TNE 02 To Dream of Chaos

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by Paul Brunette

  Hive Federation: (noun/A large. interstellar government culturally dominated by the Hivers, but including numerous other races. Although devastated by contact with the Virus (cf). the Federation recovered with relatively great speed due to the sophistication of Hiver computer science (which devised various effective counter measures against Virus) IFF: (noun) identification. Friendor Foe An electronic system consisting of clecuonic challenges and verification codes to establish the irfantity of unknown largets Ithklur: (noun) A broadly humanoid member race of the Hiver Federation. physically powerful and instinctively violent, but guided toward a stable and constructive culturo by the Hivers. Given the Hiver aversion to physical violence. Ithklur form Die backbone of the Hiver Federation's ground lorces. Jump Drive: (noun) The standard interstellar drive in Charted Space, capable of spanning distances from one <0 six parsocs with a travel bme of approximately one week regaraless of distance. First available at TL9. the jump dnve is an indispensablo key to interstellar civilization, but ii does have demands Among them are the laet that the jump drive consumes vast quantities of liquid hydrogen coolant, which generally must be replenished alter each jump, and the need for vigilant engineers to maintain the flow of powar to Che jump field in flight.

  Jump Point; (noun) The point at which a sorship enters jump space with us jump dnve. generally plotted belorehand by its navigator. Safe jump points are a minimum of 100 diameters from any celestial body Jump Space; (noun) Collective lerm for the higher dimensions entered by useol a jump drive Ships in jump space have no contact whatsoever with normal space or any other objocts in jump space Last Imperfum: (noun) A vast interstellar empire dominated by Solomani and Vilani hu- ^^ (y marts (cf) from the period 0001 to I i 30 of it's -J^MBjfC-. own calendar. It extended over almost 20 Vj^^BX. complete sectors and contained over 11,000 worlds. At its peak, it dominated Charted Space before the Collapse. It was known to AJJ^K^ its members as the Third Imperium Its sym- Ow* boi was the Imperial Sunbursi Meson Communicator; (noun) An advanced communicatKXis device, firs! available at TLI5, which uses an operating principle similar to that of the mesongun (cl), but at much lower energy levels, to allow dire CI communicabon through any intervening barrier except a meson screen At currently achievable tech levels, the masoo communicator is too bulky to be practcaJ as a peisonal communicator.

  Meson Gun: (noun) A high-tech heavy weapon, first available at TL11, favored for botn space and planetary combat roles bocauso of its capacity to fira through physical banners and deliver massive fire directly into its target The meson tjunesssmially consists of two paired panicle accolera tors whose intersecting particle streams generate a carefully selected species oi meson—a subaiornic paniclo—which does noi interact substantially with other types of matter Those mesons are also inhorenily shortlived and unstable, but carolul modification uf the colliding particle acceleraror streams creates mesons with re la tiv is tic speeds sufficient to lei them roach distant targets and then disintegrate exptosrvefy within tnem Since the meson gun is unallectodby either armor or intervening terrain—the only defense being a sophisticated meson screen— ms tactical applications aie obvious Relatively small versions are olon used by high-tech armies as artillery weapons, and very large versions, similar to those used as spinal mounts (cf) on large warships, are olicn buried deep below the surface of a world as so-called deep-site installations Those, though expensive, are all but impossible to locate by attacking forces and can deliver devastaiing direct fire as long as their above-ground sensors remain intact NAS: (noun) Neural Activity Sensor, A passive sensor which can detect and classify lifeforms by the electrochemical acoviry in their brains The sensor is of only limilecf utility becauseol The very short range over which this is possible.

  New Era: (noun) RC colloquial term referring to the period after 1200, the bunding of the Coalition Datos are often given in the New Era (NS) by dropping the firs: three digits of the Imperial year Thus 1201 by the Imperial calendar becomes NE I.

  NOE: (noun, adj.) Abbreviation for "nape of tho earth," used to describe very tow, high-speed veh.culai HigM.

