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Painted Memories

Page 18

by Flowers, Loni

  “Want me to stop? Am I hurting you?”

  “No!” I yelled, breathless as I wrapped my other leg around his hip, pulling him deeper into my slickness. “Please don’t stop.”

  Drew drove hard as he pumped into me. His mouth covered mine, his tongue plunging deep into my mouth as he kissed me fervently. I wrapped my hands around his neck while he rode me. His thrust was hard and quick, and I knew he was as close to peaking as I was.

  It was like someone flipped a switch. I lost all strength in my body and withered beneath him, crying out as the blissful sensation pumped through me. “Yes,” I faintly heard him whisper in my ear as he slowed his rhythm, and rode out the wave of ecstasy before lying still. He brushed strands of damp hair from my forehead and kissed my cheek.

  “Wow, Lilly. That was—”

  “Oh, I’m sorry; I just kind of stopped there, didn’t I? I didn’t mean to… did you even get to… you know… but wow, Drew that was so…” I couldn’t even talk, let alone come up with the right words. It was so much more than I thought it could be. I wanted to do it again, over and over.

  Drew laughed as he brushed my lips with his thumb. “It was… you were amazing,” he said between kisses. “And I think our timing worked out perfectly.”

  I grinned at the praise, and wrapped my arms around his neck. “I don’t suppose you still want me to go home, do you?”

  A sly grin washed over his face. “Oh, if you think we’re done here, think again. You’re going to be tired in the morning.”

  “Am I now? The question is… do you really think you can keep up?” My hands slid across his chest, down his sides to his hips, where I dug my fingers into his skin. He pushed against me and I could feel his erection growing between my legs, a sign he had no problem keeping pace with me. I arched my head back as his lips brushed over my neck once more and realized three things.

  One, this was the best night of my life.

  Two, I was never leaving his bed.

  And three, the night couldn’t possibly be long enough.

  Chapter 21

  It was a thirty-minute drive to the town of Bellstone, where the charity event was being held. While driving, I thought about today, what it was and might become. It was a mixed bag. I woke up in Drew’s arms, feeling loved and secure in our relationship. Gradually, however, those feelings faded as the day’s significance dawned on me. Sorrow and regret overcame me as I realized it was five years since Jesse was taken from me. The feeling loomed the rest of my day despite how hard I tried to stay busy. I was doing everything possible to keep it together. I couldn’t allow myself to get emotional. I needed to look fresh and happy for Drew, his friends, and colleagues. Tonight was his night and he deserved it. Any self-pity parties would have to wait until another day.

  I thought about Drew and the night we shared, trying to get my mind off Jesse, and couldn’t resist a smile. I found it extremely difficult to leave his bed this morning, but I knew he had to prepare for tonight. Phillip would soon arrive to pick him up. Drew thought it would be easier to get ready at Phillip’s place and meet me at the event. I was fine with that. It made sense since he lived closer to the venue anyway. Afterwards, Drew and I could drive back in my car.

  I was stalling; reluctant to leave Drew’s apartment until Phillip finally called and said he’d be there in fifteen minutes. I had no choice then, but to pull myself away and hurry down to my apartment, lest I run into him. There was no way I intended to meet one of my true inspirations, and Drew’s best friend, for the first time with a crazy case of bed-hair and still smelling of sex.

  My navigation system advised me to turn in one mile to arrive at the hotel. I was nervous, but excited too, and anxious to see Drew in his suit. There was no doubt he’d look unbelievably sexy and I would want to sneak away with him, but we couldn’t. This event was too critical. After working so hard on it for months, there was no way I would let him miss out on any of it. No matter how long the night lasted, or how much I wanted to be alone with him, we weren’t leaving early. Meanwhile, I could savor the thought that I’d be going home with him. We could continue where we left off last night, making love until we were too exhausted to do anything else but lie in each other’s arms and slowly drift to sleep. We could stay snuggled up against each other with our heads under the covers, shielding the sun’s early morning rays from our tired eyes, both promising the other that we’d get up… in thirty more minutes. The time would tick by; the hours slipping away, until finally, our growling stomachs would eject us from bed around noon.

