Flower Readings

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Flower Readings Page 9

by Lilliana Rose

  “You keep away from me,” he said to the rabbit. The black bundle of fur sat down right in front of Braklen making him uneasy. “You really don’t know what’s going on, do you?”

  The rabbit clicked his ears together and looked at him with blank eyes.

  “No of course not. I’m going nuts talking to a rabbit.” He looked down on the box and turned it over a few times trying to find how to open it. He found a small nook in the side and pressed his nail into the opening. The lid clicked open. Inside were six glass bottles, tiny, held upright in black foam padding. Braklen picked up one. He read the small print. Animal Welcome. What the hell is that supposed to mean?

  The liquid was clear and he couldn’t smell anything, unless he broke open the bottle and he wasn’t sure that would to be a good idea. He wasn’t aware of the Peacekeepers transporting any liquids or medications for the Queens. If it was above-board, he would know about it. Which make him think there was something going on within the Peacekeepers.

  The rabbit began to tremble and click his ears frantically.

  “Steady up,” said Braklen. “What’s up with you? I should give you one of the tablets Triena took, it’s put her right to sleep.” He looked over to Triena who was snoring softly. He put the bottle away and closed the lid. The rabbit calmed down.

  He heard noises out in the loading area and froze. Men were talking but he couldn’t make out their words. Suddenly, Triena’s snoring sounded too loud. He shook her gently to try and wake her, but she didn’t stir. Braklen wished he could look out to see who was there to see what they were doing. Eventually, the men left. A long heaving sigh released the tension in his body.

  With nothing else to do, he tried to make himself comfortable and get some sleep. He didn’t want to wake Triena. Whenever he looked at her, he felt a warmth flood through his heart. Something kept drawing him to her and it made him feel uncomfortable. This woman tried to kill him after all. There was more. Her image was familiar. There was something about her. She triggered a memory or a dream, or something. Not a memory from the past. Yeah, you have it bad.

  Braklen settled himself against the wall. The cold metal on his back kept him awake. He looked at her, sleeping. The rabbit sat by her side, staring at him.

  “Keep looking at me like that, buddy and I’ll find a spit.”

  The rabbit didn’t move.

  “Somehow I get the feeling you know more about what’s going on than a rabbit should.”

  Chapter 8

  “I wish I was dead.” Triena tried to sit up. She swayed to the left and then the right. Her body felt tired despite sleeping for twelve hours. Her muscles ached and it was like a heavy fog settled in her mind making it difficult to keep her balance.

  Finally. The rabbit bounced over to Triena. He’s got something. Something bad.

  “I’m only going to pop some more pills, and go back to sleep. I don’t care if they find me.” Triena reached over and pulled the bag towards her. Braklen slept, his head slumped to one side. He looked awkward. He was tall with a well-built body and this space was too small for him.

  Shhh, don’t wake him. Look in the metal box.

  “You’re way too persistent.” She pulled out the box, opened it and pulled out one of the glass bottles. She froze. Triena didn’t need to read the label to know what this was. The liquid vibrated with animal energy, blood, bone and organs. Images formed in Triena’s mind. She held her breath in an attempt to quell the new waves of queasiness rippling inside of her.

  You need to go out and look in the crates. We have to know what else is there. I think the Peacekeepers are behind this, or the Queens. It doesn’t matter. Go there and find out.

  Triena looked at the rabbit. She never had seen him so frantic before. “You’re happy to send me out, even though I might get caught.”


  “Thanks. No, I’m not going out.”

  We have to know.

  “We know what is concealed in this liquid. We know it’s dangerous. There’s no need for us to go sticking our noses into more trouble.” She put back the bottle and closed the lid. All she wanted to do was to take another two pills so they would make her sleep.

  What if this trouble concerns us? What if it means we could settle this business between you and the Queens? Maybe it will help us remove the chip?

  “Enough with the questions.” She opened the bottle of pills. Then paused. She knew not to argue with the rabbit, but that didn’t usually stop her.

