’s reluctant to ask us?”

  “Sounds good. Are we still taking her to lunch today?”

  “Yes. I can’t wait to tell her about this.”

  Rey and Felipe decided to walk downtown since the day was so bright. As they approached the clinic, Felipe stopped and frowned. Rey followed his friend’s gaze. “What?”

  “There’s someone in the alley behind the clinic, and I swear he…”

  “He what?”

  “Come on.” Felipe took off in the direction of the end of the street and Rey followed, wondering what the hell Felipe thought he’d seen. When they reached the other end of the alley, Felipe crouched down behind the hydrangea bushes. “Him,” he whispered, pointing. “See that guy? In the gray coat. He’s peeking around the front of the building.”

  “Okay, now I see him. Who is he?”

  The look Felipe gave him sent Rey’s pulse racing. “You’re going to think I’m crazy, but I swear he looks like Clay.”

  “Not a chance. You heard what Mattie told us about him. He’s terrified of water.”

  Felipe narrowed his eyes the way he did when he was deep in thought. “What do we know about his brother or cousin?”

  “Nothing but their names. His brother is Cletus and the lowlife cousin is Alvin.”

  “We need to find out more about both.”

  “Okay. Let’s go inside and get Mattie, then we can ask her—”

  “No. Don’t say anything to her about this. She’d freak out.”

  “But she already told us she thought she spotted someone who looked like Clay in the alley last week. She was right. We have to tell her.”

  “All the more reason not to say anything. Not until we have a chance to find more info on our own.”

  Rey shook his head. “I don’t like it. We convinced her she didn’t see anything but now we know that’s not true. If we keep this from her and she finds out, it will undermine her trust in us.”

  Felipe swore under his breath. “You’re right. But let’s be careful how we tell her. I don’t want her freaking out. She feels so safe here now.”

  He bumped fists with Felipe. “Agreed. Let’s go.”

  * * * *

  They took Mattie to That Eighties Soda Shoppe because she loved
the food, and waited until they were eating to tell her about the planned meeting at Asa’s house in two weeks. Then as they told her about spotting the man in the gray overcoat, Felipe watched her face carefully.

  Her eyes were huge. “You saw him, too?”

  “Yes,” said Rey. “Do you happen to have any pictures of Cletus or Alvin? You said they both looked like Clay.”

  She nodded. “They do, but I don’t have any pictures of either man. Do you really think one of them came to the island?”

  Felipe was grateful she sounded so skeptical. “I don’t know. Just exploring possibilities. But I don’t know why anyone who lives here would be lurking in the alley behind the clinic.”

  He actually saw her swallow. “I agree. It’s too odd, even for Sybaris Cove residents.”

  “Should we call the cops?” asked Felipe.

  “And tell them what?” asked Rey. “I’d rather rule out the possibility of this being one of Clay’s family members first.”

  “Well,” she said. “Cletus’s picture is all over the Internet. He’s a few years older than Clay, but he looks enough like him that from a distance, they’d be easy to confuse. As for a picture of Alvin, I’m not sure there are any of those floating around unless you can find his mug shots.”

  The two exchanged a glance. “All right,” said Felipe. “Now tell us why either one might come here.”

  She shrugged. “I honestly don’t know. I could believe it of Alvin more than Cletus. Alvin has nothing else to do, but Cletus was never home. Every time I heard his name mentioned, he was winning some award, or opening a new office in Europe for Bitsy-Grant Communications. I have serious doubt he’d waste his time lurking here. But if it’s not either of them, who the heck is it?”

  Felipe stroked her arm. “I’m so proud of you right now. We thought you’d be afraid and upset.”

  She shook her head. “I’m confused. It really doesn’t make sense that either of them would come here. Why now? I never really got to know Alvin. I can understand why he and Anell followed me in Georgia, but the divorce is final. It’s over. And it’s been years since I saw Cletus, although I’m sure he heard about the divorce. His parents and Clay certainly spent enough time and money trying to make sure I walked away with nothing.”

  Felipe nodded. “All good points. Okay, then. Can we agree not to let this worry us? Rey and I will both keep an eye out for the man again, and maybe we’ll have to simply confront him and ask him who is, and what he’s doing here.”

  Rey snorted. “It’s not like people are welcoming to strangers here. I’m surprised no one has done that yet.”

  “Maybe they have and we just don’t know it,” said Mattie. “So what can I do to help you two play detective?”

  Felipe grinned. “You aren’t even a tiny bit afraid. I am so proud of you right now.” He reached across the table and took her hands. “Look how far you’ve come.”

  Her gaze got all soft and mushy, and his dick grew rock hard. When she looked at him like that, it was difficult not to scoop her up in his arms and kiss her until neither of them could breathe. He loved her so much that at times it hurt.

  “That’s thanks to you two, Sir. You do realize that, don’t you?” She squeezed his hands. “The two of you have helped me more than years of therapy have. I feel totally safe with you. And you’re right. It’s not logical that the man we’ve both seen is Clay or Cletus. Clay would never be able to cross the water, and Cletus doesn’t have time to hang out here, watching the street in front of the clinic. And as for Alvin, I have no clue why he’d bother coming here.”

  “Thank you for saying that about us,” said Felipe. “And as for the lurker, whoever he is, it is odd behavior. I still say we should talk to the cops. Just to let them know what we’ve seen.”

  “I guess there’s no real harm in doing that,” said Rey. “And I can ask Scott McMurphy if he’s flown any strangers on the island in the last couple of weeks.”

