Scout's Oath: A Planetary Romance (Scout's Honor Book 2)

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Scout's Oath: A Planetary Romance (Scout's Honor Book 2) Page 1

by Henry Vogel


  Part 1

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Part 2


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17


  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41


  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43


  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Scout’s Oath

  A Planetary Romance By

  Henry Vogel

  Rampant Loon Press

  Lake Elmo, Minnesota

  Copyright © 2015 by Henry Vogel

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photographic, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the publisher.

  Published in the United States of America by Rampant Loon Press, an imprint of Rampant Loon Media LLC, P.O. Box 111, Lake Elmo, Minnesota 55042. “Rampant Loon Press” and the Rampant Loon colophon are trademarks of Rampant Loon Media LLC.

  Cover artwork: Aaron Bradford Starr

  ISBN: 978-1-938834-43-1 (ebook)

  ISBN: 978-1-938834-44-8 (print)

  First publication: February 2015

  Part 1

  Scout's Merit

  Chapter 1

  Callan and I lay entwined in each other’s arms. Moonlight shone through the windows, casting the room into a harsh contrast of deep shadows and silver light. My gaze was drawn, as always, to my wife’s face and the soft curve of her shoulder. I felt anew the wonder that this beautiful princess had fallen in love with me—a crash-landed Terran scout with no lineage and no family within fifty light-years of her kingdom.

  Her beauty so captured my attention that I did not consciously notice the murmur of conversation outside our door until it stopped. We rarely had anyone come to our rooms at this late hour. My curiosity piqued, I carefully disentangled myself from Callan, pulled on some pants, and padded to the door. More out of habit than worry, I grabbed my sword before opening the door.

  The guard in the hallway turned an inquiring look my way. “Yes, my prince?”

  I didn’t recognize this guard, but there were quite a few new faces in the Royal Guard. Captain Hunter had to replace the brave men who gave their lives defending Callan when she had been kidnapped just a few months before.

  “I thought I heard voices, Corporal...?”

  “Evans, Your Highness.”

  “Pleased to meet you, Evans. And it’s just Captain Rice or, when it’s just the two of us, David,” I said. “I’m the prince consort, not an actual prince.”

  “Yes sir.” Evans said nothing about voices.

  “Voices, Corporal?”

  “Oh, yes sir! It was nothing. Just my superior officer checking in on me.” Evans flashed a smile, his eyes not meeting mine. It was obvious he didn’t want to talk about it any further. Perhaps he’d gotten a bit of a dressing down.

  “Very well, Evans. As you were.”

  Evans released the breath I hadn’t realized he’d been holding. “Sorry to have disturbed you, sir.”

  After locking the door, I stared at it for a few seconds. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but something didn’t feel right.

  “Are you going to stare at that door all night, prince consort,” Callan said, “or come back to bed and consort with the princess?”

  “The things I do to insure the royal succession...” I heaved a theatrical sigh.

  “Mordan appreciates your unstinting dedication to duty.”

  “Only Mordan?” I asked, slipping into Callan’s arms.

  Callan kissed me deeply, giving me all the answer I needed.

  Distracted as I was, I wouldn’t have heard the door to our balcony open if it hadn’t had a squeaky hinge. But the squeak drew my attention.

  Someone was sneaking into our room!

  Chapter 2

  I rolled out of bed, drawing my sword from the scabbard hanging on the bed post. My arm was back, ready to swing at the small figure slipping into the room when I realized who it was.

  “Milo? What do you think you’re doing?”

  Milo put his finger to his lips. “Shhhh! Get dressed, David. Something’s not right in the palace.”

  Behind me, I heard Callan get out of bed. Milo’s eyes went wide.

  Stepping in front of Milo, I said, “Callan, you’re giving Milo an eyeful.”

  “Pish, David. Milo lived with his sister in a single room for years. I’m sure he’s seen a woman’s bare backside before.”

  Milo leaned to his right, trying to look around me. “I have, you know.”

  I stepped to my left to block Milo’s line of sight again. “Seeing your sister’s backside is not the same as seeing my wife’s backside!”

  The rustle of clothing came from behind me. “I’m wearing a shift now, darling. Stop worrying about what Milo is going to see and start worrying about what he is going to say!”

  I reached for my clothes, nodding at Milo to fill us in.

  “Things are too quiet in the palace, even for this time of night,” Milo began. “And I don’t recognize any of the guards.”

  That got my attenti
on. As a court page, Milo was expected to know all of the guards.