  Triena didn’t want to reach into the Energy, not even to look for guidance. The motion of the ship made it too easy for her to lose herself. It was too dangerous. Right now, she didn’t feel like she had an anchor.

  What does the Energy say? The rabbit’s ears twitched.

  “To take two pills and sleep.”

  Just take one, then read the Energy.

  Triena looked at the rabbit. “There’s too much you’re not telling me.”

  Not telling you anything you can’t see for yourself in the patterns of the Energy. Stop being a weakling.

  “Stop harassing me.” Triena took a deep breath. Talking made her feel worse. There was no way she had the strength or the balance to walk. The rabbit’s questions were doing their job. They’d found root in her mind and she wanted to know more herself. If the Queens or Peacekeepers were up to something, she wanted to know, because they were chasing her, and she’d learned enough about her skill and the Energy to know something untoward was going on.

  Maybe the crates will have some answer for us.

  “Long shot.” She’d made her decision. Triena took out one pill and swallowed it. She waited a few minutes for the pill to begin to take effect. Once she felt the queasiness ease, she removed the panel and crept outside.

  Be careful.

  Triena tentatively stood up in the loading bay. It must be a full load. The energy around her still pressed down on her. The pill was doing its work and she didn’t feel so close to death anymore. She took a deep breath and forced herself to take a few steps to the nearest crate. She looked over the metal containers for any clues but couldn’t find any.

  She placed her hands on the side of the container and slipped into the Energy. There was a black liquid, swirling over the land, and fire. The smell turned her stomach and she pulled back to stop herself from losing her balance.

  This isn’t legal. She moved to another container. Once again she went into the energy with her mind.

  Who owns this? The energy responded forming a thin crown, one with a pearl in the center. Triena knew who wore crowns. This wasn’t making sense, this wasn’t what the Queens stood for. After the downfall of the Priests, the Queens were meant to bring an age of peace, and nurture not inflict their own dominance.

  Why? The Energy changed its form responding to her question. Chaos tumbled in front of her, a mix of dull colors, in the blackness. Triena couldn’t read the mess. Why? But, the Energy wasn’t clear. It was as if something blocked it.

  Frustrated, Triena pulled back. This isn’t possible. As far as she knew the energy couldn’t be manipulated. That’s why the people followed the Queens because they were highly skilled Energy Readers. They couldn’t control the future, or even pretend to under false forewarnings.

  She walked over to another crate, moved thick hemp ropes out of the way and placed her hand on the wood. She felt the Energy surrounding her, taking her upwards to the astral plane. The result was the same. The Energy was in turmoil, fighting against whatever it was that was stopping it from answering her question.

  “Well, you must be the lady they’ve been looking for,” said a male voice behind her.

  Triena felt a cold shiver run down her neck as she moved out of the Energy Field and back into her body.

  Careless. The rabbit’s thought echoed in her mind. He was right. She knew she hadn’t gone far from their hiding spot because of the chip and now she had put them all in jeopardy by being caught.

  It’s likely they know
where we are. She sent the thought back to the rabbit.

  “Turn around slowly.”

  Triena did what she was told. A sailor stood holding a particle gun at her. “Don’t do anything stupid or I’ll shoot.”

  “You do that and the Queens will have more than just your balls,” said Triena. She felt the motion of the ship weigh down on her and she struggled to concentrate her strength to keep standing.

  “I can shoot not to kill.”

  “Queens can do the same to you.” She felt the strength of the rabbit helping her.

  “They’re not going to believe what an outcast says, especially you. Move, this way.” He waved his gun in the direction he wanted her to go in.

  “They want me alive.” She felt an anger rising in her. She wasn’t going to be handed around like a lost postal package.

  “I’m sure they’re expecting to receive damaged goods. Like I said, they’re not going to believe anything you say.”

  “You don’t know that.” Triena refused to walk.