  Good idea,” said Felipe. Scott McMurphy and his parents owned McMurphy Flight. Unless the man had rented a boat and then stashed it somewhere without anyone seeing him do it, he likely had flown here, which means Scott would have a record of it.

  “Well,” said Mattie, letting go of his hands to pick up her cheeseburger, “aren’t we suddenly the detectives of the island.”

  The men laughed, but Felipe wished he could let go of the nagging suspicions as easily as she and Rey had apparently done. Something about the man still bothered him. He planned to do some checking on his own, just to be sure. He’d die before he’d let anything happen to Mattie.

  He and Rey were both so in love with her, but neither one had said the words out loud. That was the second thing Felipe vowed to do. Talk to Rey about their feelings for Mattie. It was time to get this all out in the open. Nothing held them back now except their own stubbornness, and there was no reason to hang onto that any longer. There never had been where she was concerned. It was time to tell her.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The remainder of the week passed by without Rey, Felipe, or Mattie spotting any strangers, and by Friday Mattie hadn’t forgotten about it, but she had more important things on her mind. Tonight, they were going to Felipe’s house, and the guys had promised her more play and another surprise.

  They hadn’t instructed her to wear any special outfit, but had asked her to bring along a beautiful silk robe they’d bought her earlier in the week. Once inside Felipe’s house, they led her to his bedroom, and then into his bathroom.

  “Change into nothing but the robe and we’ll be right in,” said Rey.

  Mattie grinned as the guys left her alone, and then she glanced around at the opulence of Felipe’s bathroom. She’d been in here before, and never failed to marvel at the marble and intricate scrollwork. The window over the deep tub looked out into the woods surrounding his home, and even though there were no leaves yet on the deciduous trees, she still couldn’t see any other buildings through them. It was totally private.

  She changed out of her clothes and into the robe, then sat on the edge of the tub to wait for them. When they returned, Felipe carried a black leather bag which he placed on the counter, and both men were naked. Rey held out his hand, and she took it and stood.

  “Do you remember your safewords?” he asked.

  “Yes, Sir.” She’d fallen so easily into the habit of calling them both ‘Sir’ that it slipped out now without her even thinking about it.

  “Good girl.” He turned her to face Felipe and moved behind her, pushing his hands under the robe in front to play with her breasts. Mattie moaned softly as she watched Felipe take items out of the bag. She could also see Rey’s face reflected in the mirror over the counter, and her pussy contracted in tiny spasms at the look of lust in his beautiful eyes.

  Felipe pulled out a bottle of shower gel, and then he took out a couple of sponges with what looked rough edges. Finally, he removed two dildos and a vibrator. He held up the vibrator with a wicked grin on his face. “Waterproof.”

  She shivered as Rey untied her robe and slid it off her shoulders. He nuzzled her neck from behind as the robe fell to the floor. “Want to take a guess what we’re going to do to you in the shower?”

  “Oh…” She had a few guesses, but the rational part of her brain must have gone on vacation because she couldn’t form a coherent thought.

  “Close enough,” said Felipe. He turned on the water in the shower and motioned her inside. His shower was large enough to accommodate half a dozen people and featured three jets. She’d been in here before, and always found it exhilarating to have water spraying from three directions. This time was no different. And like the other times, because the guys were both in there with her, it was super sexy as well.

  They took turns standing under the spray with her, holding her and kissing her. Their hands moved all over her, caressing her softly and then more urgently as her arousal built. By the time Felipe backed her up against the wall that had no jets on it, she was di
zzy from need and close to an orgasm.

  “Here are the rules, tonight. Your safewords apply but there is one caveat.”

  Mattie let out an audible exhale.

  “You cannot safeword out of an orgasm. All you can do is take a break, but you stop having them when we say you’re done.”

  She raised her brows. “Um, forgive me for pointing out the obvious, Sir, but that doesn’t sound terrible.”

  They exchanged an amused glance. “You might not think so after four or five,” said Rey.

  She didn’t have a chance to ask anything else because Felipe turned her toward the wall, and rubbed his cock against her ass crack. Mattie moaned loudly, pushing her hips back toward him, aching to be filled. These two were out of their minds if they thought she was going to safeword in order to stop climaxing. They must have been working too hard this past week.

  Rey left the shower for a moment, and when he returned, he placed the dildos and vibrator on a shelf next to where Mattie stood, along with a large bottle of lube. He gave her a wicked grin that made her clit throb. “Ready?”

  “Yes, Sir.” This was too good to be true. She was more than ready. She couldn’t wait to get started.

  “Stand over here,” said Felipe, leading her closer to the toys. “Now lean over and rest your elbows on the shelf.” She did as he asked, and then was treated to both men rubbing the shower gel all over her back and ass cheeks.

  The smell of lavender and sandalwood filled the space, reminding her of the week before in the dungeon when they’d used oil that smelled the same. They rubbed it between her ass cheek, over her pussy, and spent long, luscious moments fondling her breasts from behind. Mattie writhed against their touch and whimpered, and when they pushed their thumbs against her clit, her first orgasm was swift and powerful.

  Before the contractions stopped, they took turns with the sponges, moving them all over her body. The edges were a bit rough but she loved the combination of discomfort and pleasure they produced. Her skin felt warm and tingly when they finally stopped, but then they took the softest one and rubbed her clit. She groaned loudly and tried to move away, but they held her in place their hands on her lower back while they continued to torture her clit with the sponge.


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