Charming Selene: The Charming Series Book 1

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Charming Selene: The Charming Series Book 1 Page 15

by Dee King

  “Your wrong about that. There are a lot of futures in your hands. Be smart. When your heart makes the choice the worlds will have a new future.”

  “So, your psychic too?” I try to move to the opposite side, yet he blocks me again.

  “No, Yes, no. Stop trying to move passed me. You are confusing me.” I see this as my chance to flee. I move to the left, then to the right. I move passed him and start to run. Before I can make it barely three steps ahead he is in front of me.

  “Don’t do that again.” He stands very close to me. He leans down.

  “I will let you go, when I say.”

  “No. I leave when I damn well feel like it.” I push him out of the way. He doesn’t even flinch. He takes hold of my hair. I scream. He pulls my hair tighter, as he pulls me back face to face with him.

  “I said do not do that again!” I scream again as he pulls harder on my hair.

  “You scream one more time and I will decide your fate for you.” He whispers in my ear.

  I look to the beach. I can see the waves crashing hard on the shore.

  I scream again. Louder than I had. The waves start to really build.

  “Knock it off. Now!” Cato yells at me as he looks towards the ocean.

  I know if I can get out of his grip I can make it to the water. I relax my body. He loosens his grip. My hair is still in his hand I look into his eyes.

  “Now, can you stop and just listen?”

  I nod. He releases my hair. I stand there in front of him. I look towards the ocean. I run! I run fast and hard. I reach the water with not a moment to spare. I lean down, and take the water in my hands. I can feel Cato behind me. I slowly turn around with the water cupped in my hands. I throw it in his face. It freezes immediately to his face.

  I take my opportunity to run. I run as fast as I can. I can see the stairs to the balcony of the mansion. I see Colin standing with Sebastian and Ian. I try to scream that he is behind me, but the words are not coming. I make it to the stairs while Colin sprints down them. He runs passed me. I stop. I turn to see Colin smack right into Cato. Cato falls to the ground. Sebastian and Ian run passed me. I try to catch my breath, but I start to run behind them.

  “I told you to stay away from my sister!” Colin yells.

  “I told you never to touch me again!” Cato tries to stand. Colin lunges towards him. Cato slams into Colin. Sebastian lunges at Cato. Colin and Sebastian have Cato on the ground. Sebastian has his arms pinned down in the sand. Colin stands over Cato.

  “What did you do to her?” He screams at Cato.

  “Nothing. She wouldn’t listen to me. I treated her the same way she treated me.” Before Colin can get the next words out I see Sebastian lift his right fist and slam it into Cato’s face. Before I can break it up, I see the same blue blur I saw at the school.

  It’s Alex. He wraps his arms around Colin’s waist, and throws Colin onto the ground. I can not stand by and watch them fight. I lunge at Alex to get him off Colin. I see what is about to happen, but I can’t stop him. He punches me in the face. Hard! I feel myself falling back. Slowly. I try to stop myself, but before I can stop I land on the ground.

  Everything goes black. I know I am laying on the sand, but I can not seem to open my eyes.

  Selene. Stay still. This moment is going to change your life. Stay still. Do not move. I can hear the words. I do not recognize them. I lay still, I can hear their voices all around me, yet I can not open my eyes.

  Selene, you have just seen what Alex is really like. Stop. Take this time to truly see him.


  I am here.


  That I can not tell you, but I am proud of you!

  You are?

  Yes I am. I also believe that in this moment, you now see who you are and what you want.

  I do?

  Yes. Open your eyes slowly. The answer is in front of you.



  I still hate you.

  I can feel tears falling from my eyes.

  I know, but one day you will not.

  Can they hear you?


  Why not?

  It doesn’t work the same as it does for me while on Earth.

  You are here?

  Yes. I am always here when you need me.

  Will I see you?

  Soon. Now, listen to my words. The answer to all your questions is in your heart. Just listen to your heart. It will not fail you.