  “I’ve read the reports. Bring in alive. There’s nothing about bringing you in alive and undamaged.” His smile chilled Triena. He stepped in closer to her so his chest was up against hers. “Now, let’s get acquainted.”

  The sailor’s breath stank of stale bittern, the choice of smoking leaves out here since it was cheap and lasted on the long trips between planets. The smell began to turn her stomach.

  “No need to be shy now.” He pushed himself up against her body and she stepped back into the crate, the sharp corner hitting her back, causing sharp pain to shoot along her back.

  Triena slapped him. He laughed. She remembered the small blade she kept in her belt. She could reach it. She knew she’d use it to her advantage, if she could just get hold of the handle.

  “I’m going to need a stronger deterrent.” He pressed against Triena. She found herself suffocating, unable to move, but now her hand was by her side, if only she stretched down a little further. Her fingers brushed the edge of the knife. The corner of the crate dug into her back.

  Triena looked at him. His grimy face came towards her, his dry cracked lips looking for hers, his dark eyes full of shadows that chilled her even further. She shut her eyes. At the last moment, she moved her head and he slobbered on her check. She used the movement to reach for the knife. She held it tight but as she tried to stab him, he pushed into her body crushing air from her lungs.

  “Think you are so smart, do ya?” He ran his tongue along her check.

  Triena cringed. A storm welled inside her, the Energy helping her to fuel her anger. She gripped the small knife and plunged it forward.

  The man’s eyes widened. “Why you …”

  Triena shoved the knife back into his thigh and he moaned with pain. She pushed him away, but his grip on her remained tight. He leaned into her making it hard for her to stab him again. “You don’t think that’s going to stop me.”

  Triena spat in his face.

  He laughed. “I’m going to enjoy this.”

  “Oi,” yelled someone nearby.

  “Braklen.” Triena was relieved to hear him.

  “Go away, can’t you see I’m occupied. You can have her after.” He held her arms tight stopping her from using the knife.

  “Move away.”

  “Fuck man, you’ll have your turn. Bugger off for a bit, then you can come back.”

  “You had your chance.” Braklen pulled the man off Triena and began punching him. He put his weight behind the series of blows, each one sounding a dull echo as if he was punching a carcass for training.

  Triena moved away from the corner of the crate. Her back felt numb from the sharp pressure. She kept holding onto the knife ready to defend herself, if Braklen didn’t manage to overpower the man.

  The man fought back and Braklen collected a few hits to his face, but he didn’t stop returning the punches until the man was unconscious on the ground.

  “You all right?” Braklen asked.

  Triena nodded. She tried to speak but the words caught in her throat.

  Braklen moved toward her slowly. His forehead wrinkled, and his blue eyes were soft. “You sure?” His voice low and soothing, threatened to unhinge her emotions.

  “Thanks.” She sobbed and gripped the knife tight in an attempt to stop herself from crying.

  “You did some damage to him,” said Braklen as he leaned down over the body. Blood soaked through the man’s trousers.

  “What do we do with him?” She avoided Braklen’s eyes as she moved to look closer at the man.

  “You sure you’re okay?”

  She felt another wave of emotion threaten to spill out. No, not now. She nodded, not trusting herself to speak. The Energy called her, with renewed strength, but she didn’t want to answer, not now when she was weakened with space-sickness and having to fight. They both couldn’t afford to be standing out here.

  The rabbit hopped around her feet.

  “We can wait here a little while.” Braklen’s voice was gentle and edged with concern.

  “No, it will be fine,” said Triena, her voice barely audible.

  “Look, I don’t know what’s going on here, but don’t let them get to you.” He put his hand on her shoulder. “We’re in this together now, whether we want to be or not.”

  She looked into his blue eyes. She didn’t think he could really forgive her, not after he’d learned she tried to kill him all those years ago. No, we can’t be together.

  His eyes were crystal clear and she wanted to be absorbed by them, to be taken away from this life, into the blue gems of his eyes, away from life and away from the Energy Field.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” He rubbed her back gently. “You don’t look so good.”