  I was lightheaded with excitement and the butterflies churned in my stomach as I pulled into the parking lot. I couldn’t wait to see him again, and with no plans for tomorrow, I saw no reason why we could not relive last night all over again.

  Panic struck me when I saw the sign: Ritz Carlton Hotel. I hoped I was dressed properly. Although my family had money, we didn’t do family vacations, and I’d never been to the Ritz before. Nor had I ever been to a charity event, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. Seeing a young man directing traffic towards the valet parking section, I laughed out loud and sped past him. There was no way my puny, little Honda Accord would blend in with the luxurious cars I saw in line. I could only imagine what mine would look like wedged between two stretch limos, so I opted for a parking space off to the side.

  I stepped out of my car as gracefully as possible, careful not to rip my dress on the heel of my shoe. I sent Drew a text message to let him know I arrived. The navy dress fell to my feet. Its chiffon fabric, light and airy, swayed in the breeze as I walked up to the main entrance. The slightly longer train of my dress trailed behind me on the ground as I walked, which looked elegant, but drove me crazy. The sales clerk in the boutique assured me that it was the style, and not to worry about getting it a little dirty. “That’s what dry cleaning is for,” she reminded me; but I didn’t feel right spending a couple hundred dollars on a dress, only to get it dirty the first time I wore it.

  Ignoring my concern, I bought the damn dress anyway.

  The dress definitely complimented my figure. The strapless top molded to my upper body with an intricate weave of cream and navy-colored lace. Pearl beads were sown into the lace with a silk belt that wrapped around my waist, outlining the curve of my hips. It was beautiful and I felt elegantly graceful as I approached the red carpet at the front of the door.

  I felt my hair, making sure no stray curls had slipped from my updo. Taking a deep breath, I continued my runway walk until my foot crossed the threshold from concrete to carpet. I peered down the aisle, following the red rug as it molded over each ascending step and saw him standing at the right of the door. With one hand in his pocket, he was watching me. Moving closer, my blood raced through my veins and everything around me faded to black except him. The three-piece, grey suit looked crisp and tailored on him. His dress shirt, a lighter shade of grey, stood out against the rest of his suit and silver tie. He was hands down the sexiest man I had ever seen.

  Drew came down the steps as I approached and held his hand out to me. I curled my fingers around his as he pulled me in, and his other hand wrapped loosely around my waist. It slowly drifted down my lower back as he leaned in to hug me. His lips brushed over my neck, his warm breath spreading goose bumps over my skin.

  “There are no words to describe how astonishing you look,” he whispered before placing a kiss beneath my ear.

  Drew pulled back as I looked down at myself. “Are you sure this is dressy enough? I mean, there are limos here. I’m sure I don’t hold a candle to some of the guests here tonight.”

  He pulled my chin up with his finger and gazed into my eyes. “I think everyone here will be jealous. You look absolutely stunning.”

  I appreciated the comment and smiled. “Thank you. I guess I can pull myself together from time to time.”

  “Are you ready?” he asked, holding his arm out for me to loop with my own.

  I nodded, slipping my arm though his, and lifted my d
ress to carefully climb the stairs. Even though I didn’t deserve to feel so happy tonight, I knew it was what Jesse would have wanted, so I couldn’t argue with that.

  Tonight I felt like Cinderella at the ball. Except this Cinderella had her Prince Charming, and a car that wouldn’t turn into a pumpkin at midnight.

  We entered the lobby and turned right, making our way down a long, open hallway. Plush, regal couches and chairs were scattered at random and several guests mingled. As we passed them, I noticed they were all dressed to the nines in their glittering gowns and black tuxedos. I smiled, giving them a polite nod as we passed by and asked Drew if his father managed to make it, as I remembered inviting him at dinner when we first met. Drew wasn’t thrilled about the idea, but got over it pretty quickly. I only hoped his father didn’t let him down by not showing.