  Par sec; (noun) A unit of distance equal to 3 26 lighl-yoars Tho term is a contraction of "parallax second,' showing The unit's origin in ancieni Teran astronomy it is approximately equal to the average distance of a jump-1 displacement, and is ihus used as tho basic unit of interstellar distance in Charted Space

  PDM: (noun) Abbreviation for "planetary defense missile."designating any of various types of planet-based missiles designed expressly to intercept orbiting star-ships PRIS: (noun, adj.) Ab breviation for 'portable radiation imaging system." referring to a so-phislicated personal sensor lirsi available at TLt2 Rosembdngapat' of binocutars, the PRlS sensor can be sol to delect and magnify radia-

  bon sources across a spectrum of frequences from in Ira red to gamma rays. Il includes nor only a laser rangofinder but a gyrocompass and gyros tabilizer for image stability RCES: (noun) Abbreviation for Reformation Coalition Exploratory Service, tho exploration and diplomatic contact arm of the Relorrna-tion Coalition, often fielding well-armed raiding loroes for SAG missions (cl) agamst unfriendly states in the AO (cf).

  Reformation trillion: [ncxjn) An Interstellar alliance of 22 worlds in the Old Expanses sector, created by reorganization of the sorter Dawn League (cl) in 1200, Its name derives horn is explicit goal of reforming interstellar avi ization n the area of frve Last Imperium {cf>, Bftllc: (noun, adj) Equipment or technology left over from the pre-Collapse era (cl), often of higher lacfi level than goods available alter the Collapse and therefore actively sought by people of the New Era.

  Remnant: {noun, adj.) An individual who has survived form the precollapse era fof), often possessing first-hand knowledge in great demand in the New Era. and therefore much sought after by people and organizations operating relic equipment.

  Rim ward: (adj.) One of the four cardinal astrographic directions, toward the edge of the galaxy (and therefore lite opposite of cor sward). Standard maps generally place this direction at the bottom, making it analogous to south on planetary maps.

  SAG: foo,,) Abbreviation for 'smash and grab." the slang term for an RC "hot recovery" mission, in which somo degree of armed lorce is directed against a hostile target to secure o/id'or remove an asset of some kind.

  SD0: (noun) Abbreviation for system defense boat, designating a nonjump-capable spacecraft heavily armed and armored for protection of planetary systems SOEs often hide inside gas giants, asleroid bells or plaretary oceans, the slrategic refueling points inside a star system Schslll; (noon) An aquatic, intelligent race native to two worlds of the Reformation Coalition Schall and Aubaine. The Schalli are similar in appearanoe to Terran do! ■ phins, bui [heir eyes are mounted on mobile stalks, and lour manipulative arms extend from their chests. Four barbels extendrg from their *bottle-nose" muzzles serve as sensors in their native environment, but are also used as highly dextrous "fingers." The Schalli are expert navigators and aslrogators, and also have a pronounced facility lorelecironic systems, especially sensors, computers and Virus oountermeasures.