  Triena swayed, and he grabbed her to stop her from falling. She leaned into his body. Swirling liquid crept into her vision. The liquid disorientated her as the energy called to her to come. Come now.

  Braklen held her tight, and when she exhaled she stood in the Energy Field. A snowflake trail extended out in from of her. She followed the white drops. She could see the different patterns each snowflake formed, and how each one was unique. The delicate structures tumbled in the energy swirls, as if dancing. The temperature dropped and she found herself frozen in one spot.

  It was as if her Energy iced over. She panicked. She saw the man’s black eyes in front of her and screamed into the Energy Field. Her voice echoed outwards, ripples of sound energy extended outwards from her. All the time she kept trying to move, twisting her energy over and around in her mind but it wouldn’t move. The eyes came closer. She screamed again.

  She felt the difference, the frozen molecules around her moved a little. Triena turned her energy in a somersault motion and screamed again. The frozen energy around her shattered, releasing her. The dark eyes shrunk back into the depths of a snowstorm and she followed them, straining against a force of energy that she guessed stemmed from the memory. Close.

  She forced herself to keep moving through the storm. The cold made it difficult to move through the Energy. A brutal force stopped her. She struggled to see, but she kept moving through the chaotic swirls, pushing herself forward, to the position where she’d last seen the eyes. The snow began to turn a light blue color, and she felt the oxygen squeeze out the air. It became harder to breathe, but she refused to stop.

  She made a ball of red flame energy to help her keep moving. The creation depleted her energy reserves and she felt herself fade. The Energy wouldn’t let her go, if she went on for too much longer she might not make it back to her body.

  She kept feeding the ball of heat, and moved towards the eyes. Suddenly, the storm settled, and only a few snowflakes dropped around her. She looked ahead, waiting, as the energy swirls calmed. There, just ahead of her, was an ice castle, but instead of being white and beautiful, it had a grey black tinge. It was ragged and had the feel of a haunted house. It reminded her of the Queens’ castle.

She held the light in front of her and walked up to the door. She struggled to keep the ball burning with red energy as she opened the door.

  The black eyes looked back at her. The eyes of the Queens.

  She felt her energy stop moving, just for a second. The eyes grew, ready to consume her, to take her forever. If it happened she wouldn’t have to face the real world, to work out what was going on with the Queens.

  No. I don’t want this. She threw the light at the eyes.

  The ball fell into the eyes. Nothing. She stood expecting the eyes to engulf her. Instead flames emerged, as the energy of the ball began to consume the blackness. She felt a blast of heat and struggled to keep her energy together.

  The ice castle began to melt. Triena found it easier to breath as the memory dissipated around her, until there was a small lake in front of her, full of transformed water.

  It was gone. Triena turned, pleased she had made it through this sort of test the Energy put her through. There was no way she was going back to the Queens’ castle now, or ever. But, what does it really mean? Am I meant to go back and challenge them instead? She wasn’t used to the Energy working with her like this, everything had been turned inside out, upside down and she struggled to keep her orientation.

  A crown materialised in front of her. The large tear shape pearl shimmered in the center. This crown wasn’t worn by the Queens. It was different. She moved to look closer. Something touched her body and she snapped out of the plane.

  “Triena?” Braklen squeezed her tight.

  She ignored him as she settled her energy back into her body, slowly after the shock of returning rapidly from Braklen’s touch. She was going to have to educate him what not to do when she was in the Energy Field. It was dangerous for her to be bought back so quickly.


  Triena opened her eyes slowly. “Yes.” Yes, I am.

  “I was worried. You hadn’t breathed for ages.”

  Triena wasn’t surprised. She’d travelled far into the astral plane to get guidance from the Energy and even then it wasn’t clear. She swallowed her frustration. The Energy hadn’t been difficult to read before. “How long?” Disorientated she pushed away from him, but he kept his hands on her shoulders to keep her steady. She didn’t have time to waste by going into the Energy Field for long periods, not now, not when they were on the run.


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