  He grinned at me and shrugged his shoulders. “You know, I never expected Dad would show up. I assumed all the talk over dinner that night was a bunch of crap, but he’s here, looking stellar and saving our seats in the dining hall.”

  “Wow, that’s great. I can’t wait to talk to him again. Can you show me where your paintings are before we eat? I’m dying to see the new stuff you’ve done.”

  He laughed. “Actually, Phillip is in charge of all the contributions and getting everything set up in a separate room. They’ve been keeping the guests out until after dinner to give everyone a fair chance of seeing the items. I know I could go in there, but honestly, I’ve just been too busy with everything else.”

  I made a sad face, teasing him with my pouty lips. “That’s too bad. Can you at least tell me what it looks like?”

  “Aren’t we a bit impatient today? I can’t tell you that either.”

  I slapped him on the arm jokingly. “Oh, c’mon, can’t you tell me anything?”

  “Unfortunately, I can’t. I let Phillip pick out a couple of items from the back room of the studio. He was in the area, running some errands this morning before he picked me up. I left it up to him to decide which ones he wanted. It could be anything from the beach to the mountains, or even a big bowl of fruit.”

  “The fruit. Yep, I bet he picked the fruit,” I giggled.

  “I hope not. There are way more beautiful pictures back there than those. Either way, it’ll surprise you and me, both,” Drew said. We rounded the corner and came to a double set of doors. Drew opened one side, stepping back, allowing me to enter first. The ambience of autumn filled the room. Dimly lit, large, round tables filled the floor. Each table was draped with a cream tablecloth, overlapped by a burnt orange one. A tall, glass vase sat on each table with dark green glass pebbles inside. Soft, white candlelights shimmered around each vase in beautiful displays on each table. Colorful, fallen leaves lay scattered around each centerpiece. The candlelight glow over the table looked serene, making it actually feel like fall, minus the cooler temperature.

  “Wow Drew, you helped plan all of this? It’s amazing!” I said as we walked into the room.

  “Thanks. It was actually pretty fun, but a lot of work.”

  I looked toward the front of the room where a band played soft music and smiled as a few guests twirled around the dance floor. Catching a few stray eyes as we walked, I felt their stares and I pulled at the side of my dress insecurely, just to make sure I wasn’t flashing any unwanted bare skin.

  “Drew,” I whispered, “Has my hair fallen down? Is there something on my face?” I asked.

  He looked me over, his brow creased with confusion. “No. Why?”

  “Okay, just making sure. People keep staring at me.”

  Drew raised an eyebrow, the corner of his mouth lifted slightly into a grin. “It’s hard to resist the allure of a beautiful woman. The women want to be you, while the men want to be with you. Like I said, you’re stunning, Lilly, and everyone here knows it. Except you.”

  “Thank you.” Sure, I never saw myself as gorgeous, but hearing Drew call me “stunning” made me feel like a completely different woman.

  I looked toward the table where Drew was leading me and smiled when I saw his father sitting with two other women. As handsome as Drew is in a tailored suit, there was no denying Steven was his father. He was most attractive… for an older man. The sprinkles of grey in his hair looked good on him without adding extra years to his face. It complemented his jet-black, three-piece suit. Turning, he glanced up from the conversation he was having and immediately stood up.

  “My God, don’t you look spectacular?” he said, reaching out to me. I took his hand and he pulled me in for a hug before lightly kissing me on the cheek.

  “Thank you. Might I point out you look very fashionable yourself, Mr. McGregor.”

  “Like father, like son,” said a silky voice from behind.

  I peered around him, my eyes immediately catching a shimmer of sequins flowing over the crewneck of her dress, curving around shoulders and becoming an intricate pattern of beautiful lace sleeves. Its length skimmed her high silver shoes, making Victoria taller than everyone else at the table. The dress molded to her skin, showing off the smooth curve of her hips, and was split up to her thigh, rendering it moderately classy.

