CUFF ME Daddy: A Single Dad, Police Officer Romance

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CUFF ME Daddy: A Single Dad, Police Officer Romance Page 10

by Rye Hart

  “You’re gonna let me get to my car and drive away, or I’m gonna kill her.” I kept my eyes locked on Cash knowing it could be all over for me. I had been so worried about losing my brother and Cash that I hadn’t considered it would be me. I was the one dying tonight. I glanced to where Scott had been a second ago, but he was already gone.

  “Put your guns down!” Kings yelled to the top of his lungs.

  “Let her go! Don’t make it worse, Kings, you’ve got nowhere else to run.”

  “Put your guns down, or I’ll kill her.” The words were all starting to fade in and out even though they were shouted in my ear.

  I closed my eyes a moment and tried to picture a perfect day; something beautiful to see while I died.

  Funny how that image included Cash.


  I had never felt so helpless in all my life until I saw Starla with that fucking gun to her head. We’d taken Scott and one of the others pretty quickly, but then Kings and two of his hired men decided to start shooting, giving Kings an opportunity to run. Both of the other men were killed, and with everyone else searching for him in the woods, I had focused on Scott, telling him to cooperate, and, thankfully, he had listened. He hadn’t even pulled a gun, which would work to his favor. But then Kings had apparently backtracked and ended up at Starla’s back door.

  I kept my piece locked on him, but I could tell he was starting to get desperate. He wanted to get to his car, but that was never going to happen. I watched as the sniper inched closer behind the large tree that blocked most of their house. I was waiting for him to tell me in my earpiece that he had a clean shot, and finally he did. I said a silent prayer that he was as good a shot as I’d heard and then I made my move.

  “We’re going to put down our guns, the other officers will first, and then when I do, I want you to let her go.” The other officers lowered their weapons. “Now it’s our turn, Kings. Let’s do this okay. I put my gun down, and you let her go.”

  Kings wasn’t agreeing to anything, but that didn’t matter, I started to make my move, lowering my gun and then holding it with one hand only to throw it to the ground.

  Kings made no move to let go of Starla, but he stood at a perfect position to take a bullet right to the skull. His weapon never even fired as he hit the ground and Starla fell beside him.

  I rushed forward, but as everyone else focused on Kings, who was dead from the shot. I stopped in front of Starla, pulling her as far away from danger as possible. I grabbed the shoulder of the closest officer. “Go in the house and check on her grandmother.” I held my breath that Lu was okay, and I cradled Starla closer until I saw Lu and the officer step out onto the porch.

  I picked her up and carried her to the porch steps so Lu could see her. “Is she okay?”

  “She’s passed out from the excitement, but she’s fine. Let’s get her some oxygen.” I motioned for the paramedic to come check her out.

  “Could I see Scotty?” Lu asked the other officer.

  “Take her to out to see him.” The man agreed and led her out.

  Once I got Starla to her bed, and the paramedics were done getting her oxygen, I brushed her hair away from her face and wiped the few drops of blood that had gotten on her with a cool rag from the bathroom.

  I took advantage of her being out to kiss her cheek, and I closed my eyes and smelled her hair. She wasn’t going to want to see me. Not after everything. The past week had been hard enough without her, but I’d managed to finish the job, and now she and Lu were safe, and Scott was in custody. His part couldn’t have gone any better, and I hoped that once everything blew over, she’d at least talk to me.

  When Lu came back, I had to pull myself away. I had things to do at the station, but I promised I’d come right back. Lu gave me a spare key to let myself in if needed, but she couldn’t see how she’d be asleep. She said she’d let me know as soon as Starla woke up. I’d hated to leave but got a message from Lu that Starla woke up and showered and went back to bed. That allowed me enough time to focus on wrapping things up at the station. I’d also opened up a case to ensure that Tammy, the waitress who’d I suspected was suffering from domestic abuse, was paid a visit that week.