  Now, open your eyes, and see your future.

  I slowly open my eyes as I try to pull myself up. Sebastian is standing over me.

  My future?

  “Selene, Selene. Are you alright?” Sebastian is trying to help me sit up. I look around and see all of them staring down at me.

  “Yes. I think so.” I get to my feet and shake off the sand.

  “Selene. I am so sorry! I did not see that it was you!” Alex is trying to push his way

  between Colin and Sebastian.

  “It’s fine. Really.” I look away from Alex.

  “No. It’s not fine. I should have never done that.” Alex tries to keep getting closer to me. “Alex, let it go. I am fine. See?” I put my arms out to the side and turn around in a circle.

  He starts to try to maneuver again between Colin and Sebastian, but neither budge. “Where is Cato? I wanted to ask him one more thing.” I look around for him. “He left as soon as we saw you laying on the ground. He won’t be back for a while. I


  I turn to walk towards the steps of the balcony but I almost fall back down. Sebastian places his hands around my waist. “I am fine. Stop making a big deal out of this.” I place my hands on his and remove them gently.

  “She needs to be in the water. Now.” Colin says as he picks me up off the ground and runs to the shore line.

  He swiftly places my feet in the water. I stand on my own.

  “Lean down and wash your face.” I hesitate, but I do as he says.

  I let the water rush over my face. Using both of my hands I keep splashing the water over me. I can feel it hitting my face, yet it feels like silk running through my fingers.

  I look at my hands. They are glowing, they look like I may have rubbed my hands in glitter. I take them out of the water. No more glow. No more glitter.

  I place them back in. They glitter. I turn to look at Colin.

  “What is happening?” Colin leans down to look at my hands in the water. He smiles.

  “The water is healing you, and you are letting it.” I look back down at my hands. The charm bracelet is glowing the same as my hands. I smile to myself.

  This is the first time I can feel the water. Really feel it. Something inside of me even feels as if it’s glowing.


  I think I need to see Sebastian.

  I turn. Sebastian has this beautiful smile across his face.

  I walk out of the water towards him. I now know what I am supposed to do. I know how I

  feel. I turn back towards the water.

  Thanks, Dad.

  I turn back to Sebastian and place my arms around his neck. I step up on my tip toes and

  kiss him on the lips.

  I remove my arms.

  Colin comes from behind me and I feel him lifting me in the air again.

  “Selene! You are a goddess! You should be carried like one!” I smile down at him, as he

  carries me to the balcony on his shoulders.

  I can hear Alex screaming. Colin sits me down on one of the couches on the balcony. I stand as fast as he puts me down. I run to the edge of the steps where I can see Alex screaming at Ian.

  “You son of a bitch! I told you never to interfere with my life! You will pay for this! YOU will pay!” Alex runs fast to his car. He is so fast I can barely see him, I just hear his car speed away. Ian and Sebastian laugh as they climb up the steps of the balcony.

  “What was that about?” I ask.

/>   “He is mad. He is really mad.” Ian laughs loudly.


  “He thinks that I could have stopped him from hitting you and now that you made your choice between the two, he thinks it’s my fault.”

  “He is mad at you?” I ask Ian.

  “Yes. He believes that this is my fault.”

  “That he hit me? How is that your fault?”

  “He is right. I could have stopped him, but I figured you should see Alex how we all know him. He doesn’t scare me.” Ian starts to laugh again as he looks at Sebastian.

  “What is he going to do now? How does he know who I chose? Because I kissed Sebastian?” Ian, Sebastian and Colin all start to laugh. I am not amused.


  “It wasn’t the kiss. It was your heart. We all know. I would say that every god now knows. When a god or goddess falls in love, we all know.”

  “That doesn’t make sense. I didn’t say that I loved him.” I look towards Sebastian. Colin steps towards me.

  “You didn’t have to. Your heart told us. That’s why you saw your hands glowing.”

  “My heart knows, and everyone knows, but me?”

