Inassea Chronicles: The Blighted Flame

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Inassea Chronicles: The Blighted Flame Page 24

by P. A. Peña

  “Aurelia,” Virgil called out. “This isn’t you. You have to let her go.”

  Aurelia looked over at Virgil. “Unless you’re going to help me skin this pasty bitch alive, this doesn’t concern you.” She giggled once again. “Pasty Paisley! It’s got a nice ring to it. Doesn’t it?”

  Aurelia doubled her grip on Paisley’s skull, and she fell to her knees. She screamed, writhing in agony as she clawed at Aurelia’s grip.

  Virgil approached Aurelia, slowly raising his hands. “You have to stop this before it’s too late.”

  “My god, Virgil. You’re right.” Aurelia released Paisley, and she collapsed onto her knees. “If I bust this bitch’s grape, she’ll die too soon. Where’s the fun in that?”

  Aurelia cocked her foot back and kicked Paisley in her chest. Paisley tumbled across the courtyard, leaving a trail of blood before finally stopping several yards away. Virgil held out his hand towards Paisley’s body and erected a barrier of blue flames around her.

  Aurelia turned to Virgil. “Do you honestly think that will stop me?” she snarled.

  Virgil’s heart sank as he looked at his friend. “I know you don’t wanna do this,” he said, his throat tensing up. “You may be a demon, but that doesn’t define who you are.”

  Aurelia’s hands began to glow a deep, dark blue as she twisted her fingers together. “Aquatic Serpent. Hydra!” An assortment of snakes comprised entirely of water sprouted out of her back. There were nine in total, each of them tremendous in size and hissing angrily. “Don’t be silly.” She grinned. “Of course that defines me.”

  Aurelia charged at Paisley. Her speed proved to be much greater than Virgil had anticipated. With a swing of her arms, she sent her snakes barreling towards Paisley. Virgil’s barrier blocked most of them, but a few slipped through. They sank their fangs into Paisley, and she screamed in pain. Virgil summoned another barrier. Only this time, he made it much more powerful.

  Aurelia whipped around towards Virgil. “Why won’t you just stay out of this?”

  “You know I can’t do that,” Virgil said as he walked towards Aurelia.

  “You can, and you will, or else I’ll—”

  “Come on,” Virgil exclaimed. “This isn’t you.”

  Aurelia scoffed. “The Aurelia you know is a lie. This is who I really am. This is who I’ve always been. It’s all I’ll ever be!”

  Virgil shook his head. “I know you’re strong enough to beat this. I just need you to know that as well.”

  The watery serpents began to rage and wave violently. “You don’t know a damn thing about me!”

  Aurelia charged at Virgil. He readied himself. They clashed, and bursts of water and fire spread around the courtyard. As the minutes went by, the courtyard became more and more damaged. Aurelia fired off a blast of water. It smacked Virgil’s shoulder, knocking it out of its socket. He flinched and sucked in a breath as he stumbled backward.

  “What’s the matter?” Aurelia said. “You’re getting sluggish.”

  It was true. Perhaps if his efforts weren’t so fractured, he’d be able to keep pace. With each minute that passed, Virgil’s movements and reaction speed got just a little bit slower. If he didn’t put an end to this soon, Aurelia would.

  “It’s not too late to call this off,” Aurelia said as she held her hand up. “We both know you’re not going to fight me seriously.”

  Virgil looked into Aurelia’s eyes. He swallowed the lump in his throat and sighed. “You’re right,” he confessed, relaxing his guard. “I don’t want to hurt you. Still. I can’t just—”

  Aurelia dashed forward. She covered her fist in a ball of ice and struck Virgil’s stomach. The sheer force of her strike lifted Virgil into the air. Every bit of breath he had stored in his chest was forced out of his lungs. Aurelia pulled her fist back, and Virgil’s stomach began to ice over as he fell to his knees.

  Aurelia reached down, lifting Virgil’s head up. “Do you understand now?” she asked. “Or do I have to kill you for you to finally get it?”

  Virgil looked up at Aurelia. Her eyes were a raging storm of red. The anger she felt was as clear as day, but underneath all of the ferocity was something else. Something Virgil knew all too well.