  So by the time I got back to the house and made my way up to Starla’s room, she was sound asleep. I let myself in, knowing she was going to be angry with me, but hoping for a miracle.

  My phone rang about eight in the morning, and I stepped out, leaving the small corner chair where I’d been dozing in her room to take the call.

  “Hey, Mom, it’s me.”

  “Thank God. I was so relieved to get your message.” Her voice broke, and I could picture the tears in her eyes.

  “Yeah, so I’ll be coming home soon after I tie up my loose ends.”

  “That’s good news, son. Livvy will be so excited. She’s having a rough time, and I had told her I’d let her call you today.”

  “I’ll call her. Tell her I love her. Is she still asleep?”

  “Yeah, do you want me to wake her?” I looked up and saw Starla standing in the middle of the room, her arms crossed in front of her. “No, let me call you back.” I hung up the phone, but I could tell that she was still angry.

  “So now I’m loose ends; something for you to patch up before you take off? No thanks. You can go now.” I realized she’d been standing there the whole time and my phone must have woken her up.

  “I didn’t mean it that way. Would you stop putting words in my mouth? I meant the investigation. I’ve got a lot of paperwork still on your brother. If I’m going to help him, I need to make sure I get everything on paper with the proper phrasing. There can’t be any mistakes.”

  “So why aren’t you there now?”

  “I came back here to see you. You’re what matters to me, right now.”

  “So you don’t care about Scott?” She turned and went to the kitchen and slammed a few cabinets as she fixed a fresh pot of coffee.

  I motioned for her to quiet down. “You’ll wake Lu.”

  She lowered her voice but closed the distance between us. “Now you’re concerned about Lu? She got knocked in the head last night. Did you even have her checked out?”

  “I had the paramedics take a look at her, she said she never lost consciousness, she knew what was happening the whole time, and she’s fine. Just a little tired and yes, I do care whether you believe it or not.”

  My phone rang, and it was Livvy. “I’ve got to take this.”

  “Oh of course.” She waved a hand and went back to piddling in the kitchen.

  “Hey, Sweetie, you just wake up?” Livvy’s voice was always rough in the morning.

  “Yeah, Daddy are you coming home today?” I hated having to tell her, no, but it would be at least another day away from her.

  “No, not until tomorrow, but when I come home, I’ll bring you a big surprise.” Livvy giggled and then she told me all about her week at school. I glanced up to see Starla watching me, but she made busy as if she weren’t.

  “I’m going to bake you a cake for coming home, but Nana says not to tell you what kind it is.” I had a feeling I knew. Mom had always made a German chocolate cake for my homecomings.

  “Okay, well you might not want to tell her you told me that if it’s supposed to be a surprise.” I looked up and saw a smile playing around Starla’s lips, but then she shook her head and turned her back. She didn’t want me to see her.

  I finished up my call with Livvy and got up to find her in the kitchen. I took a cup from the cabinet and poured myself a cup of coffee.

  She watched me shaking her head. “What did they do cancel your motel room?”

  “No, I’m not checking out until later, but Lu told me to make myself at home. I’ve even got a key, so I figure a cup of coffee isn’t going to offend her.”

  “Well, everything is fine now, so you can leave. That’s what you’re planning to do anyway, right? May as well get a move on. Oh, and I’ll have that key back now.” I f
ished into my pocket and pulled out my keys. I slipped hers off the ring and placed it in her hand.

  As she pulled away, I grabbed her hand and pulled her close. “Are you going to be mad at me forever, Starla? I saw the look on your face last night.”

  “You must have been mistaken. Besides, I was about to die.” She glared at me as if refusing to give in.

  “Fine, but I know what I saw, and I know what was going through my mind at the same moment. That if we made it, I was going to make sure I told you how I feel.” I dropped her hand and walked to the door, taking one last look. “I love you.” And then I left as her mouth fell open.

  I wasn’t going to stop, and she didn’t come after me.

  At least now she knows.


