Flower Readings

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Flower Readings Page 16

by Lilliana Rose

  “It’s not safe to talk so openly like this, in here, in town.”

  “Yeah, I got that.”

  “I need you to be quiet. Just listen and I’ll tell you the story now.”

  “I’m listening.” Triena felt Marory’s energy. Her boundaries weakened enough for telepathic thoughts. Hurry up and tell me before I do throw this at you.

  “Just as risky as using the Energy.” Marory spoke softly, her voice road in with each wave to the shore, masked on the forgotten vibration from Earth. “I knew your mother. She was strong in the skill.”

  “She wasn’t with the Queens.” Triena also matched her voice with the movement of the ocean.

  Marory shook her head. “They wouldn’t let her in. Some Priest predicted she would become a Queen, the over-ruling Queen of the thirteen.”

  This didn’t make any sense to Triena. There were only twelve Queens, they all ruled together, as one, and a Priest who was a prophet? Priests didn’t predict the future.

  “The Priest also said there was a man, who would be her protector, and together they would right the balance of the Earth. Make the changes to the Queens, change the twelve to be men and women. Together this man and woman, your mother, would rule. Naturally, the Priest was hung and left out at the gates as an example. It fueled the war but the Queens always had an advantage because of their ability to read the Energy and predict the future. Women were outraged at such blasphemy. They fought hard, so hard they nearly destroyed Earth right there and then.”

  “So why didn’t they kill her?”

  “She begged, shamelessly in the fire dungeon. She was already with child.”

  “My father?”

  “Wasn’t the Priest.” Tears welled in her eyes. “But, he was part of the rebellion. She never revealed who he was, but I know they killed him in one of their Energy attacks, not long before they sent her packing from the castle walls. It was a misuse of her power to have hooked up with someone from the opposite side. She loved him before the war, and kept hold of her feelings for him, and took the risk. I told her not to get involved with him, but she didn’t listen. It would’ve been okay, if the Priest hadn’t spewed his prophecies like an idiot. If he’d just kept the information to himself, then things would’ve been different.”

  “I don’t understand. Why didn’t they kill her?”

  “There was a vote, to hang her with the Priest or send her out into the war-lands, so nature could take its path and take her life. They voted on the latter because they thought she’d die. They didn’t want the blood of a child on their hands – at least not one from their own caste. They knew your mother was strong in the energy. If the child survived, they could use the child to continue the line.”

  “That would’ve worked only if the child was a girl. There was no way of telling if that was the case.”

  “I know. They knew too. They decided and voted, and if the baby was a girl then your mother was to come back to the gates in five years’ time.”

  “How was this all possible?” Triena knew enough about the Queens to know it was unlikely they would’ve let her mother go. She’d slept with the enemy, and the punishment was death, especially since she got with child.

  “I was a Queen.”

  The words slapped her cold on the face. “You?”

  “Yes. I left after you arrived. I counted the votes and secretly made changes. I looked after your mother as much as I could. I took my own risks.”

  “Why did you leave?”

  “I couldn’t be around to influence you.”

  Triena knew there was more Marory wasn’t telling her. “Another prediction?”

  Marory’s eyes widened.

  Triena saw the change, it was enough to confirm her thoughts. “You can only stop being a Queen through death. Surely the others didn’t just let you leave?”

  “Course not. It’s not as hard as you might think to die.”

  “Then what?”

  “I’ve been around the place.”

  “Keeping a distant eye on me?”

  “No. Too risky. I’d done my part. The rest was up to others.”

  “And are you doing your part now?”

  Marory’s eyes narrowed. “We’ve all taken risks to try and make the changes. Your mother took a risk returning you to the Queens, but you needed to be trained because your skill was so strong. Besides the war was peaking at that point, and the castle walls were a safe place.”

  “Except it didn’t work out. I failed and was sent packing.”

  “Did you fail?” The energy behind the question hung in the air between them, as if it was a bud that was ready to burst open, revealing another side of itself. It made Triena think about the past differently. Her fractured memory swirled in her mind as she tried to get the pieces to come together.

  “What were you meant to do to Braklen?”

  “Kill him.”


  “Because the Queens told me to.”

  “No.” Marory leant forward. Triena could smell her breath, thick with garlic. She stared into the old hazel eyes that were spotted with gold pigment. “Think harder. Allow yourself to remember.”

  The slippery pieces hung in the Energy Field as if suspended in a thick transparent liquid. Triena forced herself to go in deeper with her memories. There was something she wasn’t getting. Marory’s energy wrapped around her in the etheric field and supported Triena. The fragments were edged with red, dripping blood.

  The sight shocked Triena and she stopped moving towards them. Then she smelled roses again. The thick perfume gave her strength. Each part of the shard held a bit of her memory from that time long ago.

  Triena moved one of the pieces close to another, but they didn’t fit together. She kept playing with the pieces, moving them through the energy, testing out different positioning, until finally two clicked together. Then another one.

  She remembered something. She’d seen a boy, Braklen, running around the castle. He was training to be a Peacekeeper. Something kept drawing her to him. They spent time together. Another piece fell into place. He gave her flowers, real ones that he’d taken from the small garden out the back. The scent made her dizzy, and she kept them hidden.