  Virgil’s breaths were heavy. “You won’t do this,” he said, blood trailing off his lip. “You’re not going to kill me, or even Paisley.”

  Aurelia laughed. “Are you willing to bet on it?”

  Virgil took a deep breath and recalled his flames. A devilish grin stretched across Aurelia’s face. She tightened her fists, and the snakes moved in. They crept around Virgil. He kept his eyes locked on Aurelia. Even as the snakes twined mere inches from his neck, he didn’t budge. The only sound in the courtyard was violent hissing as the two friends stared each other in the eyes.

  After a moment, Aurelia bit her lip. Tears welled up in her eyes. She let go of Virgil, and the ice coating his stomach began to melt.

  “I know you don’t want to hurt me,” Virgil said, struggling to get back up on his feet.

  “You don’t know anything,” Aurelia snapped. “I’m not this sweet, lovable person you think I am.”

  “You’re wrong,” Virgil said shaking his head. “You’re not the monster you think you are.”

  Aurelia stepped backward, retreating into herself. “I. You. You don’t know who I am.”

  Slowly, Virgil walked towards Aurelia. “I know exactly who you are. You’re Aurelia. You are kind and compassionate, loving and considerate.” Aurelia fell silent, her guard lowering. “I had to fend for myself for a long time. I had forgotten what it feels like to have someone care for you. To worry about you. To pick you up, no matter how many times you fall flat on your face. I wouldn’t be standing here right now if it weren’t for you. Do you really think a monster is capable of that?”

  “P-please,” Aurelia said. “Just leave me here. I’m going to hurt you. I always hurt the people I care about. It was stupid of me to think this time would be different.”

  Virgil reached out towards Aurelia, wrapping his arm around her. The snakes pounced, sinking their fangs in Virgil’s flesh. His shoulders. His back. His ribs. His arms. He hissed and flinched as blood dripped onto the ground. The pain was searing. Still, he kept his hold, took a deep breath and smiled as he rubbed the back of Aurelia’s head. “You of all people should know, if there’s only one thing I’m good at, it’s taking a beating.”

  Aurelia whimpered as she grabbed onto Virgil, burying her face in his chest. She sobbed, and the snakes retreated. “Virgil,” she said, her voice partially muffled by his shirt. “I’m so sorry. I—”

  Gently, Virgil pulled Aurelia’s head back and looked her in her eyes. He opened his mouth to speak, only to be interrupted.

  “Where is her cross?” Logan asked as he approached them.

  “Logan,” Aurelia said, her knees trembling.

  “I think Paisley still has it,” Virgil replied.

  Logan checked Paisley’s body. His demeanor was calm and collected, as if he had done this before. He made his way over to his sister and placed the necklace back around her neck. The demonic aura that had drenched the courtyard was sucked back into the cross. The snakes dispersed, and Aurelia’s eyes returned to their gray hue.

  Aurelia looked over at Paisley, weeping. She rushed over to the motionless body, scattered with a medley of cuts and bruises, and turned Paisley over to assess the damage. “She has a pulse, but it’s faint. Several of her bones are shattered. I’m so sorry,” she cried, as blue light began to emanate from her hands.

  “Is anyone else injured?” Logan asked, his eyes fixed on Paisley.

  “No,” Virgil answered, holding his arm.

  Logan’s brow raised as he turned to Virgil. “You don’t look too good.”

  “Don’t worry about me.”

  Aurelia kept her focus on healing Paisley’s most life-threatening injuries. As she worked, not a word was spoken between the trio. After a while, Paisley’s eyes began to o
pen. Upon seeing Aurelia, she fell into a panic. Despite her injuries, Paisley frantically pulled herself away, fighting against the pain.

  “Get away from me,” Paisley barked.

  “Please don’t run away,” Aurelia pleaded. “You have a lot of critical injuries and—”

  “I’ll find another healer. Just stay the fuck away from me!”

  Paisley whimpered away like a wounded street dog, her tail firmly between her legs. Aurelia sat on the ground, despair oozing from her. Logan walked over and placed his hand on her shoulder before helping her to her feet. She turned to face Logan. It looked like there were a million words she wanted to say, but she couldn’t bring herself to speak a single one.