  Sector: (noun) An area of space measuring 32 parsecs spinward-trailing by 40 parsecs coreward-nmward, composed of 1S smaller subsectors (cl). Solomanl: (adj.. noun) The branch of humanity that developed to interstellar society on its original homeworld of Terra Although virtually indistinguishable on a biochemical lavel from the other transplanted branches of humanity. theSclomani are culturally and attitudinaIiy distinct from the other branches of humanity, most lota Wyirte two other major branches, the V'lani and2Hodani Solomanl Confederation: (noun) A highly centralized nval government of the Last Imperium (cf) predicated upon the supenonty of humans descended from Terra overall other sentient speci06. Most of the worlds of the RC were formerly within the borders of the Sotomani Confederation when it was destroyed by Urn Collapse (cf) Speeder: (noun) A light, high-speed contra-grav (cf) vehicle Heavily armed and armored models ("attack speeders") are tho often the backbone of high-tech level air lorces Spinal Mount: (nou
n, ad;,) The largest possible weapon that can be installed in a spacecraft, literally forming the spine of a vessel. In Charted Space, these weapons are either particle accelerators or meson guns (cf), since The performance of such weapons is directly related to their length. Certain unusual spinal mounts do exist, however, that do notoccupy the length of a vessol Among these are the so-called Janus mounts (lore and alt-tiring weapons installed back to back in a ship's spine), parallel mounts (two or more weapons parallel to the spine of a ship), and the radial mounts of spherical warships, which ofton have several "spinal* mounts pointing outward from their center of mass. Spinward :{adl) One of the four cardinal astrographic directions, in the direction of the spin of the galaxy (and therefore ifie opposite of trailing). Standard maps generally place this direction on the left, making it analogous to west on planetary maps. Star Viking; (noun) Term describing a member of the RC frontier services, originated by the Guild (cl) as a means of arousing tear. Subtector: (noun) A subdivision of a sector measuring eight parsecs spinward-trailing by 10 parsecs comward*rimward. Tech Level: (noun) A unilorm measure of technological sophistication in Charted Space Toch levels describe achievement in various a/eas {transportation, weaponry, medical science, etc ), but a key feature of increasing lech levels is increasing efficiency of energy production TL9isthelowesi tech level at which jump drives (cf) and practical fusion powor plants can be produced, and is therefore the lowest tech level at which starlaring civilization can be efficiently maintained By comparison, the bestlocaftyproducedequipmentol the RC is TL12, and the hignest common tech level of the Last Imperium (cf) was TL15. TED: (noun) Abbreviation for Technologically elevated dictator," designating any of the various planetary warlords scattered throughout the Wilds (cl) and relying upon relic (cf) weapons to control their populations. TEDs (also called -Teddies" or 'Theodores' by RC personnel) are often xenophobic, since interstellar contact can disrupt the small advantage ihai ancteni weaponry gives them over their populations.

  Terra: (noun) Former capital of the Solomani Confederation (d) and homeworid of the Solomani. Earlier name: Earth TL: (noun) Abbreviation for tech level (cl).

  Trailing: (adj) One of the bur eardr-al attognsphie clrectons, opposite the Sreciori of the spin of the galaxy (arid therefore the opposite of spinward). Standard maps generally place this direcoon on the right, making it analogous to east on plareta/y maps.

  Vac Suit: (noun) A protective suit for use in vacuum, a 'space suil."

  VampiroShip:(noun)As'A'shipthalis tully inlected with Virus (cl) and therefore an independent thinking organism under the control of its infected computers Sinoe stars hips require considerable maintenance. varrpire ships often use overt threats and coercion to gain and keep the human crews necessary to let them (unction.

  Vilani:(adj, noun) The branch of humanity that was trans planted by an apparent prehistoric experiment to the world Viand, whara the Vilani developed into an interstellar civilization, eventually recoil (acting other transplanted branches of humanity in their explorations Biochemically virtually identical to the other branches, the Vilani have distinctive cultural t/aits that distinguish them from other branches of humanity.

  Vlru»; (noun) The artificially intelligent computer virus that was developed as a Black War(cf) weapon and released in 1130, causing the Collapse (cf). Early virus strains were so-called Suicidars, programmed to inteel other computers with copies Ol themselves and then kill themselves and as many people as possible, but these strains naturally tended to die out quickly. Mutant strains existent in the Wilds (cf) of the New Era (cf) nave thus generally leh behind their sell-destructive instinct. The only lactor limiting the Virus' infection of new computer systems is the need tor a large memory area, but even small stand-alone computers can contain Virgj 'eggs' that will develop fuU intelligence when linked up with larger computer systems Wtltfs: (noun) The vast interstellar areas of the Last Imperium (cf)and its neighbors stripped cf interstellar civilization in the Collapse (cf)

  WSV: (noun, adj.) Abbreviation for "wide spectrum visual." referring to a TLIO sensor system including both light intensification and thermal viewing capacities. WSV viewers usually resemble binoculars or goggles worn on the head, but are also olten included with battle dress as standard equipment XO: (noun) Abbreviation for "executive officer." the second in command aboard a starship or in a military unit




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