  Some more pieces fell into place.

  The Queens summoned her, and she was given something. A task to prove she was loyal. Braklen was loyal to the Priests. She had to kill him.

  The memory was different to what she’d remembered. She’d always thought she fell in love with Braklen after she’d been given the test for her initiation.

  “And that’s why I had been given my assignment by the Queens?” asked Triena, coming back from the energy plane. “Because they didn’t want me to repeat what my mother did?”

  Marory nodded. “A test.”

  Braklen walked into the room. “What test?”

  “One that’s long finished,” said Marory.

  Triena felt the old woman rebuild the energy walls. An emptiness welled inside her and she longed for more details so she could put together the remaining pieces. I’ll ask tomorrow for more details.

  “Do I carry the prophecy?” asked Triena.

  “Not for me to say.”

  “What prophecy?” Braklen sat at the end of the bed.

  Marory stood up, groaning from sitting in the one position for too long. “Here, I’ll get you some more hot tea, and some food.”

  “I can get up.”

  “No. You need to rest just a little longer.” Marory picked up the tray. “Don’t go wearing her out, boy.”

  Braklen flushed as he looked at Triena. “She wouldn’t let me.” He winked.

  Marory laughed as she left the room.

  “So you’ve been getting acquainted with her then?” He kicked off his boots and climbed onto the bed.

  “Oi, get off,” said Triena. “I need to rest.”

  “So do I and I won’t be stopping you.”

  “Let me have some pillow.” Braklen tugged on o
ne of the pillows propping up Triena.


  “Then you give me no choice but to snuggle up next to you.”


  Braklen ignored her and wrapped his body around her. She felt uneasy, especially after reconnecting the memory. I liked him and that was a problem with the Queens. What are they frightened of? Surely not of me falling for a boy. That was natural. Triena’s head began to hurt as more questions formed. She wriggled trying to get more comfortable, which was harder to do now Braklen was next to her. She tried to pick up his arm and move it off of her, but he only held on tighter.


  “Shhh, I’m sleeping.”

  He smelt a little of oil as he rested his head on her shoulder and moved in even closer to her body.

  Triena struggled to hold onto her thoughts. His energy felt peaceful and tempted her. She was scared they might finish what had begun this morning, and she didn’t want that at least not right now, not when there was so much to try and sort out.

  What is he going to do when he finds out?

  Finds out what?

  About leading with you.

  Her skin prickled at the unfamiliar energy. Who said that?

  No one answered. She built up her energy walls extra thick, and then put a layer around Braklen and the rabbit, for added protection. Maybe I imagined it? But her hair electrified and she felt someone else’s energy in the room with them.

  Triena tried to pick up on the echoes of the energy to try and find a footprint, but she couldn’t detect anything. She couldn’t even determine if it was male or female.


  “Right, off,” said Marory as she came in with a tray of food. She pinched Braklen’s toe. He jolted awake. “Off the bed. She needs to eat, then she must rest some more.”

  “What about me?” asked Braklen.

  “In the kitchen.”

  Braklen got out of the bed and tripped over the rabbit. “I’m going to skin you.”

  Dazed, the rabbit hopped under the bed. His drug-induced sleep left him woozy.

  “Oh, he’s harmless, just a bundle of fur,” said Marory.

  “Yeah right.” Braklen limped out of the room.

  “I’ll get you some more food in a minute,” said Marory to the rabbit.

  Marory handed a bowl of soup to Triena. “Make sure you eat it all up. The travel ahead will drain you.”

  Triena took the bowl of soup. “Someone was in the energy.” She spoke in tune with the waves. She couldn’t feel the intruder anymore, but she was still worried.

  “That’s not a good sign. We have to get a move on with the arrangements. Make sure you are ready to leave as soon as possible.”

  Triena rubbed her arm. She wanted to get the chip out. She felt like she was already married to Braklen because of the chip.

  “How do you really feel about him?” asked Marory.


  “No? There’s something between you two, stronger than you both realise. I’m sure you’ll find a way, if it’s meant to be.”

  “What I’ve done … tried to do … he could never forgive.”

  “You never know how strong someone is. He could forgive you.”

  “Maybe.” Triena avoided looking at the old woman. It was best for her if she forgot about him, got this chip out of her arm, and then tried to sort things out with the Queens, if that was even possible. Besides, she couldn’t forgive herself for being so stupid to try and kill him, twice.

  “Right, let’s get something for you to eat.” Marory picked up the rabbit and he snuggled himself into her body as she left the room.

  Marory went all out to make sure she had fresh food, and some meat, Triena thought. The soup smelled of coriander and chicken, and she saw a few carrots and potatoes in the liquid. Her stomach grumbled with content as she began to eat the thick soup.

  Triena ate all of the soup, and tried to forget about Braklen and the mess she was in. Marory came back just in time to take the bowl and hand her a fresh cup of tea.

  “The rabbit reckons you will like this blend.”

  “Well, I shouldn’t trust him anymore than you.”