  “Something like that. Once you give your heart to someone it’s kind of like a magical message. You will see. The next one of us who falls in love, you will know.”

  Colin places his hand on my shoulder.

  “Don’t worry. We all wanted this for you. We are happy.” Colin steps back and points to Sebastian.

  “If you really focus you will be able to hear how Sebastian feels for you. You just have to focus. You will see what we are talking about.”

  I look at Sebastian. His dark hair in his eyes, his perfect smile.

  I try to tune everything out. I close my eyes.

  I can feel it. I can feel his heart.

  His love is like a hot flame. I can literally feel the warmth around him. I open my eyes.

  “I can feel something.” I look down at my sand covered feet.

  “You. That’s who. How can you not feel that? Or not know that it’s you? It’s always been you.” Sebastian takes one of my hands in his and places it over his heart.

  I blush. Ian starts clapping and laughing. We both turn to look at Ian and Colin. The two of them are laughing so hard that Colin trips over a chair. Sebastian and I are now laughing along with the them.

  “Oh, Colin. I love you. Can’t you feel my love.” Ian has his hand out to Colin.

  “Oh, Ian. I only love you. Kiss me. Let’s make babies.”

  We all laugh. It was pretty amusing.

  I look at Sebastian as we intertwine our fingers.

  “That’s enough. You guys are hilarious!” Sebastian says to Colin and Ian.

  “I am sorry, but you guys are so ridiculous. I hate you Sebastian, wait, I love you, Sebastian. Blah, blah, blah. We all knew this would happen. We were just waiting for Selene to see it.” Ian says while he walks around the counter.

  “So, who needs a drink after all this?”

  “Ian! We don’t drink.”

  “Selene, keep your bikini on, I meant a bottle of water or something. Calm down there Mrs. Andreas.” He laughs so hard at himself that he literally has to take a breath afterwards.

  “Shut up!” I say as I laugh with him. I look at Sebastian who is smiling from ear to ear.

  I now know in my heart this is who I want to be with.

  I feel that I should be truly happy, but I can not seem to shake the feeling that meeting Cato may be a cause for concern for me.

  Chapter 21 I wake up feeling giddy. I now have everything I want.

  Seeing Alex for who he really is was eye opening to say the least.

  I know part of me feels it was an accident, but he saw me as clearly as I saw him. I could never truly know my emotions with Alex, and with Sebastian I just feel different. He, of course, drives me crazy, but I see the real Sebastian now.

  He is the one I love. I would say I had always known that it was him, but then I just never

  could get Alex out of my mind.

  Why is that? Now, I will never know if I actually ever liked Alex or if it was just a crush. When we were together it just never felt truly, right.

  What do I know about love?

  All I know is that Sebastian makes me feel different. Alive. How I feel in the water, is

  how I feel when I am with Sebastian. He makes me want to pull my hair out, and then he makes me smile like I never have.

  Selene? Are you going to school or do you want to discuss your love life all day?

  Crap! Colin?

  Yep. Seriously, you have got to remember that when you think in depth like this, I can hear you. It’s gross.

  Shut up.

  I can hear Colin chuckling to himself. I walk into my closet. Only a couple more days then school is out!

  I can feel the excitement running through my body. I dance my way to the bathroom.

  I look at myself in the mirror after my shower. I can see a glow I have never seen before. My hair looks better than it ever has.

  I dress and leave for school. My stomach is making weird noises as I drive.

  I feel very nervous about seeing Alex today. I feel anxious about seeing everyone today.

  I pull into a parking spot beside Sebastian’s car. I did not even notice he was still sitting in the car until I heard my name.

  Selene, Love. I look over my shoulder to see Sebastian stepping out of the car.

  Really? Stop calling me Love.

  I stand in front of his car now with my hands on my hips.

  I could stop, but I don’t want to.

  He closes the car door. I can feel the heat radiating off him as he nears me.