  I had let him walk out. As much as I felt like he’d let me down, in the end, I was the one who had thrown it all away. I hadn’t realized that until Lu pointed it out while we were on our way down to the station to see Scott before he was transported. There wasn’t going to be any bond, and so anything I had to say to Scott had to be done now.

  I was led into a room with a wide table, and though I’d expected to see glass between us, it was open. When they led him out, he was handcuffed in front and wearing the bright orange jumper and slip on shoes. I looked up to see he was smiling for me and I figured it was only to put me at ease.

  “No long faces, Star. Lu told me that you’ve been beating yourself up over this.” His face seemed so gaunt as if the stress and worry had made him lose weight overnight.

  “I’m sorry. I should have warned you. I should have at least told you something so you would have—”

  “It wouldn’t have made a difference, and honestly, I’d have let it play out.”

  I couldn’t be hearing him right.

  “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying that this was my only chance. Kings was going to kill me, and the way I felt every time I had to come around you and Lu, dragging those assholes in with me, it made me sick.” He shook his head, and his jaw was clenched so tight the muscle in his jaw feathered.

  “But you’re facing hard time for the things he made you do.” I didn’t understand how he could be okay with that.

  “Yeah, and I trust your man, Cash. He’s going to make sure the judge understands the position I was in. He’s trying to get me a plea deal. Now that Kings and those two thugs of his are dead, there’s nothing to be worried about.”

  “He’s not my man.”

  “Yeah, Lu told me what’s been going on. I’ve talked to him, you know. I asked him his intentions.” He met my eyes, and I leaned in closer.

  “What did he say?” I wondered if he had the courage to tell my brother what he’d told me and if not then I’d know he never really meant it.

  “Before I tell you, I want you to know that I believe his intentions with regard to you were true. How could he not fall in love with my amazing, beautiful sister?”

  So he had told him he was in love with me. I let that sink in, but I shook my head. “I’m always going to remember what Kings did though. Every time I look at him. I’ll see myself there with that gun to my head. I don’t know what to do.”

  “Try to imagine a better picture, Star. He’s a good guy.”

  It suddenly came back to me. I had thought of a better picture, one with me and Cash together and a happy ending for us all.

  I’d almost forgotten it, but now with Scott’s urging, it illustrated in my mind even clearer.

  “He saved us all, Star. If I don’t hate him, then why should you?”

  I sat a moment letting his words sink in.

  “I don’t hate him; I love him.”

  “I know. And I love you, so I want you to be happy. What are you waiting for? When I get out of here, I want to find you in a happier place. I want us to be a family again like we were before I gambled it all away. I think Cash could be a part of it.”

  “You do?” I wondered if Cash had changed his mind. It was possible, especially once he went back to his little girl and his own family and realized he was better off without me. I looked at the time. If I hurried, I might be able to catch him.

  “My time is up. They’re going to transport me.” Scott stood so the guard could take him out.

  “I’ll write you. Promise me you’ll call when you can.” I felt my heart breaking as he blew me a kiss.

  “I promise. Take care of Lu and be happy.” I knew what he meant. He wanted me to go after Cash too.

  Without wasting another minute, I hurried out and ran to the truck. I had to make it to the motel before Cash left. I had to at least see him and tell him how I felt. I glanced at the phone and considered calling, but my phone was dead. I looked for a charger but came up empty handed. The damned thing was in my bedroom. I put the pedal down and hoped no one would stop me. The last thing I needed was a ticket.

  I relaxed when I got to the motel and found his truck still out front. I parked sideways and jumped out of the truck, slamming the door as I hurried up the stairs and to his room. On the other side of the door was the man I hoped to spend the rest of my life with, or at least give it a fighting chance. I raised my hand and closed my eyes as I knocked.

  I took a deep breath as I heard him approach and then the door opened. Cash stood in the door a moment and then stepped aside to let me in. I had so many things in my head I didn’t know what to say first.