  Milo continued, “When I tried to come up here to talk to you, the guards at the ground floor door to the stairs wouldn’t let me pass and ordered me to go to bed. I had to scale the palace wall to a third floor window to get around them.”

  Certain of the answer, I asked, “Was that you talking to the guard at our door a few minutes ago?”

  “Yeah. He wouldn’t let me knock on the door and threatened to have me beaten if I didn’t clear off. I acted all scared and pretended to go away. Then I slipped through a door, onto a balcony, and got here jumping from balcony to balcony.”

  “Milo!” Callan gasped. “It’s a hundred-foot drop from those balconies! What if you’d missed a jump?”

  Milo shrugged. “I didn’t.”

  Our hushed conversation was interrupted by the sound of a key being inserted into the lock of our door!

  Chapter 3

  Whoever was outside the door was taking it slowly, trying very hard to minimize noise. Unlike the squeaky door, I doubt I’d have heard the key if I still lay within Callan’s embrace.

  Safe rooms had been built adjoining each of the royal bedrooms after an unsuccessful attempt to kidnap Callan when she was four years old. The doors, designed to blend in with the walls, were quite sturdy. It would take ten to fifteen minutes for a band of determined men to break one of them down. Under normal circumstances, that was far longer than it would take the alarm to be sounded and the royal guards to arrive. From what Milo had said, I suspected the situation was far from normal. I had to assume we were on our own.

  “Callan, Milo, get into the safe room!” I whispered.

  Callan touched a spot on the wall and a door popped open. “What about you, David?”

  “I don’t think we can count on the palace guards arriving any time soon,” I replied. “I’ve got to stay out here and drive the attackers off.”

  “I can help!” Daggers appeared in Milo’s hands. He looked like such an innocent kid it was hard to remember he’d grown up on the streets.

  “No, Milo,” I said. “If something happens to me, I need you to keep Callan safe.”

  The boy stood a bit straighter. “You can count on me!”

  “I know I can. Now get into the safe room, both of you!”

  For once, Callan didn’t argue. The safe room door clicked shut just before the lock in the hallway door clicked open.

  I took three quick steps and pressed against the wall next to the hinges of the hall door. In the moonlight, I watched the door knob slowly turn and then the door inch open. I expected light to shine through the widening crack but none did. Whoever it was obviously hoped to slip into the room unnoticed and catch Callan and me unawares.

  Five sword-wielding shapes glided silently in through the door, fanning out at the foot of the bed. One of the men carried a tightly shuttered lantern. It looked like they hoped to blind us by opening the lantern just as they made their move. Their plan probably would have worked, too, if it hadn’t been for Milo. I no longer begrudged the boy his look at Callan’s bare backside!

  One of the men held up his hand, fingers splayed. He tucked in his thumb, then his little finger. It was a countdown to insure all five acted at once and with absolute surprise.

  My lips curled up in a smile. Time to crash their surprise party!


  On the count of two, I stepped forward, grabbed the assassin with the lantern and threw him into the leader. The two men went down in a heap. The lantern rolled free, a small puddle of flaming oil pooling on the floor. I spun to my left and kicked one of the other assassins under the chin with all of my Boosted strength. His head snapped back with an audible crack. Neck broken, the assassin fell twitching to the floor.

  I had hoped my sudden attack would scare off the others. It didn’t. The two assassins still standing moved toward me with skill and deliberation. Backing toward the safe room door, I readied my sword and waited for their attack.

  As the assassins attacked, it was obvious they had worked and trained together. They pressed their attack with a level of coordination I’d never faced in my short time on this planet. From the first cross of our swords, I was on the defensive. I was so busy parrying their attacks I was unable to mount any attacks of my own. Behind them, the leader and the lantern bearer were rising to their feet. I was hard pressed fighting two on one, I’d have no chance at all fighting four on one!

  Gambling that I had learned the rhythm of the two assassins facing me, I went on the offensive. I parried an attack from the assassin on the left then lunged at the assassin on the right. My unexpected and reckless attack slipped past his guard. The point of my sword pierced his eye and drove into his brain. The assassin reeled back, screaming. The other assassin kept his attention fully on me and I just managed to jump back ahead of his next attack. Before I could take advantage of the one on one situation, the other two assassins joined him.

  The three men fought with the same attention and coordination I’d been facing from two men. I was sorely pressed keeping these three assassins at bay. My sword flashed and I danced back and forth just ahead of their blades. I found no openings for attack and knew I’d never get away with the surprise attack I’d used seconds before.