  He places his hand into mine. I grin as we walk hand in hand towards the door of the school. People are staring. The most shocking faces has to be Chloe and Chris. They were waiting for me on the steps into the school.

  “Anything you want to tell us?” Chloe says as she points to our hands. I can feel my face getting flushed. I want to pull my hand away, but Sebastian’s grip is hard to get out of.

  “In all these years, I have never once seen you hold anyone’s hand, and you pick my sister to make this scene with?” Chris says to Sebastian.

  “You knew how I felt about Selene, Chris. She just realized, finally, how she felt about me.” Sebastian says with a grin.

  “True. Good to see she came to her senses, huh?” Chris and Sebastian laugh together.

  “In more ways than one, my friend. In more ways than one.” Sebastian looks down at me with the biggest smile spread across his face. I elbow him in the stomach.

  Chloe comes to my side. I know she wants to discuss this, and I want to, too, but right now I have bigger problems.


  Cali and Alex are waiting for me at my locker. I can feel Sebastian’s grip tighten as we get closer. His other hand is in a fist by his side.

  “Selene. Sebastian.” Alex says in a low voice.

  “We need to talk about this.” He points to our intertwined hands.

  “No. We don’t. You know the rules as well as I do. It’s over, Alex. Let it go. Move on, with the one you love. Leave Selene out of this. Game over, man.” Sebastian says while still holding my hand. Chloe and Chris are just staring at all of us. I turn towards Chloe and loosen my fingers from Sebastian’s grip.

  “Oh my gods! I forgot to ask you! What happened with your agent?” I ask Chloe.

  “I got it! I am so sorry I had forgotten all about that for a minute! I leave for Paris two days after we graduate! Can you believe it? Me? On the runway in Paris?” Chloe tosses her hair over her shoulder and grins at me.

  “I told you! I knew you would! This is amazing!” I throw my arms around here and hug her tightly.

  “Congrats, Chloe. Always knew you would be knocking them dead on the runway one day.” Chris looks at Chloe as if he just lost his best friend.

  I can see it, now. His feelings for her have been
there all along, and I never noticed before this moment.

  I can see that a part of Chloe is actually sad to be leaving.

  How do I know how they are feeling? Is this part of being a goddess or am I just seeing the truth for the first time?

  It’s because your a goddess. I look towards Cali. She nods with a smile.


  No problem. So, how are you going to deal with this?

  What? Oh, Alex and Sebastian?


  I don’t think there is anything to deal with.

  You have a lot to learn.


  They will not let this go, well, Alex won’t. His need for power outweighs anything he may feel for anyone.

  Should I be scared? Because I am not. He already hit me. What’s the worst that could happen?

  Death. That’s the worst that could happen.

  Holy crap. You think he would kill me?

  No. Ha. No. Never you. He could never defeat you or Sebastian. He would need help, but anyone who gets in his way, well, they may want to watch out.

  Oh, okay. Well, thanks again. I think.

  No problem. We nod at one another.

  “I only have these last two finals, and I am done for the rest of my life!” Chloe announces to us all.

  “Awesome! I have three left. How about you Chris?”

  “One, and if I don’t get to class now I won’t be able to make it.” We all look at one another and wave goodbye. I try to walk towards my class when I feel a hand on my arm.

  “We aren’t done, yet.” Sebastian takes me in his arms. He kisses me on the lips.

  “I will see you soon.” He winks at me as I am left to walk away with the feeling of his lips on mine.

  I see Alex sitting in his chair, staring directly at me as I walk in.

  He looks really angry. I smile at him, just to show him he does not scare me.

  I can hardly concentrate on my final.

  I can feel Alex glaring at me from across the room. I try to block him out. It’s almost impossible. I sneak a glance over at him. He looks me in the eyes.

  We are not done! You didn’t even give us a chance!

  I did! I am sorry. It’s just not what I want, Alex.

  Oh, WE all know that! I promise we will talk later.

  No, no we won’t. We don’t have anything to say to one another.

  You may not, but I do.


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