  “You don’t have to say anything,” Logan said, patting Aurelia on her head. “None of this is your fault.” Aurelia’s lip trembled, and she turned away. “Please don’t be upset. We’ve sealed up the demon before any real damage was done. Paisley will be fine.”

  Despite Logan’s attempts to quell his sister’s anguish, Aurelia’s aura was more turbulent than ever. Logan tried to reach out to comfort her, but she pulled away at his touch. “You just don’t get it! All you ever do is sweep me aside and lock me away. I could have killed her, Logan.”

  “But you didn’t, and even if you did, it wouldn’t have been you. The demon—”

  “You really don’t understand.” Virgil interrupted.

  Logan glared at Virgil. “Stay out of this,” he snapped. “Although it wasn’t warranted, I appreciate your help in stabilizing my sister, but this is really a private matter so—”

  “It isn’t a private matter if I lose it and kill somebody!” Aurelia exclaimed.

  “That will never happen so long as we keep the demon sealed away.”

  “There isn’t some demon living inside her,” Virgil said. “Aurelia is a demon. No matter how you try to rationalize it or hide it away, that is a fact. Sealing away her demonic aura does nothing but repress her power and emotions until they explode like this. Your sister doesn’t need a chain around her neck. She needs help.”

  Logan walked toward Virgil, the ground nearly trembling with every step he took. “You’re trifling with matters you couldn’t possibly understand. My sister is sick. She has a disease flowing through her, and the only thing keeping her in check is that chain. You may not like it. Hell, the entire world might think I’m an asshole, but none of you have the slightest clue what’s best for my family.”

  “You’re right about one thing,” Virgil said as he stared at Logan. “I don’t know what’s best for Aurelia but I know damn sure you have no idea what’s best for her either.”

  Logan curled his fists. “What did you just say to me?”

  Virgil coated his hand in flames. “You heard me. I’d rather not fight a friend, but if fighting me will knock some sense into you, then so be it.”

  Logan took a firm grip on Virgil’s collar. “I told you once before. We are not friends.”

  “STOP!” Aurelia shouted.

  Logan turned to his sister. The look on her face was unmistakable. “Aurelia—”

  “Just go.”

  Logan let go of Virgil, turning his full attention to his sister. “But I—”

  “I said go, Logan.”

  Aurelia shot Logan a stern, demanding look. For a moment, he stood there, clearly in shock at his sister’s response.

  “I, I can’t do that,” he said, finally breaking his silence. “I need to protect you.”

  Aurelia didn’t respond. She simply turned her back to him. Without saying another word, he left the courtyard, leaving Virgil and Aurelia alone.

  Chapter 37

  Aurelia walked across the quiet courtyard to the stone wall. She plopped down alongside it, and Virgil slowly made his way over.

  Aurelia curled up into herself, tucking her knees into her chest. “You don’t have to stay here,” she said, keeping her gaze away from Virgil.

  Virgil winced, sitting down alongside her. “I know.” He grunted as he placed his back to the wall. “I want to.”

  Aurelia shook her head. “God, I’m such an idiot,” she said. “Let me take care of you. I’m sorry, but could I have you lie on the ground? I don’t think I can conjure the Saint’s Breath right now.”

  “Of course,” Virgil said as Aurelia helped him lie down. “But really, this can wait. I’ve been through a hell of a lot worse than this.”

  “It’s the least I can do.”

  Aurelia worked diligently on healing Virgil. While his injuries weren’t life threatening, she took great care in repairing the damage she had caused.

  “So,” she began, her tone somber and low. “Now you know the truth.”

  “Yeah,” Virgil replied. “I suppose I do.”

  “Can I ask you a question?” Aurelia asked, a hint of hesitation in her voice.


  “You don’t seem shocked, or upset, or anything at all, really. I always imagined if you found out, well, you would hate me.” Virgil laughed, and Aurelia began to blush. “I’m serious, Virgil.”

  “I know,” Virgil said pulling himself together. “I’m sorry. It’s just, why would I hate you?”

  Aurelia paused. “Well, for deceiving you for one, or for just flat out being a demon.”

  “You’re adorable,” Virgil said, smiling. “I never asked if you were a demon. Keeping something to yourself is not deceiving me.”