  Marory handed her the tea and Triena gave in and took the cup. She could smell the hint of pepper and mint, and a floral scent of Fei she knew would help her sleep. She wanted to sleep, as long as that meant she could have a break from being be stuck in this room. She figured her dreams would offer some sort of escape. As long as I don’t see the crown again. She was done thinking for now.

  She sipped at the tea. Could’ve Salene really have betrayed me? She hadn’t thought of her friend back on Oberon, not since they left the pack behind. Since then the Queens or the Peacekeepers hadn’t harassed them. Triena sighed. She’d been stuck down here in this room, and she had no idea what Braklen had been up to. It was too hard to tell if they managed to get off the radar.

  She guessed not, remembering the voice she heard in the energy, but that was different. She was certain it was a sign a Queen was actively looking for her. Unless there was someone else who was skilled in the Energy that wasn’t with the Queens, who had been looking, and maybe just happened to find her. Because she been busy hiding from the Queens, she’d never tried to track anyone.

  I wonder how hard it is. There were too many unknowns and Triena took a deep breath trying to forget and to clear her mind. If there was someone else out there looking for her, then she would find them.

  “The preparations are coming along well,” said Marory. “You’ll leave tomorrow.”

  “Is Braklen making the preparations?”

  “Of course. You can trust him, dear. Get some rest now.” Marory left the room and shut the door behind her.

  Her words didn’t reassure Triena.

  How do I really feel about him? Do I trust him?

  Chapter 13

  “Will she be ready in time?” Priest Junqi sat at the kitchen table with Marory and Braklen drinking tea.

  A fountain in the corner made of metal and stone to look like a waterfall, had been turned on and the sound of running water sent ripples out into the energy and kept their conversation from being detected.

  Braklen rubbed his head. This talk gave him a headache. He preferred to be talking plainly, so there could be no ambiguity or misinterpretation. He didn’t want to end up back on Oberon, or heading towards Earth. He wasn’t sure if the Priest knew where they wanted to go, which was probably different to where he thought they needed to go.

  “She’ll be ready,” said Marory.

  “She has to be.” Braklen stretched out his back, trying to release some of the pressure.

  “You should get some rest.” Priest Junqi looked at Braklen. “This isn’t going to be easy.”

  “Can’t. I’ve been kicked out of my bed.” Braklen drank a mouthful of tea. “You got anything stronger?” He looked at Marory who shook her head.

  “You do still need to rest. You should go and lay down,” said Priest Junqi.

  “You just concentrate on getting us out of here. I’ll worry about myself and Tri.”

  “You’ve made progress?” Marory looked uncomfortable perched on the stool, as if any moment she would topple over.

  “It’s turning out to be more expensive than I thought.” The Priest sipped some of the tea.

  Marory looked at Braklen, her eyes sad. “I don’t have anything else to give, or to trade with.”

  “That’s fine, you need to look after yourself. You’ve done your duty by taking us in. Not many people would be so generous these days.” Braklen took a deep breath.

  He always knew this was going to be tricky, but since Marory took them in he’d allowed himself to hope too much. To think it was as simple as ditching the bugged pack and then they would be safe. The Priest told him there were more Peacekeepers here since he and Triena arrived. Braklen hoped that was to do with the cargo and not them. He stood up and paced around the small room.

  “If only
I could go out myself,” he mumbled. “It would be quicker.”

  “You know that’s too risky,” said Marory. “Here sit down. I’ll make some more tea.”

  Braklen ignored her and kept pacing.

  “You and the woman are all over the Ads here, it wouldn’t be wise for you to go out.”

  “Great, just the publicity I need.”

  “Queens want you both, alive. The Ads are clear and they are offering a lot of money. Too much, for them to pay out, but most people round here don’t get that side of the picture.” Priest Junqi watched Braklen move back and forth near the sink.

  “Out the way,” said Marory, flicking him with a tea towel. She bustled past him to get to the kettle. She topped up the pot of tea in the center of the table.

  He decided to sit back down, since he was in her way. He stretched his legs out under the table and managed to kick the Priest. “Sorry.”

  “What makes you worry so much?” asked the Priest.

  Braklen didn’t know how the Priest managed to keep himself calm. He thought if he had to stay here for another night he’d self-destruct and he would welcome that, anything would be better. Except getting caught. He knew he had to keep on the run.

  “Did you find out what they trading?” Braklen cringed a little for speaking too plainly, but he wanted to know.

  “A little not much. This is all new to us too. And coming from Oberon, that’s odd. We think the ship picked up the goods elsewhere, Oberon was just a cover stop, to drop of resources to the poor souls starving there.”

  “What about the Queens?” Marory sprinkled more black tea leaves in the pot. “Extra strong to help you relax.” She smiled at Braklen.

  “The trade strengthens their position and power in leadership.”

  “I didn’t think anyone was threatening them. They don’t need to do this,” said Braklen. He poured himself more tea.

  “There are some left, like me, some who had similar skill with the Energy, both men and woman, who want to see the balance righted. The Queens have found out and are trying to use fear to keep their power, and the likes of us dead.”

  “Just like the old Priests, we haven’t managed to change the situation much.”


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