  The leader sized up the situation and grinned. “Just be patient, lads. He can’t keep this up for more than a few minutes. He’ll tire and then we’ll have him!”

  Chapter 4

  The leader of the assassins was right. I might hold these men off for several minutes, but one of them would get past my guard or I’d eventually suffer Boost Burnout. My only hope was to take as many of them with me as possible. I prepared to attack, planning to ignore defense entirely and concentrate on killing these three men. I fully expected to die from the wounds they would inflict.

  Then I heard the door open behind me.

  “Callan!” I said. “That door is going to be your only protection in a minute or two! Shut and bar it!”

  “Don’t be daft, darling,” Callan said, her voice rock steady. “And could you stand in one place for a second or two?”

  I had no idea what she had in mind, but the eyes of the assassin leader had gone wide as Callan spoke. I did as she requested.

  I heard a sharp snap over my shoulder and a crossbow bolt buried itself between the eyes of the assassin leader! The confident grins vanished from the faces of the remaining assassins.

  “Don’t let those two escape,” Callan said. “This crossbow is devilishly hard to wind!”

  “Try this, Your Highness,” Milo said.

  “Oh, well done, Milo!” Callan said.

  I heard the crossbow hit the floor then Callan said, “Darling, duck!”

  I dropped to one knee. The assassins looked perplexed. Then the Onesie whined and the assassin who had pretended to be a guard flew back against our bed. The gun had punched a fist-sized hole through his chest.

  I’d hoped the remaining assassin would run, giving me a chance to capture and question him. I had no such luck. The sudden reversal of fortune unnerved him. He panicked and attacked wildly. Unable to disarm him, I ran the man through.

  I dropped Boost then swept Callan and Milo into a fierce hug. “I’d have died if it weren’t for the two of you!”

  “I picked the Onesie out of your pocket when you stood in place so Callan could shoot the crossbow,” Milo said. “I hope you don’t mind.”

  “You did fine,” I said, tousling his hair.

  ”Winding the crossbow took so long!” Callan said, her calm beginning to unravel now that the fight was over. “I was afraid I wouldn’t be—”

  I interrupted her with a kiss, “That was quick thinking, dear! I didn’t even know there were weapons in the safe room.”

  The assassin I’d run through groaned. He wasn’t dead!

  Dropping next to him, I caught his head in my hands. “Who hired you? Were you trying to kill us or capture us?”


  Milo ran to our bedside table and grabbed the water pitcher kept there. I poured a trickle of water into the man’s mouth.

  “T-thanks.” He licked his lips. “K-kill you. Capture princess. Already have parents.”

  Callan gasped at that. Her parents had been out of the country on a diplomatic mission. They were expected back tomorrow afternoon.

  “Who hired you?” I asked again.

  The man shook his head, refusing to answer. He’d just given up what he had to see the anguish on our faces.

  “We don’t need him to tell us anything else, David.” She looked into the eyes of the dying man. “It can only be Ardhan Windslow. This kidnapping attempt is just like the one he planned sixteen years ago. Tell me I’m wrong, assassin!”

  I glanced from the assassin to Callan. The rising emotions of a moment ago were gone. Her face was hard and her eyes were as cold as the depths of space. Under her glare, the assassin nodded.

  Without another word, Callan stood. “Milo, find Martin and bring him up here. Tell no one else what has happened.”

  Milo nodded and dashed out the door.

  “You’re not going to summon the guards?” I asked.

  “No,” she said, striding to her wardrobe. “My parents lives may depend on secrecy. Having a couple of dead assassins found in our room will help, too!”

  Chapter 5

  “I’m sure you’ve come up with a great plan,” I said, “but could you explain it to me?”

  Behind me, the dying assassin convulsed, gurgled, and breathed his last.

  “Windslow hired these men to kidnap me,” Callan replied, “so I’m going to let him think his men got me. We leave a couple of bodies in the room—testament to your abilities—then we slip out of the palace without letting anyone else know we’re leaving. The logical assumption will be that we’ve been kidnapped. We’ll have a day or two before Windslow figures out what really happened. We’ve got to use that time to find my parents.”

  “Won’t that leave the country in chaos?”

  “That’s why our first stop is going to be my uncle’s fief. I’ll send him back here to take the throne until we get my parents back. It’s a long shot but Windslow hasn’t had a lot of time to plan or prepare for this. If we put our minds to it, I think we can figure out where he’s holding them.”


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