  “I suppose it isn’t exactly, but that doesn’t explain why you weren’t surprised.”

  Virgil huffed. “Geez. I swear it’s like you want me to be stoked or something.”

  “N-no,” Aurelia said, her face turning redder still. “I just, you’re being way too nice about everything. It doesn’t make sense.”

  Virgil took in a deep breath. “The truth is,” he said, “I’m not surprised, because I’ve known you were a demon since the day we met.”

  Aurelia fell silent. Although she had prodded Virgil for the information, it appeared she hadn’t prepared herself for the reality his answer would bring. “You knew this whole time?”

  Virgil tilted his head. “Well, I guess it would be more accurate to say I suspected it.”

  “How?” Aurelia asked, her tone shaky and full of doubt. “How could you possibly have known?”

  “The day we first met, I could feel your aura, and it felt off. I feel it now actually. I can tell your aura isn’t complete, like a piece of it has been ripped away.”

  “You can really feel that?”

  Virgil nodded. “From there, it was just a process of elimination. Demonic aura is the only aura type I can imagine anyone would want to seal up.”

  “But even knowing that, you still bothered to be my friend?”

  “Well, yeah. I mean, I’m not gonna lie. It took a while for me to get the hang of this friendship thing, but that’s just because I’m a scrub. You’ve been nothing short of amazing.”

  Aurelia pulled back her healing hands. Virgil turned to her. She looked as if she were about to burst into tears. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “Why?” she cried. “Why would you do that? Why would you be so nice to me knowing what a horrible creature I am?”

  Virgil sat up and placed his hand on Aurelia’s knee. “Because you are not a horrible creature. Aurelia, I wasn’t trying to just get you to snap out of it earlier. I meant every word I said. You’re a demon, sure, but that doesn’t define who you are. You are who you choose to be, and the Aurelia I know is a kind-hearted and compassionate woman.”

  “And what about when I hurt people? I injured you.” Aurelia choked up. “I almost killed Paisley.”

  “Let’s be honest. She has been asking for it since day one, but we all make mistakes. Sometimes even big ones. Ultimately, we just need to pay for them, learn what we can, and move on.”

  Aurelia paused for a moment before looking Virgil in his eyes. “Before my brother showed up, you were going to say something. What was it?”

  Virgil bega
n to blush as he rubbed his neck. “It was nothing really.”

  “Tell me. I wanna know.”

  “Do I have to?” Virgil said, squirming in his seat.


  “Fine,” he said with a pout. He then took a deep breath. “I was going to tell you that everything was going to be okay, and I was gonna say that I was your best friend and, well, I was there to pull you out of the darkness.”

  Aurelia grinned. “Really?”

  Virgil’s face was hot, and his stomach felt queasy. “I know.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s cheesy as fuck. I swear it sounded a lot more profound at the moment.”

  Aurelia giggled as she placed her hand over Virgil’s. “I think it’s lovely, and you’re amazing, not just for what you did back there, but for being such a good friend to me. No one has ever done for me what you have.”

  Metal shackles appeared around Aurelia and Virgil’s wrists, binding their hands together. They had been so entranced in their conversation, they hadn’t even noticed Roxanne enter the courtyard. “You two will be coming with me,” she said as she approached.

  “What’s going on?” Virgil demanded as he rose to his feet.

  “You’re both being brought in for questioning regarding the recent incident. So long as you cooperate, you have nothing to fear.” Roxanne opened up a void and gestured Aurelia and Virgil to step through it.

  “Why do I get the feeling the Alliance is about to fuck us over?” Virgil said as Aurelia stepped through the void.

  “As I said, cooperate, and you have nothing to worry about.”

  Virgil stepped through the void and found himself in the same drab and dreary room used for the second phase of the exam. Only this time, Paisley and Aurelia were also in attendance.

  “Have a seat,” Clayton said, gesturing Aurelia and Virgil towards two open seats across the table. “Now that we’re all here, the hearing can commence.”

  “Excuse me,” Virgil said, raising his cuffed hands. “But are these really necessary?”

  “I suppose not,” Roxanne replied. With a wave of her hand, the shackles around Virgil’s hands disappeared.


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