  “You just caught me. I was about to leave.” His suitcases were on the bed. Another five minutes and I’d have missed him.

  “I went to see Scott.”

  He leaned against the dresser in front of the antiquated TV and crossed his feet. “How’s he doing?”

  “He said you came to see him and that you’re helping him. I wanted to say thank you for that.” I couldn’t take my eyes off him, and I wished so much that I could just step up to him and kiss him. It would make things so much easier.

  “That was my intention all along.” He released a short breath and then stood tall. “But you’re welcome. I’m going to get going. Livvy is waiting for me.” He took his keys from his pocket. “Is that all you came to say?” He stood stark still, but his rising chest and his flared nostrils told me he was holding back.

  “I’m sorry. I should have trusted you.” My words seemed to put him at ease, and he closed his eyes a moment as it to let them sink in. “I shouldn’t have sent you away, and I should have told you how I feel.”

  He closed the distance, and I placed my hands on his arms. “How do you feel, Star?”

  “Did you mean what you said? Do you love me?”

  He let out a long breath and turned away.

  “Really? You know I do.” He grabbed my arm and pulled me close, placing his other around my waist. “What do you want?”

  “I want us. I’ve always wanted us; I just got so mad because the idea I had for us wasn’t possible. I let it go until you told me you loved me.” I was struggling, and I didn’t know why it was so hard. “You know what I thought about when Kings had me? I thought about us. That I’d never get to tell you how much I love you. And then when I thought I was going to die, I wanted a happy thought to be my last, so I thought of you. I’ve never been happier until you came along. I thought of Livvy and how you are with her. You’re amazing, and even though I had no right, I wanted to meet her. I wanted to brush her hair and tell her stories. I just wanted us to be a family some—”

  His mouth was on me before I could finish the sentence and then I melted against him, running my fingers through his hair. It felt like forever since I’d touched him and I knew I never wanted to be without him again. He walked me back to the bed and shoved his suitcases aside, then he lay me back, bracing on his elbows as he kept his lips working against mine.

  He slipped his hand beneath my top and felt my breast, and then he pinched my nipple before trailing his hand lower between my thighs where he applied pressure right at my apex. I was lost in his movements, and soon he und
id my pants and then he pushed them down.

  I pushed away to catch my breath. “What about Livvy. She’s waiting?”

  “She’ll be fine; I was thinking that after we make love, I could bring you to meet her?”

  My eyes filled with happy tears. The idea that someday maybe we could have more together, perhaps even a family, seemed like a possibility again. “Yes, I’d love that. Do you think she’ll like me?”

  A soft laugh sounded from his chest. “She’ll love you as much as I do.”


  Cash and I had agreed to live separately until we thought that Livvy could handle us all together, and since he was still staying with his mother since moving to Atlanta, we barely had a moment alone. I could totally understand the situation, the things we do for family, but sometimes it really sucked to make sacrifices.

  I had gone over to have dinner with him and his family at his mother’s invitation and as soon as dinner was done, she’d gathered up Livvy and a few of her toys and took her out to ice cream and the park. She was a good woman, and I could tell by the gleam in her eye as she left that she knew we needed the privacy and was happy to oblige. Go Mom.

  That was the day I really fell in love with her and wanted more than anything to be part of her family.

  Cash had just gotten me in his bed when his chief called and I thought for a moment that our time together would be cut short, but he shook his head and went to the other room, assuring me that wasn’t going to happen. I looked across the room to his open closet where his uniform hung. He had his belt and hat on the hook on the door and I decided to make things a bit more interesting.

  I slipped my shirt over my head and dropped my pants, leaving me in nothing but my black panties and bra. Then I took his crisp shirt of the hanger and pulled it around me, leaving it open. I turned in the mirror a few times, checking out how it looked and what else I needed. I decided to take his hat off the hook and put it on too.

  When he returned I was sprawled out on the bed, one leg up to show off my silk and his mouth curled up in a sly smile as he took in the sight of me.


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