  “Ohh, don’t you look… pretty,” she said nonchalantly, as if she could care less.

  The distaste we had for each other was evident and I gave her the best compliment I could muster. “Thank you. Your shoes are cute,” I said, nodding towards her feet. Her lip twitched and I knew my compliment nipped at the chip on her shoulder. Drew slid his hand up my back until his fingers cupped my neck. His thumb lightly stroked the side of it and I grinned at Victoria as she watched Drew and me.

  Her curled lip turned into a sweet smile when she stepped up to us. “Drew, dear, I hate to be a bother, but I’m going to need your help with a few details before the bidding starts.”

  There was no doubt in my mind that she could handle whatever it was on her own. She was just trying to get him away from me. It ticked me off, but what could I do? This was his event.

  Drew released my hand. “Absolutely. We don’t want any hiccups later when bids start flying. Whatever you need, I’m at your disposal.” Drew turned to me. “I’ll be back shortly. You don’t mind sitting with my dad and Phillip’s wife, do you?”

  Duh! Of course I do if you’re going to be with her the whole time. That’s what I wanted to say, but I kept my hateful comments to myself. ”No not at all. I’d be happy to. You do whatever you need to do.” I kissed him softly on the lips before he turned away.

  I watched Victoria loop her arm though his as he walked her back toward the front hall. When I saw the back of her dress, my stomach churned. It was cut so low, it revealed the top of her backend. I couldn’t believe she’d have the nerve to wear something so bare to an event like this. I cringed when Drew placed his hand against her back as he ushered her out the door. I knew then that being alone with Drew was exactly what she intended.

  Chapter 22

  I sat with Drew’s father, Steven, and Phillip’s wife, Michelle. We had a nice dinner catered by some upscale restaurant that seemed to believe in tiny, “pretty” portions, rather than healthy, hearty meals. Though none of us were too sure what we were eating, all of it tasted exquisite. Neither Drew, Phillip, nor Victoria had returned to the table by the time they served dinner. I imagined they were all busy with more important things, or rather, Victoria was probably scheming up a way to get her claws into Drew. After scanning the room for the umpteenth time, Michelle whispered in my ear that I shouldn’t let it get to me. I suppose there was no hiding the aversion in my voice when Victoria and I spoke earlier, or maybe Michelle felt the same way as I did about her. But she was right. I had to let it go. I believed Drew wasn’t the cheating type. He was faithful and caring and he respected me. Plus, he had way too much on his plate to worry about messing around with her.

  After dinner and dessert, the guests started to mingle and dance after all the conversation ended. Michelle was incredibly sweet and I learned more about he
r family and her than I ever really cared to. I’m sure Phillip wouldn’t have appreciated my knowing about his secret snow globe collection, or his wife catching him using her facial mask one night, because “he liked the way it made his skin feel.” Who knew how we got on that subject? I wouldn’t soon forget it.

  A sultry voice purred into the room, and everyone quieted down and looked toward the front. My lip curled when I saw Victoria holding the microphone. I looked for Drew, but didn’t see him anywhere. Victoria announced that the guests could start their silent bids on any of the items in a room down the hall. As everyone began to disperse and make their way to the auction, I pushed my chair back to join the crowd.

  “If you two will excuse me, I think I’m going to hunt for Drew. I don’t want to sit at the table all night.”

  “I don’t blame you,” Michelle said, “I think I’ll go mingle myself. And Drew should be smacked for leaving you alone like this. You’re much too gorgeous to be left unescorted.”

  “And I certainly taught him to be more of a gentleman than that,” Steven added.

  I snickered over their concern for me. “It’s okay. I know he probably didn’t intentionally abandon me here. He’s been planning this for a while now, and because of its importance, I think I’ll let it pass.”

  Getting up, I pulled the train of my dress closer to me and gathered the material in my hands, carrying it at my side. With so many people up and about, I didn’t want to trip and fall if someone accidentally stepped on it.


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